My Friends Trapped Me In Underwater Tomb, So I Got Revenge

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baked look down there that is in underwater too uh so well you dropped the knitter forever wait what do you mean wait oh my god wait wait wait wait wait come on yes bro what is this a coffee what is this wait wait i'm right-clicking right now why can't i open these trapdoors from the custom plugin that's stopping you from opening the trapdoor from the inside bro are you serious fake the water is rising and in 15 minutes the whole place is gonna be filled up with water wait what bro okay i need to get out there quick because the water is rising i'm gonna literally suffocate i can't open these chapters for some reason the plug-in's stopping me dude what are they doing look i can place this on here and stuff but like i can't open them do you have a lot of random items i got like dirt and all that stuff but i can't escape with that i can maybe make some stuff with these oak planks i can pick a crafting table okay that's that could be useful i can make a few things here but i think my best option right now is to take these planks and turn it into a boat okay now if i break this craft table again but this boat if i place it like here now if i get in this i should be able to escape okay i'm in i'm kind of i might be able to escape like this i'm inside the boat right now or something then if i just shift out of here i should be good to go i think what do you think you're doing that's my boat bro get that back bro come back oh my god that's not fair oh by the way bait the second that the water tank goes all the way up as long as you're in it you're gonna start dying if i don't get out of this occasion time i will literally be dead even if i get in the air block like i'll be dead anyway what this plug is insane okay i need to get out there quick and i need to get all this water tank okay so if i go in here i can make first okay i can use this if a place's full is here and then in here i can smelt this iron all right should i use the coal the lava i don't know what's more important here but coal i guess okay let's smelt all this down into iron burger that's all the iron nice 41 that's pretty good what i'm gonna do next is gonna place down this crafting table as well i'll place it here and i'm gonna convert this bamboo into sticks okay this is good this is good next i'm gonna turn this iron into a minecart i'm gonna turn this into a rail okay nice that is all i need okay i'm gonna take this crafting table again finger can maybe escape then if i place the rail just here and a minecart on top i think this means i can escape this cell all right please come on work wait is it working okay i'm out nice okay then i should be able to open them right yes okay i could open it from this side okay nice i'll tell you what though this is not over yet the water's been filled up about what a quarter of the way up that means in not long i'm literally going to be done maybe i've got like 10 minutes to escape this i need to figure out how i can get up then that is my next wait what bro the water just went up and destroyed everything here what i see what they mean now if i don't get out of here i'm dead because it literally destroys all the cover i could possibly build i can use this as a little platform but that's that's good at least that's not i need to get out there quick man bro wait did they just drop a crater on me okay that was not needed okay i'll tell you what i can actually use him for some loot here i need to make sure i don't blow him up okay i don't have any weapons like that hit him back and run okay this is gonna be really tough come on all right there we go yes okay gunpowder nice i managed to kill him without dying i'm gonna monitor these trapdoors for blocks i could tower up like this okay nice right i've got a little bit more height now i should wait the water just expand again bro okay i'll bring that up okay i'm gonna place down this dirt here okay there we go okay now i can maybe plant a sapling and hopefully we'll grow in time but this water is rising fast man i'm not sure how long i got left but i'm while i'm waiting for this to go i need to figure out something to get up here wait how would they put phantoms in there they must have them on minecarts oh wait okay i have a bow i can maybe hit them here how many hours do i have eight hours this is not a lot but it should be good enough hopefully there we go okay nice that's that's one i just need to kill them at all here bro i don't i don't have time for this okay they're all a little bit low i've hit them all at least once okay cut them all apart from this one over here i've got three hours left there we go come on he's stuck in the roof bro nice okay i killed them all did they drop anything okay there's a phantom membrane that's good i think i can maybe use that what can i use it for though are they are useless you know what i actually think i have an idea this might did the water just expand again okay i have not gotten long i'm gonna place the crafting table down here so it is in this there we go like that okay then i'm gonna turn these into blocks okay i don't have long i'm freaking out here i don't wanna be chopped in here i don't wanna die this is a hardcore world and i'm gone i'm off the server okay there you go anvil and then if i take this a lighter i had that with broke while i was flying around i put it in there that will repair it that's not bad that's not bad i got some gun powder earlier from that creeper and i i turned my sugar cane like this into paper i can then make this into fire pockets okay i got three of them unless i get more creepers that's all i've got okay now i can put this on what can i do if i like your thinking well the light just kind of buggy right you can maybe get through walls of them depending it might not work but i don't know what else i can do here the watch is rising okay my satellite's gonna be gone a few minutes i'd be careful here will this work okay i'm gonna go like this and when these rockets are gonna fly up there we go okay i might take a bit of damage here but i have two rockets to get through the wall but if i get in the car like this i'm in the corner they use my rockets i can maybe go through okay that did not work bro what i think that's gonna work i'm in the wall but okay that did not work i can't believe that failed man that's not wait how are you doing in this prison bro bro what why are you guys here firing hours i mean that's just not fair oh wait you guys are actually doing damage okay this is not good bro stop firing at me oh wait bro okay they're actually gonna kill me here okay this is not good i need to keep swimming how long until they leave me alone if i'm not careful this water's gonna keep rising okay you know what strategy get down here in the like what they're gonna do what are they gonna do nothing i'm gonna dram okay i never mind that's not working bro stop firing me [Music] okay you guys are so annoying oh bake look someone to keep you company right before you die bro that okay that is just all right well at least i do have some company that is at least something okay well i guess a friend is pretty good but he's not useless you guys wait i settle can i use him to my advantage okay if i push him in the corner like this can i maybe glitch through the wall using my pet pig had they let me escape by give me a friend press this here i put the saddle on him and then get on him real quick can i glitch through the wall okay maybe i push him a little bit closer where do you think you're going buddy you're helping me escape here okay there we go he's right in the corner now i've got him as far as i can get all right push him in get that hold shift now no okay it doesn't look like it's working but it was worth the shot i'm sorry i'll let you live i'll let you live wait i do need to step into girl and i actually have kind of an idea if i fish like this fishing actually gives you some items that aren't just fish so if i fish a little bit here i'll show you i need this something to grow before this water expands again and the only way to do that is the bone meal i don't have any bones but maybe i can fish them okay here give us a fish okay would it be official always an item there we go okay he's a fish that time but sometimes it's an item and one of those items is bones i'm gonna keep fishing until i get some bones wait i just got bone from fisher okay if i go down here i can pick this up right then i can turn this into eight bow mill this this might be enough to go to stream probably not but you know what i've got a free chance is this give i go one two three wait it actually work bro okay the tree grew okay i can break this wait wait the water okay the water just expanded my dirt is gone but i still have the tree okay i can break this and get some wood hopefully okay there's one piece of wood i took this into planks i can't place this here but of course it will be destroyed next time but i'm gonna do it so i can just stand on it get all these oak logs i can maybe use this i'm not sure how but it should be useful at least so that i can i i actually got an apple from that that's free wait what am i hearing right now bro what i just dropped more mobs in here okay that is not fat wait there's a zombie villager there i can maybe use that okay first though i need to kill all these other guys okay i'll get them one at a time by using my fishing rod okay this one is you know he's annoying but he's not deadly there we go come back here bro where do you think you're going okay there we go okay he dropped a spider and some string nice i've got my pig over there okay i'm gonna keep this version here he's important he's annoying drowns could die though they are not useful to me in any way okay i'm drowning that is not ideal he's dead nice and finally i just need to kill his creeper as well there we go he done a gunpowder as well nice okay the water is still expanding it's maybe two thirds of the way now i've not got time left you know what i've got a really smart idea here so the zombie village is somewhere in the water yeah just down there okay let's fail okay nice what i'm actually gonna do though is i'm gonna place down this brewing stand i'm gonna take this water bottle put water in it put that in there turn these into blaze powder and then with this i can actually do something really smart but i need to get my crafting table again where is that gone okay here it is okay with this i can take this one remaining sugar cane brown mushroom and then the spider eye that the spider dropped then i could bind that fermented spider with that water bottle and that will turn into a weakness push now where is that gunpowder that creeper dropped okay it's down there it's down there now that i got this with this potion i'm gonna turn it into a splash potion and you may be wondering okay what are you gonna even do with this bro but look i have this raw gold if i use the gold that i've had preached the whole time use the apple from the tree i can combine that with this weakness potion cure this zombie virgil he just needs to come up here okay the water's still expanding i'm running out of time drastically here okay if i go down here do this put the wicked potion on him like this and then the golden apple okay there we go he's gonna slowly convert but i didn't hope i don't die here he's still a zombie and i'm running out of time here i got maybe two minutes left this is not good guys subscribe if you think i'm gonna make it out here i'm not sure guys please i i'm running out of time wait he's a villager now he's okay he's turned over gently swim up okay right now my place down this bruin stand here hopefully turns into a cleric that's how that works right okay there we go he's a clerk right now but click on him right then if i just trade with him i can level him all the way up to master level okay there we go he's now an apprentice i could trade with him again i'll get lapis this time i can get lapis like this and level him up i could then trade with him to get glowstone as well okay dude i've got five emeralds left but wait okay there we go that's emeralds i've got edible can i get outfit okay the roof is sealed okay the water is expanding way more okay i don't i literally have 30 seconds left but you know what this enderport is going to make my savior okay if i just aim in the corner like this actually wait to make this even more secure i'm going to place on this crafting table and then convert this into sticks okay with 50 sticks i'm gonna make wait did they just rise again bro it's writing a faster now once it reaches the top i'm dead i can take these sticks i can convert them into ladders like that okay nice okay that should be good i've got those ladders bro okay there's my crafting table okay right once this reaches the top i'm dead okay i need to go a little bit higher okay the water needs to keep expanding a little bit more i'm getting really close to definitely okay i'm gonna place down these ladders like this okay this is as high as it goes okay i'm right now i'm gonna get right here aiming here with the end of our throat come on no time left yes it worked oh my god now i just need to get down let's jump from here there we go am i going out of the water i hope so there we go nice okay this is their i need to steal some loot for them so that i can kill them and get my revenge here this wall has a score i'll go sneak in here is there any loot in these chests nope they're all empty okay that's not good has anyone been to the woods go to some farm recently nah no not really wait that gives me an idea i could use that as my trap okay i need to head to there with a sconce farm first i need some tools okay i'm gonna sneak in this house here with the weird dragon head is there anything in here okay there's a blue okay i can take this i can use this so this is their never portal i'm gonna sneak in here and try and find that weber celtic farm because i can use that for a trap here okay i just need to find where it is where would they build it if i had a fortress right here's a fortress it's probably a round hit wait is that it over there wait i think this is it there's a platform up there with withered roses on it i think it's the whimsicott isn't it yes okay there is nice they're spawning in okay so what i'm going to do this is kind of crazy you might not actually see this trap because it's kind of unique but i'm simply going to go here build and never portal yeah i never fall right next this this spawn here now that i've got this here i'm going to cover this up with more obsidian so they cut mine out easily i'm going to leave this one gap here i'm ready to break that okay this should be good i'm gonna light this up nice okay and then i head through this should be good to go for a trap it's in a cave so i need to just lure them to this place here i need to build a little tunnel up it connects to an ocean okay but that's fine that should be good okay i need to remember these calls and come back here hey boys oh wait you guys are gonna outnumber me here okay that's not okay you do a lot okay you do a lot more damage like poor there you go lava yeah wait how do you know if you got the lava bro are you serious it's oh okay that was rude there we go goodbye okay yes it's stuck stop hitting me bro guys i feel like i came here with this random wait wait guys there's a pause on here wait what that's so crazy okay what why are you telling us i don't know i just found the flame oh no please don't hit me please don't hit me oh my breakfast everybody's possible there we go yes they went through the portal it's all the plan they're all dead let's go for how did that work they all over the portal kill them let's go if my tweet in the description down below hits ten thousand followers before the end of the month i'll give one random follower one thousand dollars so follow my twitter right now to get that money
Channel: Minecraft Curios
Views: 1,616,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft revenge, minecraft friends revenge, minecraft gameplay, minecraft revenge gameplay, minecraft hardcore revenge, minecraft curios, minecraft royale, minecraft 100 players, minecraft curios animations, hermitcraft, quiff, quiff revenge, prison escape, minecraft prison, minecraft trapped, minecraft curious
Id: 9Y0QSnO8bvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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