My INSANE Finasteride & Minoxidil 2.5 Months Results

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this is a reaction to a video called my insane 2.5 months on finasteride minoxidil and Derma roller by Al garrido let's take a look I've been taking four years straight to finasteride to combat hair loss okay so it looks like he's been on four years worth of finasteride at one milligram is what it seems but the video is called 2.5 months so maybe he's added other medical therapies more recently let's see this was me before and two years after the treatment but you see in this photo it's hard to compare right his hair color is different the lighting is very different the angle is different and this comes up a lot for before and after photos related to hair transplants it's very easy to show very impressive results when you have a change in the length of hair the lighting conditions angulation all of that matters so trying to keep that stable and consistent I think is a good goal also there are some clinics that will put fiber into the hair for the after photo so everything looks like we're super super dense and you'll see no bare scalp at all because there's a sheet of fiber there so something to keep in mind when you're looking at before and after photos from different places you may think a pretty impressive success story however last summer I was experiencing a new massive shedding so in this photo at 13 seconds it sure doesn't seem like he's lost a ton of ground but I'm sure he knew that he was shedding and so the question then becomes is it that the finasteride was a generic type that wasn't effective anymore is it that there were other like stressful events in his life or just very accelerated male pattern loss that was going on you know unclear so let's take a listen especially around the temples it was time to step up the game so I added three more treatments which were minoxidil in topical form Dharma pen and nicerol shampoo and we've covered all of these different medical therapies on the channel we have videos for for all the different types of medical therapies and often we're recommending at least dual modality medical therapy so for example finasteride and minoxidil which we both prefer in oral form since that's the more potent version of them as opposed to topical but he then went a Step Beyond and started doing microneedling essentially we prefer a stamping type of tool as opposed to a roller and then the Ketoconazole is finds an anti-fungal treatment usually several times a week and that might help as well so it looks like he was able to get ahead of the frontotemporal recession with the addition of those other medical therapies the other thing to remember is that as you're doing all of these different things it's hard to know which one is actually responsible for the benefits that you're seeing since you know how do you control for all the different variables of all the different medical therapies so that's why it's sometimes best to just start with one or two forms of medical therapy and then add if you need as opposed to doing five different things all at the same we'll be offering Medical Treatments with generic drugs very soon and that will include finasteride and minoxidil at lower prices than you can find pretty much anywhere else online so sign up to sign up dot to get the latest information about our product updates so that when it becomes available you can jump on and get the medications that are generic drugs at affordable prices all right so first I will briefly break down when and how I used these treatments this is the way that best worked for me what I did was the following every night I applied one milliliter of minoxidil to my hairline so it looks like he's using the solution form of minoxidil remember that it's also available in the foam form of it and it's generally recommended as a twice a day type of application for men and usually once a day for women and I only did it to the area that was thinning I never applied it to the rest of the scalp because once you expose the rest of the hair to Minoxidil it will be forever dependent so it's not that that hair becomes dependent per se it's just that you're only seeing the improvements while you're consuming that agent in this case minoxidil and that's really the case from all medical therapy so it doesn't matter so much if you're only putting it on the spot that's affected or more diffusely on the scalp most of the impact is actually because you get some degree of systemic absorption and that is creating impact on the scalp hair if you take minoxidil as a pill then you have an even more potent type of response and the reason you know there's some systemic effect right is because most people will experience some degree of increased facial growth on minoxidil even if they're putting it on topically so it doesn't just affect the area where you're placing it since there's so many blood vessels in the head and neck and you get that systemic absorption just continue using minoxidil you will lose all the hair that you regroup using minoxidil before so I saw no reason of applying it to the rest of my scalp where the hair was okay so far also I applied minoxidil once a day at night for a reason even though the companies will tell you that you should apply minoxidil twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening that's not strictly necessary the product has a half-life of 23 hours so even though you applied just once a day it will make no difference the recommended dose for topical minoxidil is twice a day but the half-life is 22 hours you do get pretty good results with once a day application as well but then I noticed that was pretty much inconvenient for me why because sometimes you just won't have the time to let it dry or it will be difficult to fix your hair after that instead I found out that it is much more convenient to apply it right before going to bed I personally do it around 8 o'clock in the evening but that's just my personal preference I'm sure every one of you has their own routines alright let's talk about the second treatment once a week I will also micro needle the hairline with a needle depth of 1.5 millimeters once a week microneedling is frequent and most people are advised to start at most once a month and then working up from there if they feel comfortable we have a video on microneedling for Hair Restoration make sure to check out that one before I used to apply the minoxidil 24 hours after micro needling but now I just do it right after I have not experienced any side effects such as headaches heart palpitations etc etc so he's describing some of the potential side effects of minoxidil and that's good that he hasn't experienced them minoxidil often has a base of alcohol in it and the way that it's made and manufactured and so when you're microneedling and applying the Knoxville right away some people will experience a burning type of sensation and so usually it's advised to separate out the microneedling sessions from the application of minoxidil I have however noticed a side effect with the dermapen which is simply flaky skin this is pretty annoying but I also feel it was worse in the first weeks of doing it microneedling at a depth of 1.5 millimeters can increase the degree of scarring in the tissues over time and when we do hair transplants we can feel that rigidity of the tissue the way that we place the grafts into the scalp oftentimes we can sense that type of rigidity compared to a scalp that has not been microneedled frequently now I feel the skin is much more resistant to it than before and it doesn't flake so much than as it used to do this is however not a deal breaker for me because the skin just gets normal again after a few days the reason I use a dermapen is be because well first of all you get much better Precision when microneedling but second and this is also very important point is that you can exchange the thermostats and if you do that you will have much less risk of getting an infection using micro needling yeah it's great when you have disposable cartridges just like razor blades for shaving that you can replace and use fresh ones and of course that will minimize infection especially because you're usually generating some degree of pinpoint bleeding at least in some areas when you're microneedling so it's good to be able to exchange that frequently treatment which is simply the Ketoconazole shampoo I use the Ketoconazole shampoo once a week I could actually use it more often but I find it is not strictly necessary to be honest I think the Ketoconazole shampoo helped but it was not a deal breaker when it comes to regrowing new hair the situation for most people most people will say that the Ketoconazole if anything gives a a small degree of benefit it's not one of the primary agents or one of the primary forms of medical therapy for Hair Restoration but it can help in certain circumstances and again once a week is probably sufficient we can go up to about three maybe four times a week but typically that's not necessary you don't want to be using it every day because it can really dry out the scalp it will help to regrow your hair a tiny bit but not as much as finasteride or minoxidil worried help however and it is still helping is when it comes to the common itching of the scalp for those people that are experiencing a shedding or balding well yes I mean with seborrheic dermatitis that's the primary kind of culprit that you're targeting with the Ketoconazole and that itchy flaky type of scalp so with that it can help and if you let that condition go without any type of Remedy then you can potentially get additional hair loss so that's where the Ketoconazole is being effective to it agree in my opinion the shampoo helped there a lot because it has some anti-inflammatory properties but like I said I would not use it actually more than once a week well the the anti-fungal aspect of it and targeting some of the various funguses and yeast that can live on the scalp is really where you're getting some degree of decreased inflammation it's not the shampoo itself but it's the fact that it's reducing that type of Flora that lives on the scalp that can be increasing your inflammation that's where it's improving the condition because it is pretty expensive this bottle for example costs 30 US dollars I would use it as a nice addition to getting that extra kick when it comes to regrowing your hair and also having an ease of mind okay let's cut to the Chase and see the results so this picture is one day before starting the treatment even at this point it's been on finasteride for four years you can see some frontotemporal recession there is a central nearing the Norwood II going on closer to three at that point so it seems like you know he's improved quite a bit so we'll take a look here huge loss of density and hair in the temple area in the first two weeks I would say that nothing happened there was no shedding yet the fourth week however there was a big shed it may or may not be so noticeable in the picture but in shedding will often scare people they'll think that whatever they're doing is not effective because they're starting to shed but in reality it's actually the opposite that's usually true it's because the hair cycle has been accelerated and we're pushing out some of the older hairs to make room for the newer hairs that's the reason for the shed so sticking it out with the therapy is usually the solution and once the shedding corrects itself then you will most often see an improvement in the actual hair thickness and overall appearance of fullness besides that I was fighting so many hairs like in the shower in my bed and especially in the sink terrible because that's a moment where you don't know if the treatment is working so you're shedding before the regrowth or you're actually just shedding because I don't know it you are still bawling he's right yeah this guy's smart I mean he's definitely he's he's right on The Mark with that surely after three more weeks more or less the setting stopped and regrowth started not just the hair that I just good on him for being patient with the process [ __ ] but also knew her that I had lost like four or five years ago hopefully you can appreciate it in this picture I mean all that hair was not there before guys and it's just a wonderful feeling to see that and I think it does not stop there here's by the way uh before and after picture that clarifies even more what a big change yeah that's definitely a nice Improvement and it's a reminder that you don't necessarily have to jump to hair transplant surgery right away many of my patients who come in for hair transplant surgery have a similar situation and it looks to them like sometimes that's the only solution is surgery and we talk about medical therapy but you can see how motivated and consistent you need to be to get these types of results and Al was and many other people are not but it's it's great that he was able to achieve these results with medical therapy alone big change just happened in two and a half months I will continue posting my regrowth in this Channel and guys just don't lose Faith just hang in there until next time I wish you a happy hair Journey uh your Happy Hair journey to you all yeah thank you for this video Al thank you for sharing your experience has helped the community at large with their hair Journeys and if you guys have any questions please put them in the comments below and we'll address as many as them as we can
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 1,439,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my insane 2.5 months on finasteride, finasteride, minoxidil, finasteride and minoxidil, finasteride and minoxidil before and after, finasteride results, minoxidil results, Dr. Gary Linkov, education, City Facial Plastics, hair, hair restoration, hair loss, hair restoration medication, derma roller, derma rolling, finasteride before and after, hair loss treatment, minoxidil hair regrowth results, androgenetic alopecia, minoxidil before after
Id: rWU7ErxmpeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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