Lucifer's First Start with its NEW Twin Turbo Setup!

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quite literally a quarter of a year later that is crazy to say a quarter of a year it has been three and a half months to check it out yeah so we got the driveshaft in for the gt350 finally we had to pull the bracket off at the bottom of the shifter to be able to fit it up in place but this thing finally came in we just got it up here to test fit it realize that it fit and because it was such a pain to get in we weren't going to take it back out to film so you guys missed the drive shaft install no it's not done yet we still it's just holding in there i don't miss anything guys it's okay imagine this this driveshaft it came out of that box and then we put it there there you go you can live vicariously yeah anyways this car now that the drive shaft came in is very very very close to being done in fact it is so close that my stomach's kind of tingling right now even just sitting here talking about it blind is riding a base tune for the car right now we're waiting on ejectors to come in from fic those will be here hopefully tomorrow i got them one day shipped so that works out uh they'll be here tomorrow so injectors are going in uh drive shaft in today after that probably tomorrow doug is gonna get started working on trying to fab up an exhaust to come from the turbos and the downpipes obviously all the way back well we've got our factory cap back that we kind of got to made it up too if you guys remember the first time that we did this turbo kit we kind of fabbed up a mid pipe but we had to reconfigure our headers and the turbos are in a little bit different location and the downpipes are a little bit different as well so we can't use the same stuff that we did before so we kind of just gotta chop that up and redo it after that i will say that we are getting really really really freaking close drive shaft like i said going in today exhausts gonna get fabbed up tomorrow we're gonna finish hooking up injectors hopefully tomorrow fuel rails fuel lines and hopefully crossing my fingers if all goes well we get a base tuned from line this thing will be ready for us first start maybe even by the end of this video who knows cue the intro [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you got there bud fic thank you guys so much i called them yesterday this is this is literally becoming a meme i called them yesterday and i was like hey i need some injectors for the gt350 we're trying to start it up and they're like when you need them and i said really the best time to get them would be now but i know that's impossible again i'm not sure how this even works because this is take two that this has happened but 16 hours later and here they are i don't know but anyways these are 650 cc injectors they are very very mean but this is what is going to allow us to get the gt350 upwards of probably 12 13 1400 horsepower i don't know i really don't know what it's going to make at all record wow it's like you knew me you won't drive the out of that car but rob i'm a no driving ass oh that's right thanks internet for telling us very cool i'll gap you with that hey they match the car they do let me think we got the driveshaft put in yesterday the injectors are here today we'll be able to hook up the reigning fuel lines and i believe i'm working on getting a base soon so you guys might be in luck it's looking like we will be able to start this car up for the end of this video all right fire it up welcome to the channel uh we're in the graveyard right now the boneyard where all the cars are destroyed today we're gonna be working on the gt350 trying to get it basically first started and i got to run you guys through some stuff that you're gonna be really upset with me about and i don't blame you i understand why you're gonna be upset but first let me give at least some sort of explanation to explain to you guys why we haven't been able to show much on this car so first off if you missed the video where this car blew up go check it out it's up second off if you missed a video where this car blew up go check it out it sucked long story short the entire time that i was trying to get these cars ready to go to the track because in my opinion the track day was prioritized above everything else i wanted to make sure that everything was ready to bring you guys a crazy cool video the same day if you guys remember whenever i was taking the black car out to go datalog it and just to try to get a few test hits on the street with it doug was here working on the gt350 and doug actually has pretty much made all of the progress on the car and just about finished it up which sucks that i didn't get to show a lot of it but the only thing is that these cars kind of didn't go as planned that's pretty much why and so he was here working on him in the meantime we got the car finished up which is good because now being that these two are you know broken we'll have this one today what we're gonna do is finish up the last little bits of stuff it's really not much because like i said doug really has been busting his ass on the car and it came out really good he actually fabricated a lot of stuff on the car more than what probably even know i'm gonna walk you guys through that real quick because we haven't even gotten to show anything of the car and i get it you're upset i probably would be too but like i said it was very much so out of my control and i hope you guys can understand that because it's uh it's been a rough few weeks to say the least but anyways update on the gt350 dog went and got this exhaust put back on but to get the exhaust put on you remember i told you guys we got the new turbo headers put on everything looks great under here the issue was that our new headers were clocked slightly different angles so we had to get a different piece to connect our mid-pipe here to the turbos and this is pretty much where doug's dug fab comes into play yeah i mean we just had to re-work some of the downpipe areas and stuff like this they just you know nothing quite fit the same so we had to do a little little angles here kind of a little bit of angle here reworked some of this mated it back to the factory rear active exhaust so we get to retain that still we did get the drive shaft in which i know you guys saw but the drive shaft is in up there and something else that doug did that was really cool is inside of here got our loop and an exhaust hanger in one kind of you can barely see right there there's a drive shaft safety loot the dog fabricated just to make sure that in case the drive shaft breaks you know we don't catapult the car and also pretty cool coming off of that same hanger are off of the same driveshaft loop we've got an exhaust hanger right there previously the issue that we were having as you guys remember was that we were having a lot of weight hanging off of the headers and that's probably a key contending factor of why the headers cracked previously we didn't want that to happen again and so we made a few more supports oh yeah i forgot we did this of course on my turbos you can literally ever so slightly see the bracket right there where the tip of my finger is and that's actually that's welded to the turbine housing i got one over here too just helps take some of that weight off the manifolds helps share it with the transmission and it's just one so i mean there's still technically room for expansion and growth of metal as everything heats up yeah so it'll all kind of grow together and then shrink back together he also got all the wastegates and everything taken care of so everything is finished plumbed we got new hoses and new lines and everything so it's all set up really really nicely oh we got our transmission sensors into oh yeah with our plug and play harnesses so yeah so the trans is all hooked up as well conversion stuff he did all of the wiring on that and again i really do hate that we couldn't show that it's just that it was so not supposed to happen like this nothing has gone according to plan we had this nice huge month planned out and one by one every single step of the way fell apart and it sucks but that's just where we're at so we're keeping on rolling that's all you can do we have the fuel system done too it's all hidden underneath here and it is again same fuel system that we went with on this car and it's been proven to be pretty successful when the car is uh running that is other than that that's pretty much it pretty straightforward we got new charge pipes that doug put on yesterday as well anyways today's um adventures is going to consist of us getting the injectors and fuel rails put on hooking up the last remaining fuel lines and after that we've got a base file already to get the car started up today so uh before we get started though thank you guys at fic so so so much we've got some very nice 1650cc injectors so we're going to get these thousand cc's pulled out of here get some 1650s put in and that's going to definitely give us a little bit more overhead to support that fuel system and the power that we're about to be throwing at it hopefully it's going to be pretty wild so right now the time that you guys are watching this you're probably watching it a little bit later just because of our backlog of videos but just now getting into like thanksgiving week and everything so getting data logs back on the car is gonna be probably a pain this week but next week we should be able to get started really getting the data logs going and everything yes let's just hop into getting these injectors put on we got our feed line that comes into the back right goes in we'll check that out crossover and then our return that comes back to our regulator so literally we gotta get the rail dropped in tighten our feed tighten that do our crossover just make sure everything's tightened up yeah plug our injectors in then at that point we can connect the battery and do a pressure test on it okay thanks jeff by the way yeah i know kidding jeff at hell horse performance has been helping us out a ton lately with getting a lot of these parts that we were not really able to have access to he's made sure to get him over to us to get this thing back together so make sure you guys go check him out at hellhorst performance and you can even use code it's just a six to check out save a good bit off of anything that you need by the way guys i know we say this every time we're doing injectors but make sure you lube your o-rings so you don't have any spill i promise it's not fun to have fuel sorting out the side and causing fires don't tear an o-ring putting them in either be gentle is this what they used on your hair this morning you lined up yeah we're good here uh make sure the injectors actually we're gonna have to rotate them ever so slightly you wanna rotate them towards the back yeah push them towards the back just a hair before we get too far and we'll start plugging in these injectors well we're running over the last few connections just to double check over everything and make sure that it's all good and if it is we're going to be getting real close to being able to get this thing before a start so everything is ran and connected we've got coolant hoses and everything hooked up our t's coming down from our heater hoses up here going down to the turbos fuel line right here hooked up from the regulator to the fuel rail return line coming down going back to the fuel tank we should be good to connect the battery and uh we'll just do it once over we'll key it on and we'll listen to it yeah uh and i'll check that one pin let's see if it needs some storm for the other side okay she's got life so right now a dog is gonna be in the back just kind of double checking to make sure the pumps are all good cool uh thing also if you look in here our new trans and shifter is all assembled and back in the car that is pretty crazy i have not sat here in a while you ready here we go yeah i can hear it all right so i'm gonna check under here listen to those pumps go if you notice doug is turning the uh the little set screw at the top you see on the gauge right there we've got base pressure and it's increasing slowly as we turn it we need to get that set to about 50. but we've got fuel flowing doug double check our hop switch is right here and what this does is it basically engages the pumps and so we're making sure that right now with no boost being detected it's only turning on one pump instead of two pumps and it is set up properly and so how the hop switch works once it detects x amount of boost it will kick on and tell the fuel pump controller in the back hey we need two more pumps and so it engages the next two pumps and will flow a lot more fuel it's really efficient though because you don't need three pumps running all the time yeah i double checked under there i didn't see anything leaking so i think we're okay all the injectors look like they're seated fine i don't see anything dripping from them oh my gosh i forgot about this one time at an event my grandma came out and brought me some holy water i'm gonna go ahead and while i can this car is named lucifer yeah that's a few drippy drops here it's a little late on this car but uh let's just yeah let's that one too well i'm not taking any chances i'm doing whatever we can definitely put some on the shifter no fourth gear misses we'll see how well holy water works just for good measure there's a little bit left let's just please be advised for this commercial break as you guys know we work with sk tools a lot absolutely a great tool company right now sktools has their 12 days of sk sale going on so until december 18th sk basically what they do is every single day for 12 days straight they've got different sales for different items right now the sale that they've got going on today is 35 off all apparel using this code right here on their site right now if you guys click the link down below you can go use that code once again save 35 off all apparel and if you want to keep up with what sales they've got going on what days make sure you go check out their social profiles facebook instagram all that good stuff they'll have updates pretty much every day so go check it out speaking of apparel did you guys know our new christmas sweaters just dropped on the site and they're pretty stylish you guys want to go grab them they're limited quantity and at the end of this giveaway they're gone we've only got 500 of them so go grab them right now long story short we're about to start this car we got the tune put on holy crap of course you stopped moving we got the tune put on the car everything is connected fingers crossed hand's prayed maybe it'll start you ready you just said we i heard my own echo go get him sure aye hold on hey yo darn trail what's going on come film the car starting oh no way yeah come on dude it's right at the low mark but yeah you see any sparkles that's what i'm actually looking at the same thing they were like shut up shut up now boy you look like a sparkle i don't even know how to take that we're all like gathered around the bed engine and sing a really sad song wait what are you doing sorry no the sad song is the other chord yeah if you look just that direction then you can sing a sad song oh dude two songs what you doing there bud bird bird it's the final countdown you know would be hilarious hey we should just end this video just right here i'm gonna do a prime real quick [Music] every light do be kind of tripping in here but we're going to give it a shot anyway you only prime it again or you just told me go ahead and go for it you probably can't if you want to i've been running a while oh god damn jesus christ that was the biggest flame i'm so glad you got that on film bro that was insane that smells interesting that was hang on hang on what's that smell just the fact that it popped out that was from it ain't working maybe that's the problem hey this one got unplugged hey there we go okay it'll do normal things all right the lights went away there you go ah that's a better sound ready that's smoky back there got the biggest bait that's definitely not the [Music] i forgot how quiet this car is that was very great actually that didn't go bad at all so far while she's running so what we need to do at this point um we obviously knew it was pretty much going to start up it's the same engine that we had in the car the whole time what we need to do now is check for leaks and also we need to double check over all of our connections just to make sure everything's good we're going to let it get up to temp burp the cooling system so that way we hopefully can get all the air out and after that should be able to go move it around a little bit i think that's all we got the other stuff on the black car sounds good actually we got out of the car and the clutch sounds good underneath it there's no exhaust leak so doug's fab the exhaust works really well everything seems okay smells interesting smells what it smells really weird i think it's the new coating on the headers for the first time getting up to temp probably burning off that door looking good looks great actually oil temp obviously it's just started but oil pressure is great it's over 100 pounds right now all right here we go we got spin is the speed sensor going off it's working speedometer is working all right now put it in first gear and let it roll itself and go just see at like 5 or 10 miles an hour if it'll let you shift over just push past that wall don't actually try to go in reverse but get it in first a second and see if it lets you do that or not nope not cool that means it's working good nice dude hey that's actually good reason why we're so excited i know this hasn't been on camera so it's it sucks but doug had to wire in a lot of these reverse lockouts because this is not supposed to belong in this car so what we're doing right now is verifying that the reverse lockout does work so whenever the car is detecting that it's moving reverse gets locked out so you can't go into reverse and it's working properly which is awesome huge kudos yum that's crazy honestly it's been probably like a week trying to wire that in yes the wiring diagrams are not really bad yeah so in the meantime of him doing that we've been out filming all the videos that you guys have been seeing so wow it's pretty nice it's been a long time coming for this car yeah yeah i'm honestly speechless this has been uh at this point we're not gonna be able to do too much obviously you guys know how this goes and for those of you that are new the process of data log is essentially here just so that the tuner can see how the car is responding to the values that they have set for that tune currently what we need to do is let it get up to operating temp which is where this car is going to be normally used at we need to then slowly rev it a few times to a few different rpm bands so that way they can make sure fueling up to those points is good then after that we're going to take it for a drive in second third gear and slowly roll up and climb it's not going to hurt it because we're not going to be getting in the boost that's the purpose of going very slow is so it doesn't get into boost then after that stop our log and we'll be able to send it over to him that's pretty much all we're going to be able to do today but the good news is that once we get a revision back for this tune we'll be good to start really doing some data logs so i just cannot even believe that this thing is running this has been six months six yeah six plus months something like that since this car has been able to do anything we've got a built trans in here now we've got four to one race headers on here we've got dual system a fuel system finally we've got bigger injectors we've got literally everything that this car has been needing from day one and it's incredible that we're back again phase two of this car so and it's a daily oh yeah right now uh we've got the heater on turned up all the way so that way we can get the thermostat to start opening making sure that we get all the air bubbles out i'm sorry i'm speechless this is just this is a lot of stress being relieved right now off camera uh you guys really just have no clue the amount of stuff that's been going on for the last six months especially involving this car it has been extremely stressful and um jeff at hell horse performance thank you so much for making this happen if you guys want to go check out however's performance that's the twin turbo kit that's on this car rpg engines thank you for the engine for this car we've got a calimer trans in here we've got the same thing in the black car but this is a tr6060 huge thanks to ben calimer for getting that trans to me we got a drive shaft in here finally from the drive shaft shop we were waiting on that for a long time it's just crazy to see months and months of hard work from doug our work for mayan trying to piece together everything and finally we're here i've told you guys honestly since day one of getting this car this has been my favorite car ever honestly i guess i've been so bummed lately because i don't have this thing to do anything with and i haven't had it for months and months and months so it's back i might not show right now but i'm like extremely happy about this oh it's moving putting in reverse feels great miss that sound dude i'm trying not to be like a baby back and cry but like god this has been a long time coming jesus before we even drive i do want to say seriously thank you so much yeah that's what i'm here for bro well no i'm being serious like bottom of my heart i appreciate it seriously three to five minutes i forget yeah let's get this log started i got to see it in the sunlight i just want to see what it looks like outside it's kind of weird seeing it outside i'll be honest dang that's what it looks like in daylight honestly i kind of dig the dirt on it what do you mean i love this thing wow i can't even really happen but this is happening so we're going to slowly rev to 25 and hold it for about 15 seconds blowing some smoke then after that 3 500 [Music] rpm maiden voyage we go feels really good actually track cars are just so much cooler than drag cars they just look so much better i can't deny that it's like watching your kid leave for college that's actually kind of how i feel right now and the funny part is the dogs want to build it that shifter feels interesting with that trans holy crap yeah you gotta want that thing to go into gear well it moves temps look great nothing abnormal at all iet's obviously staying super chilly climb to five thousand everybody's got to be so excited i'm really not good at doing youtube right now i'm just so focused on just smiling and sitting in this damn car i'll just roll onto it slow so third gear get up to 5 000. oh god even their baseball is really not bad and now after this he said we can go come on dude are you kidding no no are you kidding me all right here we go here we go we're gonna clutch dump it here we go here we go come on this thing is smooth i forget about it what the hell yeah until you don't want it to be and then this week started off pretty rough but i'm not gonna lie today made up for every single bit of it i'm gonna let it idle for a little bit he said another few minutes wow well we almost didn't make it back that was a good real convenient place to have it die though yeah instead of 20 50 yeah yeah on we almost didn't make it what the uh she she and then the died didn't want to start back up so i did a little pushing push did it die because tuna related nah it died because i hadn't gotten to play with this clutch in a minute and the clutch is still betting and i just oh you stole it not it kind of like flipped for a second yeah it kind of just like did it i don't know it's not like a stall where it's like boom it's like you try to give it enough gas but it just kind of like it just goes [Music] i never noticed that every time i get out of the car in the garage literally like honestly i'm not even alive that's kind of nerdy but i would like to sit there and just like sit with my eyes but just like just wait for it so nice this thing is way smoother than what i remember really i will say though seriously one cool thing is that shifter is very smooth yeah it lights your about it it lights to uh whenever you want to go into gear you got to be like you can't really like do like the stock s550 shifter thing where you just like kind of can easily slip it in you got to make it happen quick well it's back thank the lord got our data log files on here um i'm gonna go get these precious cargo delivered over to the tuner at lund real quick by the way one thank you guys so much between lund doug jeff everybody else that has had their hands in this car derrick everybody this car this thing is finally back i know you're excited you're excited really long time coming but this is gonna be a wrap for today's video we can't really do much from here we're gonna go ahead and get these sent over to them and uh we got a few days and over the weekend once we get back on monday hopefully we'll have a revised file that we can flash back onto the car and start doing some real data logs and start doing some drivability stuff and once we work drivability out it'll be time to strap the gt350 up to the dyno and sir doug will be piloting this glorious steed can't wait to about 1200 wheel horsepower oh wait well i forgot crap we can't even do that yet i gotta do clutch break in we'll do drivability then after we get drivability and the tune's pretty good before i can even do any watt pulls in the car i have to get this clutch broken in so that we don't mess anything up with that so if y'all want to see more videos of this thing please give us motivation smash that like button this has been a day this has been a week this has been a month this has been in everything and despite everything i'm looking past this car at so many broken pieces of uh cars but uh at least this thing's back but a long long time coming so thank you guys so much don't forget our new christmas designs up on the site right now for now see you guys next video oh
Channel: itsjusta6
Views: 438,195
Rating: 4.9553504 out of 5
Keywords: camaro, corvette, ls2, ls1, drag, race, lsx, ls7, z06, zl1, ss, chevy, hellcat, dodge, horsepower, supercharged, turbo, nitrous, fast, vs, Ford, Mustang, gt350, gt350r, racing, coyote, manifold, headers, tune, tuning, voodoo, tires, wheels, motorcycle, honda, rr, r1, r6, 500, bike, life, wheelie, crash, bikes, biker, compilation, Ducati, wreck, evo, ecoboost, bmw, s1000rr, single, cab, truck, Silverado, short, bed, lifted, slammed, lowered, mclaren, 570s, gtr, nissan, 720s, supercar
Id: aVCzaTsHA14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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