My husband divorced me without knowing my family is wealthy and married the president's daughter.

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I'm all set for life marrying into wealth while you continue to struggle in your modest existence Bob Jered with a smirk throwing condescending words my way his shrill voice pierced the air disrupting my relaxing break in the hotel lobby I wondered where he had met his new wife a president's daughter no less Julie the daughter of Johnson Enterprises Bob with his middle-aged man's laugh seemed oddly proud but the mention of Johnson Enterprise caught my attention it sounded familiar but which company was it ah yes I recall the details about Johnson Enterprises and a proud smile spread across Bob's face meanwhile I struggled to suppress a laugh bubbling up inside me my name is Amy I'm 35 in living with my husband Bob I work in my family's real estate business handling mostly administrative tasks my father the president manages the key business strategies being an only child unexpected to eventually take over the company with older Executives at the helm I feel the pressure of one day becoming the president however I've been careful not to discuss much about our family business with Bob who only finished high school and works in a moving company I don't want to bring work matters home and Bob feeling somewhat inferior avoids the topic of course moving is a tough job requiring physical strength and skill a job for professionals I don't mind that he only has a high school diploma but I understand his feelings so I avoid mentioning my prestigious University degree or my future role as president in our daily conversations Bob and I met through a friend's introduction in college my friend had hired Bob's moving company and he was in charge of her move initially interested in my friend Bob was turned down but they got along so she introduced him to me our unusual meeting turned out well as Bob's Carefree nature was a good match for my meticulous personality after several dates we became a couple in my late 20s and at the right age for marriage our relationship quickly led to marriage within a year thus began my life as Bob's wife our married life started without any issues Bob's parents were incredibly kind always welcoming me with smiles during our visits considering the common mother-in-law issues among my friends I felt lucky to have such a harmonious relationship with my in-laws however Bob's demanding job often kept him out until late physically taxing and leaving him exhausted despite his fatigue he never neglected our marital life while appreciative I often thought he didn't need to try so hard thanks for always waiting up for me Bob would thank me for simply preparing dinner after his long work days I felt blessed to have such a wonderful husband but our peaceful days began to waver a year into our marriage hey why can't we have kids one night as we got into bed Bob casually brought up the subject his tone slightly irritated it took me by surprise I had thought about having children too and although we weren't actively trying given our regular marital life I believed it would happen in time it's just bad timing we've only been married a year so it's not something to worry about about yet I reassured him I definitely wanted children but knew that rushing wouldn't help to reassure Bob I deliberately adopted a relaxed tone and said it's still okay huh don't you know for couples not using contraception there's about an 80% chance of conceiving within a year Bob more forceful than usual even quoted percentages 80% within a year not well versed in pregnancy statistics that number seemed incredibly High to me really if you're that eager for kids should we get tested together I thought it best to identify and address any clear issues I proposed that both of us undergo fertility tests but Bob's response caught me off guard what are you talking about are you implying it's my fault infertility issues are usually the woman's fault there's no point in me getting tested Bob's contemptuous tone a first for him me I hadn't accused him of being the cause I simply suggested testing since we didn't know where the issue lay yet however Bob jumped to the conclusion that I was blaming him and added it's definitely the woman's fault as if to say I was the problem I wanted to say more but I was shaking barely able to reply of course I managed to say so just you get tested I'm too busy with work I have a job too you're just a placeholder office lady right just coting along in a company thanks to your dad's connections I never just Coast at my company sure I do a lot of administrative work now but I'm also learning management skills from my father for when I take over the company I'm constantly trying to prove myself and it's tough dealing with the higher ups Bob just doesn't understand my struggles that night it seemed pointless to argue with him any word I said was met with sharp RS and we went to sleep back back to back in a heavy atmosphere from that day on Bob's attitude towards me changed completely I'm home what dinner's not ready yet what time do you think it is can't have kids can't do housework what a useless wife one evening after a late talk with my father about the future I came home to find Bob berading me for not having dinner ready I'm sorry I just got home 10 minutes ago I'll start cooking now just wait a little please I I hurriedly explained bot muttered that's typical of a small company's Boss's Daughter he didn't know but my father's real estate company was not small at all with hundreds of employees but I knew arguing this point was meaningless I'll cook right away have a drink and wait Bob loved his alcohol it seemed to calm him down relying on alcohol to maintain our relationship felt sad I hated being berated by him but if alcohol could SU him even a bit then it was worth it the next morning Bob's mood hadn't improved make sure dinner's ready when I get home he spat as he left I sighed thinking about my plans for the day I had taken the day off to visit the gynecologist for fertility testing as previously mentioned by Bob although I was the one who initially suggested the testing the fact that only I was undergoing it while Bob refused was something I found hard to accept but complaining wouldn't change anything if the issue was with me I needed to start infertility treatment promptly Bob had been wanting kids and I too hoped for a child soon I knew fertility rates differ between the 20s and 30s so sooner was better for treatment the clinic was busier than expected and I was called in for examination an hour after registration after undergoing a physical examination and blood tests I was told that the results would be available during my next visit it would be a shock if the issue was with me but I was prepared for any necessary steps no matter the outcome I resolved not to lose heart Bob I went for the fertility test today when Bob came home from work I informed him about the test huh figures if the problems with you testing's the right thing to do let me know the results as soon as you get them he said Bob's belief that I was the cause of our infertility frustrated me the fertility testing required much time and effort and a bit of understanding from him would have been welcome 5 years passed and I turned 35 though we continued our efforts to conceive we remained childless and Bob seemed to have given up on having a child with me his late nights increased and sometimes he didn't come home at all when asked he said he was out drinking with colleagues then sing karaoke till morning his behavior was more akin to a college student and deeply exasperated me my work had become busier and the thought of starting a family was pushed aside but Bob's recent actions were too much his lack of concern for our home life was clear one day after Bob went out on his day off I observed that he had left his smartphone in the living room forgetting to take it with him with that realization I picked up Bob's phone intending to take it to his room it was it was at that moment that his phone rang an incoming call from a certain Julie as indicated by the caller ID assuming it was a work contact I answered to inform them that Bob had forgotten his foam at home hey Bob you're late I've been waiting for 30 minutes where are you if you don't hurry we'll miss the Park opening the flirty voice on the phone made me catch my breath can you hear me hurry up okay we haven't had a date in so long the mention of a date show me and I quickly ended the call my heart wouldn't stop racing who was this woman she mentioned a date so she likely wasn't a colleague he's cheating on me holding undeniable proof of Bob's infidelity I clenched his phone tightly Julie had said it was a long awaited date indicating a long-term Affair I trembled with Indescribable anger while I was struggling with infertility Bob was carelessly cheating on me his recent distance now made sense he no longer needed me unforgivable determined to make Bob pay I started collecting evidence of his infidelity it wasn't hard to gather proof first I easily unlocked his smartphone using his birth date the call history was filled with Julie's name when I opened the messaging app I found numerous messages between Bob and Julie filled with embarrassingly affectionate words that made me feel nauseated I took photos of these pieces of evidence with my phone after placing Bob's phone back in his room I spent the day as if nothing had happened after a month of a strange marriage my father the company president summoned me to his office I have something important to discuss with you he said Gravely shocked by his words I couldn't believe what I heard is that true I asked yes so I'm counting on you disturbed I returned to my office barely concentrating on work that that evening Bob suggested we separate having found evidence of his affair I had been contemplating when to bring up divorce but him initiating it saved me the hassle yes letun divorce really because I had readily accepted the divorce Bob seemed surprised perhaps he was happy about being able to be with his mistress a woman named Julie his face was filled with an unmistakable joy that I found irritating despite my irritation with B's expression I signed the divorce papers he offered I can file these tomorrow I'll be leaving this house okay are you sure about the mortgage I anticipated he would want me to leave so I casually asked oh yes I'm fine Bob's job was demanding but not high-paying I doubted he could handle the morgage alone but since he initiated the divorce and was the one cheating I felt no obligation to help I packed and left the house 3 days later moving back to my parents house nearby my parents initially seemed concerned when I told them about my divorce but when I explained that Bob had cheated on me they became Furious they repeatedly reassured me that it was the right decision to part ways with such a man I threw myself into work trying to forget about Bob before I realized it a year had flown by I was so engrossed in my work that I lost sight of everything else it was astonishing one day while relaxing in the living room my dad approached me why don't you take a break and go on a trip it's going to get busy starting next month guess he thought I'd been working too hard and needed a distraction indeed I had been overwhelmed with various things lately and felt mentally exhausted thinking a little trip wouldn't hurt I took up Dad's suggestion and decided to travel to the Northeast it was my first solo trip and I was both nervous and excited the air in the northe ceased was crisp and seemed to cleans my weary Soul interacting with the locals who helped me navigate and chatting with the owner of a bar I found everyone to be incredibly kind which gradually healed my spirit I had booked a hotel in Seattle the most famous and largest around here thinking why not enjoy the trip to the fullest after checking in I relaxed in the lobby with a welcome drink the fatigue from the journey seemed to melt away feeling utterly comfortable jokingly considering moving to Seattle a familiar voice called out hauh hey what are you doing here I spun around startled by the unmistakable voice of my ex-husband Bob entering the lobby with two large suitcases and a young woman in her early 20s she had Flawless skin bold makeup and striking red nails despite the chilly Northeast weather wearing a short skirt with bare legs I stared at Bob and the woman in disbelief unable to contain my curiosity why are you here and who is she I blurted out even though I wasn't sure if I wanted to know oh let me introduce you this is Julie my new wife we're on our honeymoon guess what she's a wealthy businessman's daughter Bob exclaimed appearing genuinely happy and volunteering information I hadn't asked for however the name Julie struck a chord the same name as the person on the phone disgusted that he was with such a young girl I felt a surge of discomfort you're on a solo trip here that's pathetic Bob sneered despite being the one who cheated and initiated our divorce Julie too was looking at me with narrowed eyes her tone carrying Amusement hey Bob is this your ex-wife she looks old hurry up with the check-in irritated by her catty tone I glared at Julie Bob nonchalant wrapped an arm around her waist responding yeah I'm set for life marrying into money you can keep struggling in your poor life Bob's high-pitched voice echoed through the hotel lobby disrupting the elegant atmosphere I was enjoying and leaving me feeling upset his mention of marrying a businessman's daughter May me wonder where he had met someone like that yeah Julie is the daughter of Johnson Enterprises Bob proudly stated his middle-aged laugh seeming childishly proud to me I pondered feeling that Johnson Enterprises sounded familiar after a moment I recalled it all right that company Bob's face lit up with pride impressive huh he exclaimed however I was secretly holding back laughter inside come on you know this company her family's loaded and they even paid off the mortgage on that house quickly thanks for divorcing me so easily Amy his tone was dropping with sarcasm but it didn't bother me at all yeah I know them they're in the biggest building downtown right I've seen it and even been there I replied calmly oh you've been there Bob seems surprised it's quick then her family owns a huge company so they're loaded breaking up with you was the right choice Bob smirked nastily but I simply nodded still calm that building it's part of our real estate holdings I mentioned cash as if I just remembered Bob and Julie both asked in unison what do you mean by our real estate that building is rented by my father for his most prestigious office I don't know if your company is involved in real estate but it's not a Shabby building I explained calmly both seemed skeptical of my words I hesitated for a moment but there was no turning back now telling Bob about my company wasn't my concern anymore yes I know how Grand it is is I was there when my father bought that building it was about $200 million I think but recently dad was complaining about a tenant not paying their rent turns out it was your company in fact my father is a real estate magnate with assets worth $3.2 billion the building Johnson Enterprises is in is one of them the tenants of the building change regularly but currently it's Johnson Enterprises for the past few months they hadn't paid their rent and that's what was troubling my father rent not paid Julie looked shocked but then she burst out laughing that can't be true our company's doing great we can surely pay the rent I'm not falling for such a lan lie to drive a wedge between Bob and me her shrill voice echoed in my ears I let out a deep sigh it seemed like a reasonable conversation with this woman was impossible pulling out my smartphone right there I decided to call call my dad Dad I'm here with the daughter of Johnson Enterprises can you send me a photo of the reminder notice for the rent I quickly relayed my request and dad sent a photo of the rent reminder notice for Johnson Enterprises showing it to Bob and Julie I doubted they could suspect it was fake given the speed see you can tell right 3 months of unpaid rent if you don't pay soon we might have to sue what are you going to do at the mention of a lawsuit Bob and Julie's faces turned pale come to think of it Dad has been really on edge lately yelling about sales and firing a lot of employees Julie mumbled sounding unsure seeing her Bob shouted in despair lies you're just trying to trick us and tear Julie and me apart aren't you you're still that kind of person trying to get back at me for remarrying your tactics are dirty startled by Bob's loud voice I took a step back hearing Bob's accusations of dirty tactics memories of all the heartless words he had hurled at me during our marriage flooded back determined to confront Bob who was now gloating about marrying Julie a wealthy businessman's daughter I prepared myself to tell him the truth what are you even saying do you really think I still have feelings for you how foolish I've long been fed up with a man like you in fact I've been feeling sorry for Julie who got caught up with you did you marry her just for her money you married me for shallow reasons too like wanting to get married quickly or wanting kids and who was it that left me when he found out we couldn't have kids who insulted me calling me useless for being infertile you're to blame for all of it yet you think I still like you you must be out of your mind I Unleashed my pent up frustrations on Bob feeling a wave of relief B Bob on the other hand seemed infuriated trembling with anger you're just an arrogant old hag you probably can't even get married or have kids anymore Julie and I were planning to have fun making a baby after this trip and now you're accusing Johnson Enterprises of not paying rent panicked upon realizing the poor performance of Johnson Enterprises Bob was desperate to blame all his misfortunes on me deciding to deliver the final blow I call said oh I didn't mention it but I'm 4 months pregnant I'm in the stable phase of my pregnancy so Dad suggested I take this trip to relax of course I have my doctor's permission that's right after divorcing Bob I had found a new love my boss at work and a subordinate of my father he supported me mentally when I was struggling encouraged me at work and fully supported me I found out I was pregnant with this child just 3 months ago knowing about the baby I immediately married him it was a quick marriage but the company celebrated it grandly my pregnancy was going smoothly and encouraged by my father and husband I embarked on this trip and just before breaking up with Bob my father had told me he was retiring as CEO next month he decided to retire after being diagnosed with diabetes and thinking it was time to step down therefore I would inherit my father father's assets this made it easier for me to accept the divorce from Bob even without Bob I knew I could live a full life the word pregnant slipped effortlessly from my lips leaving Bob shouting what you're pregnant so were you using birth control when we were married what's going on Bob stomped his feet in complete confusion birth control I never did that remember I told you I had infertility tests at the clinic and they found no issues so the problem was with you too bad as I bluntly told this to Bob his face Twisted visibly the problem was with me does that mean Julie and I can't have kids why did I divorce you and marry Julie Bob muttered to himself shoulders slumped into de feat what do you mean why I felt betrayed knowing he was infertile Julie snapped angry at Bob's selfish reasoning realizing I couldn't bother with them anymore I said my final words that's why from now on please don't involve yourself with me and Julie regarding the rent for Johnson Enterprises I won't back down until it's fully paid if you plan to continue renting that building please pay the overdue rent soon otherwise we'll have to take legal action I have nothing more to save you to so goodbye I left Bob and Julie arguing and confidently walked back to my hotel room after returning from my trip my husband greeted me with a smile saying welcome back sorry I couldn't help around the house was everything okay of course it was fine I'm glad you got to relax Amy thank you my husband smiled warmly at me and I felt a great sense of relief since marrying my current husband I've been reassured every day completely forgetting about Bob since that trip I haven't met Bob the following is what I heard through my father's contacts after that incident Bob and Julie's fights became incessant despite thinking he was marrying into wealth Bob discovered Johnson Enterprises was in deep debt coincidentally news was all over TV about a Johnson Enterprises employee embezzling millions of dollars from clients Julie's father knew about the fraud but tried to cover it up for the company's reputation however once the Scandal became public Johnson Enterprises stock plummeted having lost its credibility the company saw a mass Exodus of employees in such a state they couldn't possibly pay the rent so my father was taking legal action against Johnson Enterprises the future of the company looked Bleak entirely Johnson Enterprises fault Bob having lost a fortune he thought was within his grasp was furiously blaming everyone but himself thinking he could ride on the coattails of wealth was overly optimistic of Bob Julie really realizing Bob was infertile accused him of marriage fraud furthermore after our hotel encounter I had a lawyer demand compensation from Bob for his infidelity leaving both him and Julie in debt I heard that Bob and Julie ended up arguing every time they saw each other and they finally got divorced recently then unbelievably Bob called me after divorcing Julie Amy please marry me again I have debts other than the alimony Julie made me buy everything she wanted and then left without paying a dime you're the only one I can rely on I'll do anything anything for you please forgive me Bobs please sounding like a beggar we so pitiful that they almost made me sick his unchanged attitude of marrying for money was just appalling no I have no desire to be involved with you ever again I'm going to be happy with my husband and our child so please don't contact me again goodbye I said calmly and then immediately said his phone number to be blocked that should stop any more absurd calls from Bob having lost his wife and money Bob will likely live a lonely life now given his infertility remarriage might be difficult for him moreover it's hard to imagine someone falling for a person like Bob who mocks others so readily all I could think was that he should at least try to repay his debts I thought about it as as if it were someone else's problem as for me I'm looking forward to my life with my husband and are soon to arrive baby both my work and personal life are more fulfilling than ever and I'm savoring this unparalleled happiness
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 10,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: WY63qutHrR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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