The networking in our studio is pretty epically fast. I mean look at this that is 48 ports of 25 gig networking for our editors and our ingest stations not to mention these six 100 gig uplinks to our servers, but Watch this Why is my internet broken? Not again! Jake! Why does this always happen? If this one network switch ever dies or even has an issue our entire network goes down and not just here in the studio but also in the lab and here in Creator Warehouse, which is where our merch team designs our products and where I do the segue to our sponsor. Tello. Get super affordable phone plans with awesome freebies and excellent customer service from Tello. They were rated excellent by over 9,000 unbiased customer reviews on Trustpilot. Stay tuned to learn more about their custom plans. Now in fairness to Dell even though we bought this switch on eBay three years ago we've never had an outage that was caused by it or either of our other Dell switches. But the fact that it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it couldn't happen someday in the future. After all these switches are basically just really reliable fancy computers. But one reliable point of failure? That's not how we roll anymore. Mostly. This, my friends, is how it's done. Oh my god, Linus. It looks good, right? Hey, Jake helped. I just died inside. You made me feel so bad of the one I did over there. All it needs is some patch cables and it'll be good as new. Wait, they made it even better. Uh oh. I already saw it before Jake. I haven't seen it like literally at all. Yeah, it's um- Oh wow, that's- That's nice. Yeah, I mean, it's you know, it's nothing, you know, like what we did. Oh. Which is good. I mean we made like life-changing improvements. Yeah. This is really just aesthetic. It's cosmetic. Yeah. What is this? This is awful. Yeah, they've got that one cable out of place. You see them hiding back there. Boo! Yeah boo! What's this cable here? It looks like s***. It's a special cable. Boo! The question now though is not how good does ours look? How good does theirs look? That's not what anybody's interested in especially us. Right Jake? Ours is better. The question is, is it all configured correctly so that I can come in here rip the power out of this switch and the whole network stays online. Can I stand on this server? That's fine, right? I mean you're already doing it. You guys ready? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Jake, you're not gonna get more ready in the next five seconds here. We're ready. Oh my god. Ah! Okay, let's go find out. Come on. Come on, Andy. Don't cut the camera. Hey, how's your editing going? Good, see you later. I honestly have no idea if this is gonna work. You don't even work at that desk. Hi, is your computer running? It is running. Then you should go out and catch it. And that network working? Oh good. Everything was fine and nothing bad happened. That's normal, and that's what we expect. Is it actually working? I mean, it should work. Shh, Jake! What? Of course it's working. Yeah. To be clear, it's better to just have them both up. What? I'm just gonna put this back but that was pretty cool, right? That is where these come into play and I'm really excited to tell you about these new switches but before I can do that, we're gonna have to make some room in the server room. Oh, and make some room in the other server room. That one's gonna be bad. To be clear, it's not like we couldn't put the switches here. It's just that when we spec'd out this room we didn't realize we were gonna be putting such long servers into this rack and we ended up with some clearance issues with our PDU. See, look, I can't even use any of the plugs down here. Whoops. Fortunately, we have a solution this custom painted orange rack from Hammond manufacturing is both wider and significantly taller than our existing one. Is this gonna fit in the room? Oh boy, at least it looks like we have a plan. The rack goes on here and then we push it right? Yeah, those are mint, this thing weighs 350 pounds? Cool. Oh, I think this is not going to work gentlemen. New plan. We're putting it on the pallet jack and we're going outside. What could go wrong? I can't see a damn thing Oh boy, and then it goes downhill. Hold on. Well, we may want to No, go for it. I mean- It’s good, we’re good. Okay. We've done stupider things. Uh- Yeah, we've done stupider things recently. You weren't there for the 115 inch TV. Oh. That was really stupid. Since we're walking, I've got some speeds and feeds for this thing. It's basically the canyon arrow of server racks seven feet tall 30 inches wide 48 rack units and it weighs in excess of 350 pounds. That's without any hardware in it. Well, yes, I, well, that's what I asked you guys. I didn't have any plan. I planned to hire experts who would have good plans for how to do things. Oh my god. Are you sure about this? Oh, yeah, if I die, make sure you catch it on camera. Oh, uh- Yeah, yeah, we cleared just fine. No, it will clear All right, not so bad. Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Okay, stop, stop, stop. Oh okay, mister it won’t move, now says it’s moving too fast. Okay fine, go. Woooo! All right. Okay, now hold on just a gosh darn second here. Holding! How is there gonna be room to maneuver this thing in there? Is the other rack coming out? We didn’t think this through. They’re not bolted on. It’s not bolted in? No. They’re feet. So there it is right there. Defeat. Don’t scratch the paint. Hey, nice! Wow these casters though. This thing is built better than some houses. It's bigger, too. Don't step on the door. I'm not gonna step on the door, god. He’s literally stepping on the door. I'm not stepping on the door. I'm stepping on the cross braces that are- Part of the door. Well, it's door-ish. I mean look, look at this. I got my full weight on it. It's not even doing anything. We can get rid of those cage nuts immediately we'll be using rack studs available now Oi, what was that noise? What was that noise Linus? It's a good noise. And yep, there we go, this is probably enough space for the other one, right? Yeah, it should be. All right. Whoa, stopping there. Cable management. Who needs it? See, look how useful you are. One, two, three, one, two, three. Yeah, now you can go to the side. Just a bit, slowly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, they're good. Okay. Now what, you guys, it takes up the whole room. This is your new bedroom. We ready boys? Barely. Oi, hi there. Okay. Shove towards us. Moving. That's definitely the paint. I think we're gonna have a bit of a timber moment here. I'm trying to get to Dan. Okay, perfect. Okay, yep. Okay. Holy f***ing s***balls this thing is huge. Yeah, this is ridiculous. What are you guys thinking? We could have just put two racks in here if you need more rack units. Oh, we're doing that anyways. You saw the other rack, right? What other racks? There's another one. Of these? Yeah. Yeah. For where? Here. But the- But the- We’re just kidding. Look at the color on that. Wow. It's got a combination lock on the back Oh my god, there's a Dan inside. Get him out. Get him out. It is really roomy. Wait. This is the back then. It's front and back. Sort of, yeah. Yeah, this is for patch cables and stuff. Cool. Dan used nerd punch. It's as effective as it ever is. In all seriousness though, what are we planning to put in here? Are we transplanting everything? Yep. So Anniedale goes at the bottom. Switches and everything goes at the top and then that one's leaving? No that stays. Well, what's gonna go in it? That's gonna be the writer rack so that when Jake wants to mess with all of our networking gear he doesn't take down the entire lab and cost you tens of thousands of dollars a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa, I mean the cost’s not that high. Okay, there's a slight hyperbole, but you know. And there it is the real reason we're doing any of this because Jake wants a play toys rack. Because we could have made this work, I don't know this is much better. I said we could have made it work. Anniedale doesn't even fit in it. It's in it right now. Barely. Not all of it. We're gonna leave my play things in there. Which is like half of it. Oh my god. So not actually that bad. Yeah, but the networking is the worst part. That's why you have Sean and I. Yeah, I was kind of thinking we go do more fun things and just leave them to do the grunt work. Yeah, and then it'll be done properly. At least half of it will be done properly. You guys ready? Yeah Look at that. That's awesome. So easy. Almost as awesome as this switch I'm ready to tell you guys a little bit about it. This right here is the S5232F-ON. It's got 32 ports that run at 100 gigabit each of which can be split out into 425 gigabit ports It has a total switching capacity of 3.2 terabit per second half duplex So 6.4 then bidirectionally and These things are massively configurable because when I say they're gonna be the top of rack switches on both this side and over at the studio I mean They're gonna be a pair of top- Oh god, that's heavy, no, no, I got it I got it. A pair of top of rack switches because the main point of what we're doing today is to add Resiliency and redundancy to our network by the time we're done I'm gonna be able to take one of these rip the friggin power connector out of it and the whole networks gonna stay up, right? Yeah, they each have redundant power supplies. Wow 750 watts. That's not as much. I guess it's just optics There's no PoE, right? Yeah, that's a lot for not powering anything else and easily serviceable fan modules. Of course. Love it! Management. Adele? Management port and I love the rails these things come with their toolless and super easy to install These might be the easiest toolless rails I've ever used. 46 and 44. All right. Yeah This racks too tall for me to work in. This is my maximum reach. I have to tippy-toe Is this the WorkSafe approved way to do this? Oh god, oh god I can’t reach! No, I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding. I will note that he is standing on the bottom of the rack to give extra height. I am stabilizing on the bottom of the rack. And look here's a banana for scale. Yep. Linus is still short. baby. This might actually be too nice for us that's why it's Sean and I's and you get the other one Got him. The infrastructure rack and the writers rack I'm getting very close to just requisitioning this rack as my own. Man, this is a fine rack, but it has super small PP energy next to this one. This side it's gonna have its own challenges because as much as we've tried to keep things organized We're looking at about eight years of total tech debt and Frankenstein solutions Yeah, I'd like recable manage it like three years ago, but I did it a couple times before that. It always just kind of turns into spaghetti The good news is in the long term I think what we're gonna do is move everything around to the front of the rack and move the vault and Maybe some of the other servers over here to the lab side because we've got a nice fast Link that we worked out with the city between the two buildings now. Is this the part where we just start ripping stuff out? Well, Gary kind of wanted to keep internet, but too bad I guess? Our transceivers don't come out Jake. Oh god Yeah, that switch got a little bonked a long time ago and well and in transit from eBay to us. Oh great So now I get to do this to keep our fibers safe. You could just send it and I'll just clean them after. Sorry, Gary. I unplugged the internet. Update for you guys, we came up with a brilliant idea, these switches don't have a ton of VLANs configured on them But this one does because that runs a bunch of our security stuff So we figure okay if we just unplug everything Then maybe we can move this down three notches where it needs to go according to the plan without actually unplugging anything Yeah, good luck everybody. Okay, you can pull it out now. Ready? No, no, no, top one, top one. Oh sure. The top one doesn't have handles Jake. You got it? Yeah, there we go We only need one of these 48 port 10 gig switches now So we're gonna keep the original one and then we're gonna hold on to the one below it as kind of a cold spare You can pull it out, that's fine. Okay. We were a much smaller company when we configured all of this. And you're quite sure you don't support the idea of just having the other room be the main server room? Correct. Wait, you're not just knocking cage nuts into the rack, are you? A little bit. Well, Jake That came out. That's fine. Okay, other side now. Tell everyone your great idea. He hates it when I'm right, but he likes it when it saves him a bunch of work I'm sitting here going we only built from both sides of this rack because we had no space Yeah, well now we have space you just watched us install it So why don't we just move everything around to the front and then this is hilarious Remember that switch that we were super concerned about moving because of all the VLANs? Well, guess what? Haha, I just took every cable painstakingly and plugged it into a dummy switch for now And then I'm gonna pass them around to the front of the rack and I'll just be like, okay one Two and we'll rebuild it from the front if it's stupid and it works. It's not stupid Yeah, I like this because I've wanted to do this for, in February, it will have been eight years. I never did this because I liked it or I thought it was a great idea. It was always janky We just didn't have anywhere else in the studio to put rack mount equipment You know the main reason I wanted to do the mother vault aside from the old one being jank Was so we had more rack space so I could eventually do this nice. It's been a long time coming So basically fiber patch router one router two, we don't have both of them So it'll just be one of them for now. Dell, patch, Dell, patch, Dell, patch I think there will not be enough devices plugged into these two that we will need two patch panels Very likely. Only one way to find out. Do we just YOLO and hope that it goes well? Sure. Hold on! There's locks on the strain reliefs on the power and everything. Okay. All right, geez, man Okay, you're good. That's my baby. Yeah, yeah. yeah. New, new, new Whonnock four. The plan today was not to just strip this rack, but that's done now. What time is it right now? It is two o'clock. We have an hour. Let's go fast. Oh my god. We need to move all these patch panels now, which is nice They're all labeled which is great except a bunch of them or not. It's all the ones Linus did that aren't labeled You got that last one. Oh, yeah, that's it. Okay dummy switch comes out. Okay. Now we start going fast I love how the payoff for this video is gonna be so much worse than what we started with. Yeah, like the server room is just like destroyed. But one day when Shawn and Dan spend three days re cable managing this it will be great. We have two of our switches installed. We got the Dells racked in here, fiber patch panel we've got the MikroTik running temporarily to keep internet running for Gary while we switch everything over. Sorry Gary. And yeah, everything's racking well, there's lots of cable management's beautiful and everything's coming together, right Dan? Yeah, we've got the PDUs here too, which is great. Oh god! Oh my god. There are hard drives in that. It’s fine. All right. Here we go That was not very good I don't even care that much when you kind of drop a hard drive now that I remember back to when you Actually yeeted a hard drive. Totally lived. This is such a relief I remember the conversations back when we decided to build from both sides of the rack and we were like well This is the only way we can fit all the stuff. So I guess we're stuck with it, but I hated it then I hate it now This is so much better It's almost like we have two server rooms or something now and the other one isn't a Harry Potter closet You know that these stairs are so wide because this room needed to be wider, right? So what you're saying is this is entirely your fault. Yes The issue is that we realistically couldn't afford more so I'm not gonna apologize for it We cut all the cabling from the ceiling. So now we have to fix all that because it wouldn't fit we've got all of our networking gear in here now and The back actually looks tidy now I'm trying to make up for the sin that I caused in the ceiling. Right now we have, what used to be alpha Dell Which is our 48 port S4048 in we're putting these Ethernet patch panels in a spot That is eventually going to become a like fiber patch panel But we can just pop the keystones out at that point or rather Dan and Shawn can. Now and then I guess we're just moving more patch panels. Like it's awful. I know but it's going to be great one day. This is about to get interesting We have to put the two new Dell switches the 32 port 100 gig ones here in here Which would be fine if the various contractors who had come in at various stages in this building's history Hadn't made complete spaghetti out of all the cables going into the patch panels. I don't know if they're gonna fit in here I never know quite how this happens But every time you clean up a server closet or like a tech room You find all these things that are not plugged into anything. Man this is gonna be awesome being able to like restart one of your core switches and the entire network not go down I like. Man, all those years in the early days Jake Using rails that were not toolless and whatever the cheapest rack mount stuff that I could find was? I did not know what I was missing Oh wow, you actually got it in for once good job These things are flipping crazy overkill when Jake told me what we were getting. I was like why? We have no application that actually requires these but I think really it's less to do with the speed and more to do with getting The latest OS and all the latest features. Oh, I haven't even told you the long-term plan is pretty cool It involves having two routers here at the very least We want them to be redundant if our open sense router poops the bed I have no idea what I just unplugged The other one takes over automatically. Sure. The long-term plan is we have two routers at both buildings and an internet connection at both buildings. Hear me out What? I don't want to pay for two internet connections. Oh, yeah, whatever we'll figure that part out. And then we can use OSPF or BGP to like route the two buildings and if one internet connection were to go down for whatever reason we could Assume the other buildings internet connection over here and vice versa So redundant internet connection, redundant routers, redundant core switches Also, these switches are probably going to be our routers at some point and then the open sense boxes will just be a firewall So cool. That second internet connection better be just like a basic residential. Yeah, it can't really be I'm not paying for two internet connections. It's not happening. I don't really care. I'm good with my one. It’s not happening. See ya later. Can you stop knocking cage nuts into the rack I mean it's not as bad as it used to be when we had servers that had the backs of them open. All the time. I remember this one time, one of the servers was open It was one of the 45 drives ones and I knocked something into it. Oh god. And it sparked. Oh god, and then I never told anybody and nothing ever happened. What is this? But something was dead in it. So the best part of this is that everything uses rack studs now I can ask Luke to make it one of their quarterly goals to take all the old cage nuts out of here, right? I think if we had a networking eSports team like from our networking and infra department They should call themselves the Rack Studs. License the name. It's a great team name Yeah, there's definitely an appropriate amount of patch panels per number of ports here, definitely. You mentioned earlier We're gonna transition to using these new switches as our router But I think for most of the consumers out there that doesn't make a lot of sense But yeah, thanks Andy, but enterprise switches are very powerful. They have very robust operating systems Why would we not? Set up effort high, reward pretty good. But why do people care about those things? Hmm for us, it's mostly inter VLAN routing you can imagine a VLAN, it's a virtual network It's kind of like you had 20 virtual routers. You could have 20 VLANs and 20 networks It's all kind of in one. The big thing is if you want to pass traffic between networks, which maybe that sounds Why do you have them split? Well, sometimes you want one device to talk to a device in a different network True. Even though you don't want all of the devices to talk. Like a writers workstation being separated from an editors workstation Well, if they both want to access a server and they're separated it's got to pass over. Right now, That would happen on our Open Sense machine, which it's pretty fast. So it's probably okay But imagine you're doing 10, 20 gigabit It's gonna start to become a bottleneck. And this is just running commodity some kind of mainstream Xeon processor in it Yeah. Whereas these switches are running a six that are Flippin optimized for networking. Yeah, you can imagine it would do that at line speed without issue And the other thing is it will be local So if that's happening in the lab between two networks in the lab It doesn't have to come back to here in the studio. It can happen there So you're it's just way more efficient. Also the the internet connection sharing thing. I talked about earlier, but Okay, here we go. Sounds like maybe that's not gonna happen yet Oh, hi, Jake. This is awesome So good, it would have taken us so much longer to do this from the back We would have gotten to the point where it's time to plug everything back in and gone. Oh crap I forgot how hard it is to reach in here and access the power outlets and all everything just Speaking of accessing things. Let me access my flex box. Oh, this thing is so cool. Have I showed you this before? Yes, I did at the LAN party. Yes, you did. Flex Optix aside for making optics also makes direct attach cables We're gonna be using these to interconnect our Dells taking it back to that redundancy thing for them to be redundant They need to be connected every device downstream of these is now going to be connected to both So if one switch dies this magical cable Will allow the connection To traverse between them. But in order to make sure that these cables are going to operate with peak performance and reliability You're supposed to use Dell optics except that sounds expensive Well, they actually sent us some and then they never arrived. Cool. The cool thing about Flex Optix you plug them into here open an app on your phone and I can type, you know Dell 100 gig one meter. And this becomes Dell 100 gig one meter and you plug it into the switch the Dell switch doesn't even know that it's not a Dell cable Awesome, as far as it's concerned, it's Dell. All right Time to put some servers back in the rack crazy overkill servers, so you guys think it's me driving the Completely overkill infrastructure that we build around here, but often it's in spite of me. I'm at my If it works, don't touch it stage of my life Well, we got the whole front patched in all the MVRs are in everything's patched up. Everything's good to go Dan is doing cabling in the back and all we have left to move over to the infrastructure rack is Anniedale which does all of our off-site backups from the studio? So that's all that's left move that over finish up cleaning the cabling and then we're pretty much done here I'm waiting for studio to come back up online. Yeah, they took down the whole building Yeah, they took down the internet everything. I told Gary 20 minutes It's been two hours? Or four hours? Or whatever. And then yeah Anniedale and tidying Putting the shelving away and cleaning up out there and putting the sides back on. Oh, Dan. And putting the doors back on It doesn't look like much right now But man is this ever easier to work on and we are really close to being ready to fire this up These are just all editing workstations, right? So I don't have to worry about any VLAN nonsense or anything Yeah. Yeah, I mean right now this switch is connected to the router and it's getting the VLANs now I'm just about to connect our Ubiquiti 48 port so we can have Wi-Fi that will make my life supremely easier Also, you never plugged the power into it. Which one? Ubiquiti. You know, I've been doing stuff here. Okay, doesn't look like it I've been doing lots of stuff. Hey you gotta plug that in, will ya? I'm working on it! Get it together. Hey, I'm working here Oh Jake went away. He wanted to show you guys something He made a number two Good job, Jake Good job. Thank you. Wi-Fi is up. Okay, great. All right, that's good. Now, where's the goddamn cloud key? What was the problem? Did we ever figure that out? The problem was they were switched. Not switched like network switched like Hey, there we go. It adopted and like Remembered it's config now. Okay, great. Nice. The Wi-Fi definitely works. Hey guys! Hi. I thought you guys were supposed to be the professionals our cable management on the other side looks so much better I tried really hard. Our side looks like actual pasta. Ah, yeah, I thought I'd Try and absolve myself of this sin. Yeah No, this looks great. This is amazing You know what came in really handy is these guys Yeah, yeah. Yeah LTT soon TM cable management Boom, it holds anything anywhere. It's awesome. Absolutely phenomenal Yeah, especially the big one you can take like a big old friggin thing and like all of these are just one of those Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm talking about. In all seriousness, how are you guys doing here? It looks pretty close Yeah, we're nearing the end here We've just got to deal with some of these power cables and then of course get these back up onto the ceiling Sure. And then I think that's about it. Okay, we gave up. You gave up. Mean, we told Gary 20 minutes To take lunch so that we would be back up and then we immediately moved the MikroTik and got everything ready so that Gary Could continue doing his job. Yeah, so here's the thing We got about 30% of the way through and realized that moving everything at the back of the rack was going to take way longer than just Pulling everything out and rebuilding it all from the front so that when it's time for you guys to unspaghet the thing At least you can see what the heck you're doing. So that's what we did Yeah, we are not gonna get the full redundancy the thing up and running today. Oh, why? Because it is time for Jake to go to the airport. Okay, we still got Shawn and I it's also time for me to leave Okay, so we're staying here till 1 a.m. No. Oh as long as the network works. Okay, we don't need the redundancy working Okay, I know I'm acting all surprised and stuff, but it should work and it does work for a number of reasons I mean you can see in the Unify thing There's only one upstream online on all of those switches, right? Except one hasn't rebooted yet Every single switch downstream of the Dells is connected to both of them And then both of the Dells are connected to that link we have through the street to the other building Yeah, and they're also connected to each other with something called VLT or virtual link trunking Traditionally you would have like an LACP or an aggregate link between two switches Well, the Dell takes it up a notch and instead of just between two switches It's between one switch and two ones above it And if one of them goes down you still have the redundant link and it just works What's even cooler is if you have a situation where it's not like the switch just died entirely It's more like the fiber got cut or the direct attached cable is screwy and it needs to get something on a switch that it's not currently connected to it will like route over the connection between the two Dells and Back to that switch and what's even more cool is that it only took like Five minutes to set that feature up, you know, it also took only five minutes brainstorming this segue To our sponsor Tello. 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It is glorious It is glorious Shout out to infinite cables for the cool patch cables Shout out to Ubiquiti for all the other switches. Shout out to Dell for these switches. Holy crap These things are awesome. Shout out you for watching. Yeah, and shout out our infra team and also Jake. And also Jake.