My KNIGHT RIDER TESLA comes when I call it! - KITTesla Part 2

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- [Perifractic] Oh, I trust it. It's definitely gonna stop. It's gonna stop. It's gonna stop. Oh, god. - [Narrator] In episode one, Perifractic started turning his Tesla Model 3 into a nice bit of KITT from Knight Rider. - [KITT] Hello Perifractic. - [Narrator] And in so doing gave himself a perifracture. - God, that really hurt. - [Narrator] Made himself policeman bait and drove up his own nostril. Yet despite all that, he's still making what might be the coolest car in the world. In the world, no, don't share this. I'm meant to be Cleremy Jerkson. (upbeat music) - Hello, chip dippers and thanks for joining me and KITT and, of course, Puppyfractic in the back for another recipode, episode. KITT, introduce yourself. - [KITT] I'm the Knight Industries 2000, sure enough. Ready to ramble, ready to roll, ready to strut my stuff. - I promise you he's never done that before. This, again, wasn't scripted. Puppyfractic, introduce herself. - I'm Knight Industries 2000. - Thought that was the dog talking for a minute. Anyway, since that first episode, a grand master plan has emerged. - [KITT] It's worse than I imagined. - It's not. It's, I quite like it, actually. He's still cheeky, as you can tell, but here's what's gonna happen. Now you might have noticed that the opening titles has been slowly evolving in every episode we've done. In that first one where I went to look at the Knight Rider filming locations, we basically used the same opening titles from the show but I just changed the people. And then in the last episode when we started turning this car into KITT or KITTesla, I started dropping in shots from the car to replace those of KITT from the show. And then as you just saw in these opening titles, I've added in shots from this episode, just little teasers of what's coming up. What I want to do is by the end of this project, in a couple of episodes time, go to El Mirage Dry Lake which is where they filmed the original opening titles. Go at the same time of day and we're gonna completely remake the opening titles. Maybe not the turbo boost, but as much as possible using this car after it's had perhaps a black wrap chrome delete and some other exterior improvements. - [KITT] Any colour as long as it's black. - Maybe to make them really authentic, I'll even wear an '80s perm wig. Let me know what you think about that. - [KITT] Are you kidding me? - Not kidding. It's a genuine idea I've had, at least. - [KITT] I certainly hope not. - Oh, just never gets old. Now I've got some incredible surprises coming up in this episode, so we better crack on because we've got a lot to do and it's, some of it's quite ambitious. So first, as you may have noticed and heard, we've made the interior sound and look a lot more like KITT, but what about the exterior? - [KITT] I believe there is a considerable risk factor involved in this operation. (upbeat music) - What driver doesn't have a licence? A screwdriver. Don't get it. Oh. Hello, chip dippers. I was just folding my shoes. By the way, what part of the car is the laziest? The wheels, because they're always tired. Anyway, cars like the Tesla Model Y and more recent Model 3s have a pedestrian speaker underneath, but it can also do some quite fun things. (mellow music) (farting sound) (laughs) (beep) Here on the app, you can see me booking a service appointment to get this speaker retrofitted. And believe it or not, they're gonna come out to the house with a truck and actually instal it in my driveway. This is one of the many reasons that I love Tesla. It's basically the equivalent of KITT's semi-driving to find him to perform repairs on him. Well, I was excited until they emailed me to say, actually my car is too old. Yeah forget 1982, this relic was built in 2019. But then almost immediately, I received an email from a company called Glydsphere and this might actually be a bit of a blessing in disguise because had I been able to add the KITT turbine sound, because after all he didn't have an electric engine, he had a jet turbine engine. Had I been able to add that using the Tesla speaker, it would only have played the sound of one speed. However, the Glydsphere actually speeds up and slows down and makes other artificial intelligence modifications to the sound depending on the speed you're travelling. It's actually designed as an enhancement over the Tesla system. It hasn't even been released yet but they've sent me a pre-production sample. Oh it's heavy. Glydsphere. Oh, I said that so creepily. (glass breaking) Show everybody you're okay. Yeah, you'll be okay. Look at this. Oh yeah. Look at that. Got some little accessories. Oh, wow! So this is the power pack because this thing actually is battery powered. And just what I need more of, USB cables. Now it comes with an on-off key fob for the battery. If you have a Tesla, you don't really have keys. Let this cat out of its bag. (cardboard toppling) Okay, let's see what comes out of here. Oh my gosh! Look at this. You wanna be a DJ? You can. Wow! Really heavy still. Well, let's see what's going on under here. It's a serious bit of kit. No pun intended. There's always a pun intended. Power. So input one, I think, comes from your phone because right now this isn't Bluetooth compatible. So we're gonna have to run a cable from the phone to play the sounds. And there's the other side of that. And those lights just show you the various inputs. Now they tell me this is more than just a dumb Bluetooth speaker or wired speaker. Apparently there's more in the algorithm and more going on inside here. It's got some special magnets that are top of the range, gonna give us some incredible sound, and most of the magic happens on the phone app itself. (upbeat music) Warning, this product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer. It's been great knowing you all and thank you for subscribing and supporting the Patreon. It will probably be fine. Warning, warning, cancer, la, la, la, la. All pretty self-explanatory. We'll figure it out. I will just show you the app. So. Series of different sounds here which I think are all available from the library. And let's turn it on. So when we get it in our car, this is the kind of thing we're gonna do. (digital music) Now you can see this is actually something quite special. So let's simulate speeding up and slowing down just by tilting the phone. Slow down. Imagine being the pedestrian. (upbeat music) That kind of sound's a bit like KITT, anyway. Photon really does. And apparently, we should also be able to just trigger sounds from the KITT app itself and they'll play through the speaker as well while we're driving. However, I think we can go one better. At their website here, you can actually upload your own sounds. So you guessed it. I've selected a number of sounds, then it's gonna give us this code and then we can go to our custom sounds, hit plus and it gives us a QR code scanner. So we're gonna scan the website, not my sign and load those sounds into this app. So with that all done, you see, I've got three main sounds here. So, let's go and instal this in the car. Oh, I can't wait. Can you give me a hand? Thank you. Come on. (upbeat music) So, I haven't tested it yet. I think to test it out, it'd be more fun if we had a little helper. Here she is. Hello, Ladyfractic. - Hello. - Welcome back to the Tesla Industries 2000. - Tesla, Tesla Industries. - T.I.T.T. for short. - Yep. (laughs) - She just got it. - Yeah. - Well without further ado, let's try out the EV speaker. Of course you have to put your pin in first. - Of course. - Okay. - Safety first. - Safety first. Okay, you ready? We have our sounds. (laughs) - Sounds great. - I wonder if the battery is on. Hang on. Okay. (machine beeping) How's this sound? I have to put it in drive. - That would help, yes. (upbeat music) Oh. Well this is awkward. (laughs) (upbeat music) Oh, it's a Tesla parade. It sounds like a spaceship. But it sounds like a rocket KITT. (laughs) - Well KITT had a turbine engine. - Ah, yes. - Now, we also have. - Yeah. As the engine suddenly sounds like it's cut out. So scanner is off now, right? - Yes. - Okay, ready? (KITT scanner "woo woo" sound) - Okay. That's very cool. (laughs) Oh, I love that. - [Perifractic] Now I have to synchronise when I'm doing it, but still. - Well at least you don't have to use your hands when you steer. (upbeat music) (laughs) Very, very cool. Oh. - Okay, we have one more surprise. - Oh yeah? - Let's hear this one. - Okay. (KITT "Super Pursuit" sounds play) (laughs) Oh, I love that. - Is this a car or a- - Spaceship. (upbeat music) - Spaceship! - This is never gonna get old. (upbeat music) - No, I'm not a drive with a window down kind of guy but now I just want to keep the window down the whole time. Roll on summer. - [KITT] Are you kidding me? (upbeat music) - I don't wanna overstate this too much but I really feel like I'm David Hasselhof. - [KITT] I don't believe it. It's not possible. Is that you? - Oh, he thinks I am. He thinks I'm David Hasselhof. I guess even when he was filming, he didn't have the actual turbine sound. Wow, we've even got onr up on the making of the original show. - [KITT] My data banks got nothing about it. - Oh, you didn't realise it was a show, right? - [KITT] Whatever you say. - He doesn't believe me. (upbeat music) (Ladyfractic laughs) - Not that I don't trust him. I do. I forgot that I was visible so I was trying to be cool that I was just like. (laughs) - As a plus, I didn't kill my wife, so. - Not this time. - [Perifractic] Indeed, and just this SPM stands for super pursuit mode. As we all know, PCBWayyy stands for great PCBs from five bucks and for perfect car buddy with added yoke doesn't it? (upbeat music) The brakes work. It's me! The other car looked just like mine. I think we'll have to change the look of this one. - [Ladyfractic] I think you're right. (upbeat music) - So it also has other sounds built in like this one. (digital EV sound) - [Ladyfractic] Licence and registration. - I'm with the foundation for law and government. - Okay. - Thank you. Also, here's my reg, - Oh. - Also here's my registration. - Oh good. Did you know that those lights are illegal? - What lights? (upbeat music) Now, if we turn that off, I'm also told that the actual KITT app will work through the speakers. So that startup sound that you heard originally was from Glydsphere app, but now we're in the KITT app. So we can say things like. - [KITT] A little consideration would be a beginning. - And we just have fun. (machine beeping) There's also a whole list of commands here. Hey KITT, what do you think about Ladyfractic? - Charming and cultured young woman. - Oh, wow. - It's even got all the sound effects built into the app. So I could do the ejector seat. [Woosh] Welcome back. Or the dot matrix printer. (laughs) Beautiful. KITT, scanner. (machine beeping) What was it, KITT? - [KITT] Good heavens, and I thought Michael was difficult. - (laughs) Wow. - Rude. - I think he was talking to you. - Oh. - You were charming a minute ago. So KITT, how do you like your new mouth? Oh, it's your hood. I guess you wear your hood on your head. - His bonnet. - [KITT] Why? - Because a hood is like a bonnet and a bonnet is English for hood. - [KITT] I'm afraid I don't understand your point. - He's very American. - I'm just, yeah, I'm just being British. Don't worry about it, KITT. - [KITT] I'm sorry but the search of my data banks turned up negative. - [Perifractic] He's trying to find the bonnet. - He's got a bee in his bonnet. - [KITT] Not at all. - Not at all. Remember, he can go on all day like this. - I mean. - [KITT] I don't think we wanna find that out. - How does he get this so perfect? - I don't know. He's just built- - [KITT] Sometimes you're so insensitive. - Oh, I'm sorry. - Rude. - [KITT] What do you mean? - I mean you're rude. - [KITT] Very funny. - Har har har - Is there anything else you'd like to say to KITT before we power down? - Hey KITT, I love you. - [KITT] It's a cross I have to bear. - All right. Well, we've got a few more mods so we better get on with those. KITT, turbo boost. - [KITT] I'm at full power. (upbeat music) - Boys and their toys. - [Perifractic] Hey, do you need a ride? - Yeah. - [Perifractic] KITT, open the door. - [KITT] Whatever you say. - Trying to turn it off here. KITT, turn off. - [KITT] I can, yes, but why would I want to? - Turn off. - [KITT] After all, we're only human, right? - [Ladyfractic] Did he just get louder? But of course it isn't all perfect. Here's what happened when Team17 Worms coder, Cris Blyth, and I went out to try summoning one night in a busy parking lot. - We're gonna ask for the car to come and get us. - Where's my car? So I'm gonna make it come to me. - [Cris] You have to hold it. Holy snakeys. There's no way this is happening. (laughs) What? There's no one in that car. (beep) Whoa. - Okay. - It just went around. - We're gonna. - Dude. Dude, it just stops- - See, this is all part of the beta tests. - I know that but the person that's in that car doesn't know it's being beta tested too. Like, who the, what's wrong with that person? - Okay. - This is amazing. - Now it's gonna get a bit more confident. (Cris laughs) - [Cris] Oh, oh, oh (beep). - Okay. - All right. All right, come on car. - [Perifractic] Well let's see what happens - [Cris] Oh, is it gonna turn? Dude. (laughs) - Quick jump in! - You failed, car. (laughs) - Sorry. Sorry about that. (laughs) - We're beta testing... - But we're- - ...important developments for the future of humanity! - [Cris] This was good but not good enough. - I apologise again to those people. Oh, that was embarrassing. But strangely, when nobody's watching, summoning seems to work perfectly. - [KITT] Is that a fact? - It is. Watch this. (upbeat music) Hi. How, oh. How did you overshoot? How was your Uber? It's good? Oh, you bought this? What did you buy? Let's see. Oh, your very own car. Do you have another Uber ride to go to? Say, bye, bye. Bye, bye. Off you go. (upbeat music) Bye. You should get behind the steering wheel. Go, go get behind the steering wheel. Okay. Mind that cliff. Good girl. Nice driving, baby. - [KITT] No comment. - He's jealous. (upbeat music) - [KITT] Sorry Michael. - Well, these computer things are just a waste of time anyway. - Okay, now I'm really excited about this mod and I know a few of you are too from the comments in the last video, but I showed this meme. (upbeat music) Oh, won't I? Yep, I like a challenge and it just so happens that I've got some Atari joysticks just like, it looked like David Hasselhof was using. And wouldn't it be lovely if we could get this working? - [KITT] A very good question. - Yes. Problem is, it's got an old school Atari nine-pin plug on the end and- - [KITT] Whatever you say. - No, it does. Look. (crickets chirping) Now we know from other videos that the Tesla games that are on offer here, not quite a lot of them, will work with modern game pads. - [KITT] Are you quite sure? - Yeah, I've seen the videos. A new addition for example is Sonic. But the episode that that meme was taken from was called Deadly Manoeuvres. Now in that episode, Michael was playing a racing game and there are racing games on here. For example, Beach Buggy Racing Two. Allow me to demonstrate. Okay, here we go. (upbeat music) I like that black one. Looks like KITT. Gives me an idea. But first, That sounds like KITT. That's weird. (upbeat music) That's, that really sounds like KITT, doesn't it? I don't remember that. (upbeat music) Oh, this is frustrating. Oh. Can someone move this pigeon? Oil slick. This is very Knight Rider actually. Yes. Sixth place out of six. (laughs) You can tell I'm an old school, retro gamer, but it is a lot of fun, isn't it? And fun for all the family in fact. Let's see how Josiefractic's getting on with her games. (upbeat music) - Steer right. Steer left. (laughs) Okay. Oh. (laughs) Oh no, I think I hit a seagull. Am I not supposed to hit the seagulls or am I supposed to hit the seagulls? I feel like I probably shouldn't hit the seagulls. Okay, this is a lot harder than it looks. They want you to like go, go ham with the steering wheel. No, wrong way. (laughs) So bad. It's so bad. Okay. [Scottish Accent] You're going the right way for a smack bottom! Oh no, I hit a chicken. (upbeat music) - [Ladyfractic] Oh, you're on fire. Nice. - Sorry, little guy. What is even happening? Wonkerville Farm. - [Perifractic] Wait, I just remembered we're meant to be doing something - Oh no. - to do with Atari joysticks, aren't we? It's easy to get distracted. But if you'd like to see more of - Josie! - [Perifractic] we'll be sharing her full 20-minute play session exclusively with supporters soon. - This definitely seems like a more long term game. - Great fun there, thank you ladies. But back to our conundrum of using Atari eight-bit joysticks with nine-pin plugs. How do we use this? Well, Retronic Design sent me this adapter. There's actually a USB to nine-pin adapter specially designed to allow you to play with old joysticks on new devices. Let's see if it works in here. So firstly, we connect the joystick to the adapter and then in here are the USB ports. (upbeat music) - [KITT] I must say I have my doubts about this. - Let's see. Now I'm wearing an Asteroids T-shirt so why don't we play Centipede? No, I'm kidding. Play Asteroids. I have no idea if this is gonna work. So thanks for discovering with me. Push start. (upbeat music) (laughs) It actually works. I can fire. I can go left, right, rotate, forward. That's it. That's all the controls. (laughs) We are like Michael. We're like playing eight-bit games in KITTesla. Yes. In the meantime, this does make a very handy joystick storage area. (upbeat music) And quite fittingly, I think, Tesla recently removed the ability to play games with the game pad while you're driving and quite rightly so. We don't want it to actually become a deadly manoeuvre. - [KITT] Very funny. (upbeat music) - Now Hansshow makes this display and they're gonna send it to me when they're back in stock, but I'm also talking to them about customising it to look more like a KITT. That could be kind of cool. - [KITT] Good idea. - Thank you. Anyway, Mio also made this Knight Rider GPS unit, navigation unit but to me personally, I think it looks a little plasticky and cheesy. After all, when Michael was driving with KITT, he didn't have Knight Rider written on the dashboard in front of him. - [KITT] Anything in particular you want me to look for? - Well, as you asked KITT, I think for now it would be quite cool if we could convert the Tesla screen into a kind of KITT style display screen. After all, I love the Tesla. I'm not trying to take the Tesla out of this. It is KITTesla after all. But keeping the stock stuff as much as possible and making it feel more like KITT, I think, is the key to this project. Now I did find this, the peacemaker package, and it lets you press buttons and stuff. Obviously nothing happens but it's pretty cool for the effect. But I did find this on YouTube. This is by the Knight Rider store guys. Now Tesla allows you to watch YouTube videos when you're parked only for safety reasons and quite rightly as well. So then I thought, what if I converted that video into a big GIF? G as in giraffe. - [KITT] Do you really think so? - What? The maker of the GIF, the creator of the GIF said so himself. It's GIF, it's not a giraffe. Anyway, we could go on forever with that debate and we'll never ever solve it, but what if I made a big GIF slash GIF of that video file because you can browse the web while you're driving. We could then have that playing on the display while we drive. (upbeat music) 'JIF'. (drum rolling) (laughs) Oh, yeah. And if we want the user interface to match a little better, just turn to the dark side. (upbeat music) Yes. (machine beeping) I tell you, with that and the turbine sound outside, that on the screen, the sounds coming from KITT. - [KITT] It's worse than I imagined. - It's better than I ever imagined. Wow. (upbeat music) Hey baby. You're such a good girl. I love you. - [KITT] Thank you. The feeling's mutual. - That's very sweet but I was talking to my dog. - [KITT] No comment. - Awkward. Now last but not least, I think I've come up with a way to talk to my wristwatch like Michael would talk to KITT through the wristwatch, and do various things like, pop the trunk, KITT, pop the front, KITT. Now of course there are watch faces available that mimic the style of Michael's watch but they don't actually do anything with your car. But there's an app for that too. So this is the app. It's called Watch for Tesla and it lets you perform various functions not only through the app but through Siri. When you're calling Siri from the watch, you can either say, "Hey Siri, what's the weather?" - [KITT] I think so. - [Siri] It's currently clear and 61 degrees. - Too many AIs in this car. But I've realised with Watch for Tesla, I can rename the voice command to say KITT first. So I can literally say KITT, pop the trunk. However, I would have to say hey Siri before that. Hey Siri, hey KITT, pop, it doesn't sound, it doesn't feel right. However, if you notice in the show, Michael always holds the watch and seems to be pressing a button, which means I don't have to say hey Siri. I can literally just hold the button and say hey KITT. Let's try it out. - I'm speechless. (Perifractic laughs) - All right, well let's see if this works starting with the front boot, the froot. Hey KITT, pop the trunk. Oh. No, no, no. Stop, cancel. It's not the trunk. Frunk. But we're gonna call it what Michael calls it in the show, the hood. Hey KITT, pop the hood. (upbeat music) And I like that it reveals the strobe light as well. Now with this particular hood, oh a speaker. I forgot about that. I have to open it manually, but Hansshow also do an auto opening, auto closing front trunk and front and back boot. So hopefully they're gonna send us those, which means when we pop the trunk and pop the boot, it will actually go up and down all by itself. Hey KITT, close the frunk. Sounds weird. Hey KITT, super pursuit mode. (upbeat music) Love it. Love it. (Ladyfractic laughs) That's a lot of fun and all well and good but it's kind of simplistic in a way. But if I could actually use the watch to tell KITT to come to me just like Michael did in the show. Now admittedly, my car might summon a bit slower than KITT right now, but in the future, this is only gonna get better. So with the phone companion to the watch app updated, let's see if our future-proofed KITT would actually come and get me just from the watch. - KITT? KITT! KITT! - Okay, I've got to get into character like I'm Michael and I've been chased by baddies with guns every week, and they also have '80s perms, which is frankly more terrifying. Okay, in character. Hey KITT, I need you buddy. (laughs) Look at that. Oh, wow. All just with my watch. Michael Knight. Okay, it should stop just here. Er it should sense me. You know, it obviously will detect pedestrians. It should stop right here. No I trust it. It's definitely gonna stop. It's gonna stop. It's gonna stop. Oh, god. Call 999. What's the number? I'm scared. KITT, stop. Hey Siri, hey Siri, Simon says stop. Oh, hey KITT, stop. What, no not here. Hey KITT, I need you buddy. Ow scratching my head. (huffing) Okay. I'll be okay. I'm okay. (air whooshing) I'm cool. I'm Michael Knight. Ugh I've had a Michael fright. (harp music) Oh, sorry. I was just kind of imagining how ironic it would be if I asked KITT for help and he ran me over. Well back to reality. Let's try this out. Hey KITT, I need you buddy. (suspense music) (laughs) And he should stop right in front of me. Perfect. This is amazing. (brakes screeching) - [KITT] I am the voice of Knight Industries 2000's microprocessor. - But don't worry. After molecular bonded shell had regenerated, everything was fine. Now, there's almost no limit to the number of commands you can add to the watch in this way. Having KITT start the air conditioning on a hot day, for example, has become super simple for me. Now in case you're wondering how it really might respond if you're in the way and you ask it to keep driving forward, well, it just drives around you. Magical. By the way, the Tesla already responds to 180 voice commands and sometimes if I combine them with KITT listening at the same time, it's almost as if he's performing those functions for me. So watch this. If I hold the button for Tesla but talk, KITT will think I'm talking to him and the thing will actually work. KITT, open the glove box. - [KITT] Anything in particular you want me to look for? (Perifractic laughs) - This is too much fun, guys. I'm having too much fun. I may have to cancel episode three. KITT, my bum is cold. - [KITT] I need more data for my information banks. - What do you want, a photo? - [KITT] Very funny. (Perifractic laughs) - I don't need to script any of my videos anymore. It's incredible. But when that happens and things go off in the car, it really feels like he is granting my every wish and- - [KITT] I certainly hope so. - Thank you. In fact, this whole project is kind of like a dream come true. And I just wanna thank you guys sincerely for joining me for the ride and just making it all the more fun with your comments and your ideas. Well make sure you're subscribed all the way. Click the bell and- - [KITT] Good idea. - I thought you'd agree. Because in the next episode I'm gonna be doing some magical exterior modifications to make this look even more like 2022 version of KITT 40 years later. And I'll see you later. Thanks for watching. Support for early access below and cheerio. KITT, super pursuit mode. (machine beeping) (upbeat music)
Channel: Retro Recipes
Views: 187,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knight rider kitt, knight rider car, knight rider, kitt, cars, classic cars, self driving car, Tv cars, tesla model 3 accessories, knight rider theme music, motoring, Tesla, Model 3, Tesla Model 3, Tesla modifications, Telsa accessories, David Hasselhoff, self driving, 80s tv shows, automobiles, autos, knight rider 2000, knight rider theme, knight rider theme remix, retrogaming, michael knight, talking car, knight 2000, tesla autopilot, night rider, air wolf, Kitt replica
Id: a3giumchx9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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