My Pet Ants Discovered Agriculture

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OMG! I can't believe it! I think the world is pretty familiar that ants are very intelligent and resourceful creatures, but this week, I believe to have filmed for the very first time on this open-concept floating island ant farm, I've created for my cute Pheidole ant colony, what has to be the ultimate demonstration of ant ingenuity and imagination! Guys, I'm beside myself. My ants have officially discovered agriculture! Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel, and hit the BELL ICON! Welcome to the AC Family. Enjoy! Welcome to Avista, the floating banyon bonsai island kingdom, to my pet Pheidole ant colony, commonly known as Big-headed ants due to the colony's huge majors born with massive heads, and coincidingly, in a past video you guys voted on a name for them, and "The Bobbleheads" came out on top. So, these ants from here on in shall be called the Bobbleheads! But AC Family, this week, I seriously couldn't believe my eyes, when pretty much out of nowhere, the Bobbleheads started farming! I can't wait to show you! Now if you're new to the channel, the Bobbleheads here, are a new super colony of Pheidole ants, possessing a whopping four queens, hidden deep within the fortified royal chambers in the rich soils of Avista. Now I have got to say, the colony has been eating a lot over the past few weeks! This made perfect sense because with four egg-laying queens, each pumping out eggs, the ants needed all the nourishment they could get, to feed their explosive ant population. Here was last night's meal, half a cockroach, where the remaining scraps of meat were being worked on by a few workers, as well as their bustling detritivorous friends, Springtails, whom we call the Springcleaners. The Springcleaners have been excellent at scavenging what leftovers the Bobbleheads couldn't get at or chose to leave behind. But as I was watching the ants and Springcleaners dealing with this roach carcass, I began to notice some of the Bobbleheads strangely interested in something above, climbing the Great Tree of Wisdom. How peculiar, peculiar because I've always known the ants to be ground-dwellers, rarely ever climbing to the tree tops. AC Family, Have a look! And that's when I saw it. The Bobbleheads were farming mealybugs! OMG! I could not believe it! Alright so if you're new to ants, and are wondering why this is huge, is because ants have been well-documented to, at times, tend what are commonly called "ant cows". Essentially, plant insects like aphids or mealybugs which live in colonies parasitically on plants, sucking the plant sap, and producing as a bi-product, this sweet secretion called honeydew! And, to some species of ants this honeydew is the nectar from the gods! They love the stuff, and stroke the ant cows to stimulate them to produce more of it, kind of like milking them in a way! In fact, many ants even go as far as protecting, relocating, and otherwise helping these ant cows proliferate, so they can continue to collect this cherished honeydew. This incredible symbiosis between ants and ant cows, can actually be traced back in fossils of Dominican Amber of Acropyga ants and mealybugs from some 20-15 million years ago in the Miocene Epoch. And guys, the Bobbleheads have officially engaged in this ancient pact with their own colony of mealybugs, here on Avista. Isn't this incredible?! Look at them! What a surreal opportunity! Alright, so I immediately had so many questions. How on earth did the mealybugs get here? Were the ants full out herding the mealybugs, i.e. physically transporting or guiding them around to new areas of the tree? Were they protecting these mealybugs aggressively? How many mealybugs were there? How fast were they breeding? And finally, I was wondering if by some miracle I might be able to actually film the ants collecting the honeydew from these mealybugs! So about my first question, where did the mealybugs come from? Upon researching mealybugs, apparently these oval fuzzy-looking individuals are adult females and young, but the adult males look totally different from these and have wings, looking sorta like small gnats. These adult males fly and mate with females of mealybug colonies on other plants. Young mealybugs, who by the way are actually called "crawlers", and adult females, simply move by crawling to new plants if needed, like if their host plant dies or if they simply want to try out a new plant. I highly believe a couple pregnant mealybugs must have come with the bonsai tree or laid eggs on it. Shrubs and trees tend to be a mealybug favourite, and our Great Tree of Wisdom here happens to be an ideal, thriving and healthy host tree. I mean, look at this, over the past few weeks since Avista was created, this Japanese bonsaied banyon tree grew a whole new team of leaves, blooming from its twining branches. I was actually initially concerned that keeping a tree indoors might not be possible due to light limitations, but the Tree of Wisdom here has proven me wrong. I've been watering it well, giving it as much light as I could, and I can actually see that its roots have begun to extend into the foundational pillar pots below. For sure, Avista's very healthy and growing Great Tree of Wisdom, was providing this small colony of mealybugs a lot of delicious tree sap, thereby providing our Bobbleheads with a valuable source of sweet honeydew. The next morning after the mealybug discovery I revisted Avista to look again, and to my surprise, I found another grouping of mealybugs just below the place I spotted the others the night before. It seems there were multiple herds of ant cows on this tree, all tended by the ants, and you could actually see the honeydew collected in their social stomachs through their semi-transparent bodies against the light. How cool! AC Family, I really hoped we could film the mealybugs excreting it and the ants drinking it! Let's keep our fingers crossed. Up in the tree at the original spot, the ants were indeed up early, still collecting honeydew, and it looks like there was a group of mealybugs living on an opposing twig, that I hadn't noticed before. Right off the bat, I could see that there were more mealybugs here now, at this first spot, than there were the night before, so either the mealybugs breed impossibly fast, or more likely, the mealybugs were being brought around the tree and planted into place by the ants, or the mealybugs were simply walking freely around the tree, stationing themselves around as desired. I was determined to find out. But meanwhile, at ground level, the Bobbleheads were busy with breakfast, a superworm which they desperately were trying to fit into one of their holes. And look at that major being oh so helpful, supporting that superworm, while the ants tried to figure out how they were going to fit it all, through the nest entrance. Now you may notice some of the ants, this major included, carry mites which look like big sores on their body. I cringe at the sight of them and I find it very uncomfortable to look at! You may have noticed some on the ants from last night. But, I discussed in a previous video that these mites were likely at a harmless mite life stage, mouthless and anus-less phoretic mites, not a lethal parasitic kind, who are simply clinging on to the ants in hopes to find an ideal environment before transforming into their next life stage and falling off. These ants have had them since their founding test tube rearing days, and would have never become the big and booming colony they are now, had these body mites been the vampiric blood-sucking kind. I hope they eventually fall off our Bobbleheads, and go on to eat their regular diet of decaying organic matter. Speaking of which, AC Family, this roach carcass needs to be removed. As always, I'm the colony's garbage man! Let me discreetly slip in with my tweezers and yoink! Woops, dropping it to allow some stray Bobbleheads to deboard, and removed! Oops, one more ant to return to the colony. Every single worker counts, right? And then AC Family, I spotted something pretty amazing! Some ants were seizing a maggot, presumably just captured from their decaying garbage. This was interesting, because before the ants never bothered these clean-up Avistan-born fly larvae, as they helped with cleaning up their garbage. Gnats visiting Avista would lay eggs on carcass leftovers, and the hatching maggots would eat the ant garbage, to develop into adult gnats, where they would then fly off from their Avistan birthplace. But now, it looks like the ants have changed their mind, and have learned that the maggots were a valuable source of nourishment, as well. How neat! The ants' garbage attracts food sources to the island for them to catch and eat! Their garbage was bait for prey! Hmmm... I suppose, in this sense, you could also look at this entire island of Avista here, as a single superorganism, which eats outside insects, produces waste, and drinks water. Mind-blowing stuff! Alright, and now that I mentioned it, it's time for us to assume the role of "rain cloud", and provide some water to the inhabitants of Avista. I always use room-temperature bottled water, when offering my ants their H2O, as I am always super paranoid that chlorine and other such chemicals from tap water could harm the ants. Now watch what happens every time it rains on Avista. At the onset of water entering the nest, the Bobbleheads immediately mobilize and start to bring the brood kept in the most shallow chambers out of the nest to drier areas. Eggs, larvae, and pupae from these shallower nest areas are all carried outside where it is dry. The queens and young located deeper in the nest, are brought deeper into their underground fortress where it is dry. If these ever fill up with water, the entire colony would be flooded out and surface, but they rarely do this, because truth is, having the young and queens outside in the open like this, is very risky, as it makes them vulnerable to predators and the elements, so the ants quickly decide on a plan of action, and this time decide on a back up space somewhere over this rock boulder. The ants act quickly to transport all the young to this drier holding space. I find it so amazing how ants can collectively make very quick, critical decisions, and execute these plans with great speed. What makes it all even more crazy, is they communicate their plans entirely through pheromones, biochemicals which make up their whole ant language. Amazing to think that amidst all the confusion and franticness of the rain, it only took one ant to release pheromones, indicating it knew a safe dry place to move the brood, before all other ants decided to join in on this ant's proposed campaign, and start this mass movement of the brood. I don't know about you, but had this been a group of humans in this situation, only capable of simple audible communication like yelling at each other, I doubt they would have been able to act as swiftly and in sync. Now in case you were concerned about the ants having to always deal with these frequent watering events, the important thing to keep in mind is that water is vital to the well-being of the ants, and the entire system here on Avista. The ants and all inhabitants need to drink, the moisture helps hold soil together to support the tunnels and chambers of the Bobbleheads' nest, and the colony's young require the humidity. The water also feeds the tree, of course, which we now know goes on to provide sustenance to these newly discovered mealybugs, which feed our ants. The water makes its way down into Avista's soil-filled foundational pillars, into which I do see the ants have begun to burrow, as well as Springcleaners. And somewhere within the nest, the ants have a designated bathroom area or two where they poop, and recent research supports that plants are fertilized by ant poop, so I'm sure the Great Tree of Wisdom is happy the ants are around providing some fresh nourishing ant poop all the time. The tree's roots eat this ant poop with the help of water. So, AC Family as you can see, water is vital and ties all of Avista's organisms together. What is kept completely dry though, is the ivory rock border of the island, as well as the glass floor. This is purposely done as it was supposed to discourage the ants from frequenting these dry, dead spaces. And oh look, the ants have decided to start moving the brood back into the nest from their temporary brood cache. I guess, all nest areas are clear of water now, and it's back to regular programming. I just love how busy and invested these ants are all the time, at ensuring the good of the colony. Aren't they just the cutest, AC Family? By the way, providing food, taking out the trash, and watering, aren't the only chores I have to do to maintain Avista. I also take the time to readjust the wire braces to ensure the banyon tree grows into an ideal shape and within a desired space as the tree grows. There! Much better! Alright, AC Family, now back to the ant cows! I checked the mealybug herds after repositioning the branches, and turns out they were still stationed in place, but the ants had been spooked and abandoned their cows. I guess in their minds, my giant hands weren't worth sticking around, to defend their honeydew sources. But I waited, and it wasn't long before the ant cow-tending ants came climbing back up the tree, to return to their stations, to continue milking their livestock. They weren't going to let a pair of flimsy giant hands keep them from their God-given nectar! The ants checked each herd carefully. Now AC Family, are you ready for this? The moment we all were waiting for! What I filmed next was truly an utter dream come true! Yup, you guess it! I finally got to film the ants collecting honeydew from their mealybugs. Check this out! At first, I thought I caught a mealybug excreting honeydew here, and the ant came to collect it, but I didn't quite get a good view of it. I switched my camera angle, and then, I thought I saw an ant with a droplet of liquid in its mouth. I believe I may have just missed the process! And then I noticed this mealybug here kind of lifting its back end and producing a drop that... Ooop! Shot out before the ant could find it! Wow! Did you just see that?! It seems the ants needed a bit of luck and some attentive antennae if they were to collect this yummy mealybug bi-product, which the mealybugs clearly weren't willing to keep around. I also noticed a mealybug from an opposing branch shooting out some honeydew. And guys, what's real crazy about all this, all this action is happening on such a tiny scale, I was unable to see what was actually going on through my camera display, until I could review the video files and zoom in during editing of this 4K footage! It just looked to me like some ants hovering uneventfully over some mealybugs. It's amazing how much we can miss with the naked eye just because we're so big! Anyway, another mealybug is lifting it's butt, go get it ant! And oh, it shot out a moment too soon! Another missed opportunity! Based on this hit or miss method, now I wondered if the ants were actually "milking" the mealybugs as research had formerly suggested, and not just simply trying to feel and smell which mealybugs were basically going to blow. And finally, AC Family, after patiently waiting and filming, one of the mealybugs produced a drop of honeydew and success! The ant stopped to drink the tasty liquid treat! One insect's bi-product is another insect's food! We did it! We got to see it! That was just amazing, right?! So, after drinking enough honeydew to fill their social stomachs, the fully filled ants made their way down the tree and into their nest to share their collected honeydew with the rest of the colony, through mouth to mouth transfer, a process called trophallaxis. It was just amazing to think that the ants were acquiring nourishment from an additional food source, and who would have ever thought the ants would wander into the trees and have the idea of drinking this honeydew squirting out of these mealybugs' butts?! Nobody taught them this! They just discovered it on their own! They discovered farming! I continued to film the ants well into the night, and it seemed the honeydew collection operations did not stop. The night shift workers were out still collecting, and here is more one-of-a-kind, mind-blowing footage, of this intimate honeydew feeding behaviour of these ants! Check them out! One even full out took a droplet of honeydew home! The ants continued to miss a few times, however, often coming really close! But check this out AC Family, watch this mealybug shooting a drop of honeydew which hit the opposing twig, and look, the ants did not pass up the opportunity to drink it up. How neat! I guess this was another effective tactic for honeydew collection. 5 second rule! Perhaps these projectile honeydew droplets weren't as good as drinking it fresh from the mealybugs' body? Who knows? And hey, will you lookey here! It's a mealybug actually walking! OK, so I guess this solves the mystery of whether or not the ants were responsible at choosing where the mealybugs were stationed. It seems the mealybugs choose, where to hang out and drink the tree sap, and the ants just follow. AC Family, these ant cows are free range! Alright! But having all this honeydew-producing, free-range livestock around, does also make it easy for moochers to take advantage. It looks like we have a visitor. Now, I wondered if this was a male mealybug, or a legit gnat attempting to drink up the honeydew. I guessed the latter, based on photos. I watched it attempt to inch closer to the mealybugs. Were the ants going to defend their ant cows from this wolf-like, stealthy gnat? The gnat approached the mealybug herd. And bam! The ant scared it away, and the gnat was gone! And so AC Family, there you have it! Our Bobbleheads have figured out how to farm food produced from another organism! And through all of this, I learned that it's actually not as simple and straight forward as ants just easily milking some ant cows, as I initially imagined. It's actually quite an involved process of technique and tactics. But the whole idea that ants manage to pull off such an intrinsically human activity like agriculture is quite mind-blowing to me, or perhaps it isn't the ants, that are pulling off an intrinsically human activity, but us that are pulling off an intrinsically ant activity. They after all farmed first, geological timescale-ly speaking! Overall, I love being able to witness the interesting evolution of the floating island of Avista. I can't help but feel like we're celestial beings, creators of these worlds, witnessing the development and evolution of a planet, and its population of inhabitants. I wonder what's next for these ants. I do hope these ants can work out some kind of sustainable farming solution, though, because if these mealybugs completely take over this bonsai tree and kill it, who knows what that would mean for the entire island of Avista? I'll just assume the ants have it all figured out, since they've lasted for millions of years longer than we have, doing it. Speaking of which, I wonder how good of a job we're doing with our plans of sustainable farming, on our floating island. AC Family, what do you think? Did you enjoy this week's episode? I truly love how the Bobbleheads and Avista are developing, and other than a phoretic mite problem, I foresee that the ants are well on their way to success, and when they outgrow this floating island of Avista here, I plan on connecting another floating island using a bridge, until the Bobblehead's ant kingdom of Avista, is an impressive archipelago of multiple connected floating islands. Wouldn't that be just so cool?! I'll continue to update you guys, so be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and BELL icon now, so you don't miss out on this continuing ant story, and hit the LIKE button every single time, including now. And if you're new to the channel and want to catch up on all your AntsCanada Lore, feel free to binge watch this complete story line playlist here, which traces the origins of all the ant colonies of the ant room, so you can follow their stories and better appreciate how these ant kingdoms came to be, and why we love them so much! AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like to watch some extended play footage of the ants drinking honeydew. There is so much that I think you guys can catch from the footage, that I may have missed, so do check it out! And before we proceed to the AC Question of the Week, I'd like to plug my daily vlogging channel, daily vlogs of my travels around the world, which often includes a lot of nature stuff so do check it out! And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week! Last week we asked: Why was the death of the Guppy Gang actually beneficial to the Selva de Fuego and its inhabitants? Congratulations to Shiny Piplup who correctly answered: They were pleasing to the eye but weren't doing their intended job of controlling the ant population, and causing a lot of excess waste. Congratulations Shiny Piplup! You just won a free e-book handbook from our shop! In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask: Name one neat fact you learned about mealybugs in this video. Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free e-book handbook from our shop! Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST. Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help us keep making more. It's ant love forever!
Channel: AntsCanada
Views: 1,202,272
Rating: 4.9181094 out of 5
Keywords: ants, antscanada, mikey bustos, myrmecology, antfarm, ant colony, ant nest, queen ant, formicarium, ant habitat, antworks, insects, science, pets, exotic, nature, 4K, Ultra HD, pheidole, big-headed ants, mealybugs, farming, agriculture, milking, ant cows, aphids, symbiosis
Id: KAzNWm1l7Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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