He is Infected By An Alien Parasite But Becomes The Strongest Monster In History

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The Story begins in Yokohama City where an enormous Kaiju suddenly appears so the authorities Sound the Alarm ordering the citizens to evacuate it starts destroying the city and everyone watches the news as a helicopter starts blasting the monster but it doesn't do anything so everyone starts to get worried but an elite unit known as the third division arrives to fight the Kaiju and their Captain Mina fires her rail gun killing the Kaiju with a single shot everyone celebrates the victory thinking the third division is amazing because they were able to defeat the Kaiju without any casualties a team arrives to clean up the mess and we meet a man named kfka as he collects a sample for the researchers he sees his teammates lifting one of the Kaiju organs but he warns them to be careful and it suddenly explodes the blood Burns one of his companions so he helps the man telling him he's going to be fine kka realizes that the Kaiju is massive so it's going to take ages for them to remove it and the super supervisor orders him to remove the intestines he doesn't want to do it because it's a disgusting task but the supervisor tells him he has no choice and his colleagues wish him luck knowing the intestines are filled with the Kaiju poop he throws up upon seeing the intestines but he knows he needs to do his job so he cuts through it anyway kfka returns home but he can still smell the kaija's poop and he watches the news realizing that everyone is praising Mina because she has defeated hundreds of Kaiju at such a young age AG we learned that she's his childhood friend and he wanted to exterminate kaijus with her but he's nowhere near her level so he becomes depressed wondering how he ended up in his position but he decides not to think about it knowing he's helping Society by cleaning up the Kaiju Remains the next day he reports to his office where he meets his new coworker named Reno but he says that he plans to join the Defense Force another man named takuda tells him that Kafka used to have the same dream but he gave up on it so Reno thinks he's pathetic asking him why he gave up but he explains that he did his best and he still wasn't accepted into the Defense Force Reno doesn't want to end up like him so he mentions that he will never give up and he leaves the room as kfka realizes that he sounds like a loser they return to the Kaiju and Reno is assigned to the intestines so kfka celebrates thinking Reno is about to get what he deserves but the supervisor tells kovka to work with Reno so he becomes upset wondering why he always gets the dirtiest jobs but the supervisor notes that he has grit thinking he would have done well in the Defense Force if he passed the test during their break kfka realizes that Reno has lost his appetite so he gives him a vitamin pack telling him to drink it so he doesn't pass out kfka adds that he needs to plug his nose saying he needs to do it to survive but he refuses so he forces him to do it and they start working together as kfka helps Reno with his job later that day everyone prepares to go home but Reno approaches kfka thanking him for his help he can't believe Reno is doing this and he tells kfka that it's not too late to join the Defense Force because they've raised the age limit for applicants Reno knows he isn't happy with his life because he looked sad when he talked about giving up and Reno tells him to do whatever he wants but he thanks Reno for giving him hope realizing that Reno is a good person but at that moment a Kaiju suddenly appears and it's about to eat him but kfka grabs him and they manag to survive kfka tells him to escape and call for reinforcements once he's safe but he refuses to leave so kofka reminds him about his dream saying he can't join the Defense Force if he doesn't survive so he runs away and kovka calls the Kaiju so it starts chasing after him trying to eat him but he enters a building and jumps out a window in a flashback we see Mina crying so kfka approaches her trying to cheer her up she explained me that she's sad because her cat died and they stare at the ruins of their city as they mention that they're going to join the Defense Force but he thinks she doesn't have what it takes and he tells her that he's going to become a better Defense Force officer saying they will exterminate the Kaiju together but we return to the present as the Kaiju continues to pursue Kafka who realizes that he can't escape so he prepares to fight it but it crushes his leg and it's about to eat him but Reno returns and he wonders why Reno is doing this so he explains that he'll never make it in the Defense Force if he can't even save his colleague so kovka realizes he's pathetic knowing he can't protect anyone so he doesn't have what it takes to enter the Defense Force the Kaiju is about to kill them but a tiger suddenly stops it as the soldiers open fire and they blow it to Pieces Mina reports that the target has been destroyed and she tells her men to follow her saying they need to check if there are more Kaiju in the area that evening we see Kafka in a hospital realizing that Mina is amazing and he thinks he'll never reach her level but Reno knows that he wouldn't be alive if kfka didn't save him thinking kfka is amazing so he needs to consider joining the Defense Force he thanks Reno for making him feel better saying he has decided to apply to the Defense Force but he suddenly sees a strange creature which tells him that it's looking for him and it's suddenly dives into his mouth causing him to struggle Reno notices this so he asks ktha if he okay but Reno is shocked when he sees him kfka looks in the mirror realizing he has turned into a monster so they both panic but kfka explains that he still has control over his body and another patient sees them so he calls for help and they know that kfka is about to get hunted down so they decide to run away we cut to mina as she thinks about Kafka who promised her that he's going to stay by her side but she calls him a liar because she's fighting the kaijus without him she receives a call call and she learns that a Kaiju has appeared in the hospital so she promises to get rid of it in a flashback we see nah laughing at kofka thinking he's corny for saying that he will protect her if she's ever scared he starts to get embarrassed but she actually thanks him and is happy that they will always be together we see her gather her team and she tells them about the situation at the hospital there's an alert on the news and the people are told to take shelter we return to the hospital and the old man is terrified so Reno suggests clearing up the misunderstanding telling kfka to smile but when he tries it it just causes the man to faint kofka rushes to help him but as he touches the wall he blows it away and they are shocked by his strength the other patients wer about the explosion and Reno thinks they need to get away kfka goes to open the window but he completely tears it away he starts freaking out about his body but Reno says they need to go so they jump out the window we see Mina's team on their way and she receives a report about them leaving the hospital meanwhile Reena wonders how kfka turned into a Kaiju asking if he's really still the same guy but kfka says he doesn't know as we see he has taken on more monstrous form his tongue suddenly launches out and grabs a bird but Reno finds it disgusting kfka returns to his previous form but notes there's another problem saying he needs to pee Reno tells him to hold it in but kfka isn't able ble to control himself so Reno wonders where the pee will come from and it comes out of his nipples kfka is embarrassed by this but Reno says they need to keep moving kfka wonders if he can still join the Defense Force like this but Reno thinks it's impossible because he's become the thing that the force is defending against thinking he'll be shot on sight he becomes devastated realizing he will never join the Defense Force thinking he won't be able to keep his promise with Mina Reno notices a sealed off area thinking it's the perfect place to hide but Kafka suddenly senses something approaching we see an explosion and there's a report of another Kaiju so Mina splits her team up Reno notes that there will be less people after him so he thinks it's the perfect distraction for them to hide but ktha seems to hesitate at the sight of the explosion we see a girl crying as her mother appears to be trapped she isn't strong enough to lift the debris and the Kaiju suddenly appears it smack flashes through the building and prepares to eat them but kfka suddenly punches it and completely blows it away shocking himself with his own strength he checks on the girl but she's afraid so he tries smiling again but it only makes things worse he's able to free the mother but the Kaiju suddenly returns so he tells Reno to get away and he charges up his full strength he Dodges the Kaiju attack and delivers a devastating punch which completely blows it up causing its blood to rain down on he says it's over but the girl is still terrified so he tells her he will go but as he starts to walk away she actually thanks him he's reminded of when Mina thanked him remembering his promise to stick with her so he realizes what he needs to do Reno tells him they should go before anyone else arrives but he says he's not giving up saying he needs to go and stand by Mina's side we see Mina as she arrives on the scene wondering what happened she asks the girl about the kite but she's scared when she thinks about it Mina assures her that they will wipe out all the kaijou but the girl asks her not to hurt the good Kaiju mentioning how there was a good Kaiju that saved her mother 3 months later we see the cleaning team watching the news and learn that Kafka has been given the code name number eight Reno thinks things have gotten out of hand and we learn Kafka was the first Kaiju in history to escape the Defense Force so they are all looking for him the supervisor mentions there's mail for him in kfka and we see he passed the test for the Defense Force he has a look at kafka's letter and we see that he also passed REO rushes to deliver the news to Kafka but he sees him in his Kaiju form so he kicks him Kafka quickly changes back and Reno warns him he's still wanted so he can't just expose himself Reno gives him the letter but wonders why he isn't excited so kofka mentions it's the second round that he normally fails we learn that the second round is the Practical exam and Reno wonders how he'll hide his body since there will be officers watching but kfka says he will take it regardless and since he's 32 this is his last chance to make it in on the day of the exam we see them arriving at the defense Force's tachikawa base we see other participants arriving and there's suddenly a girl that calls out to Kafka calling him old he freaks out and explains he's only 32 but she tells him his car is in the way he notes that there are plenty of spots but the girl mentions that 55 is her lucky number kfka thinks about teaching her some manners but the girl decides to move it herself she takes off her jacket revealing a suit and she lifts their car with only one hand throwing it to the side kfka freaks out about the damage and Reena wonders who the girl is so she introduces herself as kakor shamia mentioning that her favorite hobby is killing Kaiju but she suddenly starts smelling Kafka saying he smells like a kaiju but Reno defends him explaining it's because they're disposal workers so she looks down on them saying they aren't supposed to be there but she sees kofka lifting the car and she can't believe he has superhuman strength thinking he's also wearing a suit he tells her he's going to be taking the exam telling her to remember his name and she believes things are about to get interesting saying she's going to prove that she's better than him we meet her Butler saasu and they head inside but Reno becomes upset because kfka used his powers to lift the car so he explains that he only transformed his hand so that no one will notice but Reno tells him that isn't the issue advising him not to use his powers and kfka agrees to this they make their way inside as kfka notes that this is his last chance to join the Defense Force so he's determined to give it everything he has we learned that the second round of the exam has two parts and they aren't sure if they're going to do well during the aptitude test so they decide to give the fitness test everything they have but as the exam begins we see kka struggling as he notes that his performance is worse than before so he thinks he got weaker because of his age kfka doesn't perform well so kakur mocks him because he told her to remember his name but his ranking is terrible and he's nowhere near her level so he falls into despair but Reno admires him for not using his powers and he explains that he doesn't want to play dirty knowing everyone is doing their best to pass the exam but he thinks about his ranking realizing he could have improved it by using his powers but Reno explains that there's another reason why he didn't do well they start talking about the top dogs in the exam and Reno tells kfka about the rank two candidate Haru isumo revealing that he graduated top of his class from a prestigious University the ranked three candidate named furuhashi also graduated as a valedictorian from his school and he's known for his Incredible strength the top candidate kagura was invited Ed to become an Elite member of Japan's Ground Force but he turned down the offer because he wanted to join the Defense Force instead Reno adds that there are other competent candidates so he knows the competition is going to be tough but he mentions that everyone's watching toru saying she's considered to be a prodigy because she was able to graduate from a prominent University at the age of 16 so they think she has incredible talent and everyone wants to defeat her kfka approaches her saying she's amazing but her body body guards beat him up telling him not to touch her she thinks he's pathetic and she promises to keep making him look bad so he becomes upset saying he's going to get his revenge but he thinks he's going to fail the exam so Reno tells him not to lose hope thinking the next test is about Kaiju corpse disposal so they think they have the advantage the candidates head to the next area where they meet sash hasha the vice captain of the third division who tells them they're about to have their aptitude test he opens a gate and kka is excited for Kaiju corpse disposal but Sashu tells them they're going to be killing Kaiju instead Reno and Kafka are happy to hear this and aiju tries to leave the gate but it's stopped by a barrier kikoru sees Kafka freaking out so she laughs at him and ssho explains that they'll be wearing combat suits during the test Reno wears his suit and it fits him perfectly as it mentions that it has finished analyzing his body Sashu explains that the suit suits are made of organic material taken from Kaiju and it grants the user superhuman abilities the operator Konomi measures the candidates Unleashed combat power revealing that renal has only tapped into 8% of his suits power while the top students have unlocked over 10% Sashu mentions that they should be able to reach 20% after they finish training and furuhashi appears to be disappointed with his result but Sashu finds them interesting because only talented candidates can unlock 10% of the suit's potential without training but Konomi reveals that kikoru has tapped into 46% of the suit's power recognizing her as the greatest talent in history because she's already at the level of a platoon leader Reno thinks he's pathetic but Sashu tells him he's doing fine saying he can still pass the test but we see kfka struggling as Konomi reveals that his Unleashed combat power is 0% which is the lowest number in history so sash laughs at him thinking he's going to fail he can't believe this is happening thinking there's something wrong with his suit but kakor knows he's hiding his powers and she's waiting for him to use it before the exam comes to an end they prepare for the final test as Sashu explains that they need to eliminate the Kaiju in the area saying the drones will be monitoring their actions he reveals that the suits have shields which the examiners will activate if a candidate's life is in danger but he explains that the candidate will be disqualified if this happens the test begins and kikoru starts jumping around the area shooting down the Kaiju in her path but kfka struggles to move around saying his weapon is too heavy because his suit isn't giving him power Reno wonders what they should do knowing they aren't strong enough to defeat the Kaiju but sesir reveals that Mina is watching them so kfka remembers his promise to her and he recalls that this is his last chance to join the Defense Force so he's determined to succeed he thinks there are drones in the area because the examiners want to see how the candidates will adapt to difficult situations so Reno realizes that they don't need to kill the Kaiju themselves and they decide to do their part by supporting the others they see haru's group fighting a Kaiju and they're struggling against its armor but kofka knows its weakness because he disposed of its body in the past so he throws a bomb and it stuns the Kaiju as he explains that it has incredibly good hearing so the explosion overwhelmed its senses he tells Haru to for its stomach so he follows kafka's instructions and their bullets are able to penetrate it causing the Kaiju to explode he thanks kofka for his help and he starts looking for another Kaiju thinking he can pass the exam without using his powers but a Kaiju suddenly attacks him sending him crashing against a wall and the examiners note that he's injured thinking he can't continue fighting so they prepare to activate his shield but he refuses to give up knowing Mina is watching him the Kaiju is about to eat him but it suddenly gets blown into pieces as koru arrives telling him she can clear the area alone so he can just stay on the ground calling him a loser the top dogs realize she's going after the main target and they're determined to eliminate it before she does but they realize that she's stronger than them thinking it's because of her Unleashed combat power kfka struggles to get back up realizing his leg is broken and Sashu calls him advising him to drop out because he's too injured to continue fighting so he wonders if it's time to quit knowing he has no Talent whatsoever so he thinks he's going to fail but he still refuses to give up because he doesn't want to abandon his dream and the examiners are surprised as he starts tapping into his suits Powers he manages to get back up so ssho agrees to let him continue kka still struggles and he worries about holding Reno back but Reno is determined to stick together we see Reno carrying him and Sashu laughs while watching them they try to catch up with koru and Reno tells kfka to handle the attack meanwhile we see kikoru easily taking out the Kaiju and she's so fast that no one can even help her she reaches the hanju the final Target and she throws a grenade to stun it she then jumps between its teeth and finishes it with a single shot the Kaiju Falls so the test comes to an end as the drones are recalled and kfka can't believe kakur killed it so quick quickly Mina is impressed by her strength and Sashu notes that she cleared the test so quickly that no one else dropped out and we learned that kikoru is the daughter of the director kikoru hopes she made her father proud and she prepares to go and laugh at kofka again but there's another Kaiju that appears and she suddenly gets shot meanwhile kfka wonders about their result but the destroyed Kaiju suddenly get back up we see kikor is stopping her bleeding and the Kaiju is surprised she can still move move but kikoru is shocked to hear it talking she tries to shoot it but the Kaiju fires first the examiners hear her screaming and they detect her abnormal vitals sesira wonders what's going on and they also see the revived Kaiju Konomi notes that they have gotten even stronger and the hanju is given a fortitude rating of 6.4 Sashu thinks it would take a whole platoon to take it down and Mina orders for all the remote Shields to be activated telling sash they need to head out the examinees are told to evacuate but kikora thinks she can't run because if the hanu isn't dealt with many people will die she manages to close her wounds thanks to her suit and she prepares to keep fighting thinking she needs to be perfect but the hanu instantly smashes her in a flashback we see her with her friend Risa who is happy for her because she got the top score but R's father picks her up and kikoru is left alone sabasa joins her mentioning her father will be home today and he thinks he will be happy with how she did kikoru is excited but when she gets home her father doesn't care about her score thinking it should be normal for her to be at the top he tells her that celebrating a single success only leads to failure and he says she needs to be perfect for the sake of their nation's future she remembers her father's words and continues to fight but the hanja keeps hitting her she tries to stand back up but the hja suddenly grow horns and Konomi is surprised to see it regenerated its offensive uni organ it begins charging up an attack and sasher wonders if they'll make it in time kikora thinks it's over for her and she apologizes to her father that she couldn't be perfect the hu prepares to finish her but kfka suddenly appears telling her she did a good job she wonders what he's doing there and there's a huge explosion but we see that kfka blocked it and he transforms into his Kaiju form in front of her saying he will handle the rest meanwhile we see everyone else evacuating and kagura shoots a flare to help guide everyone Reno hopes that Kafka is okay and we see that a few moments earlier they learned that the HRA came back to life and kikoru is fighting it alone their orders are to evacuate but kfka disappears and Reena worries that he's planning on transforming back in the present kakuru wonders what's going on and Kafka begs her to keep his secret the hanu charges up another attack but kfka just slaps it away and he promises to tell her more after the fight Konomi detects his energy but the cameras are knocked out from the explosion she notes that he has a fortitude rating of 9.8 but Sashu says it's impossible thinking the explosion must have scrambled their measurement system because 9.8 would be the strongest Kaiju in history kofka knows he doesn't have much time so he decides to finish things with a single punch he clashes with the you but he completely overwhelms it blowing it into pieces kikoru wonders who he is and kofka suddenly rushes at her but he takes out a Kaiju behind her he tells her she shouldn't put herself in such danger but Reno suddenly arrives and starts reprimanding him for transforming they start to argue but kikoru ends up passing out Sashu and Mina arrive on the scene and they wonder what happened they get a report that kofka and the others made it to the shelter but s shiru thinks kakur isn't strong enough to be responsible for this Sashu is reminded of the previous incident 3 months ago so he wonders if they're related we see Kafka in the hospital and Reno notes that kaku's condition is also looking good mentioning that she's getting the best treatment kfka gets jealous of this but Mina suddenly visits them and she thanks them for saving koru she leaves after this and kfka wants to call after her but decides to wait until he becomes an officer Koro wakes up and she's visited by sash he tells her that everyone survived and he thanks her for dealing with the hanu but she hesitates to agree so he wonders if something else happened she thinks about Kafka saving her and she decides to keep his secret saying she was the one who killed the hanju the incident is reported on the news and the Mysterious Kaiju is surprised there were no casualties he suddenly gets a call telling him his break is over and we see him transforming to a man as he leaves the toilet we learn that he's the newest member of the cleaning Squad but that's where this video ends remember to like And subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Recap-kun
Views: 70,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, anime recap, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime summary, anime in minutes, defeating animes, recap, how to win anime, how to beat animes, mr recap
Id: fkyQ9OfJafw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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