My Mustang’s 5th Engine Blows Up on Camera...

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it smells kind of like ethanol yeah yeah this was just a blast let's make it back to the shop [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all right i'm about to go take the black car out go doing a little bit of testing real fast just kind of get a feel for it doug got the sway bar is hooked up back on the front and it should be a lot better now it's pretty important that i go get a little bit of you know a little feel for the car today because we are going to be at the track tomorrow 24 hours from right now so next video guys do not miss it we got that back from the devmerge shop we're doing it for black friday dropping a whole bunch of stuff and we wanted to give you guys that track video i don't know just like it's an early christmas present i guess we'll let this thing warm up a little bit go out on the road and hopefully we can get some testing in with it somewhere i can find hopefully somewhere and try it out a little bit now that sway bars are hooked up it should be a lot more sturdy so i'm excited well first reaction to driving this thing is pretty nice actually it feels really good it's a lot more planted to the ground it's a lot more predictable still being that i've got a full slick on the back it's definitely a lot looser than a street tire would be but it's a lot firmer than what it was you could practically not even drive the damn thing on the road without it swaying everywhere and now i can purposely kind of throw the car around and it it follows it's not bad at all hello honestly it drives just like a normal cornell i'm impressed my goal for today is to figure out how to get this thing to stick in second on the street if it can get stuck in second i can figure out first gear that's gonna be a pain on the track it's not gonna be that big of a problem at all but on a non-prep surface like concrete second gear would be cool so i don't know i guess we'll see let me roll onto it and fourth and see what it's looking like not bad at all very very stable now it is one to stay straight as an arrow which was not the case beforehand let's see what third gear is like still spinning it is such a struggle to get this damn car to hook even at only 920 wheel horsepower this thing is such a pain to get the hook on the street let's see what i can get this thing to do getting this thing to hook in second and third is it's a challenge first gear was gone you saw that there was no chance at first we'll try first again nope first does not want to do it at all let's see if i can pedal it jesus christ man this car is a handful it is trying to hook it just cannot get it and this is on a full slick by the way and we got the tires aired down to about i don't know probably 14 psi in the rear and we're even on concrete flat con created that it's still running that's a good time dude i cannot get this damn thing to hook i did like i think they said it like it over there to 14-15 get a line i think he's got like 25 are you serious that's probably what it is that's probably what it is i was out there doing literally pull after pull i was like there is no way yeah it looks like they said like 21. that definitely makes sense though i could i mean you should have seen this thing it was going everywhere got him at 13. that explains a lot i feel like a whole idiot what in the hell this one's at 15. the other one was on 20 and this one's on 15. we're back doing that again great all right entire air pressures load down i'll see y'all in a minute it's dead it's fine got here parked it went in over there changed the battery and came over here and went to start it and it's doing that it looks like the alternator belt's still on there this car does not want to go to the track dude it does sick [Music] i was watching that there we go that's how you put some more water in it you just crack the radiator cap that's how you put more water in it that do smell kind of funny i hope that's all that's in there what does it smell like does it smell kind of like ethanol yeah yeah that's what i thought too that's why i'll just look back and just stare at you because it's got a definitely a little bit of yeah it does i mean it's fine this car is the most fun honestly there's got to be some way that we could just get rid of this car without people being mad right like some way anyway save the manuals give away number seven whole discussion in the discord like last week there were people were so mad they were like i swear if gavin either sells or gives away the black car i am going to unsubscribe well we might have to just have a lot of subscribers lots because this is getting annoying right one mill yeah yeah yeah i'm just going to put that guy back on because there ain't no reason to even think about it if it blows up then it's going to just have to blow up all right well nothing ever goes smoothly and the car's dead no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no start star oh my god please oh come on man something worked alrighty back to mexico for one more testing session the tires are lowered down 14 psi instead of 20. that should help out a good bit all right i'm gonna try and do a little baby one little baby pull in second we're gonna see if it's hooking a little bit better holy cow i stayed into it that time it's a little bit better definitely a little better but it's still having trouble for sure all right let's try third again oh yeah that fifth gear shift was where it was at that one went too bad so third's doing okay now we'll try first and see what it does almost but no not there yet let me just try a second i'm pretty convinced first isn't gonna hook on the street no matter what there it is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we were spinning our ass off there but it was yes let's give her one more go nope didn't like that oh uh oh definite uh oh just in case this was not i was expecting today to go oh come on uh oh i was so joking whenever i was talking about this car burning down oh [ __ ] was that the damn windshield washer foot that is an oopsie what in the hell just happened oh we got no coolant what happened oh i see it oh i see what happened ha nice i was checking temps too we were not up too high i'm just gonna facetime daniel what's up dude hey man i'm assuming that you need somebody wow what a surprise what happened there yeah uh i i'm not too sure again but uh this is what i noticed so far so oh yeah uh that was fun by the way you need to bring some water yep i needed some distilled water some pliers and stuff like that all right i'll be over there with andrew and a camera okay i'll send you my location i'm gonna go ahead and guess that i'm gonna need a battery charger as well because uh i don't think it's gonna start up i'm gonna be honest i kind of kind of hit myself there for a second because whenever i saw all the fluid come up on the windshield immediately for some reason what i went to i really thought that was fuel and if that would have been fuel we would have been in a real fun situation i'll be real i was like no i knocked on wood it can't burn down at least we didn't have to use this thing see and y'all think that i'm joking and making excuses and stuff i understand like from a perspective of a viewer why you would think that i'm just making excuses and you know whatever i do i really get it you just have to believe me this is not how my days go it's i just don't really make stuff up this is just real life this is actually how my life goes with everything and somehow you guys like watching it enough that it is uh i literally am just a professional freaking upper i just uh professionally have nothing go wrong and somehow i get paid for it so thank you guys so much for that at least imagine if i wasn't getting paid and this was how my life is going oh wait that's exactly what i did for 18 years gopro gavin is back and better than ever i'm just gonna get back in the car i'm just gonna wait on daniel are we taking your car why not fair point mustangs to the rescue we got to show that at least one of them is reliable away we go where is he at like 25 minutes away from here so this is about to be a nice little lengthy trip going on a road trip that we didn't plan on no it's a good thing we're getting this figured out today instead of tomorrow in the middle of the track also good that his hose blew off here instead of going down the track and just you know watered it down because that would have sucked i guess uh yeah let's go save kevin again where's he at i don't know he's gonna be around the corner somewhere i hope so you're gonna see him before i do harry nope yep there he is you put the hood up in the middle of the image roadside assistance hi what's good oh you know hanging out on a monday enjoying the weather yeah this was just a blast i think it's a blown head gasket really yeah we were sitting at the shop a minute ago smelling the coolant i was like huh that sure does smell a whole lot like ethanol and they were like yeah that is pretty weird doug was like what you want me to do about it i was like good point can't really do yeah and then i drove it and uh probably two or three pulls in i was checking the temp temps were still fine nothing was high it blew the radiator hose off and i was like interesting have you tried the car to start the car since you parked it nope did y'all bring a jumper pack yeah honestly i don't even care i'm gonna take this thing to the track it's going to blow up out there if it doesn't make a pass i love that attitude hell yeah gavin i'm tired of this car i literally was joking around about it burning down earlier and as soon as that happened it started smoking everywhere i thought it was fuel i was like oh i was on camera recording i was like i was joking no i grabbed the fire extinguisher ran out here popped the hood and i was like and it was smoking everywhere i couldn't see and then i saw it was like everything be looking normal luke and hayden they're gonna be like don't water spot your car oh my god do a quick burnout see if it'll pop again let's go back to the shop sounds normal to me the temps look fine now they never even climbed up i don't understand i was like religiously monitoring them because i was worried about them i'm telling you this car just does not want to go to the track dude but we're going to make it it's going to be like no it's just going to go into the wall tomorrow because it doesn't want to honestly i don't even care anymore i don't care what happens anymore i'm just riding i'm just cruising i'm just literally vibing if the car wants to come in and vibe check me then that's it i don't care seems fine to me are we smoking are we i don't know i couldn't hardly tell it looked like there was a blast of black smoke dana said you literally just left black streaks that entire pool literally spun through the entire thing oh yeah daniel just now texted and said that is a lot of smoke that might be a head gasket actually hell yeah dude we're going oh [ __ ] yeah we're losing oil pressure dude just make it back to the shop is that dropping more yeah damn it dude at least we have oil pressure i just need to be careful with it no yep she's hurt i can feel it the last pull that we did threw a lot of black smoke out and temps are fine so it's not like we're abusing it at all there's this is normal stuff normal driving a motor like this again this is an engine rated for 1500 horsepower that was sent back to the builders to verify that everything was okay and i was ensured that everything was perfectly fine definitely doesn't look like it though i knew i i i knew whenever i was smelling that dipstick earlier or not the dipstick the damn uh radiator cube yeah the radiator cap the coolant i knew it was smelling like ethanol we're about to have to stop that oil pressure's about to drop to zero i bet if it does i'm gonna have to kill it yeah if i can hear it oh yeah it's dropping yep it's dropping [Music] the damage is done as long as it keeps oil pressure it's that the main thing is just keeping oil circulating at the heads right now oh yeah i feel it i guess yeah [Music] dude it is holy [Music] we're at 10 pounds now going uphill yeah going uphill so it's actually under more of a load so it should be even better oil pressure but it's worse which is definitely not good i'm just gonna kill it might as well yeah it's blown you saw my text yeah yeah i saw it before you did i was like i'm waiting to see if he's going to text me because that was pretty bad and then you did gradually got worse like worse and worse and worth whereas 10 pounds really what was your cool intensity dude nothing at all heat it up oil temp was fine coolant template is fine iet's removed that's even stronger than it was earlier you smell that oh it's still got some here i wonder if it's boiling or there's a lot of air in there because if you don't have coolant in your engine you won't even get a coolant reading so what was it reading like 180 degrees no the coolant was reading fine it was like 200 whenever we at first started up it was low and then it climbed up and then it sat it stayed where it normally would yeah okay no it's perfectly fine boiling or just got air coming up no it's not boiling it's not too hot but it smells like it smells really bad you can see the oil inside of it actually look at on the top it's got a film of oil on it not a lot not a lot and i'm seeing metal flakes yep oil level's fine look verify that right there that is for sure still up to the full line perfectly on the dot man you didn't even get to oh tell me about it yeah no no no i want to hear it from you it's definitely at the full line no ethanol in the oil though we definitely got some sparkles [Music] that is really bad i'm supposed to be to the track 24 hours from right now and uh we had like this whole entire thing that we were going to do or it was going to be a series of taking all the cars to the track i mean i might as well say this video is going to have to go up before i had an entire um back from the deadline that was going to draw up for pre-orders for a week only and it was going to be awesome we're going to take everything back to the track we had everything set up i got with the track owners we got the date worked out it was supposed to rain tomorrow found out that it wasn't i went out today because i found out that tomorrow is still happening i went out today just to do a few pools and film a video before you know just kind of prepping the car for the track dude hell yeah oh yeah we didn't even sit there and eat we called and we were like damn we getting this to go you wanna hear something fun uh knock knock knock joke no no it's not a joke it has oil pressure but it's got 10 pounds of oil pressure now 10 pounds oil's still in there and uh it do be shiny did you already drain it what no look at that pulling the dipstick and wiping it on the napkin there's oh really yeah i was going to say the first thing we need to do is get it on the stands and drain the oil out i can confirm gavin it's not being dramatic the oil was where it needed to be too oh yeah oh yeah look look you can see it all yeah that don't look good it's not knocking no it's yeah it's it's idling rough as hell like you can tell it's trying to lock its ass up but it's not probably spun a rod bearing or something anyway it might be salvageable so be advised for this commercial break we're gonna go grab lunch hi guys today's video was not very fun and i'm sorry about that i did everything in my power to make it fun we had a really glorious track day scheduled for next video and it just didn't work but i have a good news for you we brought two cars out there and uh well you'll see oh boy there is a lot of stuff coming up make sure you guys don't miss it one thing i do want to say if you guys would like to help fund this glorious build there is about to be a 2.0 to this car because we're gonna have to change things up pretty quickly with this thing it's just not working we've been trying for a while and it's just not working it's very obvious that it's not working so we're gonna take things a little bit different and coming up soon we'll have some very exciting news about this car but for now just be patient with that being said our back from the deadline is out now uh it's not back from the dead in fact it's deader than it was but um it is out now and you can go get it right now at and i'm excited to announce that the time that this video drops our black friday sale will already be going on from now until next thursday you can go get 15 off your favorite merchandise please go grab the back from the deadline with that being said guys there is just lovely content coming your way and whenever i tell you that these next two videos are very entertaining uh from the track i'm lying so with that being said guys thank you so much for watching make sure you smash that like button share this video maybe this video will go big and pay for the engine that is about to have to go back into this car again but hey don't they say um take five is this is the one that it works on or something like that fifth engine is the charm huh and the arms are wait a minute what just happened we're literally just sitting here after we filmed the outside of this video and doug's just looking and he's like hey wait and it opens up the throttle body and it's just like cake yeah wow taste it see if it tastes like cooler no i'm okay me
Channel: itsjusta6
Views: 484,283
Rating: 4.9163265 out of 5
Keywords: camaro, corvette, ls2, ls1, drag, race, lsx, ls7, z06, zl1, ss, chevy, hellcat, dodge, horsepower, supercharged, turbo, nitrous, fast, vs, Ford, Mustang, gt350, gt350r, racing, coyote, manifold, headers, tune, tuning, voodoo, tires, wheels, motorcycle, honda, rr, r1, r6, 500, bike, life, wheelie, crash, bikes, biker, compilation, Ducati, wreck, evo, ecoboost, bmw, s1000rr, single, cab, truck, Silverado, short, bed, lifted, slammed, lowered, mclaren, 570s, gtr, nissan, 720s, supercar
Id: ZbNKlBM1tvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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