Cleaning Up The Disaster I Made

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well this might be the only sunny day this week so got here bright and early and I got a lot of trees to cut up in the front that I took down the other day I see the 350 didn't go anywhere and the 220 is still sitting right here ready to go uh pick up some logs this morning and two tanks of Chainsaw gas later I got this stuff cut up going to load it into the truck now and haul it up there [Music] front way good so these being yard trees always tend to be pretty gnarly as far as branches Galore so ended up couple logs mostly PP [Music] wood see like looks like a nice log until you pick it up and it looks like a spaghetti noodle so that one ain't no good see how crooked it is by the time you get a straight board out of it everything's gone just throw that in there put it in the junk pile and all these have so many knots in [Music] them all this is junk here hwood [Music] [Music] see I'm going to separate this out a little bit from the gnarly gnarly wood to The Not So gnarly wood [Music] that way when I load it on the truck I can kind of put that gnarlier stuff in the bottom kind of hide it in [Music] there get this cleaned up I'll probably bring the D6 over here and just push all this stuff into a [Music] pile we got a branch hide that in there too what we got here possible possible drash log Maybe [Music] I measure that just kind of what it [Music] is nice thing about the grapple is you can do this right here get them even somewhat I think I measured that one getting sidetrack [Music] oh we got this it's a heavy grapple [Music] bolt W we're going with it [Music] going with [Music] it so much junk like I said with these yard trees they just they're not like they're out in the wood so they grow so many [Music] branches and they're old so they're big just takes a lot of work but I got it I got [Music] it knock the chain off the chainsaw on that tree over there so I got a little bit more to do and uh I got three more trees to cut [Music] up but I needed a chain I'll break [Music] [Music] this grapple definitely makes doing this right here a lot easier [Music] one more one more hiding in there that other one I decided not to cut anything I did it's just so big and nasty I don't feel like cutting 5,000 branches off for a $2 log [Music] come on there we go I got it [Music] now all right let me load this one in the truck go dump that then I'll come back and get that uh gnarly stuff [Music] [Music] that seem extra long for some reason I don't know figure it out quick spinning that was about all that grapple wanted to grab well got a full load I'm going walk or drive up there and dump it out come back and get uh these right here then I take the D6 and push all that brush up here and clean up the front yard back up here and dump load of stumps out going kind of put all these right here and then I come through there with the 350 in the stumper and just kind of break them up a little bit throw them onto the burn pile just trying to get some stuff up here I don't know if I'm going to burn if it does rain just because well I guess I could got plenty of stuff no shortage of brush and stumps that is for dang sure we'll see let's go get another load of dumps let's clean up few more pieces of wood here and to go dump this load out that'll be everything all the pine trees I still got like two or three over there that I need to cut up but I'm going to work on cleaning some of this stuff up up now and uh there's a lot of rain coming this week hopefully we can get some of this pulp wood out of here before it gets too wet just have to uh wait and wait and [Music] see got one more load up there these big trees they got a couple logs out of it I want to come over here with the [Music] 350 break these stumps off put the stumper get a little dirt off those that's a bit ridiculous on the dirt [Music] this is the customer 160 if you remember I tried out the uh he had a Hyundai 160 and a deer 160 out here last year and he wanted me to come give his opin on it and I ended up picking the John Deere mainly because it had the garden and everything on it uh for clearing cuz I knew that he was going to be piddling out here on the farm with it and so far I think it saved the uh panels a couple times he ended up getting a uh it was plumbed for a thumb but it didn't have anything on it he ended up getting I think it had a coupler on it he ended up getting that progressively th in that uh clearing [Music] rake let's see I think that's pul wood a humongous knot on it and I know this one was too come here come [Music] here a quite cut that all the way in half there we go got it now I got it now all right want to go dump this and then go back up to the front of the house I got another load of pulpwood get that cleaned up and then probably eat lunch jump on the D6 and no I need to get those stumps up may come down here to 350 and break some dirt off those stumps and uh then I need to load those stumps out go ahead and get those hauled up there to the burn pile and then I'm going to come down here with the D6 and just take all this stuff and kind of get it condensed into uh some piles to easy easily load out and just kind of clean some stuff up for today all right I'll be back after I dump that got the D6 going I'm just go down there and push up some brush kind of rake over everything and get some stuff cleaned up w oh w this on oh [Music] so yeah oh d [Music] now [Applause] well got a lot of brush pushed up with the Dozer and a lot rake down here I'm going to uh jump on the 350 now and go knock some dirt off some of those big stumps come back grab the 220 and what I'm going to try to do is haul as many loads of stumps up here to the burn pile as I can to finish out today that way they're all up there and if I do decide to burn um all the Heavy Hauling is kind of already up here and I'm not having to drive all in this mud back here all right got the 350 going here and come down here to all these stumps and I'm taking it with the stumper and going through here and get some more dirt off of them that way I can go ahead and load these things out take them up there to the burn pile does work pretty good to let them sit here and dry and then you can just kind of sit here [Music] and break them up a little bit surprisingly they really don't break too good you know I guess when they're in the ground uh you're ripping on them you can pull them apart a little bit better but I tried that big popper stump that come out from behind the house and I couldn't get the dang thing uh to split I guess it's going to go in the fire hole just burn it from there at least get some of this stuff cleaned up here today and it won't look like a total war zone oh here's a big old gum stump there's a lot of dirt on here that might be as good as that one's going to get so many roots a lot of times you just have to uh put them in the fire and let them burn down and then take them out and pick them up and drop them again to get the rest off these pine stumps right here all clean up pretty good though he it doesn't look like a whole lot of dirt comes off until you see excavator bucket full of dirt on the ground and you're like huh there was a lot in there rest to come out when I dump it out the dump truck look at all those roots you can definitely see right here on the side where I cut through it with the uh excavator cuz everything else still got all the little roots and that's just sheared right off guess we'll find out if the uh 220 will pick this one up or not that grapple is nice but it just doesn't grab big stumps like this very good definitely more force with the uh the bucket and thumb when it comes to grabbing stuff all right I'm going to go and knock some more dirt off a few more stumps and then go ahead and load up all these into the dump truck and all into the burn pile let's get some stumps in the truck I've already hauled two loads and this will be load number three if I can get it picked up wowers it's a heavy [Music] stump this fit there we go I got it [Music] now [Music] one I can't pick up those big popper stumps I tried this machine just won't pick them [Music] up see is that going to stay right there maybe maybe so I like that better I don't know if it'll it wouldn't pick it up with a grapple it might pick it up with the bucket and thumb I'm not 100% sure though that thing is [Music] heavy it lost leing [Music] gra a few roots to finish the load out with [Music] I'll say that's a full load let's go dump that out come back get some more steps [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's been a good day today I went up front and got all those trees cut up and cleaned up all the stumps out of there all the brush pod up into a pile and Drug all that wood up there so it can be loaded out come in here got all these stumps up um all this brush lot LS just a lot of stuff it adds up and uh just came over here with the D6 kind of R through it just got majority of stuff pushed over here where it's a little bit easier to get to and uh you can kind of start seeing the backyard opening up here now I don't know if I'm going to burn or not if I do burn I got plenty of stuff to burn but one next time I focus on clearing some more come back in here and start working on that stuff back around in there kind of getting all that opened up in there and then I also have several trees up in there to take down as well so all that brush over there still got to be cleaned up a lot of stuff to do but definitely uh making good work of it
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 110,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, caterpillar, crawler, loader, farm, farmer, farming, house, lot, pickup, truck, trailer, logging, logger, chainsaw, pushing, burn, pile, tree, removal, bobcat, grading, heavy, construction, equipment, pond, rehab, cleanup, building, hauling, brush, bucket, dumping, stumper, land, clearing, stumping, lowboy, pipe, driveway, install, road, silt, draining, busting, abandoned, new, machine, 350E, unloading, grapple, thumb, haul
Id: iWUaRbBbeFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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