HOW TO START MAKING SOAP / essential oil soap / Jerika Zimmerman

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i got the gel ring which is sad but it's still a really pretty soap [Music] hey everyone i'm back with another video and on today's video we are going to do something a little bit different we are going to be making soap but with a beginner recipe a lot of you guys have found my youtube channel through my soap making videos and a lot of you guys love them but a lot of you are also very beginner soap makers so you're not going to be automatically wanted to make five pound six pound batches at one go a lot of you are wanting to know exactly how i did that but on a smaller scale and it's not as easy as just scaling back the recipe there's a lot of calculations that you have to do in order to get the right recipe at the right amount and on this video i will show you that whole process because we're going to be doing that we're going to be making a brand new soap that i've never made before and i'm going to be using much smaller amount of soap we are going to be making about a two pound batch today and i'll show you the soap mold that i'm going to be using how i'm going to determine how much soap i'll be able to fill that mold with i'm going to show you how i come up with the measurements of all the ingredients for that mold and this will be super helpful for all of you beginner guys who want to make my recipe but on a much smaller scale if you're new here welcome to my channel my name is jerica and i am the owner and creator of quench and on this channel i show you guys how i make my soap and bath bombs and i also talk about the business side of things so if that's something that you are into please subscribe and everyone who has already subscribed we're almost at ten thousand i can't believe you got here this fast thank you so much for subscribing and following my journey this is dempsey by the way she is a very sweet girl and our company mascot and employee of the month you're such a good employee and now without further ado let's get into it so for today's video i will not be using my 23 inch long wooden soap mold we are going to be using the very first soap mold i ever used when i first started making soap and that was this crafter's choice silicone mold and this guy holds about two pounds of soap i really really liked him when i first started a few pain points about using this guy though myself was always really hard to pop out and i really did not enjoy that aspect of using a silicone mold but when i'm making smaller batches this is a great mold to start with and i highly recommend it if you are just starting out to get a small mold like this for those wanting the exact mold name it's the regular loaf mold 1501 so the very first step in creating your soap recipe is figuring out how much soap you actually want to make and in order to figure that out you're gonna just do some basic math and in order to get the volume of any container the basic equation is the length times the width times the height and this number that you end up with will be your volume and that volume you can convert it into grams and if you are wanting to not use the metric system you convert those grams into pounds and that is the very first step is figuring out how much soap you can actually fit into a mold like this so i'm going to be measuring this mold and figure out the the centimeters of it centimeters when you're figuring out volume or is it inches 20 centimeters long nine centimeters wide six centimeters tall so kale wanna do some math for me yeah do you remember the numbers i just said 29 by 6 yeah 29 by 6. 20 times 9 is 180 times 6 is 687 60 840 920 000 1080 1000 i don't seem very sure you're kind of question there was a question mark at the end of that no yeah should i bring up the calculator to be 100 sure okay so now that we know that this mold holds 1080 cubic centimeters one cubic centimeter is actually equivalent to one gram so we know that this can hold at least 1080 grams of matter that's the first step now that we figured that out let's move on to the next step the next step is to figure out how much oil to use in the batter so what i do is i take that volume amount which was 1080 grams and then i multiply it by 0.7 which would be 70 of that volume right yeah yes so that is how much oils i will be using in the batter from there we use that number 70 of oils and then we go into to figure out the rest and i will show you how i do that right now if you are a beginner soap maker you need to become familiar with this website because this is where i started and where i formulated my first recipe and so what this website allows you to do is to plug in the numbers so that you're able to know exactly what your measurements will be when you're creating your first sew formula so when you look at you can see that there are some green fields here and these are all mandatory fields or fields that you should be plugging some information into in order to make your sew formula and the first step is to pick out your type of y and since we're making whole process soap i'm going to select the naoh which is the sodium hydroxide and that is the type of lie that i will be using for my whole process soap recipe and then in the next step we have to determine the weight of oils the number that i'm going to be plugging into here is the number of the total volume multiplied by 0.7 which was 70 of that number and when i did that i got 756 and so the next step is water and i like to select the third option which is the water to lie ratio option and i use a pretty steep water discount and i plug in 1.5 to 1 ratio and when you're first starting out and you want to keep your batter as fluid as possible i would recommend not going as steep as this maybe do two to one ratio or maybe even higher but that is what i like to do for my recipes because i like to avoid the soda ash and so the next step is figuring out your super fat and for my recipes i like to use uh seven percent super fat when it comes to fragrance this all depends on what your safe usage levels are i tend to go for a five percent fragrance load when it comes to creating soap and if you go down below the next step is to figure out your recipe oil list and in this section you're going to be plugging in all of your oils and butters that you're going to be using in your soap recipe so the way you do that is if you look over here on the oils fats and waxes side of things you can see a whole list of a bunch of oils and waxes and if i go down the list i can find the ones i'm going to be using let's see what comes up first in my recipe i see castor oil so i'm going to click that and i'm going to click the add button and that puts the castor oil into that recipe oil list and the percentage that i'm going to be using a castor oil is about five percent and so i'm gonna keep going down the list and find all of the other oils i see coconut oil at 76 degrees i'm going to add that let's find the other ones before i plug in the percentages uh i see hemp oil gonna add that for olive oil and then shea butter there you go so now that i have all my oils plugged in i'm going to put in the percentages of each oil so when it comes to coconut oil i like to use 22 percent when it comes to hemp seed oil i put in eight olive oil is 45 and shea butter is 20. there are so many resources online that could help you guys figure out exactly what is a good amount of each ingredient to use in your recipe i know really great resource is so clean for me when i'm trying to decide just how much castor oil to use just how much olive oil to use so once you have that all plugged in you're going to click calculate recipe and once you click calculate recipe you can click view or print recipe so if you click that it will take you to your new recipe and if we look here it has all of the information that you need to start making your soap we can see our super fat is here our lye concentration is here it lists all of our ingredients in pounds ounces or grams which is super helpful and if you look down here this is a really interesting segment of your recipe it talks about your soap bar quality and this is really nice because it shows you what a good range is when it comes to the hardness cleansing conditioning and your goal in creating your recipe is to make sure that your numbers fall in between these ranges so for example my hardness is 35 that falls into the range that they provide here and if you go down the list all of my numbers are pretty good i don't have anything that falls outside of that range so i know at the very least that when i make the soap it's going to be a good bar soap and if you look over into the lighter blue section these numbers all mean something as well and there there are so many resources that talk exactly about what a good number is when it comes to your loric when it comes to your steric amount and what these values mean i won't go into today but if you want to find out more about that you can i have a few resources that i've linked in the description below so now that i have that recipe i'm going to print it out and i'm going to use that paper sheet to guide me when i'm measuring my ingredients and making my soap so for today's soap we are going to be scenting it with pine it's going to be mostly pine scented soap with a note of lime and tea tree oil and this is a scent that kale has highly requested so we're gonna give the man what he wants and for the color we are going to be naturally coloring the soap using spirulina powder whenever i use essential oils and soap i really like to keep the soap as natural leaning as possible i just feel like clays and natural powders really enhance the essential oil qualities and stuff so the first step in your soap making process is to combine your water and lye and i have here distilled water which is the type of water you always want to be using when making your soap because this type of water doesn't have any of the materials or any of the weird stuff that may come out of your tap water so always use distilled water i have it in here in this plastic cup and then i have my lie here and what we will be doing is adding this lie into the water and then mixing it up as we do that and remember when you're doing the stage to wear safety gear like gloves wear long sleeves and eye protection as well because this stuff is extremely caustic it will burn your skin so always best to protect yourself and your eyes and your skin and make sure that you're practicing soap safety because it's no fun getting burned by this type of stuff it's not fun at all next we're going to be measuring out our oils and shea butter we have to melt those down over the stove top so that they can be in liquid form before we blend the oil and the lie together [Music] what's it [Music] i wonder [Music] don't know what to do now the next step we are going to be measuring out our liquid oil ingredients and for this recipe we are using hemp seed oil olive oil and castor oil it's midnight oh i'm thinking about it [Music] to know my name [Music] and i just checked the temperature and it's at 124 degrees right now i like to soak below 110 so with the rate that it's going it should be ready maybe in half an hour or so and i have my shea butter and cocoa nut oil also melting down on the stove top i've measured out my liquid oils and so now it's just a matter of waiting until the lie cools down below 110 before i mix everything together and i will come back to you once that's ready to go grabbing your coffee yep keeping it up so our lie is the right temperature it's actually a lot cooler than i was expecting it's at 84 degrees fahrenheit which is about the room temperature does it sound right no that's just around so that's a lot that's hotter than room temperature and now i'm gonna mix everything together and because this is a new scent blend i want kale to help me film it because i don't know if it'll seize on me are you ready to help me out always here people really liked your your uh skills in filming the other soap so that's why what can i say i got the touch i try to figure out who i am not sure what i'm doing here and the days don't work out the way i thought they would and before you there was no one who understood [Music] but you're the one who can make it go away all you have to do is look at me sometimes i i can't breathe but it feels like you're the one who saves me when i try but don't succeed yeah it feels like you're the one who saves me the one who saves me it's not easy but i'm feeling stronger with you and the days don't work out the way i thought they would and before you there was no one who [Music] understood [Music] saves me [Music] i'll give you my everything it's not much but it's all i have you know we could run to a place where we belong [Music] but i need you there with me to go on [Music] sometimes [Music] saves me [Music] so we just poured the pine lime and tea tree soap and it smells amazing because it's an essential oil soap i'm not gonna be putting it in my oven i'm just gonna put it right down into my basement because i don't want the heat of the gel phase to burn off the essential oils so i might get a gel ring that's okay these soaps are mainly for our own use and we don't care too much about that so we're gonna put that down into the basement and then i will show you the cut of that soap the next day hey guys it is now the next day and the soap has hardened and it looks great come with me and i will show you how it turned out so here is a soap smells really good and so now the task of trying to get this out of the mold starts and when i used to make soap in this guy that was one of my biggest pain points was getting the soap out of here in one piece without damaging it but i think it should be okay and wish me [Music] but luck over now time keeps living with your skin next to mine in your lips i can fight but it's over [Music] now brought out the best in me we had everything we [Music] something needed never needed [Music] [Music] so if you want to avoid getting a gel ring you should force gel by popping it into the oven for a little bit and what i mean by that is you set the oven at its lowest setting and once it gets to the lowest setting turn it off and then pop your soap in there for the rest of the night and then cut it the next day so i did not do that and i got the gel ring which is sad but still a really pretty soap and it smells really good it smells more piney now that it's saponified before it was mostly a lime smell and that's mellowed out into this really nice mostly pine with a little bit of citrus and a hint of tea tree and it turned out really good so i hope you like this video this is a little bit different i wanted to provide a recipe that was a good starter one for any of you guys who don't have the big long wooden molds that i use and want to start off with something small and i know that figuring out so calc is a bit of a learning curve and hopefully i helped you guys with that a little bit if you did like it if you did learn something give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe i have so many videos coming out and everyone who has already subscribed we are almost at ten thousand it'll probably be ten thousand by the end of the day and i could not have imagined me getting to this point this fast so thank you to every single person who has supported me from the beginning and those who continue to support me to this day you guys are just amazing and i love all of you so much and until the next video keep smiling keep shining and keep being awesome people and awesome business owners and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] guys
Channel: Jerika Zimmerman
Views: 68,631
Rating: 4.9686317 out of 5
Keywords: how to make soap, soap making, cold process soap, cold process soap recipe, bath bomb recipe, how to make bath bombs, bath bomb making, soap business, bath bomb business, make soap at home, soap diy, bath bomb diy, etsy business, small business behind the scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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