Everyone said this was impossible - Backyard Fiber Run

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I just got back from the neighbors and we got the green light a hundred thousand dollars a year that's how much they wanted to charge us for a 100 gigabit link between the studio here and the lab to which I said excuse me pardon I'm gonna run my own cable courtesy of infinite cables how much does this bad boy weigh like 100 pounds and how many fiber optic pairs are inside it I think it's four pairs so that's eight fibers total conceivably then we could do hundreds of gigabit per second assuming we had the switching equipment wow all right it's metal it's a little stiff because it's actually designed for either direct burial or outdoor applications and the length of it is a whopping 700 meters that's over 2 000 feet for my Yankee friends 2300 the good news is that this green belt goes all the way between the two buildings the bad news is that a lot of the green is pretty spiky so this is going to be one heck of a ride and it's brought to you by our sponsor smart deploy smart deploy is now powered by pdq.com and offers zero touch zero headache PC management for it you can deploy Windows apps and drivers from the cloud with no VPN required and get your free subscription worth over five hundred dollars at smartdeploy.com Linus just so I understand the plan a little bit better we've got this braided sleeving here that is covering our terminated fiber optic pairs these are very fragile what that means then is we can either pull it by this which puts all the strain right here or we can pull it by the armored sheath but not this part in between this we need to be careful with because one break and the whole Endeavor is wasted pretty much which would be an extremely sad day we could get it re-terminated but it would still suck yeah not unless we don't know where the brake was yeah shout out infinite cables by the way for sending this thing over I thought it was going to be like thousands of dollars worth of cable what was it like 700 bucks less than a thousand bucks right look at this thing it looks it looks like it should cost like 10 grand and Specialty uh I mean is this the point where we just start going to check in the invoice here have we figured out a point of Ingress into our building yet yeah what we're just gonna put it through the door this is just for temporary there's a door now obviously this kind of a fiber deployment wouldn't be strictly speaking official so we're just trying it as a proof of concept to see what kinds of speeds we can get and also to demonstrate the benefits of fiber optic cabling over copper there's absolutely a snowball's chance in hell that you would get any kind of copper signal over this distance at any kind of speed let alone this speed wait where are you going well I'm going right you got to go in the bush somewhere well yeah but we're going through the door here right so I don't need to go through the bush and then we'd have to backtrack to the door sure all right here we go so what am I just doing this myself yes here's the thing the weight of this cable is going to be so great once it's fully deployed that we're going to have to have a team of people probably positioned every 50 to 100 meters to help pull it once we reach the final stretch hahaha uh okay this is the back door I'm assuming we're going in the back door oh we're going in the wait what we're going we're we're the back door boys wait what do you mean you're going in the back door like the the your end we'll go in here right yeah needs to start snaking yeah oh yeah all right get on in there little doggy didn't you say you guys cleared this down uh no were we supposed to there's something clear at the other end I believe but this end should be pretty clear just behind the tree should be pretty clear are you even listening to yourself yeah it's behind the tree line you just gotta crawl through there it'll be fine yeah don't worry about it we changed our mind about going into the bushes any sooner than we absolutely have to unfortunately this is the end of the easy path and there are no shortcuts on the next leg of our journey this could quite possibly be the dumbest thing we've ever done yeah but it's a ridiculous idea and I think that makes it amazing it's one of the best projects I think we've done here it's like when you're a kid and you imagined what it would be like to have a tin can stretched all the way to your friend's house that you could talk to exactly this is the high-tech version of that all right in we go oh blackberries this one looks delicious this is the first hurdle that we found when we walked this yeah it's a fence it's not really a hurdle it's a fence okay fine he's being pedantic it's a high hurdle there's going to be a couple more along the way but this is our first wait we have to scale this can we just go around I believe there's more fence oh my God there's a difference I'm stuck wait a second wait oh uh that's going to be a negatory Chief okay so what I'm gonna do David is I'm Gonna Leave You here and then you're gonna watch me um Bush whack my way to you all right I'm coming at you you ready we're going Charging Bull Style gonna clear a path how to get seriously injured I don't oh no these jeans have holes big holes I Gotta Get Low oh God I'm not wearing a face shield yeah hi are we just gonna pass it through the fence what's up well that was exciting all right so now the plan is we want to cut these boys as low as possible and get them out of here that's the secret to bushwhacking you don't want to scatter everything around I actually spent a lot of time doing this stuff for the excellent pay of about two bucks an hour for my parents when I was a teenager okay here's the plan Dan yeah you're gonna clip it to my butt not the weirdest thing I've ever been asked to do so we're gonna go right here is that uh is that kosher yeah I think that's gonna work uh it'll protect it a little more I guess okay yeah let's do it and then my goal as I go is going to be to clear you guys about three feet so you can micro trench it [Music] excuse me Dan did you just call me fat yes what why you're very quick oh quick I thought you called me fat I also called you back oh my God look big booty's in fashion all right okay well hey that's not so bad good job are you filming vertically I am filming vertically it's a lot easier for the spacer Alex from Logistics is helping us because David can't get back here okay you gotta go horse arms yeah all right so can I just start walking oh heck yeah don't mind me I'm just laying fiber here okay just laying a big fat fiber right behind myself figure we give you an update on what actual cable this is well we're pulling here now unlike what we said before I I don't remember I think I might have said eight pairs it's actually six total fibers which means you have three pairs each pair is going to have a transmit and a receive fiber and those are going to plug into transceivers on either end currently we're going to be using a hundred gig transceivers and we're going to use two on either end which are aggregated together to make a 200 gigabit link along this cable but on this fiber we could even run the three 400 gig transceivers for 1200 gigabit one 1.2 terabit which is mind-boggling this is future proofing at its finest I don't think our video production is ever going to use anywhere near 100 Gig let alone 1200 gig but we could do it if we want it now inside the sheathing of this cable it's like a hard plastic really strong you're going to find like a corrugated metal layer that's going to be kind of cut resistant even if you were to get through this plastic there's actual metal in there and it's it's kind of got a ripple corrugation like this and then inside that there'll be like a pull cord and some like kind of insulation fibery stuff and then inside all of that you'll actually see the really small single mode fibers six it kind of feels like a hose it's got a little bit of like memory because of the steel but it's really really strong we've been reefing on it David you want to look down there just this run alone is 150 feet and so wherever Linus is in the bushes he's been in there for like an hour now he's probably gotten you know maybe another 200 feet we've got a long way to go hello hello can I help you no I'm good clearing some of the blackberries back here no no no but we're running a cable we have a unit in this building here all right oh I know right I could see someone was back here not that long ago because some of the big ones are dead well I'm gonna kill some of them all right cool man what's up Dan Welcome to My Party back here how do you like my path what you mean horrible I actually had one of the Buddies who lives over here come out and tell me hey thanks for clearing some of these blackberries oh what a nice thing for you to ow damn it for you to do so uh how far along am I I actually have no contacts for distance here we're technically in the final stretch now shut up yeah so that was the the last corner and now it's straight all the way to hq2 hq2 is the lab that's what a logistics calls it because they can't not be ours to stick to Convention well it's changed like six times Linus all right so I just keep going you just keep going okay Alex at that corner we got Jamie and them at the other corner all right I'm gonna film you now okay am I sliced up oh okay I thought you said that was wrong no I I made it a selfie it's all about the technique if you guys want some bushwhacking tech tips here even with big thick gloves like this if you just grab onto these things you are going to get your hands sliced up something nasty but you can see mine are fine and the reason for that is that it's all about the grabbing technique you've been watching me on my chest cam just grabbing these things but you got to grab with like a brushing motion because it breaks off the tips of all the ones where your hands are and then you just move these buddies around a little something like that no damage to the meat paws how's the radius on the back of fiber looks fine right now yeah okay it's like playing a VR game except the tether costs 700 if you break it can't really turn around all right I'm coming through oh oh I'm much taller than you ow how far you reckon we are well we got a bit of a there's a bit of a gap in the buildings now so I think that means that we've only got maybe three more to go oh my and the last one's ours only three more buildings yeah well they're all connected together come on Linus I was wrong I was wrong what you wrong never I think we're only at lab one what yeah we've made it farther is it we've only made it like two buildings so we have another four five six seven buildings to go I think seven uh roughly and these are the small ones they turn into warehouses soon like ours all right cool this is neat let's check this out I haven't done anything here oh it's beautiful not bad right no so all we gotta do is give it a little oh my neck it's not gonna lie we're running out of steam a little bit here boys do you want a tag team Serge is going to be back to the backer I got this all right I'm not gonna give up now Linus is taking this all on himself Wilds of Langley BC Canada we have a line of Sebastian in its native habitat we're gonna need some backup here look at the density of this hey Serge hey all right Serge is here we got the cavalry's here give it a no no just just Chuck it up up and over oh God I'm ready sir [Music] halfway along the final stretch you say it's uh it might be a little bit more than that actually it doesn't feel like much of a halfway point honestly I wish we were back to the brambles at this point because these dead bitsy trees are so dense and some of the branches are so thick I don't even think I could cut them with this it's going to be extremely slow going from here yeah I'm stepping out into the light it's updated a hundred meters oh you're close Linus it's only a freaking Olympic Sprint race away okay how'd you find the easy way I crawled through all that what oh it's like this for like two kilometers shut up is not for two columns along those two kilometers oh okay what's up YouTube oh my oh I got myself pretty good there whoops yeah your next uh don't look at your neck oh yeah Battle Scars all good you should have brought a helmet it's actually made it I should have brought a helmet I'm in a lot of pain right now oh hi David I don't know if they want me pulling the cable or not but I'm I'm pulling it found a path do you know what I'm supposed to be doing right now wait nobody's pulling cable anymore how long when did everybody go back to the office David they're done they're they're out they're gone for the day yeah nobody told me so we're just standing here like idiots no no it didn't come for me all right see you later oh my goodness this shirt is not dark green David oh I am okay so it's not super breathable but look at this hey you got you guys saw what I was doing in those bushes this is what the unprotected Parts oh my gosh holy cow wow Workshop jacket lttstore.com and we're here okay I staged the whole being in the bush thing I showed you guys it was like a clear shot over here from where we left off but that's okay I didn't really want to go in and start bushwhacking again anyway this is it we're through the door lab two where are we testing this keep going keep going okay keep going the switch is over here well I don't yeah that's why I asked you where I'm going I asked you I ask you where I'm going you say keep going I go and you tell me I went too far this is exactly what I'm talking about I didn't hear you you didn't bull you didn't hear me why would you say keep going if you didn't hear me oh one thing I gotta say is this experience has given me a whole new level of respect for the crews that run these fiber lines all over our cities like shout out you guys are doing the Lord's work because it is not easy it's heavy and cumbersome oh that was only part of the journey we still don't know if the cable even works but first we're gonna show you guys the switching equipment that we're going to be using to get our 200 gigabit link between the two buildings you know we could do 300 right what really we could do three I mean there's three pairs I'm super down I only bought optics for two okay 200 gigabit link this right here is the Microtech CRS 504-4 xq-i-n and pretty much that's all it does four 100 gigabit ports and then you got your Management Port and that's it dual redundant power supplies oh oh hold on hold on Dual redundant power supplies it can also be Poe powered it can also be powered by DC power if you want shot power yeah this switch only draws 25 watts Max without Optics 25 watts it does it does what and it has four 100 gigabit links yeah purpose-built Hardware but how much is this bad boy yes two grand 800 bucks shut up yeah I've seen them on sale for seven too do you know what I would have given for this when we started this company yeah like my parts of my soul all right actually we haven't even talked about our objects shout out to fs.com by the way these guys have basically made fiber optic networking affordable and accessible to normal people like it's intercompatible with all this different gear you don't have to pretty much worry about proprietary oh it doesn't work with this one you can go on their website and pick any manufacturer you want and there's actually a box you can get to plug these transceivers in and reprogram them on the Fly that is so cool yeah these ones are going to be two kilometer range our run is about 700 meters currently we add a little bit on the ends and maybe we're at like 800 meters these might be too powerful so we're gonna have to use a fiber optic power meter to see what kind of output these are doing because if you have too much power you can burn out either end more is not necessarily better you got to remember Guys these are lasers and these are highly sensed positive receivers on either side you don't want to go using like a 40 kilometer transceiver on a two kilometer run now you won't do that because they're expensive this is the minimum we could get while still hitting our range requirements now can we get something that will tone her down yeah it's called an attenuator beautiful it just goes in line but we'll worry about that for later it'll be fine to run just to test okay where where did we leave the cable on this oh it's just sitting outside I've been back here for a while I'm just just chilling out there busy going through the wait it's just outside yeah Jake what we just left it outside it's been two days what else are we gonna do I don't know worse comes to worse somebody broke it oh look it's still there wow what the hell dude it's just it literally just toss it in the bushes yeah so whatever I guess it's a temporary installer now the question is do we want to run this inside or do we just patch it here uh I think we can run into run it inside just roll the spool yeah we'll roll we'll roll this monster let's do it let's do it this is this is what we call a Canadian Wheel you just carry it where are we going uh to the server room you know server room yeah well because we want to hook it up to the rest of the stuff right I guess so foreign it's water Mark it's a series of of no don't take off that side don't take off that side why not because we still need to pull it through stuff maybe no we don't we're gonna go right there not I mean later oh oh take off the other side yeah here just let go oh my god there you go oh my god oh you just whacked it oh it's fine it's like indestructible glass it's like Corning Glass remember what we did to this place yeah but is it like the is it like the like very good thing or that yeah yeah I think you're making this up it is Corning Glass well yeah I know but Corning makes like durable ones and they make like high performance ones I suspect this is high performance it's um you make whatever you're about to say you're pulling out of your ass so there's no point in even saying it I don't want to hear it okay let's go we should definitely pay attention to which ones we're using and then we got our make sure we plug in the same ones on the other I won't know real quick so we got lc1a lc1b and uh lc2a and 2B all right it's plugged into our 100 Gig Dell switch so we've got we've got connectivity to the rest of the machines on our Network and all that I'd like to just take a brief moment and clarify that we would never recommend doing something like this for any kind of long-term deployment this is just a meme like it's just for the jokes we wanted to see if we could do it and the cable was shockingly affordable so we were like oh that oh my God could this be done we needed to film in one of our neighbors fenced off yards BC plant Healthcare they do like arborist work and a variety of other things maybe we'll throw their website up here so I had to knock on their door and say uh hey here's a weird thing we're doing hilarious I walked through the door and one of their workers is like what's up Linus I guess you're here asking about that fiber run you guys were planning I watch when so and I'm like don't worry I already primed my boss on it you know what they asked for screwdrivers and backpacks for other techs and I was like you know what no problem we got you all right all right we ready yeah it looks like it's Blinky blinking so it's at least connected on this side oh that's not good so I'm finding a little bit confusing Jake is oh no this is not a fourth fiber pan no it's the pull cord oh it's just wrapped around here and taped and stuff okay and then this guy right here is just what like a stiffening rod down there it might just be stuck in here yeah does it actually good on the middle yeah it goes down I want to plug it in I'm plugging it in all right take it too long oh my God holy [Laughter] [Music] you see a hundred gig right there just like that hey it just works activity and everything okay let's try pair two okay noise no way not only if we were able to leave something like this deployed not only could we spend zero dollars per month to maintain it but we could actually have double the link speed of what we were quoted mm-hmm you know with this fiber we could do three times 400 gig we could do 1.2 terabit we stole this computer from the keyboard testing robot look at this monitor go okay we're good we're good this ubiquity switch has ah here we go 25 gigabit uplinks right here to connect these switches then we're going to take our qsfp28 port and we're gonna use a breakout cable that goes to four sfp28 ports the Q is for Quad so this will do 100 Gig and these sfp28s will do 25 gigabit the problem is we don't have that cable but thankfully oh perfect timing thanks Dan and thanks to fs.com yeah this is the thing I was talking about one of these to four of those neat right plugging into our 10 gig card I know 10 gig isn't 100 Gig but realistically with Windows File Explorer we're not going to be getting more than that speed to a single client anyway the reason that we would need a link speed this fat would be because there's going to be anywhere from 20 to 30 people working out of this building right from day one uh I don't know what the password is though I guessed it to the Mainframe hello again Manjaro it's been a while that's fast internet look at that it's Snappy it's 100 do a speed test definitely won't be a hundred Meg yeah okay so that's that's 100 megabit per second uh hell yeah brother uh okay so wait why are we using the Management Port uh because you've been doing so it's not making a link to that switch a lot of the times when you're breaking up 100 Gig you have to go on and explicitly tell it you can break up into 425 gig Lanes so we gotta check the switch and see all right it's detecting the cable and it's gone I was trying a transceiver that's not necessarily Microtech compatible earlier and it was exhibiting the same behavior okay so we'll try the other transceiver and then see how it goes uh well this isn't a transceiver this is a cable it's like a direct cable oh shoot so this this splitter uh it doesn't it doesn't like the splitter man I love these like beefy freaking cables here you just need a couple conductors to do 100 Gig yeah these are copper that's why they're so thick the other the Fiber One the reason that's so thick is just from all the armor and protection on it yeah the actual fiber in there is like so small you can barely see it yeah do we have a fan anywhere oh isn't there a bunch of noctua fans because this will get hot oh freaking egg all right uh yeah one moment please unfortunately we couldn't find any cooling fans here and it's a long walk back to the office but we did find this leaf blower you're not gonna actually don't blow it at me please oh yeah do you mind dad I mean do you deny that it will keep that network card cool as long as you don't blow it at me or in my ear I wouldn't blow it at you oh that is pretty hot okay one sec let's give her a little uh cool look Jake it's barely warm to the touch now it's almost like fans cool things oh yeah here we go something's changed uh we're on Windows now we've got a connect X6 car instead of connect X4 and our Wii Connect Xing right now let's see let's see where connect X did this should be a hundred gig show me the 100 Gig come on come on come on come on all right oh that's freaking amazing okay I mean yeah yeah first things first we just got to do like like like internet speed test obviously this isn't our full 10 gig internet speed but there just aren't speed test servers that are fast enough for us to get that full speed anyway this is all Urban fiber had they did their best now let's go ahead and why don't we just do like a file transfer I guess right we're using a SATA SSD I was like oh why is this speed so unimpressive I'm only getting 600 megabytes a second because my local storage operates at like less than a tenth the speed of my network connection yeah so it went from 700 all the way down to three this poor SSD wrap the system is like at 100 utilization she's wrapping the bed task manager won't even open it's like when your SSD is at 100 utilization though yeah are you ready I'm ready this is Ram disk to server so we're about to see the limit of Windows File Transfer you should bring up whoa whoa let's go hit 1.7 for a second whoa okay here let's do something more exciting how about this that is well inexpensive 10 gigabits even if we had a 10 gigabit how about that that's that's well holy crap we're at 44 45 gigabits per second this is incredible incredible like this segue to our sponsor freshbooks freshbooks is an easy to use accounting software that helps you do your business impress clients with professional looking invoices that detail the work you've done use automated payment reminders if invoices get past due and easily track expenses and use their time tracker to log every minute of billable hours so you don't have to think about it later keep everyone on the same page with their projects feature which makes it easy for clients team and contractors to collaborate share files and leave useful comments freshbooks has your back at tax time too with a ton of reports to choose from you'll know exactly where your business stands and you can easily hand the keys over to your accountant so they can take over when it's time to reconcile everything for the year choose a plan that's right for you and start your free trial of freshbooks for 30 days today no credit card required at freshbooks.com Linus so Jake he was a big naysayer for this not that stupid right yeah well we can't keep it so there's a lot of work and now we get to just pull it back there's always the dish yeah now that I've seen this the dish is never going to impress me again though if you guys enjoyed this video maybe check out the one where we ran air fiber between our studio and Creator warehouse and if you haven't already subscribed on floatplane I think Artie's going to have a great little behind the scenes exclusive from this show shoot
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,264,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 gigabit, datacenter networking, networking, fibre optic networking, infinite cables, free internet, $10000 internet for free, saving $100000 on our internet
Id: 3CDOSj8fZA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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