My New Wooden Soap Loaf Molds // Winston and Walter 6lb tall & skinny mold review w/ silicone liner

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and then we shall see if this slides out or not so this seems to be working [Music] good morning guys i am back with another video and today's video is going to be super interesting because i'm going to be using and reviewing a brand new mold oh if you're new here welcome my name is jerica i am the owner and creator of quench and on this channel i talk all about my soap business how i make my products how i sell them all the equipment i use basically how i run the small business out of my home so if that is a journey that you're also on or if you're just simply interested in what the heck soap makers do this channel is for you and now without further ado let's get into it so for today's video i'm going to be using this soap mold from winston and walter and before i begin i just want to say that this video is not sponsored by winston walter i purchased this so bold but you guys are in luck i do have a five percent off discount code that you guys can use when you go to winston and walter's website which i will link down in the description below and the code is quench five now here's the important bit this code is only good for 72 hours so as of the time of this video is launched right now as of april 13th this code is only good for 72 hours so get on over to that website make that purchase for these soap molds because i mean i know i haven't used it yet but i can already tell that these are going to be amazing for you and your business and if you guys are business owners every little penny counts and thank you so much to julymack for providing this discount code for my viewers i'm really hoping that you guys check her out because she is honestly such a sweet person and i love supporting fellow business owners especially especially my fellow canadian business owners which by the way this is canada made how awesome is that and now without further further ado let's get into the actual review so for those of you who have watched me for a while you know that i have been using this guy for all of my videos and this soap mold was purchased at kendora which i am sure that they don't sell this exact mold anymore and for those dimensions this is 23 inches long 2.5 inches tall and 3 inches wide and this served me really well for two years it's really sturdy it's only kind of dirty from being in the oven and being used as a soap mold for so long but other than that it's pretty solid but there were some downsides for example this type of soap loaf mold produced soap that was really wide almost square like in shape and while that shape is really great for creating designs and whatnot it wasn't the best shape ergonomically for my customers a lot of people prefer a taller and skinnier bar so that it's easier to grip after i purchased this almost immediately i regretted it and i really wanted to find a soap loaf mold that was taller and skinnier i have no idea why but that type of soap loaf mold was not found in canada i could not find a soap supplier that sold a tall and skinny silk loaf mold and i know i could have gone over to the american side and bought a tall and skinny soap loaf mold from an american soap supplier but adding the cost of shipping to something as big and heavy as a soap loaf mold on top of the fact that these molds aren't cheap it was just way too expensive for me at the time and i just waited i waited it out and i'm so glad that i did fast forward to what was it march early march i was in one of my soap groups i don't know which one it was but july mac who owns winston walter posted in one of those groups that she was selling these types of molds and i got super excited because not only was it that tall and skinny shape that's so elusive and so hard to find in canada but she was selling them with these silicone liners on the inside and that is a huge game changer for me so i reached out to her and i put in a pre-order for two of these molds and they arrived beautifully packaged and all in one piece for those of you who follow me on instagram i have a live unboxing of this mole that's posted on my feed if you want to go check that out but i'm so pleased with the delivery and also the look of this soap mold when it came in so here is a close-up of the actual soap loaf mold you can see that the liner is actually quite thick which is nice hopefully that means that it's durable again i'm coming from a place where i have not used a wooden soap loaf mold with a silicone liner on the inside so i'm not exactly sure what to expect but so far i'm pretty impressed and one really cool thing about this soap loaf mold is that it comes with these little notches and i believe these are an inch wide which really helps if you're the type of soap maker who likes to put embeds in their soap and you want to make sure that you're putting them in a spot where the wire cutters aren't cutting into it if you're using a wire cutter that's uh has like it's a multiple multiple bar soap cutter i think it's what it's called anyways but if you're just using a single wire soap cutter for now like i am then these notches are a really great guy to make sure that you're able to put an embed in just the right spot for when you're cutting it to ensure that every bar gets the right amount of um thingies on top of it sorry the words escaping right now so the plan here is to completely transition all of the soap that i sell on my website and through my company to this tall and skinny soap bar shape this is going to be the first time i'm trying it which is a little nerve-wracking i decided after observing these two together side by side they're about the same length and the only difference obviously aside from the silicone liner on the inside and the parchment paper is that it's much taller so i'm going to try to make the soap using my current recipe with the current amounts um just to see i mean i could take the time to measure it out and figure out exactly how much soap this thing can hold but i'm i'm lazy guys that's that's the real and honest truth about that just by eyeballing it it seems to to hold about the same amount so if anything it'll either be the perfect amount or too much and you guys are going to find out along with me so that is very special and today's soap that we are making today is my muskoka wood soap and because this is the first time using something like this i'm not going to be filming all the ingredients melting down and and everything in slow motion cut into some super trendy music i'm just going to talk through this with you guys for this video it's a little bit different but um hopefully you guys like it a little bit more like a soap with me chit chat and telling you as i make the soap what i think about this this soap mold right here so yeah hopefully you guys like that kind of video and before i jump right into actually soaping i do want to include this last little tidbit about winston and walter that i think will help you guys make your decision and that is if you go to their website and make a purchase you create an account and once you create an account then you're automatically entered into their rewards points program which will allow you guys to save more on your next purchase the next time you order from their website so before i get to soaping i'm going to put this hair away up into a bun of some sort throw on my hair net and put on some gloves and get soapy so far my muskoka woods so if it's actually a blend of fragrance oils and i add in some pine essential oil to the blend and the mix together is is wonderful if i could describe muskoka woods scent it would literally be just walking through the woods you're wearing a sweater you have maybe coffee in your favorite thermos and you're sipping it and there's a little bit of creamer in there and you feel cozy you're taking in the scent of the woods and the pine and you just feel like you're up in the canadian shield wilderness maybe you're in algonquin park maybe you're in sturgeon bay lake who knows but that is the experience that you get when you smell our muskoka wood soap so one of the fragrance oils that i use in the muskoka with soap has vanilla in it so it turns in a really pale peachy color it smells so good it's all worth it some people avoid vanilla fragrance oils but for me i'm a fan i like it and i like to work with the color that the vanilla fragrance oil turns the soap into i like to incorporate it into my designs i feel a lot of people shouldn't be afraid of making brown soap i recently unboxed katie carson's soap launch and she had a rustic looking soap it was for march and it was her a floral soap i think the notes were lavender chamomile and sage and that's it was so simple looking it was brown but it was gorgeous and so many people are fans of just simple soap which is why i don't think it's a big deal if the soap turns brown you guys shouldn't be worried too much about that not everyone loves the super swirly colorful soaps you know what i mean so that was the pine essential oil going in and what's cool about the muskoka wood scent is that it's pretty unisex but a lot of men really like it it's a more masculine leaning smell and i think it's always a good idea to add that to your line because yes women really like handmade soap but there is a huge market of men that also really love handmade soap hello look at that soap company oh dr squatch they are a million dollar company i'm pretty sure like they are selling like crazy and their whole target market is men and they are selling them handmade soap so don't ignore the men's side of things i know some people are wondering if i want to make a man soap how do i do that well you can always consult your husband or your brother or your dad and ask them what they like but don't let them know that it's about handmade soap maybe just ask them uh you know what they look for in a cologne you'll find that the notes are pretty consistent a lot of men really like pine they really like a woodsy smell they really like patchouli anything earthy and deep uh i find are really is really popular with men a lot of men like mint that kind of stuff and when you're creating the product and it's targeted towards men i would avoid the bright colors keep it simple and just make it about the benefits of the product and the the man they sent to the product and i'm sure that you will get men to uh buy your products more so we're about to pour and i'm a little freaked out this is so weird i'm always expecting to see a parchment paper liner so now there isn't one i'm kind of like oh gosh i'm a little worried but we're going to pour this in one thing i have not considered before is that it's a bit of a narrower opening than what i'm used to working with so hopefully my aim is good i'm going to be pouring this carefully into the mold and oh my gosh it's happening guys it's happening oh okay i'm getting it in there but i am also pouring it a lot more carefully than i usually do i'm usually just throwing the soap in there and hoping for the best i did choose one of my soaps that um doesn't accelerate very quickly to try this soap mold out on purpose so that it goes as trouble free as possible and i can see that i'm already creating a bit of a mess on the sides it's okay it's a soap loaf mold it's supposed to get dirty i'm just gonna give it a shake now let's pour the colors i'm hoping that you guys have a good angle on this i'm hoping and praying that it's looking good over there on your end like i can see it looks good to me so we are gonna be pouring the first color in we're gonna layer it this is also different for me because you have such a a narrow space for your swirls kind of like the wider bars for the designs and such oh went over to the edge there you know when you get something brand new that you know you're going to get messy with you don't want to mess it up i think cars is a good example of that when you buy a brand new car and you're like trying to be clean and you just know it's going to be a mess but you know it still kills you anyways when you uh mess it up that's how i feel right now i'm inserting my tool into here my swirl tool to make my swirlies so nervous i don't know why i'm so nervous so far so good in terms of the soap fitting into here i could be short i think is what i'm gonna end up with being it's gonna be a little bit shorter than what i am used to that is okay we're gonna do swirly's part two i like to do two layers of swirls especially if you have a taller soap bar you have more vertical room for that i guess now we're gonna scrape these guys get every last bit of soap i'm so excited to see how these bars will turn out like i don't think you guys understand really really excited to be using this tall and skinny soap loaf mold you do not even know now i'm going to scrape out the brown and i don't think i mentioned it but i got this brown from cocoa powder it's a nice colorant that you wouldn't think would work well in soap but it absolutely does if you want a nice brown you can do that so you can see i'm just about short so the next time i make soap i'll probably add a few more grams so that we can get all the way to the top i'm just going to add texture to the tops of my soaps which is what i love to do and it's interesting because i have so much less surface area to play around with so that is a bit of a learning curve and i'm going to add my tops and scrape out the rest of this container onto the top of my soap loaf mold next part is swirling it and there you go [Music] so you can see now that it's poured my soap did not get all the way to the top it's almost there but not quite um i still have some space to go so the next batch i make you using the soap mold i will be adding a little bit more soap batter to the mix i'll be upping my oils and then of course recalculating all of that through silk calc i really want to get this up all the way to the top so my thoughts on actually using this i think it's great it was so nice to just jump right into soaping without having to spend the time to make the liner yes i was quick at it but it was still a lot of steps that i'm so glad i don't have to be taking anymore i'm so excited to see how well this soap pops out of this silicone liner i'm really anxious about that um slash excited more excited than anxious and i just noticed that this soap mold has removable sides so the sides come up meaning you can uh get the actual soap out of this mold without wrestling with it which is um you know might be a concern for some people this easily pops out and then hopefully the actual soap will pop out easily from the silicone liner from the few videos that i've seen of other filmmakers using the soap mold they've been able to get their soaps out pretty easily so i'm not too too worried about that but there is a lot of noise over there so the next time you see me it will be the next day where i actually unmold this soap and you can see how easily or how difficult that is so see you tomorrow when i'm able to do that hey guys i'm back it is the next day and i'm going to be unmolding my muskoka wood soap and i'm going to take you along with me for that my old molds were wider and this is thinner obviously but the same amount of soap fills overfills this one and under fills this one so i'm going to have to adjust that for future soap loafs in this mold but other than that it's basically the same thing and now we're going to get to the fun part getting this out of this mold and see how easy that is so i mentioned this earlier yesterday when i was making it that you can slide out the sides and that should make getting this silicone liner out much easier so let's pull the sides out so it lifts up like that and then we're going to do it to the other side and that frees up the soap in the silicone mold should slide right out silicone is very grippy so that's the only resistance i'm getting there and then once it's out it's out and then these pieces slide right back in and it's ready for the next soap although i did get some soap on the inside that i'm gonna have to clean but it's gonna get messy over time i'm i'm okay with that i've accepted it and here we have the soap in the silicone mold so let me get some gloves on i'm going to get my soap cutter and my platform that i used and see how easily this guy gets out of here okay here is the part that i was most worried about and that was getting this soap out of the silicone liner because in the beginning of my soap making journey i used a silicone mold and it was always tough getting the soap out of there so we'll see well right away i can tell you this liner is really pliable it's not very stiff whereas my silicone mold was very stiff and that might have been the reason why i was so hard to get soap out of there but i don't know if you can see this but it peels right away off of the soap i'm going to pull the sides and then we shall see if this slides out or not so this seems to be working and there we go it just pulled right out nice and this is what we got already i can tell that these bars are taller than my usual bar and i'm holding it like this it fits into my hands so much easier which is awesome so now let's cut this soap and see what it looks like on the inside which is probably what everyone is curious about [Music] [Music] [Music] so here are the finished soap bars and one thing i do want to point out is if you use silicone you uh risk getting these little pockets here these little pock marks i don't exactly know what causes them i think it has to do with maybe the heat not too sure but for me i don't know if you can see that clearly let me but for me i don't mind i think it adds to the handmade look of the soap and one benefit about using the silicone molds is that you get such nice crisp lines there's no puckering or wavy lines that you would get using the parchment paper which i would always get and it just makes such a cleaner bar am i using my grammar i don't think i'm using the right the right grammar but it makes a much cleaner looking bar oh my gosh i am obsessed i love it wow so let me cut the cucumber melon soap and i will show you side by side the two bars so you can really get a sense of how different the two soap shapes make so here's the direct comparison between my old soap bar shape and the new soap bar shape and you can see how much cleaner the lines are as opposed to my old soap bar shape that i used with my old soap mold and over here is what i was talking about when it came to lining with parchment sometimes i will get a curved corner because i didn't hug it in the corner perfectly and over here you can see the example of a fold in the parchment paper that translated itself onto the soap bar and you know i don't mind um when soap has little imperfections like that but i do acknowledge that using the silicone liner there is a mark marked improvement when it comes to that so very pleased and these bars are about the same width i'm going to measure them but they should be approximately the same weight this one is just taller whereas this one is wider but i will moving forward probably add a few more grams to my soap uh my soap what do you call it my soap recipe so that i can get all the way to the top when it comes to making the soap and the reason why i like going all the way to the top is i like to take pictures of the soap batter in the soap mold and if there's a depression in there i just i don't think it looks very good so i'm going to make my bars moving forward a little bit taller they're going to be a little bit heavier and that is all going to be good for my customers so excited for you guys to see what comes next and what comes out of that mold next i think the next bars i'm going to be making out of this mold will be my georgian base soap um wondering if you guys are interested in seeing that how that soap bar will look in a taller and skinnier form excited to do that and as you can see there is going to be a bit of cleanup i'd rather clean up the silicone liner again and again and again and reuse it again and again then to just discard this and and add waste to our trash because that is what i was doing with the parchment paper so i'm super pleased with how this worked and how easy it was to use so a bit of a reminder if you made it through this video that you can get your hands on soap molds just like this from a canadian supplier and you can even use my code quench five to get five percent off of your order and it might not seem like a lot but with these silk molds they are quite pricey so five percent is quite a bit of money saved and any little bit any little pen you can save on your business is a good one am i right and just a bit of a reminder that that code is only good for 72 hours as of this video being live and after that you can't use it anymore so make sure you go ahead and do that and don't wait because these molds are absolutely amazing and remember i'm not sponsored i just really love supporting small canadian businesses like winston and walter i'm so happy to do it especially when they provide such amazing products like this that i genuinely love to use so that is it i hope you enjoyed this kind of video and if you did please leave a thumbs up and if you want to see more please subscribe and until then keep smiling keep being awesome i will see you in the next one bye guys [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Jerika Zimmerman
Views: 21,576
Rating: 4.9267735 out of 5
Keywords: how to make soap, soap making, cold process soap, cold process soap recipe, bath bomb recipe, how to make bath bombs, bath bomb making, soap business, bath bomb business, make soap at home, soap diy, bath bomb diy, etsy business, small business behind the scenes, wooden soap mold review, winston and Walter soap mold review, Canadian supplier wooden soap mold
Id: mBo8SC12rkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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