My Immortal: A Tale of Infamy

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today I'm going to be sharing with you a tale some may say it is a tale as all this time while others would probably probably not say that that's right friends we're gonna be talking about my immortal so for those of you who don't know what my immortal is because up until like a couple of weeks ago I wasn't even familiar with what it is my immortal was this fanfiction that was supposed to do way back in 2006 and 2007 and the author went by the username xxx bloody wrists and wrists is spelled without a W I just like to point out six six xxx but luckily we don't have to say that name throughout this whole video because by her audience she was called Tara gills B or something to that effect but we will be calling her Tara for most of this video so in total my immortal is 44 chapters long it is about 22,000 678 words and Tara our author she wasn't the only person who worked on this project she had a friend by the name of Raven her username was bloody tears 666 so to give you a brief summary or just a thesis statement about the what this book is about it's about this girl who has a very subtle name and her name is ebony darkness dementia Raven Way just really rolls off the tongue she's this gothic girl and she was also a Satanist and also a vampire and also a witch there's just a lot going on for her and it details her time at Hogwarts and how she falls in love with Draco Malfoy and how she'd be friends the main cast of the Harry Potter series when this story first came out it began to get some traction from some readers and this was a very good attraction I feel like I would like to point out like almost right away it began to become a meme basically I don't really know if memes were like really a thing back in 2006 I wouldn't really know speaking that I was around six years old when that happened but quickly after the first couple of chapters were posted it began to establish itself for being very well-written there were long stretches where the characters names would be completely wrong and seemingly the author didn't even notice for example evany for a long time in this book is simply referred to as Anna B which is not not the same but there are tons of inconsistencies within the plot of the actual fanfiction but also in the world of Harry Potter it was later revealed that the author never even read Harry Potter and that they just seemed like a handful of movies and like thought Draco Malfoy was cute and wanted to write a story about him which i think is very telling I think when there's a really bad written book there are a couple of things to do I feel like one of those things is to just not read it but it's 2006 so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna read this every single chapter and just subtly make fun of it in the comments and that's what happened tons of people I'm not even kidding when I say like hundreds of people maybe even thousands I'm not exactly sure how many views each chapter was pulling in but the fact that this fanfiction is still well-known and is still so infamous by so many people I assume that means thousands of people are reading this and making fun of it but after a time of getting a lot of hate the author began to do some shady things one of these things being blackmailing her fans and her readers into giving and good reviews she saw that so many people were like leaving mean comments or leaving bad reviews or disliking it I don't really know how the rating system works on believe it or not I'm not very well versed in that site but people were giving it bad reviews and making fun of it in the comments so she used that to her advantage because she saw all these readers and all of these comments but they weren't good comments so she started saying I'm not gonna update this book until I get X amount of reviews or you guys leave me good reviews or nice comments or I'm not gonna update it again so she forced these people to give her good reviews it kind of reminds me of Xena basically to push herself further and it's just like so brilliant and I honestly think that she's really smart for that Tara kills me if you watching this girl I respect you honestly no I actually don't but when the book reached around chapter 38 some mysterious things began to happen to this story these chapters that were often misspelled or the writing was really cringey or things just didn't really make sense suddenly things began to make sense sentences were more coherent character names were spelled correctly the actual formatting was making more sense and was more cohesive and a lot of people began to think maybe maybe Tara took a writing lesson maybe all this hey got to her and now she's gonna become a good writer what are we gonna do but it turns out that the book got hacked and that somebody wrote a fake chapter that was just making fun of the book but they made fun of it in a way that was somehow better than the actual writing so this hacker gets control of her account and whoever this hacker is they pen two chapters of the book but then the next chapter rolled around in Tara had got her account back and she literally wrote in the book a scene where the hacker gets killed off and so when the book reached around like 40 chapters after she got her account back and after things like that the climax started to pick up and she said guys there's gonna be a couple of chapters left and we're gonna be done then chapter 44 came out and you know it was almost the end of this saga these characters that we had fallen in love with over the course of these 44 chapters were finally gonna be meeting their end then suddenly the book was gone without a trace Tara gills V and her accomplice Raven bloody wrists xx xx 666 whatever she had disappeared and it had all been gone was it all a dream and what had ended up happening was the book had been deleted from because the moderators had seen that it was breaking a lot of the guidelines for the actual site because there are a lot of mentions of self-harm and things like that a couple of months after it had disappeared a sequel appeared entitled my immortal to wake me up inside but the author later confirmed that it was just a troll and that they weren't actually Tara or Raven and that was seemingly the end of Marnell this store that we had come to hate the store that was infamous on for being the worst fan fiction of all time it was over or is it but we're not quite there yet most of our cast of characters from the Harry Potter universe their name has changed to be more gothic so let us read our cast list we can't call Hermione Hermione in this book because that is far to a much of a preppy name so in this book her name is Bloody Mary Smith that is not a joke our beloved Harry Potter is not called Harry Potter he is simply referred to as vampire because in this story he is a vampire and finally we have Ron Weasley which unfortunately he's barely in the story I think in passing he gets like one mention but he is called Diablo but before we get started there's just something I gotta grab real quick I already regret it so the story opens up on chapter one with an author's note I like to note that every chapter opens with some sort of author note so the author's note here says special things and then parentheses says get it cuz I'm gothic to my gf you nuttin that way raven bloody tears 666 for helping me with the story and spelling so we got our first mention of raven love her hi my name is ebony darkness dimension raven way and i have long evany black hair that's how I got my name with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid back and I see blue eyes with limpid tears that's a lot we're gonna skip that I'm 17 I'm goth in case you couldn't tell and I wear mostly black I love hot topic and I buy all my clothes from there she talks about her clothes a lot I'm gonna skip over it just cuz it's really redundant you just know that she's wearing a corset and black I was walking outside of Hogwarts it was snowing and raining so there was no Sun which I was very happy about a lot of preps stare at me I put my middle finger at them Hey evany shouted a voice I looked up it was Draco Malfoy what's up Draco I asked nothing he said chao-li but then I heard my friends call me and I had to go away author's note is it good please tell me things that was that was chapter one the next day I woke up in my bedroom it was snowing and raining again I opened the door to my coffin and drink some blood from a bottle I had my coffin was black ebony and inside it was a hot pink velvet and black lace at the ends the very 2006 if I do say so myself my friend a willow oh there's no Raven this is you so willow is a fanfiction self inserted version of her friend Raven my friend willow woke up and then grinned at me she flipped her long waist-length raven black hair with pink streaks and opened her forest green eyes as a mouthful description right there we put on our makeup black lipstick white foundation black eyeliner oMG I saw you talking to Draco Malfoy yesterday she said excitedly yeah so I said blushing do you like Draco she asked no I don't I shouted yeah right she exclaimed just then Draco walked up to me it's good timing right hi he said hi i replied fleur-de-lis good charlotte is having a concert in Hogsmeade he told me oh my god I screamed I love good charlotte they're my favorite band besides My Chemical Romance well do you want to go with me he asked I gasped and that's the end of chapter 2 what a cliffhanger stop blaming my story preps okay things to the Gothic people for the good reviews things again Raven oh yeah by the way I don't own this or the lyrics too good Charlotte she does it I went outside drink was waiting there in front of his flying car he was wearing a simple plan t-shirt baggy black skater pants black nail polish and a little eyeliner author's note a lot of cool boys wear it okay thanks for that update hi Draco I said in a depressed voice hi honey he said back we walked back to his flying black mercedes-benz the license plate said 666 because they're Satanists on the way we listened excitedly to Good Charlotte in Marilyn Manson we both smoked cigarettes and drugs when we got there we both hopped out of the car we went to the mosque but at the front of the stage and jumped up and down as we listened to Good Charlotte you come in cold you're covered in I think that's a good Charlotte song I'm not familiar should we pull up the song okay in parentheses after it says I don't own the lyrics to that song in case you were mistaken in case you thought that she had come up with those those lyrics really should get credit Joel is so hot I said to Draco pointing to him as he sung filled the club with his amazing voice suddenly drinka looks sad what's wrong I asked him as we mosh to the music then I caught on hey it's okay I don't like him better than you I said really said Draco sensitively then he put his arms around me all protective really I said besides I don't even know Joel and he's going out with Hilary duh I guess that was the thing in 2006 but it's just funny to read about it now I hate that girl I said disgustedly thinking her ugly blond face she's really passive-aggressive towards Hilary Duff the night went on really well and I had a great time so did Draco after the concert we drank some beer and asked Benji and Joel for their autographs I assume those are band members but I'm not super up-to-date on my 2006 and 2007 fans especially like punk rock emo bands just enough not really my John Ron I don't think Draco and I crawled back to the Mercedes bed they crawled why are they crawling no cuz they're drunk is he gonna drive drunk but Draco didn't go back into Hogwarts and said he drove the car into the Forbidden Forest hmm that's the end of chapter three chapter four author's note I said stop flaming okay Anthony's name is n of E not Mary Sue okay Draco is so in love with her that he's acting different they knew each other before okay because obviously a lot of people were being like this Curtis Mary Sue this writings bad stuff like that also it is so hot in here and I'm just out here wearing a hat and I'm too scared to open my window because if you'll look and just see me just a sad sight what the heck do you think you're doing Draco didn't answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it were they flying or were they on the ground cuz they said he stopped the flying car so I assume they're in there did he just like or what just dipped out of that car real quick evany he asked what I snapped Draco leaned in extra close and I looked into his gothic red eyes authors know he was wearing red color contacts his eyes revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn't feel mad anymore romantic Draco climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against the tree he took off my top and I took off his clothes I even took off my bra then he put his thingy into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time we started to kiss everywhere in my pale body became all warm and then what the hell are you doing it was Dumbledore oh we got a cup i Dumbledore in the Forbidden Forest chapter 5 author's note stop flaming if you flame it means you're a prep and a poser the only reason Dumbledore swore I took out the swearing because I'm not out here trying to get to monitize only reason done with those tourists because he had a headache okay and on top of that he was mad at them for having sex yes I'm not updating until I get 5 good reviews this is where the blackmailing begins you ludicrous fools he shouted I started to cry tears of blood down my pallid face I think they mean pale draco comforted me when we went back to the castle Dumbledore took us to Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall who were both looking very angry they were having sexual intercourse in the Forbidden Forest he yelled in a furious voice why did you do such a thing you mediocre dunces asked Professor McGonagall what she would never say that I don't think how dare you question mark demanded Professor Snape and then Draco shrieked because I love her everyone was quiet Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall still looked mad but Professor Snape said fine very well you may go up to your rooms they obviously hooked up and broke the rules and all of that I think it's against Hogwarts rules I don't really know and that's never something that's really discussed in the Harry Potter books I just love how they're getting in trouble and you're like why would you do this this is against the rules and then Treecko is just like I love her and they're like that's fine I guess I just I don't know I love that so much so then they go back to their rooms and Draco was standing in front of the bathroom and he started to sing I just want to live by good Charlotte I was so flattered even though he wasn't supposed to be here we hugged and kissed after that we said good night and he reluctantly left so basically she went to her room in this fit of rage and then he just snuck into her room or something and then he started to sing to her to make it up to her let's listen to the song he's saying how romantic is that right shut up preps okay yes I would not update until you give me good reviews honestly I felt that she's in the great hall she's eating some Count Chocula cereal with blood in it tasty he didn't have glasses anymore and now he was wearing red contact lenses just like Draco's and there was no scar on his forehead anymore he was so sexy that my body went on hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only I'm a girl so I don't get one you stick though this is probably my favorite line in the whole book like you brought it up and then you got mad at me for saying that but you said it what's your name I questioned my name's Harry Potter although most people call me vampire these days he who are on both why I exclaimed because I love the taste of human blood he giggled well I am a vampire I confessed really he whimpered yeah I roared what is up with these character narrations we sat down to talk for a while then Draco came up behind me and told me he had a surprise for me so I went away with him not the end of chapter 6 just really ended on an exciting note also I just remembered that I made a fake nose ring for this video so I could wear it but I forgot that I had it and I feel like it's too late to add the joke so yes I'll just put it in for a second so we can laugh ha ha ha I'm edgy so chapter 7 is entitled bring me to life and it also starts with an author's note because obviously they all have to start with an author's note well ok you guys I'm only writing this because I got 5 God review and by the way I won't write the next chapter till I get 10 good ones stop flaming or I'll report you Avani is in a Mary Sue okay she isn't perfect she's a Satanist and she has problems she's depressed for God's sake Draco and I held our pale white hands with black nail polish as we went upstairs I was wearing red Satanist sings on my nails in red polish I don't really know what she's trying to say there and I won't try to figure it out either after that the author's note says does that sound like a Mary Sue deals very passive-aggressive but then again at this point she's getting like hundreds of hate comments so I feel like rightfully so I wait - vampire dark misery was in his depressed eyes I guess he was jealous of me that I was going out with Draco anyway I went upstairs excitedly with Draco we went into his room and locked the door then doctor died we started frenching passively which I love that because I feel like they meant to say passionately but they said passively so instead of like making out you know she's just like you know just gold fishing her way through about make out we took off each others clothes enthusiastically he felt me up before I took off my job we went on the bed and started making out naked then he put his boys thing in mind and we in all caps had sex friends he says is that stupid so they finish up that activity and then she notices a tattoo on Draco's arm it was a black heart with an arrow through it on it in bloody gothic writing were the words vampire I was so angry no you don't understand Draco pleaded but I knew too much low problematic here she says you probably have AIDS anyway it was 2006 but like still you know what I mean I put on my clothes all huffily and then stomped out Draco ran out even though he was naked he had a really big you-know-what but I was too to care is if they hadn't already liked had sex she just never noticed I guess I stomped out and did so until I was in Vampires classroom where he was having a lesson with Professor Snape she's gonna try to fight vampire in his potions classroom Draco just runs in naked after her evany it's not what you think Draco screamed sadly my friend Bloody Mary Smith smiled at me understand idli this is Hermione by the way and we get some of her back story she says Hermione was kidnapped when she was born her real parents are vampires and one of them is a witch but Voldemort killed her mother and her father she still has nightmares about it and she's very haunted and depressed it also turns out her real last name is Smith and not Granger since she had converted to Satanism she is in Slytherin now vampire I can't believe you cheated on me with Draco I shouted everyone gasped and then it gets really weird because this whole story has been told in Ebony zo V right and then randomly in the middle of this chapter we get like one paragraph from Draco's POV completely isolated from the rest of the story - because instead of it being like Draco's POV it's like ebony and then there's one paragraph of Draco and we just moved back to evany it's really confusing so this isn't Draco's POV I don't know why evany was so mad at me I had went out with vampire for a while but then he broke my heart he dumped me because he liked Brittany a stupid preppy girl I'm bi and so is ebony we were just good friends now he had gone through horrible problems and now he was gothic haha like I would hang out with a prep it's really good but I'm not going out with Draco anymore said vampire Yeah right I screamed I ran out of the room into the Forbidden Forest where I lost my virginity and then I started to bust into tears that's the end of that chapter oh there's no stop flaming okay I didn't read the books this is from the movie okay it's not my father Dumbledore swears besides I said he had a headache jeez guys yeah Dumbledore said the f-word but he had a headache it's not out of character geez anyways chapter 9 let's do it I was so mad and sad I couldn't believe Draco for cheating on me I began to cry against the tree where I did it with Draco then all of a sudden Lea and horrible man with the red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a broomstick he didn't have a nose it was obvious he wasn't gothic it was Voldemort No I shouted in a scared voice but then hold a more shouted imperious and I couldn't run away Crookshanks I shouted it why did she say that does she think that was a spell that's Hermione's cat I mean to say Bloody Mary Smith Scott evany he shouted thou must kill vampire Potter I thought about vampire and his sexy eyes and his gothic black hair and how it looks just like Joel Madden why is that a thing for this book but can you imagine like she's being attacked by the actual Dark Lord and she's like vampire looks just like a joke I assume it's some weird band member noble the more I shouted back wall there more gave me a gun no please the I begged thou must he yelled if thou does not then I shall kill thy beloved Draco how did you know I asked in a surprised way I have two telekinesis he answered cruelly and if you does not kill the vampire then thou know'st what would happen to Draco he shouted then he flew away angrily on his broomstick why does he talk like Shakespeare I was so scared and mad that I didn't know what to do suddenly Draco came into the woods I'm sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me that's ok he said all depressed and then we went back to Hogwarts together making out are they like making out on their way they're just like walking and making out or do they stop periodically to make me it's I'm unsure chapter 10 is where things start to get a little bit weird I know that things have been really weird and cringy up until this point but I feel like this is where things start to get just completely off track any sense of narrative is out the window and it's really hard to follow which is why I've read this book four times by the way so we find out at the beginning of this chapter our squad is a part of a band called bloody gothic rows 666 and ebony is the lead singer apparently I guess they're just at their practice like after she gets attacked by Baltimore and he gives her a gun and is like you killed vampire Potter for me the no reason she's just fine now I'm going to band practice we were singing a cover of Helena and at the end of the song I burst into tears evany are you okay Bloody Mary ass and the concerned voice what do you think I asked angrily and then I said well Voldemort came and he told me to kill Harry and I don't want to kill him because he's really nice even if he did go out with Draco but if I don't kill Harry then Baltimore will kill Draco ah this sucks then Draco bursts in at this very second why didn't you tell me he shot it how could you you you poser and then in parentheses she says is that out of character and then he runs out of the room crying because she didn't tell him apparently and this is where things start to get a little bit you know and I mean they continue to practice for their band to spend about an hour than Dumbledore walks in angrily his eyes are all fiery and I knew this time it wasn't because he had a headache obviously my favourite character in this book is probably done with ORS headache what have you done he started to cry wisely how do you do that I don't know evany Draco has been found in his room so I just realized that if I actually put this part in the video it will for sure get demonetized and you know me I'm a money hungry snake so I'm just gonna say it now but Draco is no longer with us he is dead and he did it by himself and if there's a word for that but I feel like if I use that word the video will be demonetised in this chapter we find out that Draco is alive and that he's been captured by Voldemort and it was all an elaborate scheme doesn't really make sense it's just hard to figure out what Voldemort's goal is they find out that Draco has been captured so they're gonna do the responsible thing for the first time ever and they're gonna tell Dumbledore about it though they run in Dumbledore Dumbledore what is it that you need now you despicable snobs that's definitely in character but I guess he has a headache Voldemort has Draco we shouted he laughed in an evil voice no I don't give a darn about what Voldemort does to Jericho he took out his wand and did his spell then suddenly we're in Voldemort Slayer okay we ran in with our wands out and just heard a crooned voice said Allah khuda Abba it was all the more whoa scary we ran in where Voldemort was it turned out that Voldemort wasn't there instead of the bad guy that killed Cedric was so she still came out Peter Pettigrew Draco was there crying tears of blood snake tail was torturing him squirm tail but snake tail sounds fine by me I guess snake tail which isn't a character in any of the books he says that he loves evany and except it says entity and he wants to have sex with her then I stabbed him in the heart blood poured out of it like a fountain to even say him she said it it's just such a bad bad girl no he screamed he started screaming and running around then he fell down and died I burst into tears why she said the two wanna have sex snake town what art thou doing Caldwell the moor then he started coming we could hear his high heels clacking does why is he wearing high heels honestly I'm not surprised so they grabbed Draco and then they hop on their broomsticks and then they fly back to Hogwarts we went to my room then I started crying what's wrong honey a stray coat taking off his clothes so we could screw way to set the mood she's crying it's ugly love all over again he had a sex pack get it cuz he's so sexy it's so unfair I cried why can't I just be ugly over plain like the other girls ever ona's in love with me Hagrid says he's in love with me which I skipped all over this cuz it's stupid vampire likes me and now even snake tail is in love with me I just want to be with you okay Draco why couldn't say to have made me less beautiful I'm good at too many things why can't I just be normal it's a curse I shouted and then I ran away nuts the end of chapter 14 and then Draco comes into her room singing The Chronicles of life and death bye good Charlotte's gonna bring them back together this romance is just gonna be saved and she says we consider it our song now cuz we fell in love when Joel was singing it I love you I said and then we started to kiss just like Hilary done I hate her in the Cinderella story that's all that's good for this chapter let's skip the rest so in chapter 16 when this slick when things start to get really funny every chapter leading up to this chapter we've had a thank you to Raven who is the friend of Tara but this time we open up to quite the plot twist some of this isn't even in readable English it says you know what shut up prove to me you're not preps Raven you suck give me back my suet wheat or suspect to write this what I don't know they obviously had a falling out and it's hard to figure out why then she says Raven you're supposed to do this by the way thanks to Brittany five six five five four teaching my Japanese she just called Raven out and I didn't even say most of it mostly because I'm money hungry and if this video gets to monetize I don't even know what I'm going to do ok so unfortunately at this part of the video it randomly cut off and I embarrassingly didn't notice for quite a long time but this part is far too good to just pass up without any further explanation so I will read it for you now as we discussed earlier there is a character that is based off of her friend Raven and since in this chapter they're randomly fighting for some reason willow is essentially just written out of the story in a very subtle way in my subtle I mean not at all by the way willow that poseur got expelled she failed all her classes and she skipped math authors know Raven you suck alright so chapters have been teamed to catch you up with some of the stuff that's going on they were going to a concert now that's literally all you need to know the rest of it is just misspelled honestly we mosh to Hellena in some other songs suddenly Gerrard pulled off his mask and so did the other members like gasped it wasn't Gerrard at all it was an ugly preppy man with no nose and red eyes it was Voldemort and the Death Dealers my favorite characters in the Harry Potter world suddenly a gothic old man flew on his broomstick he had long black hair and a long black beard he was wearing a black robe that said Avril Lavigne on the back he shotted a spell and voila the more it ran away it was dumb bleed or and we find out that all this time Dumbledore has stumbled upon goth culture he's dying his hair black he's just ferment his beer to be black he's very black clothes with lace on it he's just gothic now that's probably the best part of this whole book and also we're getting to the point where nothing happens for a long time and it's just like no good jokes for me to pull out and I just feel like it would just water down this whole video so I'm gonna skip most of that you know so um Raven and Tara are back together at this point they had a big falling out and now they're friends again so that was really exciting but it honestly ended pretty pretty boring me our squad walks into the Great Hall and they see Cornelia fudged my favourite character from the Harry Potter universe and he is yelling at Dumbledore and Doris run bridge is also there this cannot be she started angrily this school must be closed the bark Lord is playing to kill the students yelled Cornelia you are not fit to be the principal any longer yelled run bridge you are too old and your Alzheimer's is dangerous you must retry or Voldemort will kill your students very well done with or set angrily but we cannot do this we cannot close to school there is only one person who was capable of killing Voldemort and she was in the school and her name is an Oni darkness dementia Raven away they all gasp oh she's the chosen one so on this next chapter Voldemort sends her a vision basically telling her that she failed her mission of killing vampire and now he's gonna kill Draco basically there's a weird character named professor sinister I don't know who that's supposed to be and I'm not gonna try to guess professor sinister says Terra it's not even ebony anymore it's just Terra the name of the author I see dark times are near you must go back in time she took out a time toner like Bloody Mary had when Valle de menthe who was in Hogwarts before he came powerful he got his heart broken do you think he would still become Voldemort if he was in love I shook my head you must go back in time and seduce him it is the only way he is still evil then you must kill him so the plan is that evany needs to go back in time seduce the Dark Lord so that he won't become the Dark Lord she also mentions like if it doesn't work then you just have to kill him why don't we just kill him now why don't we gotta go back in time and do all that weird stuff okay so now Avenue is ready to go on her journey back into the past it's kind of weird instead of it being like a time tour normally is where you go back and then you just meet back up with the present I think since she's going so far back that she can go into the past but then come back into the present she's gonna go several times and they said it's gonna take a couple of sessions so they'll fall in love and he won't be bad or something it's a little bit confusing then she and Bloody Mary put a Pensieve in front of me everyone went in front of it good luck everyone shooting I jumped sexily into the Pennsy okay okay whatever you say I jumped sexily into the Pensieve suddenly I was in front of the school in front of me was one of the sexiest goth guys I have ever seen it was wearing long black hair he's wearing a black ripped up suit with vans it was Tom Bombadil my favorite character from the Harry Potter series the name's Tom he said but you can call me Satan that's my middle name well come on we have to go upstairs Satan said he's Satan do you happen to be a fan of grande I think they mean Green Day is that a band I don't know apparently they're gonna be playing in hogs need but this part says guess what they had a concert and hogs meant Satan whispered hogs men I asked that's what they used to call it in the times before it was hogs made in 2000 which is just a weird bio Dino they change it if they're in the past and there's a really cool shop called Hot Topic I finished happy again he frowned confused no it's called hot issue then in 1998 they changed it a hot topic he moaned why okay whatever you wanna do Tombo doe then Dumbledore walks on the hall and he says no tucking in the halls stupid Goths and then Satan rolls his eyes he so mean us Goths and Punk's just because we're in Slytherin and we're not perhaps actually I think maybe it's because you're the Dark Lord she says what he said angrily oh nothing access we just really blew her cover there so then she arrives back into the present how did it go evany he asked in a voice that was so sexy fine I responded how far did you go with Satan draco asked jealously not too far LOL i borked satan and i walked to his car it was a black car with pentagrams all over it and the license plate says 666 just like Draco's car Wow did they let go to the DMV and like request a special plate how did that go about hmm not gonna think about it so I would try to catch you up with what's going on but honestly I'm not even joking when I say at this point the book is literally incoherent like every word is misspelled basically it's super super hard to figure out what's being said and it just gets really really frustrating at that point and honestly I just like don't wanna read it I don't want to try it or eat it and it doesn't really add that much the story so they're like fighting and Slughorn is called Slughorn and satan is here it's like when all the plot converges but it's very weird she calls lupin Lumpkin like pumpking with it el at the front so they take it's a big battle and here's the end of this book I guess Akio Neville's wand cried Voldemort and suddenly Neville's wand was in his hand now I shall kill thee and ebony you will die he made lightning come all over the place save us evany Dumble dark cried I cried sexily I just want to go to the common room and watch shark attack three and do it with Draco but I knew I had to do something more important abracadabra I student No let's look at the end of the book and then it was never updated because at this point it was wiped from the sights and it was never continued thank God so I hate to be a snake and I hate to leave things out of the greater narrative of a book but during the beginning of this video I lied to you I said that it was the end of my immortal there is a lot more that we need to talk about over the years following the publication but also the deletion of my immortal it became very very wide speculation over if the author had written it as an elaborate joke but there is also this other camp that genuinely saw this as an effort of this young girl Tara and her friend and over the years it was just debate over which one it was and there's also a lot of debate over who the author was because the years following the release of the book tons of people stepped forward or like I wrote the book and stuff like that but then it was supposed to be fake or they wouldn't have access to the original account or there is no proof behind any of it and oftentimes people would prove them to be wrong and then they would just end up deleting their claim that it was then this happened so many times where people just became numb to the idea a lot of people thought we would never find out who wrote this book we will never find out if it was real or not it was just gonna be an unsolved mystery for the rest of eternity until one day seemingly that wasn't the case anymore two years ago in 2017 this woman steps forward on her tumblr account and she very casually mentions that she wrote my immortal this woman Rose Cristo comes forward on her tumblr account and she begins to talk about her experience writing it she says she was sixteen when she started to write it she said she wrote it with her friend Raven she also revealed that she had a crush on Raven and that part of the gothic nice of the story was because she was trying to suck up to Raven and wanted to like be on her good side which I honestly I ship it some further information about Rose Cristo was that she had published several other young adult novels not like well-known things that a lot of people had known about mostly like smaller indie projects somehow she got outed for being the my immortal author in all of this and she began to talk about it very openly on her tumblr account but since so many people beforehand had come forward and said that they had written it a lot of people thought that it was just her trying to get her name out there further or they thought it was her trying to get people to buy her other books or something like that until Rose Cristo had some of the login credentials for the my immortal account I'm not entirely sure if she had it to the original account or maybe Ravens account because the authors of the story they used several different accounts and I don't really know the whole story behind that but it said in a lot of wiki's that they had like several different accounts and it wasn't sure who had access to those accounts because they were referred to each other as different usernames a lot of times and changed usernames or would switch accounts so it was pretty confusing to follow so she had these login credentials which sort of proves that she was somehow affiliated with it she might have been Raven she also had a flash drive with several of the chapters of my immortal saved on to it with the actual dates that it was written and posted and stuff like that and so Rose Cristo comes forward and she says all this stuff and people are beginning to believe that it's her which it makes a little bit of sense because you know she has this flash drive she has login credentials to this account she's also been a writer for several years at this point which makes sense if she wrote this other book a couple years back people just began to widely understand that this woman wrote my immortal the mystery is solved it was so exciting and it felt like the end of this unsolved mystery and so during this time Christo confirmed that it was all an elaborate troll that growing up she and her friends and her siblings and stuff they loved make fun of really bad fanfictions on and she penned this fanfiction knowing that it would make people mad knowing that it would become a big meme and that was the point of it she mentioned that she was Native American that she was Cree that she was a lesbian and that she had been in the foster care system growing up and that her and her brother had been separated and that she was trying to reach out to him we never really found out who Ravan is either which is unfortunate just because I don't know why but I just I have a connection with her I think I love her I would die for her not really because of this and also because of her upbringing and some of the stories that she had growing up rose Cristo was given a deal by Macmillan to publish a memoir that was going to be entitled under the same stars it was slated to be released around like 2017 2018 ish people are beginning to talk about my immortal again and how it had been 10 years and this girl stepped forward and things were trying to make sense it was all an elaborate joke if this is all happening in the summer of 2017 more towards August when all this stuff starts to come out and I don't know if you remember August 2017 particularly the New York Times bestseller list in 2017 particularly a mysterious book that appeared at the top of the list for 23 hours and then disappeared yeah I know right people begin to think that handbook for mortals was written by the author of my immortal I mean it makes sense the word mortal is in both of the books the writing is really cheesy obviously the writing this is a bit more polished and a bit more professional which makes sense I mean it's been 10 years there's a lot of mentions of bands in my immortal as well as handbook for mortals there's literally an entire plot line where the main character falls in love with a band member who is a real band member in a real band The Plain White T's that was quickly debunked because rose Christo was like lol now so at the end of it unfortunately and although I desperately wish that this was her and I desperately wished that this chick wrote two bad books ones that are infamous in the writing world forever unfortunately it's very unlikely but Rose Christo confirms like no it was me unfortunately and Leaney serum was let off the hook very much to my dismay but during this another mysterious figure appears claiming to be the brother of Rose Cristo and he starts to go off and being like this chick is lying in this memoir all this stuff she told you is fake by the way this chick isn't even Native American she's white when she was showing these documents to Macmillan to get her book published they're like these are literally fake all its identification she's giving you isn't real this whole narrative about her life is baked she's grown up with her grandma she's not even in the foster care system she lied about everything and you might be like Caleb there seems to be a lot of trolls that seem to appear I mean the hacker that we talked about earlier the other people that stepped forward and claimed that it was them thing about this person that says to be her brother there was a there was a Facebook account that was linked to him which was seemingly real and he claimed that her name wasn't actually Rose Christo and that her true identity was and I'm gonna be pulling on my lap top here because it is in fact a mouthful Teresa Rose christodoulopoulos or something to that effect and he's like she's using a pseudonym she forged these fake documents to say that her name is rose Cristo it's all fake and she's been lying about her life and her narrative and subsequently her memoir gets cancelled by Macmillan and Rose Cristo just sort of dips out she's gone thanks for watching guys me just kidding there's a lot more but what the Frick so now that there's a small web of lies there are so many things that we sort of just accepted as the truth that now I think we need to question she had access to that account but that account was only the link to the main account what if she was just some random girl that happened to be friends with the author or something like that what if she wasn't actually the writer what if she was raven and what about the flash drive just because she had the chapters that were specifically dated and saved around the time of the release of those chapters what if this chick is just one of the haters what if she was one of the people that saved these chapters whenever they were uploaded because when you think about it even though the book got deleted there are full versions posted so many times on all these different sites on on Wattpad on wherever the Frick else what says she isn't one of those people that just saved the book whenever it was updated what says that she had any affiliation with the writing process at all what says that this chick whose name is really hard to say I think it's christodoulopoulos but again I don't know because that sounds like the hopple up against or whatever the Frick from Winnie the Pooh how am I supposed to know if I can trust any of this information seemingly all the things that were making sense no longer makes sense Rose Christo just sort of dipped out once her real name was released this is all at the end of 2017 when all this stuff started to happen it's been a year and a half and we have no further information the memoir got cancelled Rose Cristo deleted her tumblr account it's all gone everything's gone everything that made some sort of sense is seemingly out the window anything that we could have trusted for fact seems to be no longer true so what does this mean for the ident of the author I feel like I don't know I don't know anything anymore I feel like the fact that she deleted her social media presence says a lot to the situation maybe it was because she was so embarrassed about lying about her life maybe that was the only thing she lied about is it all in elaborate hoax because if she made a couple of lies what if she just said that it was all a joke in the first place because she was genuinely embarrassed about what she had written when she was a teenager so where do we go from here what do we do is it christodoulopoulos or did she fabricate this whole fake life of herself is it her at all is she Raven who is Raven why did she fight with Raven in that chapter what did Raven do where is Raven today is her real name Raven what happened to Tara is Tara a real name whose rose Christo why did she forge those documents why did she lie about her life is the brother real if he wasn't why did she delete her to online presence is this book all prank or is it an actual attempt by this teenager was it all alive so people would read the memoir will we ever learn the truth so you might ask me what my thoughts are on all of this and even though I feel lost and even though I feel betrayed and confused about all of this information I think that it was all a troll regardless if it was Rose Christo regardless if her real identity is Teresa Rose christodoulopoulos or whatever the Frick regardless of any of that whoever wrote this book I think it was all a troll I mean I sexily jumped into the Pensieve are you kidding me there is no way that that's not a joke and I mean there's also a chance that maybe it did start out as a genuine attempt because I'd say the first two three chapters they make the most sense and there's definitely a narrative to the story the writing is probably the best in those chapters but then it just reaches a point where it becomes almost a parody of itself the subtle grammar mistakes or the subtle misspellings of a couple of words becomes you know turned up to an eleven at some point it all seems very dramatic but I don't know and that's the thing about this story is that even when we seemingly get all the answers everything just goes down the garbage disposal and all the information we thought we knew maybe it's all fake will we ever learn the truth probably not unfortunately and one day when I die and I'm standing before Jesus in heaven I will ask one question and for a long time that one question was going to be did Oh Jay do it because that is another question that I just think about all the time but I think now I will ask who wrote this book Jesus was it all a hoax or was it real tell me everything and I just hope that in that moment jesus walks up he puts his hand on my face and he says Caleb it was you all along [Applause] lipstick feels disgusting it's like in my mahalik been like every time I would like wipe it would just be all over my hands and I wiped it on my pants and they are embarrassingly stained as for my thoughts about who wrote this book I just I just I just desperately hope that it's Lanie serum
Channel: Caleb Joseph
Views: 419,052
Rating: 4.9719639 out of 5
Keywords: Insanereader, booktube, books, literature, book, comedy, lol, funny, insane, reader, rant, review, my immortal, my, immortal, tara gilesbie, raven, fanfiction, worst book, infamy, a tale of infamy, bad book, ebony darkness dementia raven way, bad fanfiction, rose christo, controversy, handbook for mortals, essay, infamous, my immortal fanfic, my immortal review, my immortal fanfiction
Id: qyUHtCuMO0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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