My motorcycle has a huge petrol leak |S7E56|

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Hm Why is it coming down? That's a good question Yes I take your number and we are communicatiing No no, it's okay - No? - No no Is it for security reasons? Lake Bosomtwe, Ghana Season 7 - Episode 56 Good morning Internet, it is 7:30 in the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here at the horse ranch here in Ghana. Here are the horsies And I'm staying right here at Lake Bosomtwe I already started packing Alaska. It's almost sorted Um.. but before I go on today's ride, I'm gonna have a breakfast here because they do an amazing very big breakfast So I'm gonna enjoy that Have to go underneath here The horses actually walk free on the entire property It's really cool so that's why they have the.. those bars there So this is for breakfast. I have porridge and then there's coffee There's toast with jam, honey and peanut butter and then I have fruits This will definitely last me the whole day Right now, I am over here, I don't know if you can see the tiny blue spots which is the lake And today I'm going to ride towards this area and I'm gonna stay just before this water here Because I'll need to take a ferry to get across there. So today I'll be riding somewhere around this area in Ghana Bye horsies! What a lovely, lovely place to stay Really enjoyed it here, oh Thanks! Now leaving the lake, I'm going to take the normal road Not that tiny path that I came down from So I'm leaving from the other side So it's 236 kilometers for today And then I'm gonna stay the night and then the next morning take the ferry across Because it only goes once per day And I think it goes like at 10:30 in the morning so It is not going to be possible today Especially since I'm leaving a little bit late for my liking It's already quarter to nine now But yeah, it took me a while to eat all that breakfast So now I'm following this track. At some point I'm going to be hitting the plains But I think that's still uh.. a bit further Some of you might think that I'm going really fast on these dirt roads But the locals are going faster It's like I am having difficulty keeping up with them Ooh, the grasses are standing tall Very tall These are some serious ruts There are canyons in the road Oof Some more road canyons You never know what's around the next corner hey? I must actually find fuel I suddenly realize That I don't have so much petrol left so Whenever I get to.. well, a bigger place I really need to find a fuel station Obviously, I'm not gonna find anything.. on this track Yes, found a petrol station Full please And also this tank. I have two tank. One, two You fill all of them? - Also full Oh okay - Yeah Hey! The motor is leaking The petrol, it is coming down Hm Why is it coming down? Yeah, that's a good question It is coming down Why is it leaking? I don't know, I think it's the connection between this tank and the main tank Do you have like a bottle or something? I think we have to empty this Okay Because otherwise this is all gonna leak Yeah, now it's stopped. It stopped leaking yeah Yeah, it's a thing, the connection where this tank it goes to the main tank Maybe it's not uh.. connected properly Let me actually chuck that fuel.. .. In my fuel bag Yeah, if you have the funnel Sorry! Thanks! They didn't put it back properly when they put back my bike back in Abidjan And I haven't really used the rear tank so far There was I think a little bit in it. And I was already smelling petrol a few times And I was like, I stopped and I was like, I smell petrol I'm smelling petrol. I'm smelling it all day, and I don't understand how that's possible Yeah, it's starting here already. You see all of this? All of these.. are bags with charcoal And I believe soon.. there is not gonna be one single tree in sight any longer Because all the trees have been turned into charcoal And well, that's because charcoal here is still the cheapest fuel for cooking Gas is unaffordable Gas was already expensive before and then when the war started with Ukraine the gas prices tripled Now they've gone down again a little bit but they're still double the amount that they were before So nobody can afford that So most people are cooking on charcoal More charcoal Wow Ah, the road has turned into dirt It was paved all this time Well, with a lot of potholes Since that fuel station But now, so the last 90 kilometers Should be.. well, will probably be unpaved Probably to turn into charcoal Alright, I am pretty much here. There should be a hotel here.. guest house The next day.. Alright Off I go again! It is 27 kilometers left to the ferry This town where I stayed the night is called Donkorkrom.. I think It's now 6:30 in the morning. So still early So I should be in time for the ferry Oh, this is lovely! What a lovely ride Ghana is a really fascinating country Because the Kingdom of Ghana was founded already in 300 AD And that was when different tribes of the Soninke people were united under one king And these people called their king, Ghana which means warrior king So that eventually led to other people also referring to the kingdom as Ghana But originally the Kingdom of Ghana, was what is now Mauritania Senegal and Mali. So the original kingdom was far more to the northwest of here But over time there were different tribes from North Africa that were attacking the kingdom Because they wanted it to convert to Islam So over time the kingdom, kind of got pushed down towards the coast Down towards the south east and eventually the kingdom weakened So in 1100 AD, it became part of the Mali kingdom And well, if you look at now, there is about I think, 20 percent of the people in Ghana are Muslim Most are Christian, I believe 60 or 70 percent of the people are Christian And then small part is Muslim, and a small part adheres to traditional African religion I'm almost there Or at least, I'm in the town where the ferry leaves is from Hi You cannot reach I don't park on the ferry? You must not park right now Ah okay. Okay I'll turn around here I'm a little bit confused because where I stayed the night, I asked the girls who worked there I was like, what time should I leave to reach the ferry? And they said four o'clock in the morning, I should leave and I was like, but it's only 30 kilometers They were like no, no because there's three ferries. I was like, doesn't the ferry go 10:30 They're like no, no you must leave really early. So I said uh.. but I'm pretty fast on my motorbike They're like, okay then you can have breakfast at six and then leave Which I did. So now yeah, it took me an hour.. not even. And now he's like, I must wait because it only leaves at 10:30 Which I knew! So anyway, doesn't matter Hi, how are you? From where? I'm from the Netherlands You ride the motor from The Netheralnds? Eh - Eh Are you going back or what? No Are you captain? No, I'm the deputy captain Ah I see There is the captain Oh yeah, no I met him You met him this morning? Yeah, he was calling me sweet angel and then he said something about his wife and I ran away Ah! Why is he talking about his wife to you? - I don't know! My sweetheart, how are you? - Good and you? My sweet angel Ha ha. Right Okay, so where's the ferry? The ferry is here At that pink building I go left? - Yes Ah, okay okay. I'll find it I want to talk to my wife, because He is the captain I want to talk to my wife before going. My wife is here with me. Yeah right, okay You can park the moto on board Oh, I can yeah Okay I'll do that 3 hours later... How much is this? Seven Cedi I don't go off here? You go there so you arrive on the bridge Ah, so now I understand it, the cars were going off, so that this truck could get on Because the heavy vehicles will go through the water here and then the lighter ones We can take a bridge, that's why Ah see, so the heavy vehicles, they cannot go over this little bridge So they have to go through the water That didn't turn out well for that one truck But I can take.. I can ride off that little bridge there Thanks Alright, where do I go? So I'm now riding on the east banks of the Volta. It's the largest lake in Ghana But it's man-made, because it's there because of a dam.. that was built in the late 50s I believe Or 60s. Pretty much when Ghana gained independence from the British.. that dam was built And it's providing electricity for the entire country And they're even exporting it as far as I know To Burkina Faso and Togo maybe Hi! Huh? Today you take coverage again of the place you are coming It's my first time - Ah okay Aye! How are you? - Good and you? Happy to meet you today - Okay So how is your journey? - Good, good It's good? - Yeah So you from Donkorkrom? - I came from Donkorkrom, yeah So how is there? - Good, good It is good? - Yes, yes hot Very hot today - So what are you in for? What are you this side for? I'm going towards Togo - Togo? - Yeah I just want to give you the directions I know where to go you know - You know where to go? Yes - Ah okay Yeah - Thank you and your name? - Okay Noraly. Noraly - Noraly Yes - Ah, okay I take your number and we are communicating Er.. no. Ha ha, no it's okay - No? No no Is it for security reasons? Carry on - Okay, thank you The number of times I've been asked for my phone number For my WhatsApp number Especially by police actually Alright, somewhere here I'm gonna make a stop Because there should be a monkey sanctuary Somewhere here Here somewhere here Oh, that one's big So the monkey they run, kind of free right? Yeah, yeah they are not in cage - They are not in a cage Yeah, they are free to move around - Yeah Unlike we put them in a cage, no But because they have their own territory, they're always kind of in the same area Yes - Right Oh Oh, I hear them Oh, they're here, they're here Oh yeah! Look That is so cute! You wanna go jump on the tree? No, he wants to stay with me Okay They make the cutest sounds - Yeah Oh, that was so worth the stop! That was really cool! Normally, I don't really like monkeys. I'm actually a little bit afraid of most monkeys But these are really cute And just uh.. yeah, pretty amazing to see, I think it's really, it's really rare He also said this is the only place where.. these monkeys where you can see these monkeys They're not very common at all And they just run free and it's pretty cool Alright, I have 19 or 18 kilometers to go, to the place where I'm hoping to stay the night I think it's actually, up in the mountains there And there are some dark clouds so I might catch a little bit of rain But hey, the entire day it has been lovely So I'm not gonna complain Well, there I go Straight towards the mountain which looks very dark from here Wow Getting higher and higher, I'm going to Amedzofe Straight here Wow, the view from this place! It's gonna be amazing Oh, it is so nice and cool here Up in the mountains Wow What a difference. The temperature difference is huge Probably also because it just rained Here's a restaurant. Good to know Hi What a stunning area! Okay, somewhere.. oh, did I pass it? Should be.. .. Guest house Akofa Guest House Maybe here? Not sure Yes Akofa House Hmm.. seems a bit deserted Not sure if this is.. ..A guest house Hello Is this guest house? - Yes Do you have room available? Can I see? Okay The view from this place is absolutely amazing Look at that. And that the rain cloud is just moving across down there Cool right? 'Cause when I arrived the rain cloud was here. And now it's moved already all over there It's just the view from this place, it's just amazing So on the way in, I passed a restaurant So I'm just gonna go there now and see if I can eat something For lunch slash dinner in one.. again 'Cause it's already I think 3:30 now Put the cover over her, because it probably will rain some more Anyway, what an amazing place, I mean look at this Incredible Ah okay okay I'll sit here You are welcome - Thank you So what am I supposed to ? I take a little bit of this and put it inside or ? Yes Okay! Okay So that was an interesting meal. That stuff that I had to put in, I can't remember what it was called now. Dunk.. dunku or something. It's kind of like fufu or pap in South Africa But it was a little bit different, it was made of cassava and something else Not really my thing but um.. the curry was actually really nice and had some chicken I'm now walking with a bunch of goats Yeah, hi goats Oh Some more coming The goats are crying Anyway. Oh wow, look at that cloud! Let me see if I can film this There is a cloud coming like you wouldn't believe Look how fast it's moving Very dramatic skies here Anyway, I'm gonna end this video. That was it for today, I really hope you like this video If you did please give a big thumbs up Subscribe down below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Itchy Boots
Views: 979,232
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Keywords: dual purpose bike, RTW, round the world on motorbike, adv rider, motorbike traveller, female motorcycle traveler, solo female traveller, honda, crf300l, crf300rally, crf300l review, adventure rider, offroad motorcycle, overlanding africa, motorcycling ghana, best of ghana, solo journey through africa, things to see ghana
Id: vj2YJtZ7hGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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