My Hero Academia Abridged: Episode 2

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last time on my hero Academia bridged have a good life wait I need to know all my life people have told me to give up on my dreams cuz he's a [ __ ] Normie that without a quirk it would be impossible for me to become a hero so please tell me can I become a hero like you a hero without that a quirk [Music] huh [ __ ] no well Al might I thought that with hard work and dedication anyone could obtain their dreams I uh I honestly don't know what to do now I'm kind of lost did I kill myself I I don't know being a hero is all I ever wanted but I guess not everyone can be as amazing as [Music] you books get your books what where am I Maryland smile oh yeah that Johnny Bravo want to be kept me from entering that little boy what a [ __ ] loock hey man that's my soda and hey did you hear something it sounded like a scream right after you kick that weird looking bottle with the eyes in it shut up extra side character un allowed to talk why do we hang out with you you're kind of an [ __ ] both of you are just like him you talk about how much you want to be heroes but you're all just quirkless normies to make Heroes like me look better hey what are you talking about I have a quirk check it out shut up hands and I don't even know what your Quirk is I just want to be an accountant see what I mean you guys will never live up to be as great as I am dude what the [ __ ] you look feisty I like my boys in a little fighting them what the hell episode 2 the sequel [Music] to nailed [Music] it he deflated I usually last longer than This I Swear Jesus Christ what happened to you I have a oh jeez uh I didn't know I mean I just didn't think that all might would swing that way I'm not gay well I'm just saying it's it's 2017 I don't what you think that everyone that has AIDS gets it from having unprotected butt sex that's [ __ ] up kid well what happened yeah it's all fun in games until a super villain attacks you with the weapon Lac with highly effective immune deficiency syndrome even people like me with overpowered corks get [ __ ] over in this world so you're saying it's impossible for me to become a hero without a court are both of your parents dead um no do you have an irrational fear of bats not that I know of then no well that's not fair life's not fair listen kid being a hero isn't supposed to be fun well except for some people huh [ __ ] bald [ __ ] most heroes are putting their lives at risk every time they put on their costume oh I see listen kid there's plenty of other respectable jobs out there for the quirkless like uh being an internet comedian or something just don't be a hero but my dream [ __ ] your dreams kid don't be a hero peace well time to take you to the STI huh huh oh no well what's the worst that can happen oh my God that could be anything Everybody Run it's a giant s monster well [ __ ] God whoa that must be a villain time to be a hero don't be a hero well [ __ ] my AIDS an audience this is getting hot that [ __ ] took a child call me Chris Hansen cuz I'm about to catch this Predator what the hell he's covered in some sort of lubricant you all I stole this child fair and square if that's your tentacle crawling up my leg I swear I'll kill your whole [ __ ] family don't worry that's not a tentacle Hey look it's oh God wa there are too many civilians and I'm already on watch from my casualty count it's all you K didn't you guys play Pokémon fire be grass mic work is perfect for this nobody asked you hydrant oh we're just going to have to hold out until a stronger hero gets here [Music] nuts that's not good huh you could be a comedian honey [ __ ] your dreams kid don't be a hero he didn't have to be such an [ __ ] you know maybe I will just kill myself how would they feel then [Laughter] huh the hell was that that middle school kid has been inside that monster for quite a while Michael you're absolutely right Christopher how do you think he survived for that long I don't know Michael I don't know wait what are they talking about wait that's the monster that tried to molest me but all might captured him but if he's here then that means that all might must have dropped him at some point the only time that could have happened was when I grabbed onto his legs meaning that this is this is somehow your fault this is totally my [Music] fault hey what are you doing kid that's Brave's child is trying to rescue his classmat what's that he doesn't have a clock that [ __ ] child is trying to to his class fight God damn it I told him not to be a hero it's that kid and he's back for more what the hell am I doing why am I running why am I trying to save kacha come here you little [ __ ] oh God it's so hot I'm burning what do I do if you don't know how to handle a villain throw [ __ ] at him p37 right [Music] fire are you trying to save me I'd rather die are we really having this conversation right now if someone doesn't step in that poor child's going to die well I warned him it's not my problem is there any Brave hero that can rescue him nope I'm not going to do it quick somebody call Cap Baldi oh [ __ ] no no huh holy [ __ ] did that guy just Chang the weather with a punch is that even scientifically possible I thought K Baldi do it once hold it together give him the fist yeah you see that kid pretty cool right oh well [ __ ] it took the police 3 days to find all the casualties from the battle but the sword monster was captured and taken to prison kachan was seen as a hero while I was scolded for my action you thinking running it without a quirk yeah you stupid Normie hey hey man it's 2017 you can't say stuff like that but they were right I am just a stupid Normie and that fight reminded me of a lesson I learned a long time ago not having a quirking sucks K don't think just because you tried to save me I owe you any favors you're still just a worthless Normie you know calling me a normie doesn't really make sense because people with quirks make up like 80% of our population so me not having a quirk would actually play Place me in the category of abnor shut the [ __ ] up Normie God no wonder no one likes you that was harsh well I'll have to go kill myself I guess stop right there to press shine all might have you been following me the only thing I follow is Justice and freedom because that's what it means to be a oh God my mouth was open listen kid my AGS deide you taught me something today you taught me that it doesn't matter your current circumstance that with hard work and determination I can become a hero what no I can be a better hero than cap Baldi you think you could be a hero as a quirkless Nory still wow uh roasted by the person I look up to the most I guess it really is time to kill myself wait let me finish Normie you know I have a name it's midor but but you know my classmates called me deu look deu you can't be a hero without a quirk which is why I'm going to give you a [Music] quirk this this is all I've ever wanted that's right deu and you're going to keep him out about it because this world's full of idiots that that don't understand what's important and they're going to tear us apart but if you stick with me I'm going to accomplish great things and you're going to be a part of them and together we're we're going to run around we're going to do all kinds of wonderful things it's just you and meu outside worlds are enemy we're the only ambulance friend we gotu all might andu adventures all might andu in forever forever 100 years oh okay we get it this whole episode is a Rick and Morty [Music] reference
Channel: The Anime Boiis
Views: 1,606,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia abridged, boku no hero academia abridged, my hero academia, season 2, episode 2, abridged, abridge, my hero academia parody, parody, anime, anime parody, my hero abridged, mhaa, the abridged boiis, funny, seraph of the end abridged, comedy, crack
Id: Nbg9ZzrouWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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