My New DR Horton Home - Home Inspector Finds Over 30 Problems!

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hey what's going on everybody Jason here welcome to my channel today's video I'm going to show you all the process I'm going through about possibly purchasing a DR Horton home um I have been looking at this home for a little while and just did decide to put an offer in on it got things worked out where we're at right now is I just had a home inspection done so I know probably a lot of you are curious about what the home inspector found um I do know DR Horton has a lot of negatives uh comments when you look them up on the line but online but what I found out is if you actually hire a home inspector and do your due diligence and get a good home inspector you can alleviate a lot of those issues and potentially get a really good Dr Bill uh DR Horton built home um mine is in Alabama so it from what I understand it's really about all depending on who can they subcontract everything to whether you're going to get a solid get home or not I will tell you that there was one big thing my home inspector found that is still potential really could be a deal breaker for me and I could walk away from this home but what I'm going to show you today is I'm going to go show you everything on the exterior that he found of the house that that needs fixed and it's mostly cosmetic things that some of them you're going to be like why don't they just fix that in the first place um I also wanted to go check with one of my neighbors because on this street there's only about three or four houses that are occupied so I was going to go them and see how they're um see if they enjoyed their house uh or how the experience went I don't know what's going on but the house right across from me has a bunch of people there and I didn't even think that that house was sold so I don't know if I'll walk over there or not but let's uh let's get out and kind of walk through the the exterior house so also to kind of tell you what I did on this house I um I not only did a home inspection and when I did a home inspection I caught a bunch of different Home Inspection folks and asked them have they um inspected your homes before and then also ask them um how um you know how thorough they are you know how long did they take and I settled on a guy that told me he usually stays five to six hours the guy at home inspector was awesome he actually stayed uh six hours at the at the house yesterday and um he found so much a lot of most of his cosmetic um which Daryl Horton will fix but still it's pretty cool that he took that long that's what you want when you're buying a home um you want to go into it thinking the worst and hopefully the inspector doesn't find that much and I stayed here the entire time I made sure that when he found something he was like hey I found something over here um and I also had a mold test done um now the mold test the air quality that they're testing is still going to be uh sent off and I haven't got the results back on that but the mole guy said everything looks solid on the house from his perspective um and then I'm also doing a radon test which is why we can't really go inside today because the radon um equipment's inside and they're doing a radon test but let me get out and see uh this must be an open house over here I'm not real sure but let me get out and we'll we'll go to we'll go take a look at the house stud give you an idea this this house is four bed this house is four bedrooms two baths about 1500 square foot and it does have a two-car garage and I'll give you I'll show it to you in just a second all right I'm happy to do a voiceover because the wind was so bad this day you couldn't understand what I was saying but again this is a four bedroom two bath house about 1500 square feet two car garage there on the side which I really do like the first issue we're about to come up on is here in the front of the house if you look right here closely you can see that there's gaps where the brick meet this little siding and those should be caulked um and they weren't and we found a bunch of them all along the front of the house as you can see there's a beta caulk sealing the window but they didn't seal the rest of it so that'll be something easy DR Horton can go back and fix now let's look up top at the trim you see that little piece of trim hanging off there another piece over there that should all be one piece and I'll look fluid we'll look at the other side here in a minute they did the same thing to it but that just looks just doesn't look good and it's really just kind of poor craftsmanship there uh not going back and fixing that if you look on this side um of the entryway that is nice and sealed and painted but let's walk around to the other side and again this is one of those things I just don't understand how they walked away and missed this that's not sealed you got board showing and it's not painted either so uh to go for it and of course we'll come back and fix that but again these are all things that I didn't notice that my home inspector noticed and pointed out okay so up top here is the same as the other side if you look there's these multiple pieces of trim that they kind of patch together and really that should all be one piece it shouldn't look like that so again that's something that Dr Horton will take care of for me but it's something that I didn't notice when I first purchased a house I did have good letters put on my house that is one thing Dior Horton they allow you to get either gutters refrigerator washer and dryer um I think there's one other thing but I chose gutters because that was the most expensive item so I did go ahead and have those put on the house and I also paid for the blinds they uh did my whole house for eighteen hundred dollars another issue here is right here under this windowsill you can see a gap right there there should be no gaps in your windowsill so we'll have to get them to sell all that again that's just things to keep in your house protected from water here's the AC unit actually on the inside the heat did not work even though this is a brand new house brand new unit the heat did not work so they will get that fixed they do already have the termite um little forget what you call those but they have the termite things in the ground um so they've got those all around the house there's a water spout there here on the back we have a piece of cracked concrete that broke off and we also have a pretty large crack going through the center DR Horton will not fix cracks and concrete unless they're over a fourth of an inch thick so just something to keep in mind here is the back door so if you look over here on the corner of the roof there's a shingle that's flipped up they've actually already fixed that but the person putting in the gutters um caused that to happen that they have fixed that if you look over here this is a reason I love this lot in this house I have no neighbor right there no neighbor will ever be able to build right there and then if you look behind here there's not a house just directly behind me if you drive in these DR Horton and large Builder neighborhoods usually you get somebody a few feet behind you and there's your neighbor this one you've got a nice grassy area and a decent amount of distance between me and the people behind me so I do like that so that was definitely a big feature this house was the lot that this one is sitting on back here is the subdivision that was built in 2020 that you can see um I'm in phase three being built in 2023 so those are about three years old back there I did drive around and ask some of the folks in that neighborhood have they had any major issues with their house they all said no so just another way of me making sure that my house that the Builder who's building these houses are doing a good job you can't can't ask too many questions also going on Facebook and uh going in to the city that your house is being built in by DR Horton and asking folks who already lived there if they've had any issues is another good tip uh here this just needs to be screwed on I try to put it back on but I couldn't and when I did my walk through the other day the DR Horton guy said that actually needs to be screwed on to the bottom it shouldn't be left like that um but really there's not a whole lot of issues over here on the side of the house I am going to show you a few things that might be a little unique to mine um right here which what I'm about to show you is going to be where your sewage and your water and everything come out this is a holding tank and when it reaches a certain level it's grinded up and then they shoot it out to the sewage system for the city so I thought that was kind of neat I never actually seen anything like that before but again the wind's blowing really bad blowing these little and these little plastic things that the water goes into out of the way all right so the exterior of the roof was good um there was one thing that needed to be caulked up there that they didn't caulk and they also didn't sweep off the loose shingles from when they were cutting shingles and laying the roof as you can see over here here's some loose shingles so they'll go ahead and and clean that up and get that ready to go so that is really about everything on the outside there's one major issue in the Attic that we will go over um here towards the end of the video but for now I'm just showing you a little bit more of the house but let me uh let's switch over to the inside I've got pictures of the inside from my home inspector and let's go over the issues that were found there okay here in the garage real quick as you can see there's a crack in the concrete again it's not over a fourth of an inch thick so DR Horton will not fix that my understanding with concrete is it's not if it's cracked is when it's going to crack because concrete always does cracks so nothing we can do there here you can see where the hot water heater the copper pipes coming out they just need to caulk that in you should have any open holes like that but he's again something I didn't notice now we go into the master bathroom just need a little caulk above the light switch again a lot of these are small cosmetic things but you want them fixed when you're buying a brand new home you don't want to buy a brand new home and have little things here and there that need to be fixed the next one is up here in the shower there's little gaps all around the shower that need to be caulked here is a pretty big issue when you open the master bathroom door it slams into the glass shower door and if the glass shower door is open you have a really big Collision there so what I was told by DR Horton is they actually will not fix that they just suggest that I get some door stops for the top of the door to keep it from opening that far and crashing into the shower another door issue here coming from the garage um going into that is a bedroom where the door is shut there the garage door actually hits that bedroom door so again just putting a door stop above it to keep it from opening all the way we'll fix that next uh this door opens up into the air conditioner and below the floor there there's a huge gap so they need to fill that in so that doesn't chip off and break in the master bedroom the carpet was coming up at the front that could become a bigger issue as time goes on but they will fix that and get that carpet down securely now we'll go into the washer and dryer as you can see the dryer vent over here that vent is actually bent so they need to replace that whole surrounding and then over to the right where your hot and cold water goes as you can see on the floor the little uh face facing for that has fallen off and then here's just another picture of that vent being bent just a better angle okay now on to the potential major issue that the home inspector found so at what we're looking in the attic here where I'm pointing to here this is OSB board and this OSB board up here that's silver is supposed to be nailed securely to this piece of board that you see running across here and it's nailed from the roof down or from the top down and as you can see they completely missed the board they missed it in multiple places here and I'll show you some pictures where they missed it in other places the problem is is my home inspector could not tell me for sure if the people putting the OSB board on the house saw their error and went back and corrected it so it was kind of up in debate let me show you a few more pictures so here's another one that's more up close one kind of barely hit over there and then that other one is like way off you're not even close to hitting the board so the concern is is that the boards he said about 25 to 40 percent of the boards had you know four or five Nails some even had 15 nails that didn't hit the the truss right there and the problem with that is is that that board is not stable and it's not secure on the roof because the OSB board goes down and then your your roofing shingles go over the top of that again I'm not a builder so if I'm messing up some of this terminology I do apologize so what we had happen um well let's take a look at this other one here's one I can see one two three four in this picture where they totally missed the trust there so I informed Dr heart important of my concerns DR Horton did send a framing supervisor out who went up in the attic claims he pushed up on every single board because the only way you can figure out if these boards are not secures by taking like a pry bar and just kind of pushing up on the on the plywood or OSB board and if it bounces up and down you know that it's not secure and the only way to fix it is they gotta rip off the roofing shingles and re-nail that uh the board back down to the to the trusses there he claims they checked every single one and then it was all good I was going to bring out my own third party framing inspector to double check and make sure that they weren't just basically lying to me but unfortunately I was told by DR Horton that I can bring a home inspector but I'm not allowed to bring any type of specialist folks uh because it goes against their corporate policy I guess according to DR Horton if the uh you know if everything clears through their framing supervisor then it's good but there is also a caveat to it too so if I go ahead and purchase the home and move into this house and I have a framing specialist that I know go up in the attic and check everything if I can still have it fixed if he goes up there and he found he finds boards bouncing around I can take videos of that I can call Dr Horton and they will fix it because on my new DR Horton home I get a one year got almost like a bumper to bumper warranty where they'll fix anything that needs to be fixed beside the appliances the appliances you actually register those through the companies they're made through which minor Whirlpool but they will come out and fix any structural or anything that you have you also get 10 years warranty on any major structural defects so basically I'm probably going to go ahead and move forward with my closing on this house and then I'm going to have a framing supervisor come out check the roof make sure that we're good and if he finds anything that I'll be filing a claim with Dr Horton to get it fixed so overall so far my sales guy's been great uh the superintendent on site's been great everybody's been super nice to me answered any questions I had and I've been very very happy with the process so far I'm not happy that I wasn't able to bring out a framing supervisor I still don't understand that and that still deters me I'm going to tell you about a couple other items that we didn't get on the picture in pictures that uh is currently uh wrong with the house okay I'll show you a few pictures of the houses I'll tell you about just a couple other issues that we found that for some reason I could not find the pictures of one was the bedroom four which is very small I'm going to use it as an office the the door that opens up to go into the bedroom will only open about 80 percent of the way because it hits the closet the drywall of the closet behind it so they're actually going to have to potentially rip out that entire closet rebuild it to the size it was supposed to be and re-carpet it redo everything but again that's their mistake their DR Horton is fixing it the other one there was some weather strip missing um around the front door you can see gaps of light coming through and of course you don't want any uh type of air coming through you want to you want that um closed up so they will fix that but other than that everything else has been fine let me know in the comments if you bought a DR Horton home and what your experience was also if you will please like comment share the video I would greatly appreciate it I hope everybody enjoyed this video I will keep you all up to date on my journey and let you know how it goes if I do I probably am going to buy the house so I'll let you know uh one month and you know six months later how the house is doing all right I hope everybody has a great day thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Money Hungry Picker
Views: 63,500
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Id: GFAycAbeP0I
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Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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