My First VFX Using Blender 4.0 ! - Here is How I Made It

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[Music] it's time to show you every single step I follow to get this result by the way if you want to follow along I will leave the links you need to create this down below for this you will need one glasses which I modeled in blender to one footage from backs and two Adams and I'm going to show you during the video all right guys so first thing we got to do is imporing or screenshot or your Fage Intel or fspy software so basically what I'm going to do I'm going to open the footage and then as I didn't converted it I am going to do differently I'm going to just press shift command uh five to take a a screenshot and then I'm going to do it over here and now it's time to import this I can use one one screenshots there are absolutely no problem so I had already imported it and here we go it's simple right now it's pretty simple guys so as you can see now we have our line guide so basically what we need to do here we got to just pick this dots over here and then start placing them in the right place actually uh these red ones are or xx's if I'm not wrong I don't think you have the facilities for that bigman yeah yeah that's xaxis as you can see here so now we can just start placing our yxes just like I am doing right now so I'm going to use this street this street here as a reference yeah in this case these streets because we have more than one so we can just use this one as our reference as well I can just you know try to be more accurate here and then yeah here we go that's that's fine and as you can see we have some I really forgot the name of it do not judge my English but follow Portuguese so guys I really just forgot this but it's one kind of gizmo right so I can just place this um all over my image all over this screenshot just to see if it fits properly and now you're going to understand it we can go to 3D guide and then select here XY GD floor and now we have total control of it this is really really nice isn't it because basically the function of fsp is reading all the image and then track the footage to us basically that's it so basically that's it you just need to press command and s in order to save your FS by file so you know as I'm doing here I can just go here in my files for example and just import it you know like uh footage one I don't know footage one can be and then clicking save so now it's time to install our fsy Addam it's pretty easy and you can find some tutorial on YouTube so all right now so it's time to check if your add-on is working properly so go to edit and then go to preferences and here you just need to write f s SP and then you can see that my add-on is working already import export import FSI project so that's it go to file and then go to import and fspy now it's time to find your fsp file that you saved before so here we go we have our image here so now it's just you know we just needed to choose the right mesh to start work in here or to start working so I'm going to delete this Cube and then press shift a and add one mesh so I'm going to add one plane um tap r in order to just rotate this object and press X so now I can just um write 90 in order to you know make it more accurate and you know yeah sometimes it's you know we need to handle with mathematics so that's it and then now it's just time to place this correal here and uh yeah because as you can see we have this Sprint scream here so we don't have the F the footage yet so we can just you know press Tab and just you know put all of this adds here in the right place select this here as well mhm that's see I can just you know make this quite better just because this is not the best ever so we can just you know improve this and place all of them just like so and here as well you know take your time and make it as better as you can so you know it's your project by the way so we are going to just to you know select this face here and then it's time to scale this all right so if we scale this no first of all press e to extrude it and then press s to scale all right so I am going to be really thankful at the end end of the this video and give all shout out to two people who helped me creating this and I hope you guys just go check their YouTube channel so let's get back here and then I'm going to just you know press X and delete this uh main faces here and now it's time to it's time to just you know select this face and click e to extrude the zoom and so as you can see now we have everything working properly you know working and following the information that fsbi gave to us so basically this is the main thing so now what I'm going to do I I could you know just go to render mode to see what's going on what how my lights are working so I can just move to Cycles here select this light for example and then just you know play around have fun to you know understand what's going on what's going on yes in this case I'm not uh yeah let's work with light and lights uh lights a little bit so I'm going to just change this value here to 100 or something 100's pretty cool I mean I am redoing this with you guys so yeah what I'm going to do I'm going to press Tab and I'm going to select all of these faces here go to material and then click assign basically we need to create a new one and then now I can just write here um hold out for example because we are going to use this s or hold out so hold out and then now we can just assign it and then here in surface we can just find hold out it's pretty cool now we have one object which is hold hold out but there is something wrong here we going to press common C and then I am going to select all of these faces going to the side view and then I can just keep all of them selected and then I'm going to create another material so I'm going to plus here in the Plus icon and click in new and I'm going to create main as the main material all right so now I am going to just click in a sign and change the color a little bit to really recognize what I am doing so next step is just go to holdout again and then change it to holdout and now as you can see our Cube this is for me is the most satisfying part because you're just creating one mask in blender without doing too much this is crazy I mean I'm going to just change this color here because I didn't like it at all so yeah I think this is pretty cool again this is your projects take your time and do what you want to do all right second part guys I am going to import already and then we are going to work in this here to see if it's showing on my render but I'm going to import here my um glasses and I'm gonna let this available to you so all right guys I already have my glasses here so I'm GNA just press zero and then start putting this you know this glasses in front of my Cube so in front of my room actually you know so we just changed it a little bit so I'm going to just place this here and you know I don't need to do a lot of stuff here because we need to track this food footage first so I am going to just you know create everything we need to create the same result I mean approximately the same result that we created before so now shift a and add um mosphere so I'm going to just create uh click with the right button and then choose chades move in this case I'm going to just apply super diffusion modifier and then in level support I'm going to place it let this in two so I just want to you know organize them and just create all of this material so I just need to go back to solid or to material preview so I can just create the materials that I need in this case I'm going to create something like pinkish or you know I'm going to just press shift T to duplicate it and then choose purple uh duplicate it here and then choose another color in this case can be this blue just to make it differently yeah that's fine two balls all right two balls is totally fine one and three in this case I'm going to just click in one and just to see if everything is working properly and I'm going to select the glasses and just place them over here it's pretty cool and this I'm going to just click in I'm just going to type threee and then put the puls over here see yeah that's totally fine go to all and look this is almost the final result that we are going to achieve when we finish this VFX shots it's pretty cool and now guys it's time to talk about the geot tracker note it's pretty simple to download it's the same process as fsp I'm going to leave one tutoral available in the description so you just need to click the link down below all right guys so with your geot tracker installed you can check in preference if it's working just go here and search for geo in this case it's going to show to you it's going to appear to you face Vier AG go geot tracker so that's it that's what we want and then here you can find in this tab create new uh geot tracker so in this case I'm going to select the clip that we downloaded from uh pxel so just let me find this yeah this one load clip and that's fine and here in this case we just need to to select one of this um materials this meshes that we created oh my god do let me yes BL bam took a year to figure that out so now I'm going to select glasses advertisement. fspi so uh as you can see uh here we got a small problem so guys in this case when this happens in your composition you just need to go to fume here in render you go to fume and then click in transparent this see everything is working properly now if you already did one uh an analysis cache so it you don't need to do it again so in my case I just need to click here in analyze and then after that after analyzing you will see that you will be able to create your track points your track camera so that's it that's what we're going to do next all right guys it's done as you can see here um so now it's time just to select your camera and click in start Bean mode after you're clicking start Bean mode you see this kind of Arrow Here track to end track forward so that's exactly what you're are going to do and this part is so satisfying oh my gosh this is so satisfying oh my goodness what's going on all right guys that's it I just need to click here in asit mode and then as you can see if we just go back to our footage and select for example solid we can see that our track camera is working and it is so nice so nice brother and that's it just check this out this is really nice isn't it of course I didn't anim made everything here and now it's everything that we are going to focus on so basically we need everything here I'm going to select material preview and then I'm going to select This Plane here and click in Tad and select This Plane here in the back and press shift d duplicate it move this forward a little bit as a glasses SL do do remember not glasses as a glass oh that's that's that's it guys so I'm going to create one Qui key frame at the very beginning all right so I'm going to just you know and one thing I forgot doing is press p and separate by selection so now as you can see I created another another object you know so now I have my glasses and I'm going to click double click here and create glass and then I'm I'm going to place it in 90 and now it's time to create another key frame ah thank God this is so good that's it guys so animate here to the back to the top of your box I could say your room and then that's it this is the animation that we have I'm going to select this glasses here and then as you going to see I used this empty to manipulate to move your match so it's going to be easier all right to animate so I'm going to create one key frame over here let me see if I'm moving if I'm moving this correctly I'm going to create one here in 40 and in minity I am going to create another key frame just like so it's pretty cool just let me see if I want to play around with this I can just you know put this in 120 but I want to you know introduce the concept to you guys and show you that it's not hard as you think so 40 and here in 80 I'm going to create another key key frame in rotation just like like so this is pretty cool I mean that one I liked that one yeah this rotation here I am going to just add one key frame in zero and then another one in 150 in this case it's going to be something like that it's pretty cool and let me see what's going on yeah it's pretty cool like we we can have fun with this and select all of them or just you know separate here for example and go to editor graph editor and you know just have fun and of course guys we can spend a lot of time here and you know as I told you this is one animation that is making that that you were making for you so it's your project right so in this case we're going just to animate the glass here and yeah that's it I can just you know create another rotation here just going to Z zero for example and then create another key frame here let me see yeah I'm going to just place this key frame over here and guys here in graphic editor you just need to be careful right so if you are just you know trying to create the break a little bit smoother I can just you know drag this and you can just open this tab and see what you are doing so and we have another one that is POS position so I'm going to just select this Frame the Y rotation then I'm going to make it Smo right here I'm going to increase the velocity and then the the brake goes down and the rotation I'm going to do differently I'm going to select this one and then I am going to make something cool here I'm going to select this one and place this here to increase The Brak and I am going to increase the velocity at the beginning of the animation yeah this is cool and then go back and then turn back to the room just let me see it's quite fast you know because it's big so we just need to have this value in our mind like okay it's a big thing so it doesn't move like too fast so that's it so now I'm going to add another key frame here and I'm going to place my glasses is back to the room and create another key frame here so as you can see you have something just like that and I'm going to pick this one here and just PL place this at the middle and create Ice moer Break let's see what's going on so nice I liked the resuit of course we can and you can as well spend a lot of time doing it and it's pretty cool as you can see rotate and one thing that I didn't like here it's that we have the glasses turning back too early so that's it so I just moved a little bit and then we have the glasses moving back so I'm going to just put this a little bit forward and then yeah that's pretty fine let's see this is SM is smother than that yes so now guys I can just go to render again and then you you know just have fun with the materials a little a little bit so in this case I'm going to just select EV to render a little bit faster and I'm going to select the glasses go to shaded editor and then go to metallic and just play around with it so I can go to Cycles to see the result better I can just decrease the alpha I made something wrong this is the main but I just need to create another yeah that's it let me see decrease the roughness yeah I just duplicate ated here the color and then as you can see if I go back to the very beginning and decrease the alpha you can see that we are getting one kind of mirror material and that's exactly what we are looking for and in this case in ir and now you can have fun as much as you want so in here in transmission I can just you know leave this at the very middle and then and I used one material here so if you were beginning my advice to you is you don't need to struggle too much to get a good result and in this case we are going just you know work with the um green color and then you can add another material if you want all right so basically we have some balls to animate as well so we are going just to animate these balls and then you can finish your animation as you want all right so basically guys we are going to you know place this balls over here go to one to see what's going on where they are coming [Music] from so yeah that's it I am going to select this one and then I'm going to create one key frame here going to object and then create one key frame and then go to Tree in my viewport and then just you know create another key frame here and then I can just create another one going to the space that's crazy that's crazy let's see what's going on yeah that's fine I can just you know place this two key frames a little bit forward just you know make it not too faster let's see he hit the glasses that's not good so we just need to come here and then you know just you could use this um as [Music] um see yeah that's cool but I I just want you you [Music] know I would like to create something better here let's see let's see yes it's better isn't it passing in front of the glasses so in this case I'm going to just you know delete that second ball and we are going to keep with this guy I here so yeah that's exactly what we have so let's say that you want to add more details you can feel free and do it as I did using some flowers and just putting them in the floor on the floor so it's pretty cool and then guys just be careful with one thing um at going to the very end of our animation we need to go to world and select our environment texture because in this case you just got to be careful as I was with our background image or ADR image because the reflection is going to be placed in our mirror so we we just need to be careful with that all right guys so we are halfway done so basically this tutorial is divided into six steps as I wrote here tracking H camera Tri object animation lightning compositing and render so now what we're going to do um every I think a few things is are going to be a little bit different just because I didn't save the project so be careful press control s or Comm s if you're using one iMac to save your project do not forget doing it so basically guys what I am going to do first of all I am going to click here in world and then clicking open in download I'm going to search for ATR in this case I already download load and I'm going to just leave one link available in the description so you can get the same HR image as me so I'm going to click in this one and then in strength I'm going to just put the value around 0.60 this is pretty good and I saw some bad result here I mean it it is it is one kind of bad animation I could say so I'm going to just go back to solid and select or empty in this case I'm going to just come here in this key frame and then I am going to change the key frame a little bit just because I saw that the glasses is kind of into the room so it's it's quite strange so as you can see here in material preview if I just move forward a little bit Yeah you can see but I can see this in Cycles just let me um I'm going to just let the render the the blender render a little bit and you can see yeah it's pretty cool let me see hold on to go back to camera view you just need to press uh zero right so there's something working but it's not working properly because as you can see going to the side view clicking three um the glass is actually the glass is not hitting the the glass the mirror I could say I I I was thinking like okay I think there's something hitting here but there's nothing yeah that's fine go back to camera and then now it's time to create our lightning so it's pretty cool we already used World in this case and um I'm going to just I'm going to just finish this tutorial guys just you know adjusting the lightning and you know how how we're going to set the strength of it so we're going to turn back to world and then yeah we can go to to render view again and then just let me put here 0.40 and then we can press shift a and then add one light here and add one area so we're going just turn to solid turn back to solid and then start placing this area in some place that it can make sense as we draw as we D Drew before so let's see what's what's going on here and I'm going to just you know move this a little bit just to you know get the best result as possible I'm going to just decrease the power a little bit just let me see all right guys so now it's time to work with compositing if you never used compositing before it's pretty simple you can just you know adjust your color grading and you know yeah basically that's it so now uh when you move to uh compositing you won't see this here CU let me delete it and so you basically arrive here and you won't see anything just like so so basically what you need to do you just need to click here and use nodes and you're going to see these two nodes and then press shift a insert you are going to search for move clip yeah that's this so I'm going to put the move clip here click in open and just find our footage that we imported to blender as well so now we have image here and then shift a and uh search for Alpha over and I'm going to put Alpha over here and we can plug this image here and this image over here and then image into this composite node as well so I'm going to press shift a and search for viewer and as you can see I think we are going to be able to see what's going on and that's it we have our footage here and uh sometimes blender takes a few seconds a few minutes to render everything so you won't see the room that we animating here sometimes and this happens to me just because you know I'm using on iMac and iMac is pretty pretty cool to create this kind of Animation but it's not the best computer but thank God thank God for for this computer I am really Frank thankful so guys after that what you're going to do you are going to set your render here you can just you know just to add to a few things that you should know is that you can just adjust like okay I'm going to just go back to layout and and see what is going on if I just turn back to compositing nothing is going on yet but I can just you know add if I want shift a and add for example glare to make it more realistic and in this case I can add another thing for example another node H saturation and value and just plug this into and at you know at at the middle of them between them so between glare and between Alpha over and I I know why it's not appearing nothing here it's it's really strange but if I click here and click in render image and if I wait a little bit just to be rendered then probably in compositing you can see your uh render working properly all right so next step that you need to do is go to render your animation as the best part isn't it for me is the best part at least so to get better result of course you going to use Cycles I mean in my opinion right you can use EV but in this case Cycles can handle the mirror that we are trying to create the material mirror material that we trying to create it's it's better my opinion it's better so in few parts you can just decrease this value to 128 it's not it's not too serious and render you know like if your computer is like mine sometimes I I can just you know set this in 100 the value in 100 or in this case if you want something faster you can set this in 60 for Max sample handers and then you can just you know try to render this as many times as you want until you get the best result as possible all right guys so basically one thing that I got to remember you is that you need to be careful with your hold out materials because in this case we are using some faces as our hold out so this is the perfect example because we have one face here so we just needed to select this edge here and then just put this up that's totally fine and then as you can see it's everything working properly on our rendered view all right guys so after 30 minutes of video we are done so I hope you guys enjoyed it and do not forget to subscribe on my YouTube channel I think this is the best example of of what blender is capable of doing so using visual effects to you know get people attention and use it as an advertisement can be a good strategy to any business so I hope you guys enjoy it and again do not forget to subscribe see you in the next video
Channel: Audrey Art
Views: 53,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, vfxwithblender, VFX, vfxart, vfxartist, VFXTUTORIAL, blendertutorial, b3dtutorial, blenderanimationtutorial, blender4.0, b3d4.0, CGI, CGITUTORIAL, CGIforbeginners
Id: jcNIK_pZ9no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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