My Friends Locked me in an Escape Room!

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so today we're gonna try to break into a museum and steal all their toilet paper all right guys this is one of the best games i've played in a long time stick around till the end and also since i've never uploaded a video like this before i don't know how many likes this video will get so let's get to 70 000 likes in two days hit the subscribe button let's do it remote communication agent this is as far as i'm able to get with you with my tools you'll have to manage the rest on your own i wasn't able to disable their camera system from the outside it must be only connected to their internal network you'll have to find a way to turn off the cameras and unlock the doors to proceed good luck agent boys we must break into this museum today and i am with these two idiots that's us listen i can do this on my own just go sit in the corner sit in the corner get pretty question that corner or that corner hanging everything over there okay it's a voice what we have to do we have to break into this gallery steal everything take it all this gallery right here this gallery right here this one right there yeah that one right there right there right there i hate you so much oh gosh so we have to look for clues boys guys security security what does this mean i think we are here it's a map oh i don't want to talk to you guys anymore okay so we have to hold on what is this to do fix camera no we want to break the cameras today toby broke the camera have it check it out by have it check okay no don't we want to break oh this camera's broken okay so we have to disable these cameras to do fixed camera okay hold on let's use a screwdriver yeah of course screwdriver okay okay listen we obviously have to fix this like this is obvious so we have to divert power from there to here so the cameras are on but the doors are locked okay so we got to divert power reverse the power oh okay shouldn't be that hard it's just pipes diverting power lines currently diverting currently diverting i'm diverting i'm just gonna keep throwing roses out i'm diverting rover here oh god all right we got to get the transfer over to kahan so i got to get the power from there to there guys if you think we can steal all of this gold hit the like button if you think biffle's an idiot it's like that's like video on all of youtube anybody might do it dude i am doing this dude i feel different no because i think the police is here no gonna give you a rose but like whatever dude here take this oh what is it i'll take it back you take it back you gave me a laceration oh oh i just clean up your mess okay hold on so i got that camera open you idiot camera storage bat why did it finish it what do you mean wait did you just throw that in there are you shooting in the hoops right now watch the rush touched out from the three-point line wait you can shoot hoops you can hoop bro oh dude do you actually can you make it oh camera storage backup procedure turn off cameras by entering in the camera number into the keypad well this camera says one camera 114 hold on and it's three numbers okay 1 14. did it work no signal oh okay hold on what's this number oh we got to move that get out of here get out of here you just post this throw in the trash get out of here what is this for the trash it's 37 37 37 37 0 3 7 7 7 did it turn off it didn't it didn't signal okay what's this one there's no number how do we know the number remember use a coaster i don't know what that means boys look in the top corner look in the top corner 0-62 0-62 please get here that work does that work cameras are off it's off hey boys we out here okay so now we have to we have the cameras off now we have to unlock the doors door lock or number four numbers okay one two three four numbers one two three three four i think that did not work here i think this chair is important oh i think the chairs are you moving the chair alright i am moving the chair i think it could hurt you what about this number right here zero three nine eight one six numbers wait that nine is yellow wait one of these things are yellow wait what hold on hold on let me follow this line follow this line level line that way that way that would number two so the second number is nine oh okay okay okay so this box here the the cereal does anyone understand under it under there is red four is red four is red four is red okay okay so red is circle circle go this way four so four is four four four four is four numbers okay i need to figure out which one one is which one one i need to follow the line to one one one blue blue blue which one what color numbers blue zero zero zero zero zero zero okay number two dude this is so sick yellow yellow yellow you're on it you're on it you're on it you're right you're on it nine nine nine nine nine nine oh oh okay nine okay okay number three is green green green three you're on it you're on it it's on that box three and then four is red what's red four i just you broke the face stop it i'm sorry stop breaking stuff okay listen why is there a campbell super wait oh i can inspect it wait why would you directions empty soup into pan okay yeah you can see in the bottom so you can actually hold stuff in your inventory in the bottom left no you can't i'm going to hold this out there i'm going to hold this wheel that's my wing okay so this is a room full of items neat what's in here this is sliding out or side gallery okay so the camera is dead oh yeah [Music] whenever i move it it says first wait oh it does first this way it's facing that way is it this one oh campbell's suit i have a campbell suit hold on this is like a buffalo and the soup can is is in bold hold on okay no that doesn't work that doesn't no that didn't no i don't this one calls for a yellow voss a yellow face did i guys fix it guys hold on we got this face fix it no we got to figure guys we got to fix it we got to fix the base all right we got to fix this guys it literally says face piece beautiful why isn't it working what did you do there we go we got it you fixed it before you fixed it i thought i broke a priceless leg artifact okay so we got that one now we need this one what does this one say um what does it say umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella and this one says okay get the skull in the umbrella skull on the umbrella skull oh umbrella umbrella umbrella guys i got a sword oh gosh don't throw that biffle riffle don't don't who hurt you all right put that there what happens oh eyeballs ew oh that's great there's bananas in here okay let's go mining and acorns that's an acorn right this is a bissell drawer if i've ever seen them okay what is this one oh hold on uh playing cards playing cards playing cards playing cards black cards playing cards playing cards playing cards what does that do if we just opened a bunch oh we gotta keep okay six okay we got five numbers okay whenever you turn this it says one so this is the first number so we just count the eyeballs one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen no one you can't but one digit is it fifteen look look there's two numbers here 16 28 and 1597. but i don't know what that means no but this opened up this opened up eyeballs so the eyeballs have to do something with it but they're green eyes and then there's red eyes and there's purple eyes do we can always look in the bottom left corner of this painting green eyes one two three three four five six seven seven green eyes okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay seven seven first number seven okay i'm gonna move this let me know when it says number two okay hold on keep going keep going keep going keep going what is it going you're going at no point did it say anything at no point did it say two for us did it no the third that's third that's third all right oh you have to like get out second okay look at the picture look at the picture bananas and acorns banana banana right there banana right there in the center do you see the banana three you can barely see the banana on the umbrella yeah if you press z you can zoom in you can zoom in press e all right next one where's three look at it look at it look at it okay so we got we got glasses and we got what is this there's a room it's a birthday it's got to be a room oh there's a broom right there okay one more one dude this is so sick okay okay four look for number four looking for number four one would be the dogs four okay what is in here uh okay so we got poker chips in there with different kinds of poker chips yeah i see red i see blue it's getting more subtle look at the clock look at the clock one two three four four four okay number five so spoons metal spoons and wooden spoon metal spoons there's a metal spoon at the top looking at the top metal spoon how did we know notice how the red check mark hey boys okay okay okay go go go go go go go good boys this is this is the room okay what do we need to do in here all right we got a clock that says 6 30. we got a bunch of spears okay it says oh survive survives in bold okay okay okay all right we got a bunch of we got a bunch of pictures with x's on it okay we can open this drawer oh my i found a lamp that's crazy right we found lamps we found lamps we light up your world ian must mean something here just here take a take take a wheel take a wheel as well it's my wheel down take a wheel i will now am i can i be in your wheel i'm gonna can we we need to inspect these lamps what do they have no one's leaving this room okay oh we're locked in so here this is uh what is this what is this called i forgot what this game is called battleships battleships battleships what is this okay we have do we have du daho ugh don adon and corty okay we have look at this map right here a b c d f g h and then it's like uh it's like we can battle we can put the mask here oh what is this a whole bunch of numbers a bunch of numbers on it wait is this one of those locks where you have to pull out the the right doors the right books look on the side oh it unlocks it we got to get the right combination with these books guys you keep doing that i'm going to look here look over here in the window oh there's a mask there we need a key we need a key to get that mask we're going to need three masks why can't we just wait i can open this i can open this another glass here catch guys i got this i got catch i can't see what's going on i got this yeah we'll just you're trying to break it what is this this is a music disc wait whoa i have a vinyl i got a vinyl this is a vital player over there go play it on that one okay here we go oh i got a key hey let's do the waltz i've always wanted to waltz with you that's waltz or walton okay so we got that okay we have the next mask now we need the last mask oh my gosh that is so loud it's got like a little thing on the side it says like a little oh this one's from africa oh australia oh there's a there's a flat earth globe over here wait what it looks pretty round to me to be honest i don't that's not how that works wait wait hold on it says coordination australia is d-h-o hold on go to the thing australia dho if i put the australian mask there wait crap did i throw it after you okay this one is africa okay is there is there a point on africa reading reading cordy gordy courty morning morning put on the other ogdon okay so i'll put that there so now we need oog which is uh south america guys i found an envelope it's under the book sick for this oh no boys boys one thing now we need a mask we need to find a mask how are we supposed to i don't know look everywhere look maybe in here i'm looking under the chairs i got a mask i got a mask i got a mask it was it was in the storage room it was in the storage room we didn't see it okay if i put this here what happens uh wait take it off no i heard it the letters light up look at the letters one then the first number is one okay boys boys boys boys we gotta get this we gotta get this so this looks like a battleship board right this is a battleship board and i have a bunch of pegs okay oh we need to figure out where to where these are where where these are the coordinates of these things are right and i have one red peg oh i found one the red one the red one is that one here yeah red one so we need to find this on this big map the red one or just all of them all of them but i'm gonna do the red one first okay so that one has a little hump with in water is it e2 is it e2 guys i'll be right back oh right there e two yeah that's right there that's right there because you can see that lines okay e2 red goes to e two okay let's find this one let's find this one okay so it's like a it's like a peninsula of water do you want me to find him and call it out yeah where is it where's that one uh i think that one right there right there right there yeah yeah right there right there what is that d4 e4 there we go okay this next one it's a little thingy it goes up this way okay it's right there this one is b by b five b five b five b oh yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right okay five b okay this last one okay so this one it has water surrounding the right side and the top side it's got double double peninsulas double peninsulas into the water guys uh are you illiterate right here what where where it's g7 or g6 it's flipped upside down literally flipped upside down it's flipped upside down how did biffle figure that out he's literally is my brain g6 g6 all right g6 here we go g6 oh we got a magnifying glass okay let me inspect this oh d7 it says d7 on it wait seven seven d seven seven it's like the little one it's snapping to it wait what happened wait enhance nine it says nine pull the nine in pull the knight three nine did it we've used this we used all of this we used that we used the masks we used the desk the last thing is this an african scroll depicting a battle in the chaos of the fight it is difficult to tell who will survive to live another day survive is in bold we're looking for a number how do we get a number from the word survive so i'm guessing we're gonna have to spell something with this my brain hurts if all of these people are in a battle uh-huh ah which one okay okay okay okay okay here's what i'm thinking here's what i'm thinking here's what i'm thinking that's what i'm thinking you see how like look at these middle two right like the the ring put the put the ring on it and then one to the left that one with the ring is gonna kill this left one oh this one is not surviving yeah that one right there right and then this one this one to the left of that is about to throw a spear at the one to the top left so that one is not going to survive wait so wait wait oh but that guy with the ring he's about to die from the guy top middle yeah he's fine he's about to die so maybe we have to figure out who's going to survive oh top left is dying yeah 100 the next one is dying to the top left throwing a spear at his back yeah yeah now this o with a point in the middle there is nothing pointing at him no nothing no he's not so he survives what i said so what letter is that f f f f okay so write it down write it down write it down if i wrote it down i read it i read it a minute come on oh that comment okay this dude's dying this dude's dying because that's spear dying uh is this dude dying the the the c looking one uh no no the eight's the h the h h oh the h guy is dying uh no he's not because that's where he's pointing down yeah he's four h okay what is the h oh oh do you need to be any closer to it when you reach i'm sorry i'm deaf i'm deaf i can't see apparently it's oh it's over here okay so it's always so it's oh oh oh okay i think i know i think i know i think i know so is it this dude's dead this dude's dead this dude's dead from this guy down here throwing an axe at the back of his head i'm gonna go break more things this guy's dead to this one they're stabbing him in the leg is this guy dead yes is this one dead wait which one are you looking at which one yeah the hourglass hourglass tower glass hourglass is dead from the h the hourglass is dead from the eighth right right goes to the angles okay is the the e the three is the three dead from the x from the x the x is killing the three okay what about the the upside down fish fish is dying to uh this one is dying to this one the other one is dying to this one he's got a spear going straight for his abdomen this one is not dying to anything you're right is that an r it's an r four four four that means four okay so if we if we pull the book because that one said four we gotta pull five okay nope that didn't work no three pull three no that's not no is there four oh [Music] [Applause] button and subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,601,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _DeT3t4AyDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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