I Did a Terrible Job of This - Intel $5,000 Extreme Tech Upgrade

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oh yeah the question we'll be answering today is what kind of intel extreme 5 000 tech upgrade would you get the ltt writer who already has an amazing setup spoiler it apparently includes an rtx 3090. this is mine you're the first to go rtx 3090. i know this is going to be an interesting one folks because not only is ploof's place full of stolen ltt property like this prototype cpu pillow dog bed colin gave me that but it is full of all kinds of weird stuff yeah your house has a lot of character dude thanks linus [Music] first of all i gotta say respect right i use trello for my personal shopping list and to assign chores to my kids and stuff really yeah if it's good enough to organize at work it's good enough to organize at home that's a good point yeah right yeah yeah i bought a whiteboard years ago and i just kind of always get one if i get rid of the old one when i move mm-hmm see i think that's a lie because i'm not convinced you ever get rid of anything no no here's a whole bunch of gadaron black switches when you work at game studios there's always people selling memorabilia and a lot of the time it's not selling it's just hey i don't want this anymore that explains a lot yeah god this is a lot of magic the gathering yeah i have a couple other um ultimate god so those are each like a commander deck be careful some of those are like several hundred dollars each really yeah each deck is like a few hundred bucks if you look i got a lot of shiny foil cards some of those are like 50 bucks a card 100 bucks a card you've got some frauds in here yeah yeah you've got some fake cards this looks like i drew it yeah so once you've spent like 5 or 10 grand on magic cards you kind of don't want to pay for them anymore i love your pizza shovel though so do you actually use this because it looks suspiciously clean there's some dough left over right there well that's gross i know i should have cleaned it better i should have cleaned it better yeah we had pizza on friday was like last time no saturday night it was delicious oh so this is fresh then yeah yeah and here's the battle station we'll be upgrading you got uh it's just uh blue yeti yeti yeah okay you have stickers everywhere they're on my speaker i'm surprised you don't have them on your screen no no come on you're into records too then yeah that's a lot more money than another 10 000 or something i've spent over the years i came down here for this bin of extremely expensive looking keyboard cables and sleeving yeah but what i ended up finding was how many computers does one man need i just need two okay and i have two you have two but you're building another one yeah yeah so we're gonna move all the stuff out of this one yeah and then return the stuff that was stolen from this is all mine to the office this is all mine i bought these i bought that now for expensive impractical hobby number the third impractical it's extremely impractical every keyboard functions basically the same and most people don't collect key switches like candy they're for when i want to try them out and like change them i took these whoa whoa whoa whoa you're gonna break my switch jars now some of this i understand you gotta have your pliers you gotta have your magnifying glasses so you can look like a big big big nerd while you're working on your soldering or whatever the case may be what does this have to do with uh when i was doing a lot of d d i was dming and so i'd make my own maps and stuff or i'd recreate the ones from the books that you can get you literally bootlegged your own maps with pencil crayon you know that one man can only use one maybe two keyboards that wow this is really heavy hell yeah it is please be careful that's a 500 keyboard this is my end game those are cheap keycaps but uh i have expensive ones coming you have more keycaps yeah i mean you already have expensive oh my god is this that thing i did the short circuit for yeah i took how much is this it's like a hundred bucks and you just took it this one yes like how much is crap like this that's like 20 bucks that's like yeah you can get stuff like this on etsy for like 10 20 bucks that's not expensive but this guy's that's like 80 the space bar is like a hundred but it looks sick though right look at that you have a problem this is just decoration then oh yeah you actually plugged it oh no no it's just wireless yeah the plan is to plug the other one in later too because this is gonna be like where i stream keyboard stuff okay i guess that's a perfect transition to finally talk about your upgrade a little bit now you blew most of your budget on an rtx 3090 yeah but i see you've got a lot of other stuff in here that's kind of streaming focused you've got a ring light you've got a sony camera this is a zve10 you're the first to pick up a go xlr i've wanted this for ages i actually love it yeah the bleep button is the best thing ever i mostly am awesome i couldn't live without it at this point like what's the alternative i have to hire a editor to bleep all this out of the video i mostly want it for the sliders so i can put individual things like discord or um like uh windows sounds and so i can just slide them up and down software's got a learning curve sure that's fine i can figure it out yeah i'm not too worried about that time for some division of labor who's doing what i see you've already assigned yourself starting the red bull i want to swap all the stuff from my old server that never really got turned into a server into my old case because i want to keep that because it's pretty sweet and then obviously we've got to take that down like take that apart and put that just in boxes or somewhere else before i do whatever i want with the parts and then build the new computer conveniently today's intel extreme tech upgrade is for a writer hey you can do it that's fine i know how to build a computer you should unbox the case though i spend a bunch of time doing something and it looks pretty cool and i recorded it all for floatplane exclusive stuff go subscribe flowplane.com hell yeah this is an insane freaking machine you went 980 pro for your drive oh yeah you've got like so there's freaking what 64 games no no no no there's two kits g-skill was afraid of sending me the 4400 stuff and it not working so they sent a 4 000 kid as well if it as a backup you sticker bombed your case yeah the top of it i gotta say this is pretty classy i spent like 100 plus dollars on stickers i went with a torrent because it's like the best case ever because you're a big pirate who pirates magic the gathering card no that's the funny thing is that like this doesn't have a ton of hard drive space so i'll build this and then what do i do i need you to tidy this place up well no it's fine i need to tear down the old computers and then swap the motherboards with everything on them basically the ergonomics of your setup are atrocious what you literally have a mousepad seam right in the middle of where you'd be gaining you don't know you don't know how i'm gaming though i game like this look this is great i actually like the l desk it's not a full l but it's enough to put my arm here you're right it's not a full l but it is a bit of an l okay who's this alira alira it's from a video game would you like to go back out onto the course she's just kidding she's just gonna go i'll see you later okay oh god there's a lot of cat hair here oh my god the front panel i didn't even see the front panel i usually you usually do nothing no i usually clean it but i'm like oh we're doing this at some point i'm building a new computer i'm just not gonna bother this is an actual blanket this is so gross david's was pretty bad not like this not like this yeah okay fine damn i can't believe you tried to throw me under the bus dude yeah oh there's a dead bug one thing that kind of sucks is um the new 12th gen chips a lot of them actually have this 512 av512 support like it's still on the chip and you can unlock it but it's like a thing that kind of just you know shoved away yeah but if you boot it even once i think with uh a board that has updated microcode it'll already like be like you don't yeah okay shut it off well anyway if you see the square there that means i don't have it anyway so it doesn't even matter and the reason avx 512 might matter to a gaming enthusiast is that it's really great for certain retro emulation emulation it's really great for particularly i think ps3 maybe next time probably not abx 512 is one of those data center only kind of technologies yeah i'm surprised it was even in these in the first place yeah i chose this board mostly because it has like three rgb headers um and lots of places to put stickers yeah actually no i'm not going to sticker the board oh you're sure you don't want to put something no no no that's got the built-in nice little i o shield so i don't have to put the shield on no this is rgb i don't want a sticker over that i bought uh these noctua things the covers yeah i bought covers for the cooler so i can sticker bomb the top of the cooler you know what's funny i gave them a hard time about this product because i was like that is a really clutchy solution oh like to making your your coolers look better i don't disagree someone somewhere will buy them yeah it's true i've already dismantled part of it but for such a cluttered person i got to give credit for the cable management within the case there's some odd things like this electrical tape together molex brick of molex connectors that is a lot of thermal contact that's a good amount it's going to make a mess you're going to squish that down it's going to be everything it's not bad i've been putting around this much at work and it's fine i mean i think for the longer cpus for performance okay sure there's a little how much you want to bet there's a little too much on this one i agree there's a little there's a little bit too much i probably could have stopped the line here and and here a little off topic but i've got an update on the ltt screwdriver you might have noticed the one i'm using looks a little different previously we had a black shaft it was like a dark nickel plating unfortunately we noticed that it had a tendency to scratch off particularly around here like when you're kind of digging into something and screwing things in it would it would scratch off so i think we're probably going to go with a silver shaft also the ratchet is completely fixed now the back force on this thing is so little it's so smooth yeah he's making fun of us i know hobbies i spend money yeah thousands of people mine makes money hey he's gonna stream have you ever streamed before yeah i streamed my god of war play through and then my elden ring play through but i've been kind of waiting for this because i want to do more keyboard-centric stuff and just game in my off time instead can i have my power supply please you're sitting on it i'm sorry you mean my chair i'll get you why would you use a chair to power your computer because it's an hx1000 it's got a thousand watts and a chair you're not going to put on the orange corners no it does that's what makes it ltt's i know but it doesn't fit the rest of my theme but nicholas no what about the stickers no those are okay i'll have the stickers i'll add the stuff these are six stitches i'll put the stickers on somewhere oh and i get a knock to a badge do you see my knock to a badge collection yeah i like it yeah that one's good i'm sorry i never gave you hey my power supply wow the box is busted that's okay i finished my tear down but what am i actually doing again now you've torn down one of them you gotta tear down the other one too and then you swap them they do some swapsies i feel like the young child that is just being given busy work while dad does all the real stuff that's important at this point i've got my board like basically ready to go i've got my cpu and i've got my memory and my cooler attached and i threw the two two terabyte drives in that i'm gonna have for extra storage now i have no chair i'm physically incapable of sitting cross-legged so i will sit like this yeah my thighs are too thick that's why yvonne married you or it could just be bad flexibility i need the ssd that linus just tore down and i'll strap that on here and then i uh i'm pretty much ready to put the board in i've hit a wall again i have the x99 motherboard in here yeah and this is the server now yeah that's gonna be the server now but it doesn't have any hard drive bays i know i'm just gonna like vhp tape a four terabyte nas drive in there and then i'll throw an ssd one drive no redundancy just for now i don't like it that's okay that's not your computer did you what everyone says look at this guy he blows all his money on magic the gathering and key switches and doesn't have redundancy for his storage i spent all my money on this computer instead because this is the one that matters more to me i totally forgot why am i putting a gpu in this thing well there's two reasons uh one is because i'm just gonna keep mining on it [Laughter] is for um i mean that's going to be like the streaming computer when i'm streaming keyboard stuff if my girlfriend comes over and we want to play games together i'll take the worst system and she can play on my nice new computer and we can play games together nearby so there you go that's that's the good reason is this seriously what i'm doing because i hate it i'm just going to jam these in here yeah pluf i'm so mad right now you just flip it oh this was on my server right yeah this is the boot drive sorry that has to go in there too yeah no fine i just all right yeah you can totally fit them in there what are you talking about look at this that's not the point you just push them in no it's not i know they'll fit it's pushing look at that it's great that's clean it's pretty clean right and it fits right in there real good um no what we can do is turn and flip the whole case over here pull these out did you just lift that out by the cable yeah i did it gently it's okay instead you could cable magic from here and then like put them right here that'd be fine too i don't care if they sit inside the case that's fine you haven't i had one and this hard drive no that's what the r7 is for you literally i know have hard drive sleds i know right here so put the hard drive sleds right here no it won't fit because the gpu the reality is i'm gonna build a nas eventually and then that'll be like my actual storage go just go let's go david did you think you were gonna get out janked no i didn't think it was possible hey look i got a new g305 wireless you're not going to distract from this you know what i'm going to with him no i'm going to put it on crooked yeah all right you don't even care you don't even care no how do you jake you and me oh how do i learn this power okay well it's on there i guess i'll give you this it's a pretty cool looking machine yeah it's too bad that your hard drives are literally held on by double-sided tape that's cool they're just chilling there it's all right sticker bomb yeah i'll stick up on the hdds oh yeah it didn't even click doesn't even need to click she's in moment of truth i've got everything wired up it's just not cable managed yet rgb there's a whole bunch of rgb fans and stuff i don't think it's gonna work you don't think so well that's not good hey there it goes i haven't tied it up the back much yet i see that yeah still some work to do on this side yeah still a little bit careful with the yeah that's that's not screwed down yet what is with the sticker placement i just put them there i was like well you know what i got it from somewhere so i'll put them on the power supply what the hell with the system done we're in pretty good shape to finish this today all we have to do is okay we'll manage the desk set up the streaming lights get the headphones hooked up set up the go xlr get the camera connected i'm sorry how are we gonna finish this today look this will all get done in like five minutes the headphones is two seconds look watch you you push it down you pull them out and then they're connected oh it's stuck it's stuck on the stupid tab it did this to me earlier it's done what are we gonna do with this those are so that's a hold careful me bell and jamie have our record podcast that's why we have the behringer and like a bunch of microphones all over the place oh yeah vinyl verdict that's great we talk about records uh where's your back panel oh they're all on the couch they're both on the couch okay yeah i'll cable manage later just shove it in for now i no longer care about this shove it in for now linus i can only care as much about a job as the client does totally hey i care about it a lot i just you know i want usually he cares i want a lot of time for cable management where i can sit here and think about it and do it really pretty and yeah think about it i need to do more than think about it tie all the things down and sort it out especially because this has a glass panel on the back oh my god if you break the panel i will i'll get mad i don't know you can push the cables in a little bit so it's not bending the tempered glass you're going to break them we can move the camera secure i know because the cables are in the way here well maybe you should do a better job then i'm gonna probably what you told your mom when she asked you to clean your room there we go i have one more sticker at long last i can place it down warning mako energy yeah it's from ff7 it's so crooked that's cool i will reluctantly put the new computer back where it's obviously just gonna get dusty it's not even dusty at that point it's furry it's okay i'll take much better care of this yeah you won't usually you will well what do you want plugged into the speaker out here then oh okay the speaker oh yeah and then you don't want your splitter anymore no i don't need this you know the girlfriend was imaginary after all no no no she's imaginary no it's just we did a discord call with my family and so we needed both headphones and i don't know when that's going to happen again i'll put this somewhere and if i need it i'll use it but yeah you know yeah i've got a canadian girl she's in canada she's definitely real she thinks my keyboard obsession is super cool oh she really does it she's like why do you have all these keyboards and why do they cost this much money and then i say i like them and she says okay why are you handing me i don't know it's for the glock's alarm here i'm just gonna usually cable manage it a little here here usually he has this stuck somewhere but i'm just gonna usually put it right there we never finished clearing all the crap off your desk though first of all your old headphones came oh yeah we don't need those just keep them there they're pretty cable managed i think can we get rid of some of this junk those are pins and stuff my key caps have trees in one of them it's a band well here give me like four give me four four the four best ones do you ever want to blow up a hoarder's mind ask them to pick their one favorite thing and they have to throw everything else away okay there okay i'll move all these there now it's organized gears 5 dev team okay that's pretty cool okay that can stay yeah this logitech g sticker it's great it's live i'll try to do basically what you would have done with it uh where's your new chair oh right here i'm sitting here brought the new chair it's the steel series series two oh okay yeah still case series two whatever check out the armrests they go forward back four dimension yeah they go up and down i don't know how they okay well they do that they go forward and back out and they can go in and out like this and then they can angle as well wow and then they go up and down too your arms will never feel more rested i still really don't like the ergonomics of your setup where are your feet supposed to really like how you how do you sit like this man like i actually sit like this quite a lot of the time and then i'll just like go in and just kind of chill like this foot rest for them so cause sometimes then if i put my feet down look your right arm's way over here yeah what's the problem i don't know i mean i guess i just might slay you in games and that's fine if you just want to like you think that you won't all right let's get this camera on okay now you said your plan is to put it on the tripod yeah look i do have the thing already attached to it but why would you put it on a tripod if you have a ring light right so screwed into the thing the ring light is for this pc right yes the ring the camera is for that setup there this is more for keyboard stream so that i can put it on that tripod there and have it shoot down like that onto the keyboard stuff got it okay hold on here it comes here it comes i don't know if we're off the wall enough oh yeah we might have to pull out a little bit okay yeah oh you're too deep [Laughter] i think you're hitting something probably you're hitting this that's my monitor this is pretty good though linus i mean this is pretty close to center this is fine i mean yeah it's usually here you have it in the center i guess right you're ready to spend the weekend completely undoing all my awful cable management yes i'm ready to discover all of the intentional tangling that i've done i've oh my god are you serious did you tangle on purpose no it's a rastness the definition of pretty face rotten inside yeah i partly just wanted the camera for photography too like i used to do a lot of uh photography when i was in school and i could borrow their dslrs and stuff because you didn't have enough hobbies no normally he wipes everything down yeah usually can i ask who applied this sticker though i put that one there did you put that one what are you doing i don't know i'm just putting stickers on stuff okay should we power it up yeah sure the odds this thing freaking works i mean it should we booted it on my tv and got to windows it worked okay sure you saw it powered on i'm sure i did hold on give it a sec oh no there it goes there we go yeah not bad by the way i like your hat yeah yeah lttestore.com yeah cool i can plug in the other monitor later this is great monitor oh no i can do that what are you sure yeah you have a headrest down there and everything yeah that's the real purpose when you're working on the cabling down here you're gonna have somewhere nice to curse me from okay i gotta try that i gotta try this gaming setup this ergonomic setup here hold on a second don't cross your legs you know what i was saying earlier that i can't cross your legs don't do it lioness you're gonna injure yourself no we can't make videos you can't even fit under the desk i can fit under the desk you can't don't do it i did all right i'll go i did a lot of yoga for like years oh check them all my drives are at least um like i have to initialize all the hard drives probably new simple volume yep okay volume label enjoy your cable management why did you buy a go xlr if you haven't noticed i have a usb microphone i'm gonna move that one to the other computer later and i have like a whole bunch of sure like 48 or something for the vinyl podcast it'll just chill right here all right cool well it can't just chill right there it has to be i'm joking yeah it has to be well we can go with that give her a little more juice here oh that might be a little much too much i mean you've got about the energy of eeyore so i could probably leave the gain up you don't have obs i know i'm gonna stream for sure dude yeah you're such a streamer i in the stream i got no obs i got a usb microphone plugged into my co xlr i've got like four xlr mics here i've got 18 keyboards and i've got 22 foot rests playing vampire survivors there's the experimental legends play through i will be crunchy it's probably the worst one but that's okay hey what am i doing i don't understand it's it's like an idol game but not an idol game what's an idol game so turn left and get that little green gem so now you get an upgrade get the garlic probably get the get the garlic so now if you just walk into those dudes you'll just kill them and then you get xp what because you have that garlic i get more garlic yeah so now you level up get the garlic again up to your area look how big the aoe is on the now uh uh okay now the magic wand yeah why not i don't have to actually activate any of these abilities they're automatic well that's stupid no no no you don't understand it's so good they're like keyboards like no han i really need all these keyboards they're really amazing i get the candlestick it's me with the candlestick in the giant library i like your keyboard yeah it's nice eh i love this keyboard well i'm not gonna buy this game but i might buy this keyboard yeah it's a sick keyboard it's like 200 bucks ooh i'm not buying it okay sure mind you my keyboard i think is actually more yeah that's what so that's my problem is like yes a lot of my keyboards are like 150 200 bucks but how much is a corsair or like a razer keyboard those are like 150 200 yeah i'm a 915 yeah are you even a fast hyper though yeah i'm pretty quick are ya yeah okay you want to have a typefit hype off he's a pretty fast typer is it typer or typist uh i don't think i'm gonna beat this if you can type that fast you deserve to treat yourself to a nice keyboard okay 97 accuracy that i will not be and that's with you distracting me at one point [Music] [Music] oh it moves that's not bad that's pretty good though the last thing i want to try is your ergonomics for an fps okay sure halo's installed launch halo or something or half-life 2 you know greatest first-person shooter of all time okay oh my god i know who made the game thanks 343. yeah what are you doing i'm reaching the volume knob not your knob there you go show me where the keyboard should be this is like here i would use the armrest the arm rest but my arm goes way over here i don't know how to explain it man i find it comfortable nice grenade oh that was close yeah that was close i don't think i can do over here i may i can make this work i can make this oh god did you see that i just walked off the thing definitely unconventional you're a man of many things definitely with a girlfriend from canada but there's no doubt that this is an absolutely sick setup for gaming yeah as long as you are willing to put in some ergonomic tweaks and uh a weekend of cable management to un the work that i've done massive thank you plute for letting us into your house and to intel for sponsoring intel extreme tech upgrade if you guys are looking for another one to watch i'd say brandon's is pretty fun yeah that was good although if you want to see jank the likes of which only ploof can defeat then david's is going to be the one to go for yeah so good
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,057,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AREK4H8k7Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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