My neighbor is a GIANT AMONG US CREWMATE... | Hello Neighbor

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my neighbor looking kinda suss [Music] hello everybody i am kindly keen and welcome back to hello neighbor that's right hello neighbor the original gang it's been a long time since we've played the original hello neighbor but i have a very fun mod that i think is gonna be a good time created by none other than video game news if i go over to the neighbor you can see i actually have this one already selected want to make sure that it was working look at all the choices we have basically every single crewmate from among us black blue brown cyan forte green what gold green lime orange pink purple rainbow of course red tan white and yellow i really want to see what rainbow looks like so let's head into act one i guess with a rainbow among us crewmate as our neighbor extremely sus all right so i need to get close enough to the house and then that triggers the cut scene and then we should see the among us dude here right like there he is he's so colorful i gotta love that i wish that that dude was in the real among us game maybe he is maybe it's like a secret that you can unlock i don't know i don't have rainbow among us dude but i like rainbow among us dude where are you at let's let's check this guy out this does seem like the kind of television that an among us crewmate would watch right it's a little creepy seeing him laugh though i don't know if i i can approve of that i don't like seeing among us crewmates laughing like that that dude's definitely an imposter hey oh he saw me he saw me he's coming after me i need to hit the emergency meeting button real real fast i don't know if that's the way it works but i'm gonna throw a trash can at our rainbow among us buddy got him he just goes ah he also shot a tomato at me from his face can you do that again please that was that was very cool please do it oh oh he's doing his impostor stretches always got to stretch before you eat your fellow crewmates and betray them that's what i've always said where are you going rainbow imposter where you going what are you doing what do you do you're okay you're going to the kitchen you're going to cook up a delicious meal of your fellow crewmates i'm on to you dude all right oh this is kind of scary is he in the bathroom oh my goodness he's using the bathroom and i'm gonna interrupt him oh gosh okay um didn't realize he was standing right on the other side of the door i thought he was using the toilet let's change the color though i want to see the other colors let's go to red i mean that's the classic sus color oh i see your little imposter head through the window it's so weird seeing them like this this is a really cool mod though i really feel like it fits so well into like the hello neighbor aesthetic it just it looks really really good i mean you've even got like the black outline around the character that just looks perfect vgn did a really good job with this one i gotta say should we actually try to beat act one i mean that would be a feat in and of itself because it's been such a long time since i've actually played hello neighbor let's see if we can figure it out while red roams around and figures out different ways to eat us which is very upsetting right i need to flip the switch over here and then and then i need to to run we use like the bowling ball to to make the lift go up and then you get into that room and then you get the key that you need but there's still a lot of steps that we need to follow before we get to that point i need a key doesn't the neighbor have a key around his belt or something like that oh he's in here oh okay maybe let's see let's see if we can ma maybe no okay he doesn't have a key it's inside of his suit that's cheating we can climb on top of the roof right we can use this bookshelf to get up there oh but we need boxes that's right let's grab some boxes for stacking and let's sneak into the among us dude's house okay we need a two stack of boxes yes just like that perfect get on top there you go get on the roof amazing i haven't completely lost it and then we need to jump across here oh ho ho so skilled and then you crack open this window you get inside and bob's your uncle i don't i don't know exactly what that saying means but apparently bob is your uncle and then we remove this plant painting yeah i haven't completely forgotten how to play this game oh and this gives us access to the trunk right and then we can do one of these i think that does that open the door downstairs no this opens the door the secret door okay this lever just powers the fan so that you can do the bowling ball thing so let's try that out oh no let's not try that out you know change of plans let's go open the trunk and we get the crowbar from here no the magnet gun okay i used the magnet gun to get uh the crowbar i guess but isn't there a lockpick yeah give me the lockpick that's what we really want and then we use the lock pick to go into the closet room and then we get the wrench and that gives us access to the roof and then we win i'm pretty sure we win with this i have opened the ladder to the roof i have made it i got the red key the dream remove the chair bust out this window and jump out the window fur heroic effect i don't know where he is right now but there you go uh we can go into the basement now but i actually don't want to do that i was just testing my hello neighbor knowledge making sure that i haven't completely lost it and i'm proud to say that it's not all completely gone but with that said there are still some more fun things that we can do with this little among us creature and of course it involves everybody's favorite mod the command menu by greenhouse m13 i absolutely love this thing and i think it got updated since the last time we actually played the game so now we have like this this whole menu here where you can get object info and then clone the objects just by clicking that button how does that work i kind of want to try it magna gun you're going to be my first experiment congratulations so first i think i get the object info okay yeah and then i can enable a hotkey to clone this guy oh i made a clone oh i made another clone oh that's incredible that is so amazing all i have to do is press a button and it clones the object okay i can also change the size on the fly so anybody want a giant magnet gun oh i've made an awesome mistake oh gosh okay uh can i clone a giant magnet gun yes yes i can oh goodness that seems like uh too much power oh oh look at that look i'm cloning from the clone that is amazing so now that we've got some giant magnet guns just kind of hanging out in the neighborhood let's mess around with our little among us jelly bean friend and actually i think we should change up his color let's go with orange orange is always the color that i play in among us so why not troll my character a little bit i wonder if our giant magnets are still going to be laying around oh this is not where i want to be i'm sad to report that the magnets are no longer giant but they are still kind of laying around but i want to try changing the size of our little among us buddy oh there he is he's extremely angry i don't know if it's because he thinks i'm suss or because i think he's us either way no one trusts anyone in this neighborhood you think with this new found cloning ability we can actually clone the neighbor that's always broken the game but i think it's worth trying so i have clearly selected among us orange let's enable the clone hotkey let's also try making him small oh he disappeared oh i turned him upside down okay that's a little interesting can i manually change the size of the object no you can't change it it changes it by one for every time you press the plus or minus but we could use the command right we could use the command to get like decimals fractions so we could make him smaller but if we make him zero he he literally disappears let's keep him as normal size and just try this cloning thing this seems scary there's there's two okay yep that's the thing um they're not moving though oh fatal error [Music] i will say though that was pretty awesome we had clones for a brief moment and then the game blew up still very cool all right since the game crashed why don't we change up the color here let's go with the blue among us man and let's just go to a fresh act one that doesn't have giant magnets all over the place alright so as you can see we have our little blue among us man get away from me you get away from me i know what you're trying to do you're gonna kill me and then blame someone else for it i'm on to you blue but now let's change up his size and like i mentioned if we use the command neighbor size we can do like fractions which means we can make him smaller without making him disappear so for instance i can do 0.5 right oh he's so cute and that seems like the appropriate size for an among us jelly bean person what are you doing what do you do you you're not scary you're just adorable actually you're terrifying i i know what you're capable of open up that mouth and shoot a tongue spike into your face that would be incredible if those animations were in the game but i imagine that is incredibly difficult to do but let's make them even smaller let's go point two he's gonna be real tiny he's gonna be a real tiny among us boy where you at oh gosh it's scary when they get smaller they still move the same speed that they were when they were normal size so it looks like they're moving way faster let's make them even smaller how about 0.1 [Laughter] so little oh he threw a giant tomato at me though he might be little but he's still very strong like an ant we can go even smaller though because we can do tenths of a decimal so like for instance we can do point zero five [Music] he's like a little speck how about point zero one oh oh where is he oh no i i hear him he's he's definitely walking on the wood somewhere but he he might actually be too small for us to to actually see him oh we're close though we are close you think he can catch me oh he's so little i love it oh my gosh but you guys know the drill we made him super tiny like the size of a flea now we need to make him super giant so i think we can do that fairly easily using this little menu we have on the side so first things first let's bring him back to normal size there he is he's in the kitchen oh he he fell asleep i didn't realize that among us imposters need sleep but let's get the object info no that's the sofa that's not the one i want i want the among us man get him among us blue we've done it hopefully if i get caught it doesn't reset that let's see no it doesn't we're good so now uh we can just change his size by pressing this plus you can see he got way bigger i think i want to lure him out of the house first though because if you make him big inside of the house he just gets stuck hey imposter i know what you're up to oh oh that that's an aggressive way of getting out of your house wait what are you doing man come come back here get me i threw my lawnmower at you and you can't stop me okay okay perfect now the madness begins plus one okay i don't like how he's stuck in the ground oh good okay so i think if we do it one at a time and then leave the menu he'll pop up out of the ground oh my goodness that's kind of terrifying he's jumping i don't like it oh wow okay going to six uh-huh uh-huh oh right this is the thing that happens when you turn the neighbor into a giant he just starts hopping he's a hoppy boy okay i mean it's it's kind of cute it looks like he's skipping all right let's make him even bigger let's see 15 is that too big too soon no he popped up all right let's go 20. it's glorious uh we need to go into ghost mode so that we can follow this guy because he's just gonna keep on jumping what a weird thing to see just over the top of the trees is a giant among us jelly bean man all right let's make them even bigger let's go to 30 yeah i love how easy this is too this is so cool with this new menu let's go 50. let's go 40 first yeah yeah did it move a little bit slower is he stuck in the ground he might actually be stuck that's not good we need to reverse what we've done so go back to 30. he's a little wonky it's to be expected let's go way down okay you're okay now right you're out of the ground i'm very happy for you so i'm gonna take it just a little bit at that time maybe like in increments of five that seems smart 30. [Music] sure he he seems stuck i think he's more stuck in the houses than he is in the ground which is too bad let's see what happens if we take him back to his his original size what's he doing he just he just fell down and he's still just jumping he's still jumping a lot just having a great time weird thing all right you know what let's just go all the way he's already super broken so let's just do the command neighbor size and let's go to 100 just see what happens [Music] oh i've made a terrible mistake but it's also a beautiful mistake uh-huh yeah yep that that is very large blue among us man who is also kind of stuck in the ground can we bring him back can we save this man or just make him larger why not just make him larger i mean that's always an option right 150 goodness oh the game's gonna crash look at this picture book we're getting like half a frame per second right now it's not looking good but he's looking good he's looking massive oh my gosh i love it so good okay i think the time has come let's just actually try to break the game so let's go to 300 this is a terrible idea yep checks out was definitely a terrible idea i don't know about you guys but i really really enjoyed this mod i think the among us dudes look really good in hello neighbor let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below but that is gonna do it for this episode i hope that you guys enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time red is definitely the imposter so i'm gonna throw a lawn mower at him [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,948,176
Rating: 4.8559551 out of 5
Keywords: hello neighbor, hello neighbor gameplay, hello neighbour, hello neighbor game, family gaming, kindly keyin hello neighbor, kindly, family friendly, Hello Neighbor full release, kindly keyin, keyin, hello neighbor secret, hello neighbor family, neighbor, hello neighbor mod, hello neighbor lava, vgn, hello neighbor minions, hello neighbor skin, mods, hello neighbor minecraft, minecraft, minecraft steve, hello neighbor giant, among us, among us crewmate, hello neighbor among us
Id: 4q17Ky6gQes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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