1 Year Update on My DR Horton House! Disastrous? What issues I had and did DR Horton fix them?

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[Applause] [Music] hey what's going on everybody Jason here welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm going to give you a oneyear update on my DR Horton home I did purchase a DR Horton home and we are right at one year so I want to give you an update uh on how things are going I'll let you know if I this was a disastrous purchase if I regret it like every day of my life or if I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out so if you didn't see the first video I'll link it below in the description the first video is right when I was trying to decide whether I was going to buy the house or not um and I actually already had a home inspection and it found a bunch of things that needed to be fixed so if you hadn't seen that video uh check that out it be down in the description box all right so one thing before we jump in I wanted to cover was the last video got a ton of views and a ton of comments which I do appreciate I would say 99% of the comments was like Jason don't buy that house run as far as way as you can and I understand why people were saying that cuz if you look at Dr Horton's reviews uh on any any website they're just absolutely horrendous so yeah let's just jump right in so the the first thing that I didn't like was actually at closing so when I decided to purchase home on the closing date I went everything was going fine at closing um no surprises but the and I think this is why they saved this to the very end but the very last thing they went over made me extremely upset like I was I mean I wasn't going to not buy the house but I I was I was not happy with it so part of the selling point to this house was that it comes with a smart home package you get a front door camera you get this nice little computer thing installed in the hallway um your it'll open and close your garage it'll unlock your front door cu the front door has a like a Wi-Fi lock to it so it has all these really cool features that I was excited to have but it closing they told me that if I do not purchase a package from ADT who I guess kind of does all this stuff that after 3 years everything was shut down and not working anymore so I was really upset about that I'm like no I don't need a package from ad I got you know ring alarm system I'm not paying them for a monthly fee uh to monitor the home so that was the first thing that really made me mad uh really got upset about that I felt like it was one of these bait and switch things or like hey you get this nice smart home package and then only you know they didn't tell you the part that you had to sign up for a monthly fee um or monthly subscription before it'll actually work properly so yeah not real happy about that so what I did I just I had them come out and install everything and then I just took their uh front door camera down and put my own up and I left the uh the other items there oh the other thing it does it'll turn some of your lights on and off so there just several really cool things that I liked about it but I've got my ring up and happy with it but I did let them know in the closing I felt like that was like a bait and switch type thing and that's why they saved it to to the end after you had signed all the paperwork to uh to give you that uh that bad information so that was closing all right let's talk about the first night I was here so it wasn't a good night the very first night that I was here after buying the home it was about 12:00 at night and I'm back in my bedroom still unpacking boxes trying to get things um organized and I start hearing this alarm go off and it almost sounds like one of those older digital watches where it's like beep beep beep and it won't stop and uh so I started looking around my bedroom like did do I have an old digital watch in in one of my boxes and I'm digging through everything looking under the bed do that for like 30 45 minutes then I start I put my ear up to the wall cuz my bedroom the wall is the other side of the wall is is outside so I start listening I'm like that's coming from outside and then I remembered so what Dr Hort does is before you close in your house the general contractor will walk the whole house with you and tell you like little maintenance things like hey you should pour Clorox down your air conditioner drain um pump whatever it is uh you know once a month and you know they just tell you different little things like that and one of the things I remember them telling me was my house is set up with a pump for your um I guess dirty water and toilet uh and when you flush the toilet that all goes out to like this holding tank right outside my bedroom and when it reaches a certain level the pump cups on grinds it up and shoots it out to the Sewer I guess the the sewer was a little bit too far away and and that was required uh for us to be able to get on the the city sewer so I remember him sh me there was an alarm out there that if that thing ever got what the pump wasn't working it would the alarm would go off and that I needed to immediately you know let somebody know so my very first night that alarm is already going off so uh I'll go out there and shut it off um cuz he did show me where the the stop button was in case it it ever goes off and um then when got back inside I noticed there's like a buzzing noise and it was coming from the electrical box and I'm like what is that buzzing noise so I'm like okay well I got two things here to to report to him but luckily I was able to go to sleep because I silenced the alarm so the next day the guy came out for the uh well first of all electrician came out for the buzzing so so I put in a ticket and also I had the phone number to the general contractor and I called him and told him what happened my first night and he immediately got on the phone with the electricians and the people that do the pump got both of them out here but the electrician showed up first and they literally couldn't figure out what it was they changed out some breakers put some new ones in and they're like hey try this see if it works and like literally 5 minutes after they left it's buzzing again so I'm like that didn't work so then the uh the pump guy comes out and the pump's dead I'm like well how's a brand new pump that you know was just installed dead but doesn't matter it was dead he replaced it and the electricians were out at the same time because they were trying to figure out the buzzing sound again they came right back out that same day um and and then lo and behold when the guy fixed the pump um the breaker started working so it was obviously the breaker for the pump that was buzzing because the pump wasn't working so either way both of those items got fixed happy about that but uh and I knew moving into the house or might brand new home there might be some little things here and there as long as you know my roof wasn't falling in or anything crazy I'm you know I'm okay going through a few of these all right so I got a list over here of of other things that I wanted to to kind of tell you all about all right so probably the one that really frustrated me the most was my smoke alarms so right after I bought the house like a month later I'm laying in bed to asleep and at 3:00 in the morning my smoke detectors start going off all of them wakes me up scares me half to death I'm like dang is my house on fire what's going on here I don't smell smoke don't see anything so I'm like all right something and the smoke detectors were going off they go off for like 20 seconds and then stop and then a couple minutes later they would start doing it again so um it was very very annoying so call you know filled out a ticket for Dr Horton and got the t uh they responded within 24 hours so all of my tickets that I've had through DR Horton where I've had an issue they have always responded within 24 to 48 hours except for one and we'll talk about that in a minute so anyway the alarm people came out here they replaced a couple or the smoke detector people came out and they replaced a couple of the smoke detectors and um it seemed to work for another month and then they started doing it again um so I call back they sent another person out he replaced a couple more did a few things like okay you should be good four months four I think it was four or five months later they started doing it again so I started getting frustrated I put in another ticket and I put in the comments that hey my one-year warranty is about to run out on this stuff I need somebody to fix this and DR Horton picked up the phone the customer service folks or whoever it was the warranty people picked up the phone and called me and was like Hey we're going to get this fixed I'm so sorry this keeps happening I do see you this is like your third ticket you put in for this same uh issue and she's like I just wanted to apologize to you but we will be sending a supervisor uh from the company that installed the smoke alarms out there so they sent this supervisor guy out he was really good he changed every single one of them and just put brand new ones up and that's been like I think a month or two ago and I haven't had any issues so fingers crossed that's not going to happen anymore um and that was probably one of the biggest issues I had that was just it was frustrating and every time they went off it was 3: in the morning and woke me up um the next thing we have is so I had a bunch of ghost doors if you're not familiar with ghost doors that's when you open the door to like your bedroom and it slowly like halfway closes or closes all the way like they came out and fixed that the same day that I put the ticket in on that like he came out just did a couple little things and don't have those um issues anymore so I know a lot of y'all are probably curious about the roof um we did have somebody come out and inspect it after I uh closed and it was fine thank goodness they pushed up on a bunch of the boards OSB boards none were bouncing they said they were all solid it just looked like the people that were nailing it missed the boards but they did come back and hit them so they obviously noticed it so luckily the roof is secure and safe that was one of my bigger concerns when I bought the house so that that really uh that really ended up working out okay so the one item that and and there's probably other little items I can't remember that I may have had to file reports on but DR Horton again came out within 48 Hours on all of them and made sure that they had them fix so you know so far I'm pretty happy with uh with what they've done on on the things that I've had but one thing that they did not repair was the side so when after I moved in the home I just kept noticing there's big patches of dead side that didn't take and uh from my research that does happen you know there's going to be places where the side doesn't take so I filed a report on that didn't hear anything so I filed a report on the side and never heard anything back so I decided just to call the General contractor cuz I had his phone number um and told him hey man what's the de with my side he's like honestly that side is going to be fine by the by the you know end of the summer it's just because it's brand new he goes the the side they put down it the the good side over here will overtake the bad side over here and your grass will look perfect you know probably by the middle end of the summer so I'm like I don't know if I like that answer this is Dead s I want it fixed but I did have a a guy that camp comes out that uh fertilizes my grass uh you know I think like five times a year and he told told me the same thing he said you're going to be fine this good grass will overtake the bad grass and it'll look great he said just unfortunately your yard's not going to look good until the end of the summer but it was like nobody's yard on this street looks good because it's all fresh side that was put down so sure enough by the end of the summer my entire grass was green I had no bare spots and it looked amazing so you know a little disappointed they didn't come out about that um but we did get it fixed another issue I had that just reminded me um one of the internet providers came into the development late to lay their fiber optics for internet and when they laid them they ended up having to rip up part of my yard and they didn't replace it they didn't fix it it left a bunch of dirt there so uh I got in touch with the general contractor again he got in touch with that company they apologized said they would come out and repair it they never did um but again that grass just grew right back over it and it's looks perfect now so I guess it's some amazing grass that that Dr puts down um so those are really the only issues I've had with the house they've all been pretty much cosmetic you know easy things to deal with I haven't had any major major issues um so I'm very very fortunate I think maybe with the what I did before I bought the home um you know doing all those inspections going and talking to the neighborhood behind me that was built like a year or two ago asking those people if they were having problems man I think of you do your due diligence get you a good um home inspector maybe even start you know buy your home while it's being built by DR Horton so you can watch the different phases you know go up and uh maybe have somebody who's knowledgeable come out there and be like yeah this all looks good or no they they shouldn't have done that um I think you would be fine I think for Dr Horton it sounds like to me that they uh they know they have a bad reputation and they're trying to do everything they can to make it make it better and for me I'm you know in the end I'm pretty happy with it so cuz I was very nervous going in I thought hey this is probably a bad idea buying a DR Horton home and it might still be but a year in they fixed everything all right if you have any questions be sure to drop them Below in the comments be sure to like comment and share the video really appreciate [Music] it
Channel: Money Hungry Picker
Views: 1,869
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Id: ebDl6DQox4c
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Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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