My New Just Works™ Linux Distro (its Artix btw)

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as some of you long-term viewers of the channel know i use multiple gnu linux distros on a daily basis at work we have some headless servers that are running debian or centos at home i usually jump between easy just works linux mint and gentoo which isn't always so stable at least for video production and editing but that's because i like to do some pretty crazy configs on that machine that tend to break those larger programs but recently i added another linux distro to the fold archlinux which is what i decided to use for my tor relay slash i2p router because arch had the most recent versions of those packages and its repos if it wasn't for that then i probably would have just installed debian stable to it as i originally intended to because i'm much more familiar with that from work and from using linux mint since it is based on debian so because i was less familiar with using arch i was expecting it to be much more tedious to deploy than a headless debian box which i'm so much more experienced with and the last time that i used arch it was really more of a build it yourself distro which you would have to follow the archwiki or you would just have to go from your memory to setup arch but recently they added the arch installer which makes setting up arch so quick and easy of course this made some people who like to brag about installing arch as if it's something special a little bit upset but i never really cared about that and if i did want to feel like an elitist i could just boot into my crazy optimized gen 2 machine so that got me thinking why don't i just use an archbase distro as my just works distro i think it makes a lot more sense especially since i'm creating a lot of content that is aimed at linux users who are probably using archbase distros themselves whether you decide to use arch linux or artix linux like i'm using here or manjaro we're all using the same package manager and we all have access to the aur so it should make my videos much easier to follow especially whenever you have to install something also the documentation that exists on arch linux is really good so good in fact that if you've ever had any issues on any linux distros you've probably ended up either on the archwiki or the arch forums to find the solution to it and the solution was probably pretty good i can't tell you how many times i've seen solutions not real solutions to things on the ubuntu forums that tell people oh just use a different program if this one doesn't work which is the laziest kind of solution i've ever heard if you're asking for how to use a specific program chances are you want to use that specific program you aren't going to get that on the arch forums which you might get instead though is a lot of people telling you to go read the archwiki because in all honesty the answer to your question is probably in there and like i said at the beginning a lot of arch users tend to be elitist like i'm not making up the fact that some people were upset about arch install and i guess having a successfully installed arch linux being some sort of achievement essentially being removed by one little program but either way if you don't like their vibe you could always go ask your question on the manjaro forum because manjaro and arch they're basically the same destro it's just that manjaro is even easier to set up especially if you don't know every single program that you want to install off the top of your head or if using the command line still freaks you out because most editions of manjaro have pamac installed on them which is just a gooey front end for pac-man that lets you manage packages and repositories without having to use the command line for it but like i've always said you really should become familiar with the command line just for the sake of computer literacy if anything else even if you don't want to use linux if you want to just use mac os or windows even chrome os they all have a command line and those of you who know how to use it are much more powerful and much more efficient on their computers especially when it comes to installing programs you can make that a five-second job like let's say if you're in setting up a new computer installing packages on linux if you know how to use the command line is going to take you five seconds of actual work whereas to do it on windows or to do it even on linux if you don't know how to use the command line that might take you 45 minutes to set up all of your packages so yeah if you're thinking of installing your first linux distro why not give arch or one of its cousins a try if i had to rank them from hardest to install to easiest i would probably actually still rank arch as the hardest since you still have to run the arch install program from the command line as far as i know that's all that really is available to download is just the arch base install you can see that the iso is only 850 megabytes so it doesn't really come with a pre-set up desktop environment or anything like that artix i would probably put in the middle because you actually can get it with a desktop environment if we go to download so you can see here that they have the base which is pretty much like arch except one difference between artix and arch and pretty much the reason i decided to use it is that it doesn't make you use systemd you can use alternative uh its systems if you want but yeah you could do cinnamon desktop environment you could do xfce which is what i've got here so you don't have to necessarily install it through the command line because these are going to give you a gui to install the operating system now to install packages you're still going to have to do that from the command line because these don't come with pamac installed and then of course the easiest is manjaro because you can sort of avoid the command line in it it's it's almost inevitable that you're going to have to use the command line in linux so it's not something you couldn't put off forever but manjaro gives you a lot more training wheels with using linux and if you're confused about desktop environments if you're seeing all of this stuff like oh cinnamon or mate lxqt lxde what are all of these things you can just go to your favorite search engine and just plug it right into there into the image search and look up what they look like they're just different desktop environments and even then you can customize them further but just pick whichever one looks the closest to how you want your desktop to look don't think about it too much or if you want to get a review on them you can look for a review by distro tube on them i think he's probably reviewed every single one of these different desktop environments and every single one of these linux distros as well and one other thing that you should do to prepare yourself is that i recommend watching some videos of people installing manjaro or whatever distro you're going to go with and do some research of what programs you're going to use because certain things like photoshop or adobe premiere don't work in linux microsoft office isn't available at least not the offline version but there are alternatives to those softwares like kdnlive and libreoffice respectively try them out on windows or mac os before switching to linux and make sure that you can actually use them but the point is in current year it's actually pretty easy to install and use arch by the way
Channel: Mental Outlaw
Views: 141,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mental Outlaw, mental, outlaw, arch, arch linux, artix, how to install arch linux, arch linux installer, artix linux installer, linux, computers, tech, technology
Id: wps1eLyXlzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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