Inside The World's Biggest Slum In Pakistan

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morning and welcome to Karachi in Pakistan it is my first time in Pakistan people have been saying to come here for a long time and I'm finally here I'll be honest this place is pretty crazy how much for a camel ride 2 rupees very cheap look at your sunglasses wow M you are balling you have completely camouflag in our dress yeah nice to meet you nice to meet how do you like my outfit do you like it it looks awesome perfect Invincible where are you from basically uh UK United atmosphere according compared to your country here what do you say the atmosphere here compared to the UK UK yeah people are so friendly people are sociable friendly so sociable and they're very helpful and the food here is very good and yeah really nice which kind of food do you like it's my first time in Pakistan so I'm trying different things in Kar one thing is very famous that is called Biryani what would you recommend to eat them Biryani and what else biryani birani birani Biryani chicken birani chicken biryani oh I'll try this for sure how can I tell this gentleman that his sunglasses are amazing zaste your sunglasses ah oh no I'm F what's thisle gawa this is gawa gawa yeah you must taste it oh I can't taste this no no no no no no I only eat McDonald's don't eat Mawa no thank you so much I know Gava but I'm okay honestly it's lovely to meet everyone anyway have a good one see you later lovely to meet you enjoy your Gaba this beach is absolutely Bonkers I'll be honest I've been on nice of beaches in my life this one has zero sand literally just mud this beach literally goes on for miles and miles and miles oh my God the smell how can a beach smell so bad Hi how are you you good I am literally sinking in this mud here let me get out of here Hi how are you you'll give me a lift off the beach yeah let's go can I jump on okay thank you run a bit yeah I just take it oh wow I've not got a clue how much this is going to cost this my friend mcdonal it's what this only camera this my friend yeah no problem oh right we're getting off the beach there we have it the golden arches in the front how are we you going oh let me get off I can't get out there we go how are we boys we good how are you guys I am very good thank you so much for the lift I appreciate it see you later look after yourself right let's get off this beach how are we you were good I wish I spoke the local language look what we have the golden arches wow what gun is this you need gun for McDonald's wow no worries thank you what are you two doing in here s wison bald and bankrupt and Backpacker Ben how are you mate he good mate good good how crazy is that beach that beach is um a unique Beach it's not the mold bees it's definitely not the mold bees chaos absolute chaos what an experience that was what's the plan now going into karach I think we should explore the city yeah head to the main Town show you the real Karachi mate ready to make a move's do it mate let's head out cheers mate So the plan now we're going to head into the center of karach whereabouts cuz you've been to karach before you have mate we're going to go to Burns Road where apparently you can see where all the street food is oh great I love street food maybe we'll try some maybe not how fast Burns roll from here or is it far we need a taxi it's about 20 minutes okay right let's get a taxi yeah what about this guy how are you my friend you good yeah goodam Alum how far is Burns Road from here English English no no English Burns Road Burns Road yeah can you take us how much 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 700 no problem that's great right here we go what's your name my Abdul Rashid Abdullah nice to meet you Abdullah Abdullah get us there safe yeah we are on the move through karate I don't think there's any suspension in this tuck Tuk Abdullah I think you need to take the Tuk Tuk to the garage to look at the suspension every time we hit up pot hole I wonder how much one of these Tuk to I I could do with one of these in Manchester how long is this to into the city from here 15 minutes oh it's it's not too far the beach is just behind us over there we're going more Inland into karach [Music] now I'm having a very good time it's my first time in Karachi in Pakistan Mah you must have heard very bad things about it no not at all not at all I've heard good things and honestly it's better than I thought people are very good may your experience be greater thank you so much nice to meet you look after yourself have a good day casually having a chat with someone in the traffic Pakistan is a great country I've never had a conversation with someone like this in traffic before this place is great I think I'm going to get a holiday home here everybody is so friendlier aren't they oh mate friendliest country in the world really would you say so yeah it's up there everybody's just like so happy to help everybody like invit you everywhere I've only been here for 2 minutes let's see how friendly these are how are you good we've been in this Tuk tuug now I reckon for what good 20 minutes 20 minutes heab we paid £1 for this is that how much it is it's so cheap what 700 no 22 22 2 pound for this I think we're getting closer because it's getting a lot busier now Jesus Christ W flipping I thought he was going to crash into that must then since arriving in Pakistan this is probably the most Central I've been so far the busiest I've seen it oh wow yeah this might be a different experience here oh wow we're here I think there's 1,000 it's fine thank you so much look here this is Burns Road what are you making chapati look how he's making it how are you f you're good is this Burns rod Burns Road yes what this one here or is it that one over there over there this one over Burns Road what is this Hamati let's have a look how you make it what is Hamati jel cousin Jellaby sweet sweet crispy very nice what is it jalab jalabi jalab little like um cookie thing oh is it yeah I recommend you try one do you like them I just had one you missed I'm about to get run over by a cement mixer let's move out the way right from speaking to that blow this is Burns Road not this one so should we just head down it you lead the way I'm guessing this is as Central karate as we can get yeah it is yeah have you noticed the police everywhere yeah why is that like why have people got guns and stuff like that they say Pakistan's dangerous but it's not I don't feel like it's dangerous at all people are like dead helpful dead friendly let's not speak to too soon but so far how are you I'm very good how are you mate you good I'm very good so nice to meet you so nice to meet you what you doing here well I'm just walking up and down and having a look is this the central karate yeah it's the central so this is as Central as you get people are so friendly and Kar we love everyone cuz some people say Pakistan is dangerous I don't feel dangerous no not at all who say some people no no no no pakan is not no not at all what was your name sorry I'm Muhammad Assan Muhammad Assan so nice to meet meet you all the best see you later you too oh my God I hope that's not coming for me oh police are even friendly how does that oh wow I'm going to get run over it's a bit more crazier in this part isn't it me it's different level do you know what though I'll be honest when I went to India India was Ram like at least you can actually walk on the pavement here Jeremy what are you selling teethbrush that's a toothbrush you're joking this is a toothbrush you're winding me up I almost supp to brush my teeth with that yeah like what you can't clean your teeth with this I will buy it can you show me how you do it and you can keep it how much 100 100 thank you so much I'm not too sure how I could brush my teeth with this can you speak English yes oh nice to meet you how are you I'm fine how are you yeah can you tell me how I can brush my teeth with this you can have it you can keep it show me you can do it yes put it in your mouth you put it in your mouth yeah and then do that that and with your teeth and you brush it like that and this works yes but will he like your gums bleed with this yes is this good this go this can't be good for you is it good yes your English is very good thank you so how old are you 15 15 nice it's a pleasure thank you so much fair play I'm not too sure how I'm going to be able to brush my teeth with it how the hell do you brush your teeth with a stick I'm not even going to attempt to brush my teeth with this this road is crazy would anybody like a toothbrush would you like a toothbrush this is clean I've not used it yes yes you want it uh yes no problem see you later oh they're cutting me here and there is so much flies Jesus what the hell are those man they're like eagles mate are you winding me up oh jeez oh mate get out of here quick in the UK we have pigeons he these are like eagles there were so many flies then just from where they were putting meat I saw some of your videos Man ah no way ah on Facebook I saw your Ma's hack you said that ah that you go into the McDonalds and said that I should get that me it's my birthday the free Burger yeah so you want anything I can get it for you yeah thank you so much where do you recommend going I am just exploring Karachi this is one short uh it's like a food Street of Karachi and it's so famous right now and you should try Karachi halim Karachi Biryani and you can go over there there a w Kabab house yeah yeah and if you let me I can take you over there thank you so much I saw a lot of your videos man it's so good man the pleasure is all mine it's so nice to meet you and it's so good to come to Pakistan as well you've been in to India and I saw India Pakistan is not so crazy as India it's so quiet like yeah it's a lot quiet like so crazy they shout yeah yeah I thought Pakistan might be a bit more similar but it's not and the people are amazing well it's so good to meet you it's so good to thank what's your name asan essan see you later essan have a good one this place is class how are you it's what I Imran go go Imran Khan no no Imran Khan no no go Imran go go go home go what did he say is this good or badan what's this man saying he's just doing a political talking here he's doing a political talk is he is he a fan of Imran Khan or not oh he's not he's not listen we don't talk politics here oh wow he's kicking off he's not a happy man are we friends no we're not friends he's not know why why is he angry it's his age factor that he doesn't understand anything anymore so he doesn't like tourists nice to meet you friends no no no shria BBC London no no BBC T tourist don't BB hey he's smiling what's wrong with him he's not a happy man BBC News he thinks I'm BBC News no American no no no no I'm not he thinks we're BBC News then I he said I don't like BBC nice to see you anyway have a good day see you later that guy was not happy he he doesn't like him ranan oh wow we're going to get run over oh thank you thank you see you later he's really not happy that guy so that guy doesn't like Imran Khan and he thinks I'm from BBC News then I've got an idea let's jump on this bus excuse me can we come on the bus let me get on this let me jump on this oh we're on how is everyone on the bus all good everybody having a good day yeah yeah yeah good I don't know where this bus is going but we're going to find out I am from the UK UK welcome welcome welcome Pakistan thank you so much you looking pan yeah you like my outfit nice to meet you have a good one see you later right we are you getting off okay see you later thanks oh my God I'm getting off a moving bus oh okay that was pretty chaotic this place is absolutely mental look at this how cool is this can you get on the roof of that there like something on the roof let's see if we can get on the roof for this bus can we go on the roof penalty there's a penalty yeah he will not take ah he will okay no problem no problem can we jump on brother oh wow Ben how hot is it man I am sweating buckets what is going on here Ben we are literally wedged in there's a saer in here it's a saer oh my God it is boiling on this bus and I am literally wedged in I can't go forward or back may we can't even get off if we want let's push through if we need to this is worse than the London Underground that rush out of this come on jump on how many people can we fit on this bus there's more coming on are you jumping off mate safe journey mate have a good one yeah where are we going here oh wow here we go we're climbing on in moving traffic s hey give me a camera come on mate you can do it oh careful care mate if I fall I'm potentially dead careful mate careful mate if he it's a potle there's more people coming up well I did not think I'd be sat on a bus roof when I was in McDonald's this morning I have not got a clue where this bus goes we'll see where we end up we must be coming out of Karachi now surely how you liking this Ben oh man this is Pakistan so different to England it tell me about it hey I haven't even thought how we're going to get down off this roof we're fig out how are you my friend good fine very good I'm glad you're good this is so crazy look at this how are you liking this Ben M what an adventure Eh this is Pakistan it's normal here I still don't feel safe on the route for this bus I'll be [Music] honest we must have been on this for a good what 20 minutes now he I reckon we're going quite far out the sea here we need to think about getting off this bus soon I think or we're going to go miles out what you have to bang to get off should we give him a bang now Ben I'm going to have to give you this camera I can't get down holding this have you got it yeah I got it I got it if this bus starts going we're in trouble have a good one shria lovely to meet you you have a very nice bus have a good one gentlemen well that is the famous bus there we just got to figure out where we are now we are now in orangi town which is outside of Karachi so we've left the city what did you reckon this about an hour out the city yeah at 45 minutes is it all right let's have a look down here Ben was just telling me that arangi town is actually one of the biggest slums in the world the biggest slum 2 and a half million people live here 2 and 1/2 million people just in this area oh wow what the hell do we have here we've got three cows two calves there's loads of cows there's about 20 cows here what on Earth is this is this just a dump oh my God look at this this absolutely stinks are we crossing over there definitely not let's go back the other way are you being serious I'm walking through this we're just crossing the bridge now that's where we were a minute ago down there with the cows this is a proper slum you can see in the back it almost looks like the flla this place is crazy just to not get run over right look at this what we're dealing with here how do we even get through this oh my god there are so many flies this is absolutely crazy look at all this it makes you so grateful when you see things like this from England England from UK where come to Pakistan for my first time and I want to explore and meet the people of Pakistan is it okay to come here yeah is it okay to walk here okay thank you shria see you later that guy literally just said to me what are you doing here what a guy on a bike yeah he said what are you doing here I walked into a shop and he was like why are you here get out get out oh was he yeah maybe this is an area we shouldn't come oh we're well and truly into this place now look at the houses here people living in here what is that noise what's going on in [Music] here what is that Salam alikum how are you you good ah thank you oh my god what is going on here oh wow check his little Factory out I'm guessing he's making the Arab dresses this is the Cotton nice to meet youa yeah I'll be careful ah thank you the people here are so friendly walking through these streets nearly every building it's just like a cotton factory making these dresses and like sewing machine in here another one you can just hear that machine every road you turn down some experience there is it it is mental man do you know what though mate you're don't walking through you doesn't it just make you so grateful and appreciative I know I'm never going to complain ever again no you can't can you we're just heading out now this is the entrance to this place people aren't so friendly in there are they we're getting a lot of stairs we get out of here yeah 100% I keep seeing the same people like circling I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing oh wow Salam alaykum wum you good five people on a motor bike wow right we're out we're back on the main road now what is this flag everywhere mate it's not the Pakistan flag looks like the Afghanistan flag it's some politics stuff is it election coming soon I think is it yeah yeah they're everywhere I wonder if they support IM ranan in this part of town they all love him mate even in this part I guess so the whole country love in man just even to cross the road here is a nightmare right Let's cross oh every man for himself oh hey how are you do you want anything from the shop Ben I think some crisps got some crisps excuse me do you have salt and vinegar crisps oh he's is he closing he's closing the shop he doesn't want to sell us anything I don't think are you close close he's locked us out and he's off on his way man he's just lock the shop on me doesn't want to serve you mate I just wanted some s of vinegar crisps that was stop obviously that's a thing when you can't speak the language it's hard isn't it yeah cuz I just gave some Mone crisp yeah I should have starving I wanted to get some salt and vinegar crisp should we go to McDonald's instead yeah may I think so oh what have we got here now look at this this is everywhere I think you've got the main river in the back is that the main river in the back yeah all right let's have a look at that oh my God look at this River it's like sludge all the rubbish in here as well the smell jeez these are people's houses in the back you've got this guy here loads of big curtains another place here some more people's houses I tell you what though in this part of town I feel like I'm pulling attention because a lot of people are looking I don't think they've seen a tourist in this part of town before Hi how are you how are you very good what's your name Simon what's your name uh fad Muhammad fad nice to meet you so you live in orangi town yeah nice is it a good place around here here yeah people very friendly yeah yeah ah who we got here Salam alaykum how are you how are you nice to meet you nice to meet you are you from orangi orang ah nice my first time in Pakistan so nice to meet you I'm good-looking College your English is very good see you later Shuka look at this hair how do you have hair like this let's have a look oh wow what's going on in here Color Workshop ah you make me m oh it's a Color Workshop you're painting so you paint all of these orange oh spray painting all of these this is why your hair is orange I'm BL orange orange in orangy town it can't be healthy breathing in all this pains can it you wear mask no no wow all the paint in your mouth how many of these do you do a day 400 500 600 600 a day in one day you do 600 of these in one day oh my God you need to wear a mask you'll be breathing the paint yeah exactly this Workshop he must breath in so much paint he doesn't even wear a mask thank you so much oh you want to be on camera I know this is the main man he's the boss of the factory Are You The Boss the big boss look at this orange hair looking good Pakistan zindabad zabad zindabad Pakistan my first day in Pakistan has been amazing the people have been so so welcoming it's untrue obviously coming into a rangi town there's been a slight different feel to it but again people are just so helpful and they just want to show you around and show you their country right it is time to get out of arangi town in karach and go to a different part of Pakistan first video of the New Year hope you're having a good one and I'll see you soon
Channel: Simon Wilson
Views: 673,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon Wilson, simon wilson, cheap, travel, no money, travelling, hotel, Challenge, adventure, tourism, solo, airport, flying, expensive flight, cheap flight, holiday, crazy, real life, with no money, new york to la with no money, cheapest, flight, cheap travel, travel for cheap, pakistan, karachi, india, slum, biggest slum in the world, world's biggest slum, dangerous, orangi town, street food, bald and bankrupt, backpacker ben
Id: qaAOng6nltc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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