How I Sell Soap at a Farmer's Market... my tent blew away // display tips, set up and tear down

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so guys i was in the process of filming my teardown but i had to stop because my tent actually started to blow away in the wind morning everybody we are getting ready to go to our farmers market this morning and it's still dark out our farmers market today starts at 8 a.m but we are getting ready to go here at 5 a.m because kale is actually the market manager for this particular farmers market so we have to be the first people there so that is what we're doing we're getting ready kayla's pouring some coffees right now we'd like to bring two big thermoses of coffee because we need it and we are getting our last minute things together we just charged our square reader we have some drinks and snacks what else we need to do kale are we we are pretty good i you talked about the square reader yes okay okay yep that's all charged good to go that charge overnight and then we just need to load up and go i already have all my market manager stuff loaded up in the car um the equipment for the table or for our booth is loaded up from last night yeah sweet great so on this video today you're going to come with us to the market and we're going to show you how we set up our booth i'm going to talk about my strategies on how i am able to sell and you'll also just be able to see what a typical day is like so excited and if that's something that you're interested in keep watching so we have arrived at the farmer's market fairgrounds and i'm just going to wait until kale gets a few duties done as a market manager and then he's going to help me set up my tent and we will show you how we get our tent set up right now sick and tired of the nine to five in the city like hey darling we could get out of town see the beautiful world around wanna see it now pack our bags and get in that car leave a little note and we'll drive real far let's get out we can leave this city let's drive to the open air yeah the countryside is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair we can look back someday baby don't you understand that we only get one life [Music] hey darlin you know we're gonna have a really good in the time of the night when the stars are bright [Music] pack our bags and get in that car leave a little note [Music] let's drive to the open air yeah the countryside is so pretty [Music] baby don't you understand that we only get one life i wanna make it count honey come on let's get out we can leave this city let's drive to the open air yeah the countryside is so pretty with the wind blowing in your hair we can look back someday baby don't you understand that we only get one love i wanna make [Music] but i'm not sure if what i do is wrong [Music] it's an obsession that is much too strong [Music] i know us still feels strong [Music] i want you to know that with you i feel hope [Music] so we are mostly set up and i want to show you really quick the last minute things that i think are important that people often overlook and that is a space behind your table where you can organize things like your mask your bags my coffee i always have coffee and some sanitizer and my float this is always great to have and here's my book for the slow times and then also you want to make sure that you have space on your tables for customers to set their own purses down or their wallets down you'll be surprised at how valuable this space will be for people who have a lot of things that they're carrying so it's always a good thing to do and here are my business cards using that ikea soap dish that i was talking about you can see how they're pretty secure and almost windproof and customers can easily pick up a card if they need to and everything has their price very clearly marked and here are my soaps nicely displayed i want to have the appearance of a very full display so that's why i like to spread them out a little bit and a little tip too if you have other products in the same scent try putting them next to each other because you'll find that if people like grapefruit they'll see a grapefruit body butter next to it and be like you know what i'll buy both so that's what i try to do here there's a french lavender lotion over there and here are my candles and here are my bath bombs all nicely displayed um i we try to put the sunshade up to block the sun but that's obviously not working so well here so i'm going to put the bath bombs that if they were to fade a little bit it's not going to matter too much it's not going to look too different and the ones that are very susceptible to fading like my cherry bombs i put them here in the corner but this is the display and these are the tins that we got from the dollar store but look how beautiful everything looks all together wow it is amazing how easy and affordable displays can be and here are our jars our body butters sugar scrubs and here are lip balms as well and i got these jars from the dollar store and they're pretty uh pretty solid they're sitting on their lids so that's what keeps them secure and i have strategy with these lip balms i like to put the more adult ones up here and if there's more kid-friendly ones i like to put them down at the bottom and that has helped me sell a few lip balms so just a pro tip when it comes to that this is the display so it's the first hour and we've made a few sales we've made about 35 worth of sales and that's how it is this particular market is super slow in the beginning and then it just really revs up and as you can see it's starting to get a little windy so be prepared for wind when you are vending another reason why weights at the base of your tent is super important and for those curious this tent is actually a 10 by 10 foot tent which is pretty standard when it comes to vending outdoors so if you didn't watch my getting ready for a farmer's market video i mentioned that these guys are not wind friendly and yeah the wind is kicking up and this guy keeps falling down so when it comes to that we have this sticky tack to the rescue and you only need a small piece you take a little bit like this stick it to the back of your of your sign and we stick it right onto the wooden risers and it does get a little bit messy but [Music] it sticks pretty well and that should be that should stay a little bit better for those of you that are really discouraged about farmers markets and vending in person in general here is a wild story for you i just had a customer that um came in and spent almost 100 in one order and that customer met me in an event that i did about two years ago when i first started vending so you guys never know where your next big sale is going to come from and that's the big point about vending and farmers markets is to putting is to put yourself out there so that people can find you and know about your business and the more people know about you the more chances your business will grow and another thing about that hundred dollar order that i wanted to mention real quick she paid with credits so if you're gonna be doing farmers markets or events get that square reader guys because that would have been 100 out the door if i didn't have an ability for her to pay with credit or debit so another tip i like to keep a full looking table so when i start to get something that's starting to run low like over here are watermelon bath bombs i like to move them over to another tin and just get rid of the 110 so that i keep a pretty full looking setup [Music] so the market is winding down and in terms of sales we had a pretty great day today last week was better um last week we almost sold out of bath bombs and this week we are still there's still many left sold a lot of candles though we only have three candles left so it goes to show that you can really not predict how a market will go it could be so different and even though we have lots of bath bombs left we still were able to make a great amount of money and we we love it we just love being out here and getting to speak with our customers face to face there's nothing like it and we will we will show you guys how we tear down everything it's pretty straightforward and we've done it so many times now that we do it pretty quickly so i'll show you guys how we do that right [Music] now [Music] highest [Music] no regrets [Music] so guys i was in the process of filming my tear down but i had to stop because my tent actually started to blow away in the wind and this is why having a great sturdy tent and weights is so important because as soon as a big gust of wind comes and you don't have proper weights or your tent is broken like ours is that'll send a flying and we also had that wall that was blocking the sun out for a bit and that acted as a sail so two years of ending we still are making mistakes like that we have to buy a new tent because we are definitely going to be doing more farmers markets for the season and it's just a start so that is on our to-do list kayla's finishing up right now he's going around doing his duties as a market manager we're gonna go home we're gonna count the money and we'll let you know how he did so we're back it is now night time because we actually got home and we were so tired that we actually took a nap and did a few other things but we are now at the part where we're going to be counting the money and we want to let you guys know how we did so let's go ahead and do that so i had 59 coins so 2.79 15 59 in points okay fifty nine dollars 275 here so that's 275 and 53 25 so uh another nine is 334 in cash sorry 394 334. cash and how much were it was the debit and credit sales 371 i'm gonna double check that here card sales were 371 plus 334 which gives us a grand total of seven hundred and five dollars and our table fee was how much kale um 32 32 so yeah this is a pretty good day for us back when we first started vending at this particular farmers market it was typical of us to get maybe 200 in sales 300 in sales and after just a couple of years doing this market we've now grown a following to the point where we're able to make some pretty good money so i would say that when it comes to farmers markets sticking it out and showing it up as often as you can is probably the key to that market because even if you don't do well even if people don't buy your stuff it's such a great learning opportunity to see what you can do to get people to start buying things and i think that will be the next farmers market video is the strategies that we've um applied in order to get sales to go up because i i did say that the secret is showing up but there are also other things that we've learned over time so if you are interested in knowing about that kind of stuff about specific farmer's market sales strategies let us know in the comments below and if any of you guys have any farmer's markets tips and and tricks that you guys want to share with everyone else please let us know in the comments below as well yeah i would consider the uh today and the previous week that we were at the same market um which was a little bit higher total very good days um we also have to consider this is a long hard day's work yeah i was up at 4 20 this morning you were up at 4 at 4 45 or so yeah we were up pretty late or sorry i was up pretty late yeah you were up really late and then up early ended up early yeah yeah i went to bed a little bit before you uh but like these are these are just long days and uh it's a lot of work that goes into it we come home exhausted we come home pooped so um a lot of time out in the sun and uh and it takes it out of you yeah and sometimes you'll go and disasters will happen like your tent crashing down on you and blowing away and that's all the stuff that you have to be prepared for so it's not it's not a easy money let's just put it that way but i think it's totally worth it to get to know your local customer base and to develop that one-on-one personal relationship with their customers and that's something that you just cannot do online um as much as you post on social media i think that's where the true value of vending in person at farmer's markets is so that is it we got such a great response from the last farmers market video and a lot of you were asking us to create more farmers market type content so here it is and like i said before we're going to keep talking about farmers markets because it is the season and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and like i mentioned before give us all of your comments down below and until the next video keep smiling keep being awesome keep making beautiful things and we will see you in the next one bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jerika Zimmerman
Views: 23,804
Rating: 4.9696589 out of 5
Keywords: how to make soap, soap making, cold process soap, cold process soap recipe, bath bomb recipe, how to make bath bombs, bath bomb making, soap business, bath bomb business, make soap at home, soap diy, bath bomb diy, etsy business, small business behind the scenes, farmer's market display, selling soap at a farmer's market, farmer's market tips and tricks, how to be successful at a farmer's market
Id: g8OFb1qgfk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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