My HARDEST Platinum and 100% YET! - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered (DLC Trophies Included)

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hey is mine sorry pal you're not my type no no no no no you have got to be kidding me hmm [ __ ] hey everyone welcome back to the channel today I will be covering the platinum trophy and 100 for Uncharted 2 among Thieves remastered just quickly I would like to thank all of you for the support on my latest videos I didn't expect them to blow up so quickly and I have now officially hit 100 subscribers when I release that first Uncharted video I only had 32 Subs which is just crazy when I think about I'm so grateful for everyone who has subscribed it truly does mean the world to me so thank you again for the support and don't forget if you haven't already I would be honored if you hit that like And subscribe button anyway back to Uncharted 2. so this game is a direct sequel to the first one as it follows Nathan Drake on yet another adventure this time it is set two years after the events of the first game following Nathan Drake new character Chloe Frazier and returning character Elena Fisher as they search for the chintamani stone and shambawa while battling a militia led by war criminal Zoran lazarovich gameplay is pretty much the same as the first one but they added some areas where stealth is now somewhat possible to go above you there's a guy above you this guy below you there's a guy below you and slightly tweak the combat system to be able to Parry enemy attacks also with traversal you can now swing on beams and ropes to get across across certain areas but pretty much more of the same as the first game but better I don't know what it is but this game is Just infinitely times better than the first game in terms of the Platinum there are 46 in the base game consisting of again similar trophies to the first game such as difficulty-based trophies combat trophies and some speedrun trophies PSN profiles puts it at a 5 out of 10 difficulty takes only one playthrough and takes about 15 hours to complete with the remastered version they added the extended collection DLC pack like the first game and this includes eight new trophies to get PSN profile puts it at a 9 out of 10 difficulty foreign takes two playthroughs and about 15 hours to complete so in total that means it's going to take about three playthroughs and 30 hours to finish and also that means there is a total of 53 trophies up for grabs to get the 100 so without further Ado let's get trophy hunting okay so step one we are going to focus on finishing the game on crushing difficulty whilst finding all the treasures just like the first game all right so the first trophy we're gonna get is first treasure find one treasure this is the first treasure you can find in the game just after getting off the train okay the second trophy I got new Paparazzi in town explore photo mode uh so this is a miscellaneous trophy I accidentally did it I just clicked down on the d-pad and brought up the photo mode and I was like ah I did it pretty easy okay so trophy three bare knuckle brawler defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat uh this one was actually pretty easy because uh there's a lot more stealth in this game so you got some melee kills pretty easy to start off with trophy four headshot expert kill five enemies in a row with headshots this one again pretty easy gonna be aiming for the head especially on crushing if you want to defeat onions quickly so yeah just five in a row trophy five novice Fortune Hunter find 20 Treasures so as you can see I had to shoot that treasure down so yeah it's a lot harder to find the treasures in this game compared to the first one they hid them really well on to Trophy six 20 headshots kill 20 enemies with headshots so again similar to the five in a row you're going to be aiming for the head a lot especially on crushing so you should rack up those headshot kills pretty quickly on to Trophy number seven Relic finder find the strange Relic uh so this is similar to the first game there's also a strange Relic in the first one and shout out to user xk9 iz1ed2x for letting me know that it was a reference to Jack and Daxter another Naughty Dog game but yeah they have the exact same Relic in this game too on to Trophy eight Thirty kills Mark ndi Kill 30 enemies of the mark ndi grenades here we go again just like the first game there are trophies related to a certain amount of kills with a certain type of gun on to number nine bare knuckle Slugger defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat so like I said before uh melee kills are pretty easy in this game as there's lots of stealth opportunities to Rack them up trophy 10. 30 kills with the Wes 44 plus this is like a revolver in the game it's actually probably one of the best weapons in the game uh the only bad thing is it has limited ammo but it nearly one Taps every enemy in the game so very clutch for crushing and brutal difficulty trophy 11 100 headshots kill 100 enemies with headshots so just like the other headshot ones you will be aiming for the head most of the time so you will rack them up as you play the game onto trophy 12 intermediate Fortune Hunter find 40 Treasures so we have 40 out of 101 Treasures found I did use a guide just like the first game just to make it a bit easier on myself the 13th trophy hangman killed 20 enemies with gunfire while hanging so unlike the first game you'll probably get this one playing through the story as as you can see I'm in a spot where you actually have to kill all these enemies while hanging so they provide lots of opportunities in this game to get that trophy so trophy 14 50 kills with a 92 FS nine millimeter uh this is a sidearm pistol in the game uh pistols are pretty good because you can rapid fire them and if you're accurate with the headshots they do kill enemies pretty quickly okay trophy 15 50 kills with the foul so this is a new weapon they added into Uncharted 2 and it's like a Burst assault rifle and it's really good because it's accurate with headshots and as you can see you can scope in too trophy 16 Master ninja kill 50 enemies by melee attacking from behind oh so in the first game this was really annoying because you had to keep grinding the same spot over and over again to get it as it wasn't much stealth in that game but this game because there's lots of stealth it's pretty easy okay so trophy 17 proficient Fortune Hunter so we've found 60 Treasures now so we're over halfway now um 60 out of the 100 Treasures okay so the 18th trophy 20 kills with the pistol I don't know if that's how you said or not um so this is pretty cool it's like a sidearm shotgun so it was pretty effective almost as powerful as the shotgun in this game speaking of the shotgun next trophy 30 kills with the Moss 12. this is the main shotgun in the game uh it's pretty good with taking our enemies up close most of the time at one shots them so pretty effective but definitely not long range onto trophy 20 50 kills with a micro nine millimeter now I'm not gonna lie this is probably my least favorite deal in the game the like it's like a little Oozy it just didn't really feel that accurate to me and was only really useful in close range but the shotgun was just better uh 50 kills with the M4 is the next Trophy up uh so this is probably definitely the best assault rifle in the game I found it more stronger than the AK-47 and it's pretty accurate and yeah definitely one of the best guns in the game okay trophy 22 50 kills with the sas12 I'm not gonna lie I didn't even realize there was a second shotgun in this game other than the Moss 12 they both got 12 in the name um it's pretty much the same thing I can't even remember the difference are you stupid or something next Trophy up 50 kills with the dragon sniper so this is definitely one of the best guns in the game uh one Taps most enemies and this game you can actually use it not scoped in so it's pretty accurate in terms of that and yeah good good gun a great success trophy 24 30 kills with the desert five so this is going to be similar to the the Wes but it's a deagle but still just as powerful one tapped most enemies just has limited ammo but definitely clutching crushing and brutal trophy 25 expert Fortune Hunter find 80 Treasures this was the hardest treasure in the game to get as I was getting sniped out at the same time I probably should have taken him out first though looking back at it but yeah I got killed luckily but it took me a few attempts to get the treasure okay trophy 26 250 headshots defeat 250 enemies with headshots so that is the final headshot trophy that we have to get so you just have to get 250 you should easily get that wrap before you get the Platinum next trophy 30 kills with the rpg7 uh so obviously this is one of the best weapons in the game it's an explosive weapon so it uh kills most enemies in one shot uh the only bad thing limited ammo but you should get this um before you platen the game I don't know what it was but these new Supernatural enemies in this game compared to Uncharted 1 they are comp they're crazy like look at that I just got crossbow twice and I'm dead on crushing difficulty these guys were so bad compared to the first game where it's just like the zombie creatures that run after you these guys pack a punch and they take so many bullets it's like all the 120 bullets from my AK-47 and what it takes to kill like just one of these dudes these dudes were insane here's a little death Montage from the final combat encounter before the boss fight [Music] [Music] [Music] baby that's what I've been waiting for that's what it's all about anyway after finally getting past that mess we're on to Trophy 28 Master Fortune Hunter find a hundred Treasures so this is finding all the treasures in the game minus well still got one more because of the strange Relic but yeah a hundred Treasures down one more to go so that means trophy 29 Master Thief collection find all Treasures in the strange Relic so now we have officially found all the treasures 101 of 100. use a guide it makes it very easy so then all I had to do was take down Zoran lazarovich and the final boss fight of the game I'm not gonna lie I actually found this not too bad I got it on my second try I've heard that other people have actually struggled a lot with this I'm crushing but I managed to get a second try really the trick is you just gotta run in a circle around this little area build one and just shoot when he gets into those blue things and it's fairly simple and don't die like that damn after defeating him now all I had to do was make this final parkour across the crumbling Bridge as the city is destroying in the background make sure I don't stuff up any jumps and make it all the way to the end Nathan Drake come on you can do this we're almost there we've almost got crushing let's go [Music] you're fine anyway after respawning and Nathan being resurrected from the dead I was able to make that jump that time and complete the game on crushing difficulty earning us chartered crushing which then obviously stacked with chartered hard charted normal and charted easy four trophies in one and that's it for the first step okay with step one done we are now on to step two where we're going to try and Speed Run the game in under 3 hours 30 as donut Drake and try and get the chapters the three chapter speed runs as well okay so if you saw my first video you would know we're back here today with donut Drake he's looking a bit a bit rounder this time I think he's been eating a bit too much Donuts even the other characters in the game are calling him out for it gotcha you put on weight mate oh [ __ ] that was close all right no more donuts for you they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand anyway after that roasting we unlocked trophy 34 Survivor killed 75 enemies in a row without dying so I mean if you're able to do this on crushing props to you but I had got this on the speed run on easy difficulty and here's some absolute classy dialogue from Nathan Drake boy it's a shame you have to sit on something like pretty stop it get some help anyway now on to the train section uh where there's this minigun guy thankfully we don't actually have to take him out legit there he goes he's calling in the chopper with no freaking remote what the hell you're a wizard Harry anyway after that magic here is some more absolute class dialogue from Nathan Drake almost there you got it huh I quietly now come on nice view man no no I was talking about the mountains [Music] bullet train from Hell beat chapter 13 Locomotion in less than seven minutes uh you're probably wondering why I'm back here now it's actually because I failed the speed run on the first attempt so I had to restart it and yeah I was able to do chapter 13 uh the second time around but the funny thing is on my second speed run attempt I realized that the whole time I could have just been restarting checkpoint because when you do it actually goes back to your uh checkpoint what your time was when you reached the checkpoint so you're not even wasting time because it just goes back to where you were so I could have been doing that the whole time and then I wouldn't have to do it again same with the first game ah only it's only a game why you have to be mad anyway um just remember to do that if you're speedrunning the game restart checkpoint makes it a lot easier uh anyway I got trophy 36 running Gunner killed 20 enemies by shooting from the hit without aiming uh if you are going for the speed run you'll probably get this because you have to go quick and the easiest way to do that is just charge enemies while shooting from the hip Run and Gun Style but like seriously even this game on easy mode sometimes is just really really dumb foreign are you serious right now bro anyway on to Trophy 37 50 kills with the M32 Hammer uh so this is the grenade launch from the game like RPG it's pretty good one one shot's most enemies and it has like an arc to it so I guess you can kind of aim it to get where you want it anyway that means we're on to one of eight for the extended collection need of the speeder achieve a complete speedrun time of less than three and a half hours so that is our first uh trophy going towards the 100 and that is for doing the speed run which leads us straight into the next trophy at the same time too fat Too Furious which is speed running doing a continuous speedrun is donut Drake so there you have it the speed run portion for the 100 is over but that does not mean we're done with the speed run yet as you can see on the chapter three I got 6 minutes and 45 on the whilst doing the speed run and you need six minutes 30 to get the uh trophy for the Platinum so I had to go back and do this one you always follow the hoes [Music] sorry about that uh trophy 38 staying dry beat chapter three Borneo in less than six minutes and 30 seconds there you go I was able to get six minutes and 10 seconds 20 seconds of spare I found these chapter speedruns a lot harder than the first game and trophy 39 quick jaunt through a war zone beat chapter 5 Urban Warfare in less than seven minutes 30 seconds I had to go back and do this one as well but after completing that that's all three chapter speed runs done okay so that means step two has been done speedrun's done so now we are on to cleaning up the DLC trophies first so that means three of eight to the extender is Supernatural Born Killers defeat five guardians with a sniper rifle but this one you actually have to beat the game first to unlock the ability to choose weapons in the rewards menu and you have to choose the sniper rifle and kill some of those Supernatural enemies as there's no actual location in the game where you can pick up a sniper rifle and kill them they don't spawn in so you have to beat the game first and give yourself a sniper rifle also a lot of these trophies are the same as the first one as it's all part of the re the Nathan Drake collection the remastered collection so a lot of these extended collection trophy DLCs are the same across all three games so that leads us right into number four of eight cosplay killing animal enemy while playing as an alternate character costume other than Drake so just like the first game you have to in the rewards menu select different skin uh the first game I did uh L.A Fisher this time I chose to do Chloe Frasier [Music] play trophy five of eight take me to your leader compare statistics with friends this one pretty simple going to the menu and compare stats With Friends foreign sorry uh six sixes are cheat hard to cheat harder activate a tweak um so yeah this one unfortunately does not come in clutch because I can't even use them on Brutal so damn new tweaks uh seven eight extended YOLO among Thieves beat the last chapter that dying on normandyuku to higher um so I was able to do this first try this one just make sure you're always running away from lazarovich and shooting the blue stuff when he gets near them and you'll do it okay so with that we have done the cleanup DLC trophies except for one more which is the brutal but we'll save that for last because it is goddamn brutal but now we are going to move on to finishing up the rest of the cleanup trophies to get the Platinum okay so first cleanup trophy bare knuckle expert defeat 10 enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat uh so this one I went to chapter two because it is fully stealth that chapter so you if you take out as many enemies as you can uh you'll get the that one done okay so trophy 41 Dynamite Master kill five enemies with high explosion so this one I went to chapter 12 and there's this area right at the start with five enemies spawn right there and if you give yourself an RPG you can kill them all and get that trophy done easy okay so trophy 42 grenade hangman killed 10 enemies With Grenades while hanging uh this one you could probably could do if you remember to do it throughout the game but I just went to here chapter four and just hung on the back of there and through grenades of the enemies because you spawn with lots of grenades there trophy 43 steel Fist Master killed 20 enemies with a single punch after weakening with gunfire uh so this one as it says it's pretty annoying you have to get them low enough so that when you punch them they die straight away and in chapter four here is a good spot to do it as well because they're fairly spread out makes it a bit easier and yeah you've just gotta somehow well it took me in a while to figure it out but you got to get them low enough so then you can one punch them after shooting them with gunfire so the reason why I got 20 is because I was going for 10 in a row and as you can see this dude got literally glitched in the wall I could shoot him but I couldn't punch him which ruined my streak I don't know how close I was but this was very infuriating like look at how many I'm trying to hit him and he just he's hiding man he's bush camping speak of the devil chapter 44 a steel fist expert killed 10 enemies in a row the single punch after leading with gunfire so I actually had to search it up and the best option to do is actually hit fire so you run and Gun and somehow that gets him low enough to finish him off and then as you can see that was the final trophy to unlock the Platinum for this game there you have it the Platinum for Uncharted 2 among these remastered let's go foreign done and getting the Platinum we are now on to step five where we have one more trophy to get for the 100 which is beat the game on Brutal difficulty now this is not for the faint-hearted this like I said before early in the video this is a 9 out of ten difficulty and it definitely is after playing it is ridiculous it makes you go insane like seriously a quick shout out to my friend aesops who got some uh footage of me having a bit of a rage uh he was playing Lego Batman 3 at the time that's why it's a Lego game and he's actually making a platinum video on that so if you're interested go check out his channel but thanks to him for getting this uh footage of me having a bit of a rage at brutal difficulty on Uncharted oh my God bro what is happening bro Mason Mason Nathan Nathan nice I don't even know what just happened there but uh yeah I managed to do it somehow um I'll let you know if I recommend it at the end um probably not but uh yeah time to get the burrito trophy also the uh the uh glitch in the first game where you could unlock tweaks like one shot one killing infinite ammo to make brutal difficult brutal difficulty easier in the first game uh it doesn't work in this second game unfortunately for some reason they didn't patch the first game in the uh Nathan Drake collection but they patched the second one for some reason I don't know why but they just did also shout out to aesops again he actually I let him do share play uh to try and so he could try and help me out um but he didn't really know the controls and here's him boarding out a bit not gonna lie why is why is the goalkeeper doing why are you there all jokes aside uh he actually did help me out as I was able to like analyze I guess what was happening while he was playing so I could come up with new strats whilst keeping my sanity while I wasn't playing anyway on to one of the first Rage inducing parts of the game this area where shotgun dude spawns in you pretty much get insta killed oh God Nate after getting past that bit we are now on to getting chased by a helicopter um I'm I'm pretty sure you can tell how this is gonna go not not very good and then this next time I I climb look at how dumb this is like what and again the same thing and one more time for good measure [Music] after finally getting lucky and being able to climb up and make my way across to the roof I was able to get to this checkpoint where there were more enemies that spawned in and I had to take out the helicopter too and just this is how it goes and then of course right after that what did you expect and now the place where you instantly get killed after spawning mate [Music] then finally I got lucky and didn't die straight away and here's another awesome place where you're behind cover and you still somehow get shot like like what what is this I'm literally blind firing game like how at that time I was literally behind cover [Music] finally I managed to get out foreign just comes around the corner instant one Taps me okay so while playing brutal I figured out that you pretty much can't peek while you're behind cover or else you like instantly die because they have like the enemies literally have 100 accuracy and they don't mean since like one or two shots and you're dead so I came up with this new Strat where I as you can see what I'm doing on the screen you like click uh L2 and R2 at the same time and like you kind of like pre-fire as you aim in and they can't hit you if you're accurate enough you can take it they're enemies this doesn't always work but in that situation it was effective and of course who doesn't love a good death where you're literally in a set chase scene where you can't fight back and all you can do is run and you literally don't stuff anything up and you still die right now we're back at the area I got the hangman Trophy and I'm trying to shoot the barrel to blow him up and there's a freaking crate in the way oh no wait did he just shoot me through the roof oh no [Music] oh no okay now this section absolutely sucked I think this is this is in chapter 12 and you've just crashed a train car and you're in it and enemies come from all three sides and you some have to take them all out this was on Brutal this was just absolutely stupid okay so after that we announced the train section and this train section is just honestly it's really really fun to play but on Brutal it was disgusting it lasts like two chapters just on this train and there are some parts that are so bad but for some reason here I actually got lucky for once and it made me feel skipping area and get a new checkpoint for some reason anyway I was definitely not complaining anyway on this next part here's a funny clip of me trying to blow these dudes up with a grenade and instead it goes underneath onto the train tracks rolls all the way to where I am blows up underneath the train knocks me out of cover and then I get one tapped okay we're making our way through now still on the train but this next section like these dudes had literally the best aim I've ever seen from an AI and video game like how did they my head is the only thing appearing above the cover okay this next part has got to be the worst part of the game though seriously every time I spawn in spawn kill straight away and this happened over and over and over again wake up wake up wake up wake up [Music] wake up oh my God come on [Music] wake up then finally after all that you just pretty much had to get lucky and just keep trying until you didn't die I did die more after this but that was how you get through it by just getting lucky this next area sucked as well this is another area that took me so many attempts to do I probably over at least 50. it was just absolutely ridiculous and here here you go again I'm getting killed while it's just blind fire God [Music] followed by a spawn kill nice [Music] congratulations you played yourself and this is what I'm talking about when I say that that the peak and shoot strategy doesn't always work oh can you guess how many bullets it takes to defeat this enemy [Music] you serious five of those were shotgun bullets by the way and if you guess that I die but Elena finish him off as soon as I die well congratulations because here's your donut after all that pain I finally did at this Monastery part probably in the top three worst combat scenarios in this game seriously this took me so long it was making me just oh it was so bad oh no what what the I'm a fidget spinner surprise mother here I am being very very sneaky key so they don't see me and I get big brain angles on them [Music] girly girl there you go statue of your mom [Applause] this area I was absolutely dreading and it was really hard but once I got to these Supernatural dudes I just managed to defeat both of them straight away it was awesome all enemies have been defeated there's just one left I'm out of bullets I've got to find something to do how do I take him down here oh oh no almost dead oh grenade bullet let's go finish him off let's go you had one job just the one hold up wait a minute that was diabolical and here's some amazing live reaction from me thinking of beating this area after heaps of attempts but um no not quite there's a dude up top Choice yes [Applause] the amount of times the AI did this little peek around the corner technique was just so infuriating it got me every single time it's so impossible to predict and they had 100 accuracy one eternity later the moment you've all been waiting for I defeat lazarovich I did it on my second attempt just like crushing he wasn't too bad on Brutal but I finally did it cutscene that's this is it all I've got to do is just finish this bridge scene and that's it I've completed brutal difficulty on Uncharted 2. never again subscribe and with that by far the hardest trophy I've ever had to complete only 5.72 of people have done it beating Uncharted 2 on Brutal difficulty thank God it's over this was my live reaction to finally beating brutal difficulty oh we're good success [Music] there you have it the platinum and 100 done for Uncharted 2 among Thieves remastered in terms of just playing the game I probably I reckon I would give it a 10 out of 10. lots of people say it is one of the best games of all time and it's lots of people's favorite games and I can see why people say that it truly is a very fun action-packed game 10 times better than the original even though they only tweaked minor things but the story is better gameplay is better everything is just better in this game it's such a fun awesome game I'm so glad I could play it definitely play it for yourself and of course you can't get over the amazing Uncharted set pieces too [Music] that's my blood that's my blood it's a lot of My Blood [Music] [Music] oh crap foreign in terms of the Platinum I think I would give it a 8 out of 10 this time I don't know they didn't really the trophies are pretty much the same as the first game so you think it would be a six out of ten like the first game but I think I'd give it an eight because they really did make some of the trophies a lot easier to get for example the hanging the hangman trophy where you have to defeat enemies while hanging there's actually set pieces where you can get that done also the melee trophies are a lot easier and same with the stealth ones because again they actually added in stealth encounters and melee encounters where it actually gives you the opportunity to do those things and you just get them done whilst playing the game instead of having to go back and grind a certain area out to get the the kills and also I think with the gameplay just being a lot better and like I said just playing the game at 10 out of 10. it's just better which makes the Platinum experience better I find as well oh boy now for the 100 recommendation this is probably going to be my lowest rating ever on this channel I'd probably have to give it I reckon a 2 out of ten like seriously brutal difficulty is just that's what holds it back all the other 100 trophies easy just like the first game get them done but just the one trophy beating the game on Brutal difficulty I wouldn't want my worst enemy to play through it is just makes you lose your mind but if you think you're up for the challenge give it a go I was able to do it and I'm not the best at games so if you just keep practicing and don't let it get to your head you may be able to do it but just be warned it does make you go a little bit cuckoo in the head anyway thanks for watching sorry this video took a while to get out um brutal difficulty did take me a while to complete because it was so difficult and then this video has actually taken me a while to edit as well it's probably going to be my longest video I've ever made so if you guys are still watching to the end you guys are the real ones um make sure you've hit that like And subscribe button and I'll see you all in the next video which will be Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception remastered I'll see you all then for the M4 if you can oh no oh oh my [Music] oh my goodness oh my God I hate this game with a passion only it's only a game why you have to be mad bro Nathan Nathan stop being a dick Nathan oh this game [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: JTPlays
Views: 22,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Platinum, Trophy, 100%, DLC, Uncharted, Uncharted Platinum, Uncharted 100%, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 2 Among Thieves, Uncharted Among Thieves, Uncharted 2 Platinum, Uncharted Among Thieves Platinum
Id: jb1ztI7HDw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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