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well hello hello everyone and welcome to a new video if you follow me on Instagram you'll know that I recently returned from a 2we photography Workshop in Spain with my good buddy alist Ben uh we had a fantastic small group of six people and despite the uh the finicky weather I do think everyone went home with some great images and hopefully even better memories of the trip now in terms of my own photography I did take quite a few photographs and I thought it might be kind of a fun thing to do to show you what I shot both the good and the not so great and perhaps go over some of my thought processes when I'm out in the field uh taking photographs so without delay let's have a look at what I shot and uh perhaps I can give you some insight into why I shot those images okay now I've uploaded all of the images to my computer and you may even notice that some of them I've just done a little bit of work on and I've uploaded a couple to Instagram but uh it's funny because the first thing that always hits me when I first put my images up on a computer is and I look at them as a as a body of work is what a pile of crap they are uh images to me never look as good as when I was actually at that location and it all often take me several days uh of sitting on images before I start to look at them a little bit closer and think okay so maybe these images aren't as bad as as what I thought they were or my initial reaction uh you may have noticed that this was over uh a 9-day period now I don't take a lot of photographs now this obviously was a workshop so I didn't take as many images as I usually take but my process is pretty much the same I'll find one or two compositions and I will stick with those compositions I don't run around like a chicken a chicken with its head cut off trying to find photographs uh I I'll find something that really strikes me and I'll just stick with it so the first thing I usually do is I'll go over the images really quickly so I'll make these thumbnails just a little bit bigger and I'll just give them a quick grading so that I know that I need to go back to them you'll also notice that I don't take multiples of every single seen except for perhaps the images where there's waves and uh where I've used a case ND filter uh and i' I've prolonged the shutter speed because I want to get that shutter speed just the just right so sometimes it takes a little bit of trial and error so these first three photographs these are were my very first photographs and this was a focus stack so all of these uh I'll be using but I'll just give one of them a five star rating very quickly this image here uh let's have a look here this uh photograph here I really quite liked now in terms of these guys here uh I'm not that Keen on the shutter speed of that one that one that's okay I might go back to that one that one definitely not that one and the reason why I say definitely not that one is cuz I really wanted to have water surrounding all of these rocks uh I guess the reason why I did it this way is because I thought my shutter speed would show a little bit of streaking in there but it it didn't really do that uh this doesn't really work for me either I'm not really keen on this wave coming through here so I think uh after looking at these really quickly the shots that I I really quite like are the ones where the water is quite FL flat this one's not too too bad this one I I'm not that Keen on uh the composition I like fine but uh it's just the uh the wave action same with this one so I kind of failed uh with some of these uh didn't quite get the shutter speed uh how I really wanted it so let's just keep going through these now these aren't bad um these have it's quite soft in there and and that's what I was after I was trying to get this contrast between the really smooth water and these extremely interesting uh rock formations you may also notice that the top of this Little Rock here is very close to that horizon line uh that was really hard to avoid uh the only way that I could have avoided is perhaps get even higher but I I would need a step ladder to do that so these three that one I quite like as well so I'll give that one a five star rating now these here I have looked at these ones uh before and this one here I have done a little bit of work on it but not much so I'm definitely going to give that one a five star rating these here were more about the textures and what I really loved about this rock formation was this transition between dark and light rock but I don't think this quite works and the reason why I say that is because we have these two opposing rocks here um I love the colors in here but I'm not sure that these two rocks here do anything for it so I'm getting a little bit closer doesn't really do it for me either that's one that I might go back to later on this one I quite like like so we'll give that one a five and there's two here these I really like I love the the transition here of the The Rock color and these Boulders here uh I really quite like as well so that I'll definitely keep I should mention that these are all raw files um and this is how I compose them but of course with the Fuji system uh you can go back into these and recrop them if you want to as an example this one here I quite like it as a Pano uh but I think it would also work as uh a smaller or a different crop like something like uh perhaps like this and in retrospect I probably should have taken uh perhaps a 4x5 of this scene something like that now remember this is these are these are 100 megapixel files so uh I can crop them and still maintain a lot of megapixels in there so it doesn't really doesn't really do a lot of uh uh damage to these files so I'm going to give that one a five this area here was really interesting I especially love uh this back section here this is beautiful back here uh I took a number of different exposure this one I quite like and then some of these the water was coming in and out more you can see that this kind of got rid of the black uh lines there and this one definitely did so I think that this one here is probably my favorite so we'll give that one a five this I quite like as well and unfortunately I'd already put my footprints in this area um um but I do like the composition especially as a Pano so we're going to give that one a five as well this area here I had trouble I had trouble with these um the light was quite quite nice but they feel a little bit cramped in there and the reason why I compose them like this is because it was low tide or a lower tide and there's these wonderful striations going through the side here but it didn't add to this particular composition uh it feel a little cramped to me so I'm not see you can start to see them creep into the edge of the frame here so I'm not really keen on these this one's actually underexposed a little bit it's okay uh I could probably bring this to life but I'm going to leave those ones for now uh same with this one uh it's okay if we warm it up a little bit and brighten it up considerably um it kind of works but it's it's not my favorite uh these photographs here um they're okay uh but we were lacking a little bit of light and I know I got another one better just over here so we'll have a look at that one in a minute uh this was quite interesting I just took one shot uh but unfortunately uh it is blurry so no shot I should have taken another I guess I guess I wasn't that interested in I just I kind of like the textures in there uh these images here I didn't do a lot I wasn't overly whole wholly keen on the whole uh composition um but I do quite like this shot here so perhaps we can do something with that uh this one here you can see how important light is in the frame we had a little bit of light little up these the cack beautifully and here's one without light so you can see light really is important I think so we'll give that one a five uh I'm not really sure what happened there probably picked up my camera during a long exposure uh this was an experimental composition I quite like this but then I took another shot here and I think I like this one better so we'll give that one a five uh these here uh I really love these uh these might be uh Focus stacked let's see yes that's definitely really sharp in the foreground and the background's out so let's see here uh these shots do take a little bit of time because they're they're quite large yeah that's Focus stacked okay so I quite like this one you can see also my sensor is pretty filthy so that needs cleaning as well uh this one here uh this is the same thing as the last one slightly different composition and I think that's Focus stacked as well uh this image here was uh last week's video so I won't go into too much detail about this one I don't want to bore you but um that again was Focus stacked these here uh I that's definitely underexposed and I had a one of our participants there I love the composition but um the light is not awesome so I'm just going to avoid those for now cuz I know I took some better ones later on this image here love the clouds beautiful clouds but the the ocean was a bit of a distraction so I used an ND filter but of course by doing that that the clouds are moving slightly so what I did was I took two exposures so we have this one and then we have one with sharp clouds and my intention was to combine those two photographs so I'll give that one a five because I think that will work out really well this uh was really interesting uh I think the pattern gets a little bit lost but uh really really interesting layers in here especially if you look at at the back here just amazing Rock patterns so we'll give that one a five uh this composition it uh I really loved uh I took a lot of shots of this one again I was waiting for a little bit of light to hit the background and I think it did at some point let's have a look here yeah right here so I'll give this one a five uh I'm pretty sure I might have Focus stack this one as well because it was with a 30 mm oh no I didn't Focus stack okay that's F16 it's pretty sharp in the foreground and nice and sharp in the background so that one just needs a bit of cropping and actually I might have there we go that one's actually better so let's give that one a five all right uh these shots here uh they're they're okay um I like the composition but it's not it doesn't really excite excite me that much um let's see yeah that one's not uh that one's not bad okay give that one a quick five uh these this was on a really sunny day I'm exposing for the highlights here that's why it looks a bit underexposed I probably could have given it a bit more exposure um obviously this was with a a black black and white um black and white film simulation in the camera um it's okay uh I could probably do some pretty nice stuff I like the composition actually so what I would do for this one I would actually darken the top and lighten the side here so let's give that a five for now and we have some color images of this as well I quite like that actually you notice my Horizon's way off so let's give that a five this one I I really love I I not sure why the horizon line is so crooked I guess I didn't check it's pretty embarrassing actually um but these these images here I actually Focus stacked so the the foreground is sharp the background is not quite as sharp so I'll give that one a five these here uh the color cast is as you can see it's this was early early in the morning before the light uh it it needs some a lot of warming up but I really loved the rock patterns and I think I can do quite a bit with this uh I darken the top to bring down the light and the top just to even it out a little bit um so let's give that a five uh these were just I was just playing around these uh that's Overexposed that's Overexposed I'm not that I like the composition but I'm not really I've I've had better shots from this area so I'm not terribly keen on that one uh the this was really interesting lovely rock formations here I went back a couple of times uh this is quite nice I think I might have Focus stack this one uh maybe maybe did I or did I just stop down to F16 as I usually do you may notice that I sto down to F-16 an awful lot actually that's acceptably sharp for me so give that one a five uh this was just a record Shot more or less this one here got this just as the light was going down um and this is nice and sharp or reasonably sharp it's not t sharp in the foreground but it's sharp enough for my eyes uh there's some fishing line in there which I didn't notice so that's not great uh there were actually some fishermen behind me when I took this uh it's exceptionally sharp give that a five the verticals I like actually better but of course I've lost that light so we'll give that one a five as well uh this one uh it's okay I'm not that interested in the comp um it's okay it's it's not brilliant um this one here I love the composition in this the light is not awesome but uh I think I could really bring this to life so we're going to give that a five that was the only composition I took with that rock in the for ground this rock here um these are quite nice as well but I don't think we got any light uh in the background this is quite nice as well so we'll give that a five I I really love the the contrast between this lovely sand here and these Boulders with the green on them really nice okay these photographs here um I don't think they quite work uh the water was wasn't quite coming up to here and this is the part that I don't I'm not that interested in you notice I have a hair in there um I really need to clean that sensor so all of these they're okay um but I would have preferred water all the way up like this one here I quite like this one so I'll give that one a five uh this one is an almost I think this was as the tide was coming up I was playing around with these steps here I don't think it it works so I'm going to avoid those for now uh here's one that has all of the water up I think that might work so we'll give that a five how about this one this one is isn't cropped this one works as well so we'll give that a five here's some other ones where I um was experimenting with the steps that went down to the beach I was hoping to get more water on the steps um but it didn't quite get there it it's kind of nice to have one where you can see the steps kind of like this one I quite like that one so I might turn that into a black and white okay now we have some wonderful wonderful Rock patterns here some of these that let's just reduce these a bit some of these that really stand out to me uh this one here this one this one this one actually pretty much all of them are just amazing amazing Rock patterns I like this one uh this one was Focus stacked so we'll give that a five uh these here really lovely all of these I'm really happy with uh the ones with the rock I'm quite happy with as well this one all of these are just just fantastic uh another one for three a slightly different composition whoops I've already given that one uh these uh composition not so much so I'll leave that one for now this I quite like and these are quite like these have a lot of potential this one I worked on a little bit uh I quite I quite like this so I'll give that a five these as well um that's five I think I prefer the other one actually what about this one this one's quite cool uh more rock patterns I have a lot of rock patterns this I quite like the uh this I really love and the vertic and the horizontal of that as well these are more um textures I like that uh these didn't quite work out the light wasn't great uh I should have really played around with the shutter speed the problem with this area is it's quite small so I wanted to make sure that some of our clients got up here so I just took three or four images and then uh I let someone else go up here uh the clouds were not that interesting so I decided to move on to some more rock patterns instead uh this here I photographed this last year really interesting area um I'm not sure if it really translates into pictures but um I'm going to give that one a five this I quite like as well and here's some some close-ups here of these beautiful patterns and and colors uh with these I used the case uh polarizer to really bring out those colors worked really well uh these I'm I'm not sure if they work that I love the textures in here but I'm not sure if they work that great um I guess I'll give that one a five I'll have to have a closer look at these that one I quite like uh these images here I had really a lot of problems with fog on my lens eventually it did clear up um these are all quite interesting to me um and I think they're lovely and sharp as well if they they take a while to render as you can see I think it's probably because I'm record I'm um screen recording at the same time yeah just one just wonderful textur and colors in here okay give that one a five and the same with the I think I like the vertical better actually okay we'll give that one to five as well uh this scene here um I think I can do quite a bit with this this is a very long exposure it was 240 seconds I really wanted to smooth out those clouds in the ocean um and I'd like to add a lot more contrast to this and maybe even turn it into black and white so we'll give that a five this one I'm not sure who took this I didn't take this must have been aliser um this is okay um I'm not sure sure it's too bad we had wonderful light when we got to this location but we just kind of rushed around I quite like this one but I think I'm going to have to adjust the contrast and the colors a little bit you'll notice that as soon as the sun went down we really do have blue hour um yeah I'm not sure about these this one I'm not that sure about the ones that I don't give um stars were are probably ones that I'll go back to at some point down the road possibly um sometimes you find some gems this one is very blue obviously uh blue hour and it just needs warming up considerably and it also needs brightening up considerably as well but I'm not sure if this one really works to be honest uh these are lovely um I took a lot of of this scene different times of the day we went there twice actually um um these are quite nice but I think I have I'm not sure about this one I think I have some different ones down here that I like better maybe not okay I quite like this one but I'm I think I'm going to have to adjust the the um the crop of this it's lovely and sharp okay we'll give that one a five um and we'll give this one a five these were just some Cloud shots that I took that I quite liked so we'll give those a five I love the color in this um but I'm not sure on the crop give that one a five might have to give that one a a bit of a workout yeah none of these um this this one quite appealed to me because um we just had a little bit bit of light hitting the tips of these as soon as the light hit uh I think it changes the whole mood of the image and I'm not sure if I if I really like it that much um obviously I'm going to have to warm it up considerably uh perhaps adjust the highlights which I've already seem to have done I I don't know I think I prefer the ones before the light hit these uh they're they're okay um not that thrilling for me um ah okay maybe this was the one I worked on earlier I think I like the crop of this one the best so we'll give that one a five we're almost done here uh these this Arch I I photographed last year uh but I was able to get bit closer this year and I quite like the one with the water in here so we'll give that one a five and then these patterns here are really really fantastic just loved loved photographing these um this one's got a little bit of light on it you'll notice this one doesn't have much light it's quite flat this one has a lot of light this one's just a different exposure so I'll give that one a five not sure about the crop in this one um yeah we'll give that one a five for now these I really love these shots here give that a five this one a five yeah this is just fantastic fantastic rock formations these uh they're okay um I really love the light on the foreground but it just seemed a little bit up here now I might be able to work on this and bring out the clouds more which would really help uh but I I have taken better images of this area in the past so I think if anything this one might be the best one so we'll give that one a five these uh they're okay not my favorite images to be honest uh the the evening was beautiful I really quite like this one so I'm going to give that one a five really quickly these I'm I don't think these work to be honest and then on the last day uh we had some pretty cool conditions uh we had some nice light on these stacks and I decided to give them a really long exposure um in terms of sharpness it's nice and sharp foreground to background so I'm going to give that one a five this one one uh I already checked already I love this one but I didn't give it um I should have stacked this one if I zoom in on the foreground it's a little bit off and the background is definitely off this shot here which is slightly different um is a little bit better but it looks like we've got a bit of camera movement in there but I might be able to Salvage that one so we'll give that one a five and then last but not least we have these images here and I started off quite far back and I slowly moved in closer um I basically just did different shutter speeds I wanted to get the waves coming up um they weren't coming up quite high enough to be honest um they're not that interesting but there is one here I think that I quite like I think it was this one I quite like that one so I'll give that one a five and then lastly these images here uh I quite like I got closer to the boulders and I think these are a stronger image so it's just a matter of getting the right the right waves or the wave action quite like that one and I like that one as well so let's have a look at all the five star images a little bit too long so what I'm going to do is I'm going to end the video here and for those of you that are interested I'll put together another video where I'll talk about each image and the types of things that I would do to uh process them so I'll try and get that together in the next couple of days and and uh if you're interested be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell and you'll be notified when I upload that video all right folks thank you ever so much for watching and until next time bye-bye
Channel: Adam Gibbs
Views: 24,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spain, Lightroom, processing, adam gibbs photography, quiet light, photoshop, focus stacking, northern spain, photography, landscape photography, photography tips, landscape photography tips, outdoor photography, lightroom tutorial, adobe lightroom, nature photography, landscape photography composition, learn photography, photoshop tutorial, lightroom editing, lightroom classic, beginner photography, digital photography, photography composition, how to edit in lightroom
Id: DkemY39OKtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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