My Philippines: Pampanga

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Septimus or and let me take it a foot reflect no other here in my camp anga [Music] [Music] I'm a chef in a strong advocate for Filipino food and of course a proud kaboom family right behind me is the old town hall of Angela City which is now the great Masonic Angeles Megan in Rome optimal this area were Missoni Angela stands is part of the analyst heritage district and to understand how Pampanga became known as the food capital of the Philippines let's take a look at our colorful past blue so will be our tour guide for today hello hi Lucia thank you for having us welcome to obviously yawning Angeles Russo will tell us more about the history of pop on Gotham let's go inside [Music] this building declared by the National Museum an important cultural property Pampanga is noted as one of the richest towns in the Philippines so can you tell us more about Pampanga before and Vanga now yes Pampanga it's the first province established by the Spaniards in 1571 Yamanaka companion nominal Alejo implements of cooking because of eastern and western influence and one thing no the Pampanga soil is fertile Caetano ipanema john to the to do book do you think our history our geography and our story as Provence contributed to our food culture before during the Spanish period one of the largest sugar producer in the zone is from panda so Mohammed I own rice I say most of the from Pangolin are irrigated know that I am mug harvesting rice three times a year unlike the other region neguin Tyler's an animal and so definitely we're blessed geographically all of the right things were here since I a few steps behind miss A&E analyst is the historic Pam into a mansion which is also called the Museum of Philippine social history or Bettina I know for a fact that for the longest time this place has been closed to the public and I'm just curious what made the owners decide to open it to everyone this mansion was built in 1890 insisted time it was closed to the public and it was the National Historical Commission of the Philippines who are the owners of this mansion right now who decided to open it as a museum so this mansion was given as a wedding gift by Don Florentine opening to one's parents Mariano and Valentina Torres well if you can see the mansion is really grandiose when it comes to the architectural style all the architectural details it is one of the eclectic architecture because it is mixed with a moorish the Art Nouveau and Art Deco designs so what is very significant is this is found in the heart of the Angelus heritage statistic which is very near the Holy Rosary parish church all the rich families lived around the church before because we have the idea of the plaza complex where the plaza complex is comprised of the rich families houses surrounding the church and then as you go further the common people now our foot trip begins this is a best farm before this was a private estate for a certain large a cruise or ljc with bring his friends for the weekend later on it was open to the public and became a lifestyle destination where they served their favorite companion business this is Ernie Aguilera of the ALDC group they own a bass farm sorry ringing thank you for having us yeah thank you exception and welcome to Ava's forum so cerini I like the vibe of this place it's very Filipino apparently trying hard can you tell us more about Abby's farm yes yep correct pcs a restaurant and go of retinal authentic pumpin and food competing and women apakah in the main ordinarily Mikey Tomlinson upon tay ninh namaha yes a typical vampire and families pair on pin at a bar I mean that just having in infused people but of course a touch of LGC a touch of love so unless the want nothing I it is housed in a four hectare property and the four hectare property is fully developed Marin Thai own restaurant then we have the swimming pool for overnight guests parent accommodation is some typical Kapampangan residential dwelling this is a fusion of all typical component houses en el estudiante and then nabo Palestinian worship no not para intricate Napa Pat Italian and the same you know bhai NATO banana fana de period oh so the non-venomous upon tyne but is a bunless a nap-nap are sensitive and compliment they are but they open Sahab napping humbug appealing pa para I'm upon a billion opinion having of MPCP yes chef geum's Tony Parker Dallas ionamin concept chefs chef Gilbert you know what that means I'm acting upon a papaya chef Gilbert a noble special didn't have this farm special dinner Abbey spy base is an au sinigang na ba Moussa barabbas bamboo is ceasing this is an open economy panga you sisig young system is in Iran with a number boy opposed chapter may have liuxiang a chicken liver onions seasoning determinant anata wa namida knock out knock hell's crispy pata with a special spicy garlic toppings phenomenal Arobin Camaro fine crickets is a seminar delicacy nom Pampanga so they just tomatoes and onions is that someone about when I'm Wendy to satisfy young lung association opinion Sagara sabes fire dagwon King Ahana on secret Ana Maria yashamaru no ice cream nagawa segata cynical about Marin Shang Panucci ba-bow in secret or in a cell or in the cinema lemon moment are you satisfied chef I know Naruto Anatomy on bamboo rice una champagne unit I know oil garlic onion chicken bone in chicken people bamboo shoot so tail and shaft with the bachelor take another gap seasoning hunting salt white pepper rice while pursuing lasagna about my question Tami's chicken for our young people type in another thing in the day or twice maybe nothing no one thing in season in Panama Jonas like [Music] Vanessa Vanessa when a lagina inches our Hawaiians above this is Tim Pasha thirty minutes studying kinda normally they do speaking and context I love your take deeper Sabula see Monica say you select a way of honoring you mind did you know stripe sample Ganga which is your item a Sicilian my grandpa senator good job chef thank you [Music] I'm chef Jemil tour and let me take you to a food rip like no other here in my von panga [Music] a lot of people will agree that aside from being the food capital of the Philippines pop Angus also our country's Christmas capital these are a testament of how we value the traditions that has been passed from one generation to another [Music] [Music] okay so we're here at ballet dude oh it's a house and museum at the same time and I want you to meet the man of the house one of Pampanga sprite artists and chef Claude diagonal chef Claud can you tell us something about what I do Tom and how did it came about but but I do things primarily my home my studio you don't way back early 1970s in architecture so that my so-called dream is to do my dream house is a tamale come Alex a fine house so when I had the chance in 1980 somebody offered me you know the remnants an old church old houses and all that I started buying all this material so you can say this house was literally built from scrap and from scratch in about 80% of the material use in seven hand but when I do to means the wooden house balle balle Baha'i know the house it's also the home the warmth and hospitality and that's exactly how I want the guests to feel so when I got married to Marion we were constantly entertaining relatives gasps and all that until one day somebody said yes why don't you open it to the public but I said I will work to invite other friends that you don't know so that planted the idea of us opening the house by reservation only and then we opened downtown Cafe 1956 here in Pinellas not downtown Cafe is a retro style restaurant located at NAPA Mart this spring aversion is the dish that won the imposition of challenge in Washington DC last year I was requested by our embassy to use Philippine ingredients available in the US market on top of the list is heirloom Philippine rice the vamoose Taliban see for me the biggest challenge was to do one dish to represent the flavors of the Philippine Mattson that in one bite so cooking the first stage of cooking is saute some onions it's a little oil this is the traditional sauce the cast iron visit those rings you remove some of the rings to adjust to the size of the pans this is the pre soaked black rice black nuttiness rice of an hour by lap D now and it's mixed with you know one the white green we now UNMISS the heirloom rice that you can find in the banaue rice terraces yes and the broth this is chicken broth and this is the puppies to flavor it so imagine a rice cake with puppies so that's what I'm saying this is a rice cake savory rice cake so you see it simmering we actually don't cover it like the regular way of cooking rice in all special occasions in deep wedding Mahalo yeah everything he one of the symbolism of this bring here it represents that they keep diecut diecut smith it's stuck together of the community we noticed most of our dishes in recipe box they're actually meant for sharing we always anticipate that there are small people coming I think it's about done let's go to the table and clean plate okay the first order I cut this banana leaves and you get a little of the coconut oil and do this so the sticky rice will not stick okay so I sprinkle a little bit paint so and then portion and then you flatten it and using a cookie cutter put it back in a non-stick pan and toast it until the edges of the leaves are wrinkled see the crinkled edges of the banana leaf so what I did I put a dollop of the precious de balón to Lanka these for me is a crown jewel of Pampanga cuisine so now I'm gonna put the toppings so the fungus has been fried like mangos the bell pepper for the finale so these are the little flowers so here you go this is the award-winning bring he might bring it the flavors of the Philippines in one bite no wonder my long answer so these are the dishes that I serve in the downtown 1956 cafe this is the adobo intelligently nutrition semantic app in a lab automatically tapas you fry it in its sauce room Ungerman caramelization edges Hema Newtonian you just need buttery soft inside and then i pair it with the grilled eggplant with a mango salsa in the generation of our parents they always eat adorable with something sweet ripe mango or even banana or achada it's always there the sweet sour salty this is the vinegar on a bad boy but this one you have the crispy cheater on the shrimp paste sauteed with lots and lots of tomatoes that's where the Assam comes in crunchy crunchy and why some rice I have the alligator ice fried rice with the crab fat plus topped with fried crab let's no don't worry cha injili nom nom nom crab fight but I'm not a vampire not good I think more than anything indeed ambassador Thomas our Akuma in but that's true for every province every region so we cannot say we're the best for me I think it's the abundance of ingredients of produce there was a lot of important ingredients in the press tap down into our and our daily proceed ok now I'll make a try the debug Netta McKoy in turn after the Ilocano magnet and the italian porchetta basically the same rose for belly roll a difference between this and the italian porchetta this is a teacher on skin and you have three choices of processed sweet sour liver sauce that Java and then the additional crispy pata sauce most of our heirloom recipes of traditional recipes were handed down from generation to generation by taste so it's a very personal thing what we do is a way of passing on the torch meaning continuing the tradition especially with the Millennials having tried or is fallen even though what they call the fusion thing you know at the end of the day they shall go back to that blue tone behind the comfort foods what's your message to the young Chefs and budding entrepreneurs who wanted to do the same thing you learn first your palasa you go back to your roots love Lohani and support the one artisan yes apart from our rich and savory dishes Pampanga is also known for our sweets I'm going to introduce to you two fan camasta Francis over here is the grandson of Lourdes carry on they're the owners of carrion sweets and pastries their best seller is plantain Elia and pasta Casa de leche [Music] so Francis I'm still a huge fan of your plant Amelia so first of all you stole my lemon how did your business started the business was started by my grandmother back in 1946 after casino war measure mahira Khan bhai she taught me in Omaha to loans her family are you going on sweets ugh ben tennyson's let's talk about plantain unless I say it's a it's an heirloom recipes if I say in recipe Nia it's been with our family for over 100 years already so traditionally on plantain in discussion Felina is let me go as a coconut there are sins when I'm in color Bodhidharma gala was madam in which we can turn into passengers Alicia it makes sense masculinity momentum past installation as a building very simple and process of first Lulu to Titan of building mysterious delicious and then we prepare the egg is separate nothing eggs to say an egg yolk lines a lemon there after beating the eggs Lulu tuna fish as a pre-prepared syrup snapping the drop long tiring spoonful lung you know egg yolk batter then syrup then the egg yolk will absorb the sweetness yes enemies are brave yes plantain yes it's uniquely cabin pan so you can find it anywhere else you mala unique recipe certain defines us as a culture as a company that's good this is a stopover must porpoise a Lubang for every visitor here in Vanguard even the locals patronized this because of their affordable prices [Music] personally I love their subpoena subpoena mochi and of course Steve of ebo the bhakti book is the top appellant version of Maha Blanca and it is made from Carabosse now you can also try their pants at Pala book for snap which is pumpin gasping near noodle dish Suzy's cuisine maintains the quality and taste the products making it the best Pampanga cotton [Music] a lot of people will agree with me that seasick is the best part - on earth that's why I'm taking it to two of the best ecig places here in Pampanga okay so we're here at Mila's it's one of the best seasick places here in Angeles City and we have here Allen Mila maxiglide she's the founder and owner of this wonderful place so Alan laughing loud man Emile extort poverty sickness a phenom a seraphs honesty secretary Donovan allah mention a passive oh yes transition fancier strategy in determining how they need applied for you know babe I know take your time we are going to avoiding violence against one of Al Andalus best seller is stuff what bad boy the tofu is fried perfectly crispy on the outside and soft in the center the richness of the pig's ears is balanced with the saltiness of homemade soy sauce and the freshness of salary her chicharrón balala is also she also serves in my favorite paramecia Antonello D becomes a signature tapas the foxy Cigna God is about people and say Canada powers are trap if I own flavor vanilla very own fancy branch in essence and join the master element iike Salam at nominal giorno buona sera kidnap Sita me Apple means parameter can carry on historia let me make an immigrant visa I'm a fan [Music] all right so tonight I'm taking you to the seasick place that I grew up with were here at allele of sings seasick and with us is I think Jenny she's the owner of finding loosing and daughter Sammy Highlander sing thank you for having us critic my my like on blue macaw people say another Anatomy booty cameo Marissa dragon Bank OD tossa Sibylla some of the best sellers that are being served at Alden readings are in Havana he talked with Bureau or board on he born with mostaza burro is fermented rice sometimes with shrimp or with fish this is ensalada manga with indie have enough ballast and I start alone it comes with Bhagavan demon ensalada manga is a mixture of fresh mango celery tomato and inside with lots of red one well this ends ala dice best paired with any grilled fish or pork or fried fish or you know because you see they go tell a guy oh my gosh and everything your quality oh I say Nicole Nagina and I mean I can't on my own so many laughs you might disagree oh no no Allegheny laughing night blog me you know I'm gonna grab my lucky pen I see success examines children opposite of jihad epinephrine delegation I entire signal Morris repellency Cigna dikha de Gama nah man Bhuvana selamat men okay brother man talaga [Music] aside from being the food capital of the Philippines as you can see Pampanga is also our country's Christmas capital these are a testament of how we value the traditions that has been passed from one generation to another as a chef and cleaner advocate I've been traveling the world being an ambassador of Filipino cuisine I believe that the cap on pollen in the fuel dispassion for pushing the recognition of local gastronomy and preservation of philippine genera heritage because the Kabam balance these buds never fail I'm chef Janet sorry and this is my Pampanga [Music] [Music] it's more fun in Cebu because the art here is as awe-inspiring as its keep I'm tripod share and this is my Sybil you
Channel: CNN Philippines
Views: 326,527
Rating: 4.795527 out of 5
Id: jqPAsve8nRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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