My Kitchen Journal for the Traditional Foods Kitchen - Recipe Journal - Recipe Notebook

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today i want to share with you my kitchen journal some people call this a recipe journal or a recipe notebook i actually have a lot more in here than just recipes but whatever you call it having a kitchen journal is essential to the traditional foods kitchen hi sweet friends i'm mary and welcome to mary's nest where i teach traditional cooking skills for making nutrient dense foods like bone broth ferments sourdough and more so if you enjoy learning about those things consider subscribing to my channel and don't forget to click on the little notification bell below that'll let you know every time i upload a new video in a previous video i talked with you about my pantry list which i'll mention again in a little bit but in that video i mentioned my kitchen journal and i promised that i would do another video for you just about my kitchen journal where i walked you through it and showed you what i keep in it some people really like having planners or making planners and having lots of stickers and all of that for me i really like having and making a kitchen journal and the reason why i like making a kitchen journal i feel that it's so essential really when you have any type of kitchen but specifically for those of us who have a traditional foods kitchen and it's even more important if you're making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen because as you're making those changes and you're learning new skills and learning how to incorporate new foods into your menus you may not always remember exactly what you need to do and that's why i find the kitchen journal so handy because you can print out or type up you know whatever way you do things the different things that you need to know and then you can put them in your kitchen journal and then you have them at the ready so if you're getting ready to make beef bone broth for example and you're like oh what exactly do i need to put in it and you've printed out the recipe and you have that handy then you're all set but also what if you try to remember how long do i need to soak beans for or what are the cuts of beef that are best for using in stews or so on so forth there are so many things and we'll go through and talk about all of this in detail but that's why i feel it's very important to have some type of notebook that contains these types of pieces of information at the ready so that you can quickly look at it and not have to worry about trying to go online and find it or go through a cookbook and find it and i want to add in a little tip here in addition to your kitchen journal something that i like to do is if i've got something that's really important that i want to more or less highlight to myself or maybe something that i've started doing a new that i really like but that i it's you know not committed yet to muscle memory so to speak so i don't know how to automatically do it i will print it out or type it up and print it out you know print it out from online if it's some instructions or type it up and print it out if it's something that is just in my own mind and i will tape it to the inside of one of my cabinets over my stove and or near my cooktop so that it's handy there for me and i'll overlay a picture so that you can see how exactly i do this now i think in the picture that i'm going to overlay the um things that i've taped up look pretty well worn because i think they've been there for a while now but i really like having them handy because every once in a while i'll think about something and i'll say oh yeah how did i do that that's something i really liked and i'll just open up my cabinet and it's right there in another cabinet i have a list of spices that are very good for anti-inflammatory uh processes and then i don't even need to i'm not even getting out my kitchen journal it's like i just open the cabinet so that's a good tip and speaking of that picture that i'm sharing at the end of this video i'm going to share a few pictures of my actual kitchen because many of you have asked me about that so i'll include that after we talk about the kitchen journal so getting back to my kitchen journal this is a real uh what do they say tome it's getting pretty heavy but uh i like to you know just like how some people like to just sort of decorate up their planners and all i like to find some pretty little papers this is just a actually this is an old notebook from my homeschooling days but what i like to do is just take some pretty little paper that i find at you know little craft shops and stuff and then i'll just you know decorate it up a little with that and then i just have on the side here because i keep this on my desk mary's kitchen journal and then i just have a few little things that i write on the front about what's in it and so on and so forth so i mean you prepare yours any way that you like and probably so many of you have kitchen journals so if you do i'd love to hear about them and how you organize yours uh in the comments below but the first thing that i have when i open this is i have a you know the notebook has a little pocket here and so what i like to do is stick here sometimes maybe a newspaper article or something i've printed out online that i haven't had a chance yet to incorporate into here but this way i know they're all corralled here and i'm not going to lose anything that i felt was important then also sometimes i'll put little uh paper wrappers from different products i like sometimes i even have uh the cutouts you know from a box of something that i bought and i'll just stick them in here so that i uh don't forget on my next shopping trip what it was that i liked so that i can remember to buy that again and i usually do that with things that are new that i've not uh been buying regularly and then i just t take a legal size envelope that i again just tuck in here and then i just have the flap so that i don't the kids lose track of it that i know it's there i just have the flap like sticking out like that and what i do in here is i put all my receipts uh for the month or so i'm not really like strict or exacting about it but the various things that i've purchased at the grocery store so i can keep track of how much money i'm spending and you know am i in budget and so on in my grocery budget and so on and so forth and then i also print out uh uh from online anything that i've ordered because as i've shared with you some of the things that i purchase here for my traditional foods kitchen now granted it's not required you can find everything you need at the grocery store you don't even need to go to a specialty store especially if you're getting started on your journey from a traditional foods kitchen or from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen but i do order some things online uh you know we have droughts here periodically although i try to buy a lot of things locally we have pretty bad droughts here periodically in texas and sometimes it can get be hard you know to get bones or grass-fed beef and things like that and i as i've shared with you because i know a lot of you have asked me where do i buy my bones and i often buy them from a company called u.s wellness meats they're wonderful the cattle is all you know pasture-raised out on the range in other states than texas but when i order those things i'll always make sure that i keep those receipts in here so i have a record of what i've ordered uh when it's going to arrive you know because they pack it beautifully i have a video where i do an unboxing of things that i purchase from them and it's just a terrific company and they often have bulk uh pricing to make it very attractive and also i just want to mention be sure to open if it's ever something that you want to do if you ever want to order online from places like u.s wellness meats or vital choice seafood which is wild caught seafood and some other places be sure to open the description underneath this video because i have a lot of uh coupon codes um the one for us wellness meats is 15 off your purchase so definitely go and uh check that out if that's something you ever uh want to do it's a nice savings but in any event so that's that's what i do i just keep those right there so i know what i've ordered how much i've spent and as i said you know it may be monthly in terms of tracking my grocery budget but i often like to keep my receipts especially for those things that i do order online like bones or grass-fed meat so that i know what i ordered last time and because i i do tend to order very similar things and this way i always have a record of oh yes okay i ordered those and i really liked that that was good and it lasted me x number of months or whatever the case may be and it really helps me budget and it helps me stay on track of my uh inventory so that's that's kind of i find that handy and i find it handy you know a lot of people may tack them up to a bulletin board or something i just find it very handy to keep it right here in my kitchen journal well moving on uh i have a bunch of tabs in here again all from my homeschooling days but i have one of those uh little label maker things which i love [Laughter] and so i've just put new little tabs in here and what i start with are the first section in my kitchen notebook are meal plans and this is just an august meal plan and speaking of these meal planners just like i which we'll talk about the pantry list in a minute but just like i shared in my previous video this is something that you can download for free from me my pantry list i'm also working on these meal planners that can make it very easy for you to um you know if you're the type that like you know if you do enjoy enjoy uh the kitchen journal or you know a planner or whatnot you can put these sheets in and then you can uh make your meal plans you can just hand write them up i find it very handy i also i know a lot of folks really like online meal planners and i do too it's sort of a combination of doing two things that i like i like having something like this where i can just write out some of my ideas and i'll talk about exactly how i do my meal planner but i like having something where i can just write out my ideas but i also do use an online meal planner that i really like it's called plan to eat and the reason i like plan to eat is because i don't like meal planners that give you all of the meals you have to make for a particular week i prefer the flexibility of just putting in the meals that i want to make from a list of recipes that i've curated and that's what plan to eat allows you to do you can be be bopping around the internet and you can see a recipe you like and then they have a little plug-in i'm not quite sure what it's called but it's just a little thing on your computer that you click and then it adds that recipe from that website into your little curated list of recipes i find this so clever and then if you want to use that recipe in a particular meal plan for the week they have the little online meal planner and then you just drag it from your curated list of recipes and drop it in wherever you want i find this fantastic i have like i think i've got like 2 000 recipes in my that i've just saved from of some of my own from my own website as well as ones from you know anywhere that i found on the internet and i think it's so clever and then that way i can look and see oh okay i put these recipes in for the week and then i know okay we're not gonna you know be making dinner on friday or whatever the case may be that's what i've never really liked about structured meal plans because i may not be making those meals every single day or i might have leftovers and so this gives you a lot of flexibility if you're going to do leftovers you can just put in a note it allows you to put in a note leftovers you know so i think that's i just think it's terrific and it will generate a grocery list for you based on the recipes that you dumped or dragged into your little meal planner so i think it's very clever but i've been a customer of this for a really long time and it's i mean it is so ridiculously reasonable i don't remember exactly what the price is but it's just they have a year it's a yearly rate and it's very reasonable um and they'll even let you under normal circumstances they let you try it out for 30 days for free if you open the description under this video i have a code for you where you can try it out for free for 60 days so that's nice after 60 days you're going to definitely know whether you use it or not but in any event uh you know as i said i also like having something that i kind of make up myself and print out and this is just says august summer here's just a blank one and i've written in the month and then i have the season and then i have all the days of the week with a theme and what i like to do is and any of those of you that are familiar with the food nanny and her books the food nanny books i love her i think she's so cute she had this great tip that rather than stressing yourself exactly of making an exact meal plan you know have themes for each night and then when you're at the grocery store you can see what's on sale what's in season so on and so forth and you're not wedded to something very specific and by having this theme you know what basically you know what you're making that night you may not know specifically but you have a broad picture and so for example her themes i think are a lot more dramatic you know she has cute names for them i'm very basic but i like my theme for monday is chicken it's usually leftover chicken because on sunday i often roast a chicken for our sunday dinner which is our main sunday dinner meal you know i serve at about two o'clock in the afternoon and i like uh j the chef and cookbook author jamie oliver he calls that a mothership meal because you can do so much with when you make that sort of big family meal on a sunday you've got leftovers in my case with the roast chicken you've got the beautiful chicken dinner then you've got the carcass left over to make your bone broth and then you can use your bone broth to make a soup with any little bits and bobs you were able to save from your roast chicken so that's wonderful so in any event i will put i have chicken you know as my theme from monday and if i have leftovers great if not i will you know make some type of chicken dish and moving forward all the ways to sunday i do my theme on sunday is what i call family favorites that's usually a roast chicken but if it's not and it's something else that's fine you know i have that flexibility okay what do i have in the fridge or the freezer that my family will enjoy and i'll make that on sunday and then assuming there's leftovers great we can eat that monday if not you know chicken and then for tuesday i have soup and salad i'm laughing as i read this because this was you know i'm filming this during the time when many of us are home quarantined and i have the theme as date night because i had put that in back when our son went to college and i was thinking wednesday could be a date night but what no one's leaving the house right now but in any way generally wednesday i'll do fish as i also will do fish on friday because i do try to get fish in twice a week and then thursday right now you know i've like written meat there but that again is very flexible because as i've shared with some of you in the past my husband's not a huge meat eater he's more of a chick an efficient fish person sometimes especially when my son was home you know i might make like a little london broil or something he does like occasion he's also a chicken and fish guy but he does like an occasional steak or something like that so i kind of had that but sometimes it'd be what we call mixed grill where i make a a little variety of things so everybody has something that they enjoy but anyways you can put anything that you like boudini you know has pizza night or or mexican night or taco night you know a lot of people what do they what's the expression now taco tuesday meatless monday you know things like that so that's basically what i have in the meal planning section and then i'll also put in some notes uh in addition to just sort of having my little meal planner i'll also put in some notes of what my family's favorites are and uh and then i have a section these are things that i just made myself that i printed out uh family favorites and then i have down here new things to try and then my next tab is in season this is so important to me shopping in season cooking what's in season because it makes such a difference on your grocery budget and i also and i know everybody feels a little differently about this because i've talked about this in the past and i've just found your comments regarding this fascinating i read a couple of books by a gentleman and boy his first name is escaping me right now but his last name is dual yard and i'll put links to his book below his books below but they're very interesting and he talks about how our gut bacteria changes throughout the year and that we are more able to digest certain foods at certain times of the year based on our gut bacteria so you know in the summer you know it's very easy for us to digest fruits for example in the winter and more easy to digest meats and so on and so forth and he gives all his scientific reasoning for this but i know some of you said oh but you know what if you live in a warm climate you know or what if you live in a really cold climate or you know is it okay to eat frozen blueberries in january and things like that and he goes into a lot of detail about this and how that um yes if you live in a warm climate like i do or you're in florida your seasons extend and so do and your good gut bacteria also extends so just i just find it fascinating but in any event the bottom line with shopping in season is it makes things much more affordable and what i do is whenever i come across something that talks about food in season i'll just rip it out of a magazine or a fire from the grocery store and i'll put it in my in season section and i really like having that because and also too i try to find those handouts like these are from my local grocery store uh actually those of you in texas you know what i'm talking about h-e-b and then their little sister store central market and they'll send out these mailers and uh they're like little magazines or sometimes you can just pick them up when you're at the store and they talk about what's in season and what i like about it is it's what's in season to us here in central well i guess throughout the state but that is very helpful too because depending on where you live different things are going to be in season at slightly different times so i like that and they break it out march through may and then uh i had another page in here what's in season june through august and so on and so forth if your grocery store doesn't provide you with something like this don't worry there's a plethora of this online and all you need to do is look for seasonal food lists for your particular area you know like what's in season in central florida for example you can also contact your extension service or just go to their website they usually have lists based on growing seasons and what's in season so i highly recommend that and that's why i like having this uh in i like having an in-season section because as i find more information about farmers markets i put that in here too and so but again this is how i do my kitchen journal you will if you're new to making a kitchen journal you can just start with a basic framework like i have but then you're gonna find oh i need x more than i need y or so on and so forth or g i need to add a b and c and as you go farther along on your journey of making the transition from a processed foods kitchen to a traditional foods kitchen you'll know what you need and then you tailor it to your liking something that another section my next section is cuts of meat and this was something that i put in and this i put in years ago because when i started learning you know about buying beef you know especially when i was interested in buying the bones and there are sometimes little groups that you can get into where you buy a whole cow and it's divided amongst four families and it makes it very reasonable to do you get like a a cow share and i really needed to educate myself about the different cuts of beef and i would just find these things online and then i'd print them out this one this print is really small here at the bottom but this one is just from the national cattlemen's beef association and the beef board they have so much information on their website if you want to you know learn about the different cuts of meat so i have that and then i have information on pastured poultry and a place sometimes that i buy some poultry from online and their their thoughts about their how their chickens are raised and so on and so forth then i have information on fish and this i just find really fascinating it's about it's my ice maker it always makes so much noise you know again different types of fish and how i found this article just in a magazine how to shop the fish market and this type of information i find is like invaluable because it's not something i'm referring to every day but when i'm planning on going grocery shopping and i know you know in the summer months it's when you see a lot of the seafood coming into the uh grocery store uh into the fishmonger uh section of your store and it's nice to know uh what these different fish are if you've not tried them before you know especially if they're coming from the pacific northwest or from alaska you know they do tend to appear in the summer when that's their fishing season so it's just things like that whatever you need to educate yourself on so i highly highly recommend that and if you ever buy fish online i think i mentioned this earlier when i was talking about u.s wellness meats i have a coupon code for vitalchoice which is a seafood company out of alaska they have great salmon and what i do to keep things really cost effective and i have a coupon code uh down there as well which helps with savings but you can buy the whole side of salmon for a very reasonable price if you think you know you have a family of four maybe and and you're going to cook the whole side of salmon you may or may not have some left over but if you have some left over you can do a salmon salad the next day you can do a lot with it and it's a lot less expensive than buying those nice little individual slices that are all vacuum packed and all uh those those i find you know can get a little expensive so i'll just buy the whole side of salmon it's much more affordable and then uh i also buy they sell periodically you got to keep your eye open on their website they sell like little chunks i think sometimes fishermen may call it chum i'm not exactly sure but the little chunks of fish that they had left over after they gutted and cleaned up a fish and they were like little pieces that they couldn't sell as a filet or whatever the case may be and they'll bundle those up in one pound packages and they'll sell them and you can get king salmon you and i'll i'll buy that and i'll just have these like little they're all like uneven pieces and chunks but you grill them up you put them on a salmon salad it's out of this world and then the other thing is they have halibut halibut is an expensive fish and i don't i can't recall ever having bought whole halibut pieces or filets whatever but they will sell the little chunks and they are what i use when i make my fish stews which i'll be sure to put the link in the description below those fish stews are delicious and i have a couple of different recipes but i just use those little chunks and they're very reasonably priced and they come in like a one pound bag and i'll just defrost that and it makes enough for when my son was home with us definitely made plenty for the three of us to eat because you know you've got vegetables in there and everything and i'd often have leftovers and now you know with my husband and i we can get two or three meals out of it so definitely check that out that is a real good savings okay now i'm on my third uh what's this this is the fourth section and you'll see this is blank because i had something else in here i don't remember what it was but i didn't need any more so i took it out because i'm going to put in another copy of my how to stock your essential traditional foods four corners pantry and basically all this is is a download that i created this is totally free i'll put the link in the description below i did the you may have seen the video last week where i talk about this in detail but basically it's just on paper and i just printed it out on my printer it's 36 pages long and i go over all the things both as essential and optional uh the different things for your pantry for your traditional foods pantry and this is your four corners pantry so i'm talking about your main working pantry your fridge your freezer and your extended pantry where you keep your backup supplies i talk about you know which part which of the four corners pantry is the best place to store things and so and there's just it's just chock full with lots of great information so be sure to check out that uh link in the description and then uh print it out and you can put it in a little separate notebook like this because i'm going to keep this one over in my extended pantry so i can keep track of my inventory because i have i'll show you i put a column here where you can put amounts and you can just write it in pencil so you can erase it as amounts change or if you're like me and you love these i mentioned this this is so funny i have nothing to do with this company but i love these pens because you can erase them and they come in all different colors and they're very inexpensive and i'll put a link you can just get you can probably find them at your grocery store in the school supply section they're by and i never know quite how to pronounce it right frixion or frixion and uh they're just made who makes these pilot the pilot pen company so you might find them in line at uh in the aisle of the school supplies at your grocery store i've seen them there but i also ordered them on amazon because i like to buy the pack that has all the different colors i love the purple but this it when erases it doesn't erase like a pencil there are no erasers it's it's amazing they're like little like magic pens but i've got so i'm going to probably put this one over in my extended pantry so i can really keep on top of and keep tabs of my extended pantry and what i've gotten there but i'm going to print out another one and i'm going to put that this that right in here so i can kind of keep this as a sort of a running list and something to refer to when i'm making my grocery list and things like that and then my next tab says nourishing traditions i know those of you have been with me a while that's not going to come as any surprise to you i love the book nourishing traditions by sally fallon and she really was a pioneer in bringing back the traditional foods the traditional nutrient dense foods movement and so i what i have in this section is i just have a lot of printouts that i've printed off from their website if you've not been to their website and this is a subject that interests interests you traditional nutrient-dense foods you have got to go over there it's the westin w-e-s-t-o-n-a the letter a price p-r-i-c-e and i believe let me see if it's i don't know if they have the link i'm not sure if it's dot or yeah it's dot org and it is chock full of so much information they put uh all of their journals after they've been out a little while the journal that you can get in the mail that i also love that comes quarterly but after it's been out a while they'll put that online everything you ever wanted to know about nutrient dense foods is on that website it's just amazing and so what i'll do is i if i see an article or something that really interests me i'll print it out like this one and if you're wondering why it's called weston a price if you're not familiar with sally's book and her work she based her book nourishing traditions on the work of a dentist he was actually a dentist named dr weston a price and he and his wife like to travel a lot and this is going back i believe to the 1920s and he found that when they would go to these various isolated villages where very traditional cultures lived that the people looked amazing they had beautiful what he was focusing on was beautiful broad jaws with beautiful teeth and gorgeous smiles and nice wide faces and then he also noticed physically they had great physiques and thick hair and so on and so forth and he wondered my gosh the people that i see he and his wife i gather lived in the city and so there was a lot more consumption of white flour and white sugar and so on and so forth and he although they still had a lot of traditional foods back then you know white flour and white sugar and some other things like that had seeped into a lot of the uh at least here in the united states the modern american diet and he wondered well what is this difference that these people look amazing and yet the people that i'm treating don't look so good they have narrow jaw and the crowding of the teeth and a lot of cavities and so on and so forth and so he started asking these people as he and his wife traveled around what their diet was and he found that they were eating nutrient-dense foods they that were appropriate to their areas local to their areas so when he uh was in a little swiss village he found that the people really prized eating butter from the cows that grazed in the spring and the butter was so yellow other places he found that the people ate a lot of eggs and the yolks were orange they were so rich and deep in color and they and people had raw milk and uh they ate cultured dairy you know different types of culture dairy depending on where he was in the world they ate a lot of fermented foods they ate organ meats and again depending where he was in the world you know would determine what type of organ meats they ate and so he was fascinated by this and he wrote a book about it and the book i think you know so was sort of lost to history and i guess uh also the price potential dr price and dr pottinger also did similar studies but on cats you may hear some discussion sometimes when you start researching nutrient-dense foods pottinger's cats and they fed the pregnant cat uh you know not a sort of a poor diet and then more like the modern diet and sally calls it the standard american diet or sad uh and fed the other cats a nutrient-rich diet and then their kittens were very different the kittens from the cats fed you know a very uh diet lacking in in nutrient-rich foods were very sickly and the cats fed a diet and nutrient-rich foods had very healthy kittens and so they did a lot of studies like that so and that was a long time ago too and that was sort of lost to history and i gather sally and other people as well you know we're starting to discover these books or rediscovering them and that's when sally wrote uh nourishing traditions uh so in any event so that was a long explanation but uh and then those of you have been with me for a while you know that's no surprise i like to chat about all this uh but there's a great article on their site called principles of healthy diets it goes over you know uh what dr price discovered and uh what type of foods we should be eating to try to avoid uh illness and be as healthy as we possibly can be so that's what i like to put in my nourishing tradition section also too sometimes there were different articles about a subject that really was very near and dear to my heart like how to make bone broth so i would print out from their website things that they discussed as to why bone broth was nutritious uh and they have a thing in their journal which you can you know as i said will be put online uh i don't remember exactly what the section is called in the journal but it's like from the kitchen or from the pantry something like that there's often a discussion about different nutrient dense foods and why they're beneficial for you and then how to make them so you know i'll just print out things like that and so that is sort of my final main my five sort of main sections then what i like to do is then i also leave some things empty where i want to uh eventually you know add different these are all preparing grains nuts and seeds you know information that i like to have healthy healthy that i like to have handy uh about anything related to nourishing traditions then i go into my finally we're at the recipes so the recipe notebook or the recipe journal section of my kitchen journal and that really kind of takes up the bulk of the back of my journal and what i'll do is i'll just print out recipes here i have how to make rich and gelatinous bone broth you may recognize that as as something that i've shared with you uh in a video and on my website and i'll just print these things out so that if i want to quickly refer to something even though a lot of these things i've been making for so long but every once in a while i want to refer and say what exactly did i say and or maybe do i need to make some adjustments and maybe make a new video you know i've made a lot of bone broth videos that i have in a playlist um which i'll link to below in the description because over the years of making beef bone broth i've learned a lot of things and i've found different things that i like and that i don't like to add and then i've also printed out and put in here my no need sandwich bread this is great for beginners if you're new to making bread and you really just want to start with white flour and yeast because you want to replace the sandwich bread that you're buying in the plastic bag from the grocery store this is great and so i actually put this in here recently because i get a lot of questions and uh it's nice to just have it printed out where i can refer to it when i'm working and answering questions and then what i'd also like to add are these little plastic dividers but that are also have like a little envelope here so if i'm in a rush and i don't have chance to hole punch things or maybe they're something that i've ripped out from a magazine or the newspaper and they're very loose uh and kind of difficult or you know not this you know traditional paper size i'll just stick them in here and that's very handy it kind of serves a similar purpose to my very front section here that i showed you in the very beginning where i stick things that i haven't had a chance to file but these are very handy i highly recommend them and i also add in just some loose leaf paper for whenever i just want to sit down and make some notes i don't i don't do that too much but in this particular uh kitchen journal but i do like to have it just in case something hits me when i'm going through this or adding a recipe and i think about something and then i can just quickly jot it down and behind my uh loose leaf i just have this little sticker it's like i don't know if you've seen these they're post-it notes but they're pla they're like plastic or something they're they're uh they've got some nice some nice body to them and that i wrote you can write on them it's very clever and i just put ideas and basically if i'm searching around the internet and i see something that's intriguing to me but that i'm not necessarily familiar with or maybe it's something i've never made before and it's usually something to do with a technique relating to some type of traditional nutrient dense food but it's a very new concept to me i'll just put it here in ideas because i may wind up when i have time to sit down and look at it and read it i might read it and say no that's something i don't want to tackle or i don't think my family will like it or whatever the case may be and then i'll just discard it but i know that it's in here and i don't have to think where did i put that you know then if i want to keep it great if not i just discard it and this was something that really that i have here that i put in is so intriguing to me this is a very detailed recipe maybe one day i'll make a video on this but oh gosh i think this could be a long one this it has three parts to it and it's how to make homemade corn tortillas but this is just not any corn tortilla this is true traditional corn tortillas these tortillas are made in the traditional way that they were made in mexico that i don't even know if people make them there like this anymore because you can buy the corn flour the masa that's already been treated with lime and that's not the fruit lime it's a chemical but you know what naturally occurs knowing rock i think and you can buy that you know years ago it's what people would soak their pickles in before they pickled them you know and canned them to keep them crisp lime i guess has different properties but the traditionally prepared masa has already been treated with the lime and the reason is corn contains an ingredient that can make it very difficult to absorb the nutrients from it specifically the b vitamins now this is not a big issue if it's not the staple of your diet but if corn is the staple of your diet you need to make sure that you can absorb all the nutrients from it and when you treat corn with lime it then unlocks this and allows you to be able to absorb the nutrients from the corn specifically those b vitamins so traditional people traditional cultures in mexico and throughout uh central and south america where corn as a staple would you know they'd grow the corn they'd dry it they'd pound it you know with their mortal and pestle or however they did it and grind it in into a powder and you know i'm not even sure because i'm going to have to look at this in detail i don't know if they treated the corn first with lime and let it dry or if they treated the ground corn with lime but in any event this is this recipe is showing you how to grow corn take corn and dried treat it with lime whatever the case may be and then have your masa just like you can buy masa at the grocery store that's already been treated with the lime this is taking you from square one and going through the whole process i find it fantastic amazing you know these are skills we don't want to lose you know what if someday we can't buy masa at the grocery store and we need to know how to do these things if that's a crop that we're relying on for all of our nutrition so maybe one day i'd have to be very and feeling very energetic but uh that this was so i printed this out because i found this i started reading it online and i just found it uh fascinating and this was from some of you if you're really into nutrient-dense foods you may already know about this gal she is fascinating and she has a website i printed this out from i think she calls herself the and it's because she says she just loves cheese so much but her website's been around for years and she has so much information about nutrient-dense foods how to make nutrients dense foods everything and as i said this fantastic recipe on how to make traditional corn tortillas now i have a few more things to show you in here but i wanted to mention before i forget that i wanted to share with you for those of you have asked a few pictures of my kitchen and the one picture that i want to show you is where i'm sitting right at right now this is my kitchen table we have a nice you know as i've shared with you in the past we live in the texas hill country central texas we have an old house and every room is separate there's no open floor plan nothing like that but the nice thing is the kitchen is nice and big it's about 20 feet by about uh i think 18 feet it's a nice big kitchen and this section where i'm sitting right here is my kitchen table and then looking out that way which i'll put another picture is my kitchen island where you see when i'm filming my cooking instructional videos and then pretty much everything else i think you've seen the bulk of what's behind me on my kitchen counter that's where all the cooking takes place but when i'm at that kitchen island i'm looking over here where i'm sitting now uh at my kitchen table and so it's lovely there's i have a wingback chair to sit and rest in when i'm waiting you know for a timer to go off or something like that i've got a fireplace which is delightful not in august in texas but in our cooler months it's it's very pleasant to have and to sit there and behind me uh i think you can see this where the curtains are these are french doors with like little side lights on either side and i'll take you out there another day that is our kitchen patio and it's lovely because we have a table out there and you can sit out there and eat or whatever the case may be when the weather's a little cooler and enjoy the breeze and so on and so forth but and i just wanted to share that with you because i know a lot of you have been asking me to see a picture of this part of my kitchen and then here in my back pocket of my binder i just have more blank menu planners well if you've enjoyed taking this tour of my kitchen journal and were interested when i was mentioning the pantry list part of my kitchen journal be sure to click on this video over here where i go over this pantry list in detail and tell you how you can download it and it's free and i'll see you over there in my texas hill country kitchen love and god bless
Channel: Mary's Nest
Views: 22,495
Rating: 4.9656816 out of 5
Keywords: My Kitchen Journal for the Traditional Foods Kitchen - Recipe Journal - Recipe Notebook, My Kitchen Journal for the Traditional Foods Kitchen, Recipe Journal, Recipe Notebook, recipe notebook ideas, recipe notebook organizer, mary's nest kitchen journal, kitchen journal, kitchen journal for the traditional foods kitchen, traditional foods kitchen journal, recipe book, diy recipe book, planner, kitchen planner, recipe planner, weekly recipe planner, marysnest, marys nest
Id: z8YquLVTfeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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