My Personal Survival Kit

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hello guys thanks for joining me today i'm going to have a look at a survival tin that i carry with me when i'm out hiking it's an old um tobacco tin it's a 50 gram tin that i've had for the last 30 years and obviously the um contents have been changed quite a few times in that period but i check the um contents every few months just to make sure everything is still in order so i'm going to do that today so i thought i might as well show you what i carry with with me when i'm out hiking as a backup emergency item there's no medical supplies in here there's no food or tea making facilities anything like that in here it's just basic old school items that i have always carried with me in case i had to spend a night a couple of nights whatever out in the woods for whatever reason i carry a comprehensive um first aid kit with me anyhow um but today i'm going to have a look at the tin here first of all the m10 is sealed with electrical tape and that just keeps it waterproof so keeps the rain out of it water out of it and the um electrical tape is useful for a variety of um uses but otherwise that's the m10 here as i say it's just an old um 50 gram tin i've actually um polished the inside of the um tin to make it into a kind of a halograph um so if it's sunny you can attract the tension with it i've also included a couple of um strikers on the base here for my lifeboat matches so i don't carry a mirror as such in the kit this is what i use instead i'm not going to go through the contents in any particular order of importance anything like that i'm just going to go through them as they appear in the box here so i've got a couple of um cotton buds at the top which are useful for kindling so if you want to make a fire and these are used by women to remove makeup in the evenings and they're quite a nice little item you can open them up tease out the cotton in the inside and that provides a nice kindling for making a fire all right so what have we got here well i've got two little stubs candle stubs these will last a couple of minutes here so if you got maybe dry um i should say if you got some wet um kindling or what have you these provide a um a couple of minutes worth of flame if you're trying to start a fire so they're just on basic and little candle stumps here i've got some snare wire brass snare wire i've never caught um any animals with snares um it's extra cordless which is the reason i carry it i have got the theory behind i'm catching on live game with um snares but up as i say have never actually caught anything with it don't have any intentions really except in an emergency to do so um but again as i say that would be extra cordage if required for anything i've got a nice good quality um wire saw always useful for cutting down logs i'm preparing firewood and i like here um always important to make sure that you actually know how to use these items before an emergency so i have tested these out in the past and as long as you don't twist them strands as long as you're not overheating the um strands by friction and they shouldn't break if you twist the um sar as you're cutting for example you're more prone to and damaging the um strands you know breaking that but um can be used either with the finger rings here so i've just taken them off for um because of storage space but basically you connect the finger rings to the saw and you would use the msr as such or else you can connect the um star to a um a little branch for example and make a bow saw out of it it does work it's quite a effective little saw force narrow thin wood i mean you wouldn't be able to cut down a tree with that but as i say preparing um shelter or firewood it's quite adequate for that also carry a small compass i've upgraded it over the years and i've got this little one here now and again as i say i check my contents every few months just to make sure everything is in work in order including the compass and yes it's pointing north so it still works quite well um not much use for doing accurate map reading navigation for example but it it will give you the basic compass points if you're lost in the woods or what have you so it's a very useful item to have pencil stub i don't carry a bag as such in my kit i haven't got the room for it i carry an old um school type and condom for collecting water the condom is obviously an unlubricated one and looking at it it's still in date it's not gonna break down anything like that collects about um a liter of water about two pints worth if you put it into a soft force i'm keeping it secure it shouldn't break um i wouldn't use it i wouldn't fill it up with a liter of water though i would probably just fill it up with about half a liter about a pint or so um but that is my water supply container i mean i always carry a proper water bottle with me when i'm out hiking but this is just an emergency one here as i say i've got a proper first aid kit so the only medical item i carry a couple of band-aids and the alcohol swab here so that's all that i have in the um kit got some matches and their striker got a small sewing kit always useful here if you damage your clothing out and about to get some damage so that is that got a small fishing kit i've never used these small kits for fishing on a river but i have used them for sea fishing so i do know that it works i have caught small fish with it and there's some three um fishing hooks in here and some lines and weights and a couple artificial bait so that is the fishing kit that i carry with the m condom i've got a couple of um purification tablets so these will purify a liter of water each i've got two of them here again this is just an emergency kit i have about 10 of these in my first aid kit but this is just for my uber nighter if necessary i've got a selection of um safety pins i can never have enough safety pins got a fire flint starter here um so that is a secondary um fire lighter here always important to know how to use it this is an old one that i've had for the last 30 years network still still works quite well got an emergency whistle for signaling or attracting um rescue whatever the case may be if you're out and about so just a small emergency aluminum whistle again i've got some more of these safety pins i don't have room for a modern um led flashlight i do have a nice quality candle this is about five to six hours worth of flame and um if you can get a small led i might change it for that but in the meantime that is my light source i don't carry any paracord in my survival kit in fact i haven't done so for quite some time i've got instead the um kevlar i suppose you could call it a thread or a string this is kepler wire or kepler string it is just as strong if not more so than paracord and there's a good um about 30 feet of it here so that's good for shelter making and the like and it takes up a little space compared to the equivalent length of paracord so that is my cordage here again i've got five small candles these last about two minutes again for fire starting if you get damp tender and alike so that's always good to have and these are my light boot so called lifeboat matches they um they will strike every damn they'll strike underwater they will last um 20 seconds or thereabouts even if soaking wet and as i say that's the end strike on the bottom for them so these are my waterproof um matches i've got two little um metal loops here and these are for my fishing kit it's a bit awkward to use the fishing line by itself so what i tended to do is take a branch or whatever and make a fishing pole out of it and you can screw these into the um branch and then thread the efficient line through the loops here and that makes it more makes it a lot easier to use i've got a little notebook for keeping notes in a little reflective cover for attracting attention um but otherwise no taken or a diary or whatever if you're out and about and you become dehydrated i it's always good to keep some salt with you and i've got a little sachet of salt here which i'm going to replace actually now with a new one but that's good for dehydration so that's part of the water supply here i've got two surgical blades here which are useful for maybe if you've got a splinter for example or if you're preparing game fish or whatever um so these are cutting blades many uses um make fire sticks with these or anything i've got another band-aid here if your hands are cold if you're out and about and you you're wet and cold it might not be as easy to thread a needle as if you're at home for example so i always carry a threaded needle that's about two meters about six feet worth of um thread already on it ready to be used as required i've got a little pin here it's always useful to have a little pen for various applications i've got a secondary light source here besides the end candle i've also got these small chem sticks you basically break them they cause a chemical reaction and they'll light up they actually produce quite a good quite a bright glow for about one to two hours and then it fades over the next four to five hours and gets dimmer over time but provides very good light for at least an hour considering the size of them so good if you may be doing a map reading at night to whatever the case may be so you just break it and i'll adjust some glow nicely for six hours or thereabouts and the only other thing okay in my tin is a proper pocket knife i've got a tube plated folding knife here good steel knife quite a thin one so it fits in quite nicely it's always important that they um some kind of a knife with you i always carry a proper knife on me as when i'm out and about anyhow so this is just an emergency um that sits there as if required and there you have it that's my um basic um old school survival kit that i carry with me i know there's a lot of videos out there of um survival tins and there's quite a wide variety of stuff that people carry and this is what i've found over the last 30 years that i personally find useful or have found useful if you have any um questions about any of these items or if there's any suggestions you have of what i may want to carry instead or anything any advice do feel free to um drop me a line down below otherwise hopefully it might have given you an idea what to take in your own kit when you're out and about um so that's it really so in the meantime as always thanks for watching and bye for now
Channel: Thorsten Thomas
Views: 8,500
Rating: 4.9567566 out of 5
Id: SiS_gKt7JW4
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Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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