Life Lessons that are the SECRET to HAPPINESS | Happiness Hacks that REALLY Work!

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so in this video I'm going to share with you 15  of my favorite pieces of Life advice models I   live by sayings I love fantastic quotes that give  me all the feels lessons that I've learned in my   51 years and they've never steered me wrong so I  want to share them with you in the video today 15   life lessons to live by the first one you probably  heard it it is an oldie but goodie actions speak   louder than words and last night I sat down to  have dinner with my daughters they were home for   the holidays and one of them asked me what I was  going to do today and I said well I have to film a   video and she said well what's the video going to  be about and I said it's my 15 favorite mottos my   life lessons and she said are you going to tell  them action speaks louder than words and I said   of course like my kids know I have been preaching  this to them since they were little girls actions   speak louder than words what you do and the  way that you act always represent the person   that you are and not the words that you speak I  have met so many people throughout my life that   talk a good game they are full of BS they think  they can butter up anybody they can get away with   anything if they say the right words what they say  is not who they are I need to watch their actions   and really it is true for everybody in every  situation actions speak louder than words my next   life lesson is one that I have taped in the very  front of my journal when I was growing up you know   you're a teenager you have posters all over your  bedroom I had Billy Idol and Bon Jovi and all the   things because I grew up in the 80s but taped on  the mirror in my bedroom that I saw every single   day when I was growing up was this poem and it's  called commitment commitment is what transforms a   promise in to reality and I have lived My Life by  that motto if I want to do something if I promise   to do something I'm going to commit myself to  doing it my words are not empty my promise is   not empty I am committed and when you commit  yourself to something your thoughts your values   your dreams your desires they all become reality  and commitment is so undervalued in today's world   so yesterday was my 21st wedding anniversary  Randy and I have been married a very long time   and we've known each other for way longer than  the number of years that we've been married and   my motto is I would rather be happy than right  because there is always conflict there is always   something that doesn't go right there is always  an issue that could be debated I was somewhat of a   take a stand rebellious child growing up and  I found myself in lots of confrontations with   my parents I took a stand I wanted to be right I  didn't care what the cost of that was I just was   gonna confront them head on and that was for any  situation not necessarily my parents I was that   way in school and I just took a stand and it's  fine to take a stand but in the end sometimes   you just really have to realize do I just want to  argue this point how important is this sometimes   it's okay to just you know where your morals are  you know your beliefs you know your values but you   just don't have to argue them all the time if that  argument is just going to bring you unhappiness   so in the case of a marriage I'm always telling  myself I would rather be happy than right now my   husband and I very rarely fight we joke that we  have a fight once a year but honestly we probably   probably have not really had what I consider  a true argument in maybe the last five years   and it's not that I let people walk all over me  it's not that I just don't take a stand about my   values it there just becomes a point where I would  rather be happy than right it is not worth arguing   over my next life lesson has to do with college  it's what I learned when I was in college and   it is what I have always told my two daughters  when they were deciding where to go to college   if they wanted to go to college I said going away  to college is 50 about the education and 50 about   learning Life College is where you figure out who  you are you figure out the person you want to be   you figure out what type of people you want to  spend your time with and who you want to surround   yourself with you learn in a somewhat sheltered  environment how to grow how to do things for   yourself how to take care of yourself and to me  that is just as valuable as the education you get   when you're away at college so when my daughters  were trying to decide where to go to school yes   the education is important yes you look at the  degrees that are available but school is not all   about the education it is 50 life the next life  lesson is one that I didn't learn until later in   life and I wish I had known it much much sooner  when somebody shows you who they are believe   them I kept trying to tell myself although change  they'll do better they just made a mistake that's   not really who they are they just had a bad moment  and the very first time I ever heard that saying   when somebody shows you who they are believe  them Bells went off like oh my gosh that is so   true and I have believed it ever since I judge new  people who come into my life through that filter   and it is absolutely 100 percent true in almost  every single scenario and I just wish I'd known   it earlier my next life lesson and it's a hard  one to learn It's A Hard One to to really tell   yourself but it's that nobody just nobody cares  and I would have loved to have known that a lot   of years ago because that would have allowed me to  just kind of live my own life and not think about   what I was doing from the filter of somebody else  looking in on my life when I get caught up in I'm   having a bad hair day or somebody's gonna not like  what I have on today or I'm not wearing the most   fashionable shoes because y'all I'm gonna wear  some comfy shoes and I don't care what they look   like and that's what I've decided to do these days  but back when I was younger I thought everybody   cared I thought everybody was judging me and now  that I know nobody gives a hoot so I learned to   do exactly what I want to and what pleases me and  not anybody else the heart loves who it loves and   just go with it I wish the world could be such a  better place if everybody would just love who they   love my next life lesson is a financial one and I  don't know who told me this when I was younger but   somewhere along the way I heard it and I've got my  very first job when I was 14 years old and I have   had a job ever since and there were some Summers  and some years in college that I actually had   two jobs there was one year when I graduated from  college I had three jobs and I always learned to   pay myself first every time I got a paycheck even  when I was 14 I put that paycheck in my savings   account yes I kept a little bit of cash to go  out and do things with my friends but I put it in   my savings account when I got older and I had to  support myself every single paycheck automatically   taken out of that paycheck was a certain amount  of money that was put into my savings account   now that can be your retirement account an IRA or  Roth IRA whatever you wanted to be an investment   account take that money out automatically and  pay yourself first when I own my own business   I paid myself first as hard as that was sometimes  when there just wasn't a lot of money in the bank   account I had employees I had to pay I had bills  I had to pay for the business and it's really easy   to say well there's just not a lot of money here  I will pay myself last or I will pay myself less   or I'll just pay myself more next time to make up  for it no pay yourself first you're working you   earned it plan ahead pay yourself pay yourself  first so when you find yourself in a situation   where you need your savings it is there for you  when you want to retire you have money to do so   it is just a wonderful Financial lesson something  that I've preached to my kids growing up and it's   something that I think everybody should do is  pay themselves first I used to get caught up in   silly mundane everyday tasks I used to think  that I had to clean my house every week I had   to mop the floors I had to clean the kitchen  I had to wash the sheets I had to go do all   of these things and for everybody that list  is going to look a little bit different but   for me when my girls were younger I thought I  needed to be the perfect wife on the weekends   because I worked all week long I had a full-time  job I'm raising two girls but on the weekends I   thought okay I need to clean my house I need  to do all these things I need to I need to do   laundry and dishes and mop and clean the bathrooms  and change the sheets and organize all the things   and I never had any down time I never had time  for myself because I was so focused on all of   these tasks that I thought were important that I  thought had to be completed and I've learned when   something comes up in life I always ask myself  the same question when I'm on my deathbed did   blank really matter did it really matter that  I cleaned my bathroom every single Saturday   it's a simple answer the answer is no did it  really matter that I mopped my floors twice a week   no did it really matter that I had the most  current and updated Decor in my house no it   did not and when you look at questions through  that filter does it really matter you can find the   answer so so easily there are a couple questions  in life that the answer really does matter but   the majority of them 99 of them the answer is  no it does not matter so in the moment you may   think it is super important but just put it in  that question on your deathbed does blank really   matter and I promise you will find the answer  very quickly oh the next one I love take the risk   always take the risk if you are trying to make a  decision should I do this should I do this this   decision is really safe this one has risk always  take the risk my daughters have had decisions to   make in life about various things I always tell  them take the risk I am someone that has had to   learn to take the risk generally the things that  have risk attached to them have the biggest payoff   the biggest reward will make you the happiest  there are going to be times that you fail   but it's always worth it take the risk and when  my oldest daughter was graduating from high school   it is a tradition where she goes to school that  you paint the top of your cap that goes with your   graduation gown and she could not decide what to  put on the top of the cap so she decided to paint   on the top of her graduation cap take the risk and  I love it such a simple quote but it sums it up I   love take the risk I can't imagine living a a safe  comfortable never get out of my comfort zone life   and I know so many people do that and I just take  the risk that's all I can say so if you all been   on my channel for a while you know that I have two  dogs and I had three Miniature Schnauzers before   I had Maxi and Pollux Alex you have a peanut  butter bone too what you got movie you got a   peanut butter bone and all of my dogs except for  one we adopted from animal shelters or they were   rescue animals they needed homes and my husband  is the one who said this he said every dog needs a   home we adopted a senior dog the dog needed a home  we brought Benny into our home and he had the most   wonderful last four years of his life so we always  adopt from animal shelters our rescues it is just   makes my heart so happy to help the animals that  are in need open your home to an animal that needs   you it is so important be productive live your  life spend your days but be productive I know so   many people that do nothing they literally sit on  the couch and watch television they do nothing and   I have such a hard time wrapping my mind around  how that person feels to me they couldn't be happy   they couldn't be fulfilled I need to be productive  I wake up in the morning I have a to-do list and   it may be silly little things but it's things that  I want to get done not necessarily things that   need to be done but things that I want to get done  and as I go through my day I love to Mark things   off my list some days it's a very short list some  days it's a long list but I enjoy being productive   it makes me feel fulfilled and useful and makes my  days interesting and so my life advice is always   be productive and it's okay to be lazy some days  I'm not saying that at all I have the random lazy   day and kind of going hand in hand with that is  ask a lot of yourself don't let yourself be lazy   don't let yourself do things half-assed don't let  yourself just slide by all the time ask lot of   yourself ask yourself to be better ask yourself to  put in the effort commit do the commitment do the   things really pay attention to the details do your  best I really think that that will make you feel   so much better about yourself just ask something  of yourself if you're stuck in a decision-making   situation what should you do or how should you  move forward just realize that you're the one   living your life nobody else is living your life  you have to make the decision that is best for   you don't think about how your decision is going  to look from somebody who is looking at your life   think about the decision from you your point of  view you're living your own life for example don't   think about oh my you know my best friend is gonna  think so and so of me if I don't do so and so   it doesn't matter what your best friend thinks  what matters is what you think you're the one   living your life if you don't like your job  and you are super unhappy and unfulfilled   if you're miserable when you go to that job find  another job it doesn't matter who thinks that you   should stay at that job you're the one living  your life you're the one that has to go there   every day you're the one that has to spend the  hours doing something that you're not enjoying   make the decision and do something different it's  your life the last little bit of life's motivation   is you need to realize that sometimes people just  suck as sad as that is it's true I have stopped   trying to figure out other people but I have  learned to just kind of detach myself and just say   sometimes people just suck and it really is  freeing to look at life that way and know   that sometimes people just suck so those  are my life lessons motivation things I   live by and the reason I don't make New  Year's resolutions I just look back at   my list of 15 and keep on living my  life I'll see you in the next video
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Keywords: welcome to my curls, Renee Hayden, life lessons, life motivation, life motivational, life quotes, life quotes motivation, motivational video, how to be happy with yourself, how to be happy and positive all the time, how to live a happy life, motivational life lessons, life hacks for happiness, best life lessons, useful life lessons, life lessons ive learned, happiness hacks, happy hacks, life lessons to live by, how to be happier, life hacks, how to be happy
Id: 4KqHMcGYlig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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