My Must Have CAS Mods & Defaults + links // the sims 4

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hey guys and welcome to a brand new video so today I'm going to be sharing my must-have cast mods alongside my cast defaults I'm not gonna be really going into my must-have CC because I did a video on that not too long ago although I probably will do one most likely next year once I have like new stuff that I use the most but I'll link my old video down in the description if you guys are curious but let's go ahead and get started so the first thing I want to talk about is my cast background so as you guys can see I've switched up to sage green I kind of go in between three cast backgrounds nowadays so I have this one my slate blue gray one that I use and then the Sims 2 one that I added to the rotation as well now the one thing I want to point out is this is what it looks like with my reshade boho dreams or reshade slash g shade I use a g shade now but I'm gonna go ahead and turn it off so you guys can see what it looks like without so this is what the green is gonna look like if you download it and have no reshade so there is that um also show you guys the blue one with and without reshape as well as the Sims 2 one moving on we have my lighting mod so I switched up my lighting mod I want to say a few months back essentially this one's supposed to give a more realistic look at lighting where the light is hitting from this side so there is a little bit more Shadow going on here and this one is by squee I'll also link the one I used to use down below as well I don't know if this is all going to fit in the description if not it's going to be over on Tumblr which I'll link as well so yeah you can tell that obviously there's more light being hit here the other one that I used was a lot brighter and it was like kind of all over the Sim next up is my stand still in cast mod so basically this just makes it so that your Sims stand still it's pretty self-explanatory it makes so that they're not constantly like moving around like when you're switching up and stuff the main thing that still moves when you're working on your sim is the eyes I don't think there's a way that you can just like stop them fully or if there is a standstill mod that makes the eyes not move the next mod that I use which I get questions about this quite a lot is how can I see more of my casts items and that's the more columns mod by werba suit I've been using the five columns for literally forever I have so much custom content that like you know having only two would really not cut it so I honestly sometimes wish there was like six I won't lie so it helps out there's also three different versions there's the three column one and there's also a four column one for people who have smaller monitors that's also really helpful if you guys don't like having just two so the other mod that I feel like I've been using forever is the Tidy details mod by Sparrow CC this one basically makes it so it's easier to layer on details so this one shows forehead crease so this is usually like your skin base and then if you scroll a little bit further you'll have like mouth crease you can add in another skin detail on top and there is quite a bit of them freckles section so yeah it really is helpful when you're going into cast They also do have them for accessories too I think it's a separate download I'm not entirely sure because I was looking for a link for this when I was compiling links for this video and I did notice that it was different so I might see if I can link both of them the next mod that I use to change things up a little bit would be the CC wrench mod uh this one just makes it so that instead of having you know the actual wrench which signifies custom content in your game I made it so it's the Sims 3 store little shopping bag and then I also have my swatches be little Plum Bobs uh and this works for skins as well I've had this mod in and out because I think it was broken a couple times that I finally put it back in so I do like it because it just makes it look a little bit cleaner there's also different options I believe I think there's like a cc just the letter CC and I don't remember what else there is but you'll probably be able to find other stuff there so the next one I feel like a lot of people already know about but if you don't it's the no EA lash is mod basically it makes it so that these chunky lashes which actually I don't think any of these eyes actually have oh yeah you can see right here because by default EA lashes are very much like liner looking they're very you know out there you can't really see them here uh if I go ahead and take off her lashes though uh you can see that she doesn't have any of those 3D lashes so if I go ahead and click on that eye she won't have it although um yeah I wasn't expecting the eyes to look like that but it's really helpful because the lashes are just not that good and I just prefer using my more like realistic looking ones so now I'm on to my defaults I've been using Sammy EXO X Pluto skin it's basically like a default EA this is actually the skin itself I'm not using a skin overlay it actually looks really nice I do have some um skin details on her uh if I go ahead and like take some of this stuff off you can tell um but it's still a really pretty skin I know they made a new one not that long ago another default which I'm considering looking at I forgot the name of it but it does look really cute and I might consider checking it out so next we have my default eyes I recently changed them up I want to say like maybe a month or so ago now I don't even know time goes by so quickly but these are them they kind of give off a more Maxis match Vibe but I like that you can see more light into the eyes as opposed to my old ones which I still really do like but I just think these are so pretty like I'm actually obsessed with them so well she actually looks really pretty with brown eyes hold on okay I guess the other thing I can go ahead and mention is I should have mentioned this alongside my default skin this isn't really a default but these are my skin tones so I've been using the llamatisse bare skin tone pack and I also have the lore skin tone back which adds more like Supernatural colors which I think is really pretty um I don't want to go too ahead and lose the skin that I have because now mine do look a little bit more red toned because of the reshade that I use but in general they're just really pretty skins like better than EA let me be honest so um if you need like a good skin tone pack definitely recommend this one and then for my next set of skin tones that I don't really tend to use a lot but I have just in case I need it and I do get questions about these every so often and these are the noodles Berry skin tones so they're just essentially you know colorful skin tones so my next default is teeth so I've had this also for quite a while basically it changes the look of Sims 4 teeth which look a little bit more I don't know flat these are more like 3D like uh their Maxis match teeth I know that there's some teeth out there that are more realistic which I still haven't gotten I keep forgetting about it but it just changes the look of them and I just feel like they look a lot nicer than your average eat so those are them I do also have a lips default and I don't really know if it changes anything anymore but I'll link them just in case it does happen to do anything but it's pucker up lips essentially it's supposed to make the lips look better but I don't even notice it if even if I've just had it in my folder for forever so then we have the default feet by Dallas girl79 I've had these also for forever I think I used to use a different one but I've started to use shoes that do I don't know if they by default make your feet 3D but I don't know I just think it looks a little bit more realistic and it just doesn't look like weird I don't know I just I've just had them and it looks fine so I've kept them and I think the last thing that I have to mention is my default underwear which um they're the soft collection by I used to be Grim cookies now AKA lucery I know that people have been having problems with the mask version um and having bras show up on that and I'll try and do a quick little tutorial on how to fix that if anybody has been having issues because I don't believe that the original posts have been updated I just quickly brought in my sim stage in here just to show you guys the default underwear for mask Sims so the problem is after the werewolves update they would wear bras um and I fixed that through Sims 4 studios so basically what you're going to do once you have Sims 4 Studio open is you're gonna go to my CC then you're gonna have a page like this that opens that shows you your entire mods folder and you're gonna go ahead and click on your defaults or wherever you have your bra saved at you're gonna click on the default replacement bra and then you'll see something like this you'll see the bra on this Sim then you have all these check boxes on the side so we're gonna do is going to scroll all the way down to the section that says part Flags you're gonna see this box right here that says restrict opposite gender it should be unchecked and for it to work you have to check it apply to all swatches and then save so that should be the fix if not I would suggest maybe trying restrict opposite frame there was a post on Twitter that I followed to fix it but it's deleted for some reason I can't find it and I believe that's exactly what I had to do because I did go ahead and test it so hopefully that helps those of you who have been having struggles with your Sims wearing bras I know that it was really frustrating for me but um yeah that is the fix for that so that being said that's pretty much it for this video thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoyed if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're already and I'll talk to you guys in the video very soon bye guys [Music] foreign
Channel: neecxle
Views: 196,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 3, the sims, sims, thesimslife, thesimslifee, simslife, neecxle, neecole, the sims 4, the sims 2, the sims 4 lets play, the sims 3 lets play, the sims 4 must have cas mods, the sims 4 must have create a sim mods, my must have mods the sims 4 2022, the sims 4 cas defaults
Id: rZbZE3JkHOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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