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Good morning guys today. I'm showing my very first morning routine as a mom of seven kiddos. Hope you enjoy So as you can tell I'm a bit of a hot mess when I wake up Guys, it is what it is. It generally takes me a good hour or so to really feel awake, but we make it work My husband is super sweet though, and he'll generally get us both some coffee before he heads off to work Right now, I'm really loving cold brew in the mornings because it is so hot here in Texas I Sit down with my coffee in my Bible and I'd like to have a little quiet time each morning I found that it really helps me to keep the right perspective throughout the day when I'm able to have this time in the morning And I started to get ready for the day guys Josh shampoos the busy mama's best friend Seriously, though despite watching my hair every two days. I still need to a shampoo on those off days So I mainly just use this argon oil with one drop of frankincense essential oil And like I said, I really do like this coffee bean eye cream that I mentioned in my evening routine It just really seems to help with the dark circles and puffiness that I tend to always have I Don't want to take too long on this, but I have had some questions on how I apply my makeup And so I wanted to show you very quickly what I do. Typically, I don't apply makeup every morning But if I know I'm leaving the house, which is a few times a week. I generally will So I really love using mineral powder makeup and I just feel like it's more natural-looking on me and feels a lot lighter and So that's what I use for my foundation and my concealer And I recently switched to an organic brand called tubes and Co not sponsored, but my skin is so much happier Looking back at this footage. I have to laugh at how happy I applied my eyeliner I always do that when I'm in a hurry And of course, I would do that on the day that I'm actually filming how I apply my makeup for you guys But what are you gonna do? So almost every single morning Ethan is the first of all my kiddos to wake up and it's really sweet He generally wakes up about 30 minutes before everyone else and he's also probably my snuggly as child. So it's really sweet One of my kiddos favorite things right now it is mango kefir milk So I generally give Ethan a glass of that in the mornings before I get started on breakfast for all of the kids Our youngest son Lincoln is on the keto diet due to seizures So we do eggs for breakfast most mornings and I usually do that for all the kiddos But without fail we'll do it Billie's for Lincoln every morning And I like to make his breakfast before I wake him up just so that it's ready when he comes downstairs And here is generally our second child to wake up each morning she loves to help with breakfast, so I really appreciate that Then I'll have upstairs to wake up our little dinky in today's of therapy day So we are on a bit more of a schedule. Just getting him dressed in bed before we head out the door Many of you know that we started CBD oil for Lincoln about a month ago and it has been helping so much with preventing seizures I'm so incredibly thankful Lincoln usually starts off with some strawberries which as you can tell is one of his favorites and Then I add some avocado to his egg bowl. That's got some hemp seed and a little bit of cheese Just trying to really maximize on the good fats, which is obviously part of a keto diet I also give him a high-quality on mega each day that really help with brain health and Then it's really sweet. One of his favorite parts of the day is seeing his big brothers. Oh my goodness He has such a sweet bond with them And I made breakfast for the rest of my younger kiddos before I quickly tried to take a few bucks myself And I head upstairs to wake up let you oldest daughters who are generally the last to you to wake up Penelope and reefs like to make breakfast for themselves as well And so generally eggs or avocado toast and we've been loving these fresh peaches lately Then I grab my favorite con mucha and I make sure to take my vitamins Because I have a condition called MTHFR and so the special B vitamins I take really help me feel good throughout the day So like I mentioned earlier Lincoln is in therapy a few times a week and he goes to physical therapy occupational therapy and speech Therapy, and so we got to get him dressed pretty quickly before we head out the door So on therapy days, I always take an extra kiddo with me So that after we drop Lincoln off and therapy I get to have some one-on-one time with my other kiddos, so it's really special Today was Jude's turn. So that was really fun And I think Jude might be Lincoln's favorite person in the whole world. It is so sweet And we usually head to a nearby coffee shop and the kids are so excited I always let them pick out a special treat that they normally wouldn't get and Then we just get to sit down together and spend the time just talking and this hearing was on their minds and hearts So it's a really special time together So Jude is my oldest son guys this kid is amazing He's actually turning 13 later this month, which makes me want to cry to see what saying that out loud But oh my goodness, he's grown up so quickly. I'm so proud of this kid. He's such an amazing Compassionate kind person and I can't believe how quickly he's grown up Then we head back to pick up Lincoln from therapy and I'm always so encouraged to hear the progress that he's making he's such a warrior and I'm so proud of this kid and If you can't tell by now, he can light up a room with his smile all thank goodness This kid also loves to eat and so after all of his hard work in therapy We always try to make sure we have a snack on hand for him Then once we get home, I generally remember about that load of laundry that I forgot to throw into the dryer So I go ahead and do a load of laundry, but the seven kiddos there is always laundry to be done By this time I usually have kiddos asking for snacks And so I keep these homemade keto popsicles on hand in the freezer and it Lincoln things They are like the best thing ever. They're basically just green smoothies with keto ingredients and He just loves them Speaking of green smoothies we try to do green smoothies every single day and it's a great way to get veggies into your kiddos But we've been doing this banana chocolate peanut butter recipe and the kids think it is such a treat This is something that is also happening most days and how cute is that He wants to pull up and help us play the piano And I think it is so adorable and I love seeing him using his left hand as well So I generally end our morning sending the kids outside to play but guys we live in Texas so it is really hot So the kids generally have been putting on their swimsuits and turning on the hose and playing on the trampoline with the water And so that's a really fun thing to do and a great way to stay cool on these hot summer days If you made it to the end here I hope you enjoyed this peek into what a typical morning looks like for our family Especially during the summertime Thank you so much for all the love and support guys. You are awesome, and we will see you guys in our next vlog. Bye
Views: 10,151,393
Rating: 4.945704 out of 5
Keywords: texas, older child adoption, family vlog, american family vlog, Travel, Routine, Food, san antonio, international adoption, big family, special needs, Moving, first steps, day in the life, Family Vlog, learning to walk, stephen miller, ditl, adoption, homeschool family, china adoption, large family, homeschooling, Parenting, christian vloggers, family vloggers, africa adoption, grace for the millers, get ready with me, morning routine, Adoption, teen adoption
Id: jsiY6s8-SJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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