Four Secrets To Winning on Slot Machines • The Jackpot Gents

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hi i'm steve bourie and i am the author of the american casino guide book and i'm matt borate I'm the editor of the american casino guide book and our video today is for secrets to winning on slot machines most people when they go to a casino they're gonna end up playing a slot machine actually in the united states the average casino makes about seventy percent of its profits off the slot machines now most people know how to play a slot machine you just put your money in you push the button pull the handle or whatever so so they they know how it works but but they want to know how to win more often that the one question we get more often from people most often from people is how do you win more often on a slot machine so today we're gonna give you our four secrets for winning on slot machines now what you got to understand before we go into this is at the end of the day a slot machine is just a computer that is programmed to pay out less money than it takes in in the long run anything can happen in the short run but in the long run you're not gonna win money on a slot machine so these tips are going to help you or money last longer because the longer you play the more chances you have of hitting a jackpot and hitting a jackpot is probably how you're going to come out ahead when you leave on a slot machine alright so number one is to always join the Players Club and you'll see a lot of bad information all over the internet and especially in our comment section you'll see it where people say oh don't join the Players Club it's a sucker thing to do because if you happen to win money and you're playing on your players club they're gonna know that you hit a jackpot and then they're going to somehow flip a switch and and set the the slot machines to just take all of your money back as soon as you put your Players Club Card and they're just gonna know that it's set to take back all your money and that's not the case that's that's just that's not how casinos work in the long run casinos know that they have the edge they're gonna make money in the long run you've heard the saying the house always wins they know that we know that so all they want to do is just get people to play as long as they can and you'll get the reason we tell you to join the Players Club because you'll get a lot of bonuses after you play and it'll make your play more worth it yeah what you want to do is try and cut down the casino edge on on any game you play so if you play slot machines its casinos love slot machine players because because they make most of their money off of those players so what they'll do is they'll rebate back to you some of your expected losses see these are all theoretical but in in real life it's pretty close the expected outcome over a long period we always say the long term you know the casinos going to expect to win a certain amount of money and therefore they'll rebate back to you money in in the way of free play to let you play for free on the games so whatever you can do by using that free play it's going to cut down on the casino advantage so you anytime you cut down the casino advantage it's good and you want to be able to stay in action as long as you can number one because it's fun if you're going to the casino and you lose you're you know you lose all your money in 15 minutes and that's not much fun you can go in a casino and your money lasts for a couple of hours well you can have a lot of fun you'll have you know winning sessions and you go down you go up and your bankroll is all over and and you're and you're getting bonus rounds and you're having fun so the idea is to have some fun but you want to you want to be able to take advantage of the free play that they give you to lower the casino advantage against you and you're not gonna be able to do that unless you join the Players Club because that's gonna track all your play and that's gonna let the casino know how much you've played and how much they should rebate back to you plus the other thing is you'd be eligible for other other freebies I'll give you yes you know they'll give you a free show tickets free buffet give you free rooms free meals all sorts of stuff right so and if you were gonna go stay at the hotel it would cost you money so again these are things that will help you cut down on the casinos advantage by rebounding to you cash or also some of these free gifts or food items that you can always use now tip number two is to set a budget the worst thing that you can do is say you're going to Vegas and you're gonna be there for three days and you set aside thousand dollars you said oh I've got a thousand dollars I can gamble with the worst thing you can possibly do is blow that thousand dollars all in the first day I mean it happens people go to Vegas they get all caught up and all the lights and signs and all that and they just they lose track and just blow all their money right up front and then there's what you can do for the last two days if you lost all your gambling money yeah and you want to be realistic with with the budget that you said if you have a thousand dollars they're gonna be in Vegas for three days I don't think you want to be playing $5 slot machines I don't even think you want to be playing one dollar slot machines you might be able to make with quarter slot machines but more realistically probably nickel or even penny slot machines so you want to set a budget and don't go chasing comps but by this we mean you know if you're a quarter player don't go to play in dollar slots because the comps are gonna be better yes the council be better but your expected loss is is higher also so you want to set a budget and with this budget you know that gambling is entertainment basically that's what it is if you were to go out to say a concert or something you spend a hundred fifty dollars in a concert or you went to a football game you know you don't have anything tangible to show for it all you have is the the thrill of the experience of going to this event so gambling is the same thing you're paying for the experience so but but the other thing is with gambling you might actually win money where if you if you go to a concert or a game of some kind you're not gonna win money so it's it's the idea is to have some fun and to be realistic about it you really need to set a budget and stay within the parameters of that budget yeah and tip number three is don't always bet the max coins there are some some times you should bet max coins and there sometimes you shouldn't for instance if you're playing on one of these penny slot machines that have these crazy wide-area progressives where you can win millions of dollars you're gonna want to bet the max coins because if you're not betting the max coins you're just building up that that progressive jackpot for somebody else to win can you imagine if you're sitting there on a mega bucks machine and Max bet is three credits and you're only betting two credits and you hit the three gold Eagles or whatever it is to win the ten million dollar progressive but instead of winning ten million dollars you win a thousand dollars and it's happened yeah it's happened a lot and you would you'd be pretty upset I would think yeah mm-hmm and when it comes to games with bonus rounds what you want to do is make sure you bet enough to be eligible for the bonus round now you don't always have to bet max coin in order to be eligible for the bonus round it depends on the game and I would say most games you don't need to bet max coins usually if you just bet one perp a line and cover all the pay lines won't one coin on each pay line you're eligible for the bonus round now these bonus rounds are very important for two reasons number one is when you're in a bonus round you're not betting any money the Machine you're playing it for free so you're having fun there in a time period or it's not costing you any money on the machine because the more money you put through the machine the more your expected losses are so this will cut down on your expected losses so so number one make sure you're betting enough to be eligible for that bonus round so when you go into these bonus rounds you're not spending more money and number two on these machines that they're really to payback percentages there's a payback percentage on the bonus and there's also a payback percentage on the base game so let's say a machine is 88% while the base game may be 80% and the bonus adds an additional 8% to the payback of that game so if you don't bet enough money to be eligible for the bonus round on on a game with the bonus feature then you'll you'll never be able to achieve the highest payback percentage on that machine so if you're only then you know 5 5 5 lines and it's a 20 line machine the highest payback percentage you could get on that machine would be 80% but if you were to bet enough you bet 20 and covered all the pay lines you could bring it up to 88% so now these are theoretical examples but but that's how the machines work now that the numbers might be slightly different depending on the machine but that's how it works so make sure you bet enough to be eligible for those bonus rounds it's very important and it differs from machine to machine on what you actually have to do to be eligible for these bonus rounds and if you're not sure the easiest thing to do is to go into the you can just go into the game rules and look like if you're on the slot machine generally down in the bottom corner there's a button that either says see rules or SI pays and if you just hit that and there'll be multiple pages a lot of times you'll have to hit the next page button to get to where you need but it will tell you in there exactly what you need to do or how much you need to bet to be eligible for the bonus rounds so make sure if you're not familiar with a slot machine make sure you hit that button and read through to see exactly how much you need to bet to be eligible yeah very good advice and number four our final tip for winning on slot machines is just like on the roads speed kills now when we say speed kills we mean that the faster you play the machine the more money you're putting through the machine and the more money you're expected to lose so if there's anything you can do to slow down your rate of play that's a good idea yeah because and like we said earlier playing on a slot machine is a negative expectation game it's a negative expectation you know you're gonna lose money in the long run so if you're playing a game that slot machine that has a 90% payback that means that for every hundred dollars you're betting through in the long run you're gonna lose ten dollars and whether you if you're betting a hundred spins an hour on a dollar machine and you're only betting $100 an hour versus if you're just sitting there smashing the button as fast as you can and you're doing I don't know four or five times that you could probably do four hundred five hundred dollars an hour on the same machine versus a hundred dollars an hour yeah you're getting more spins in but chances are your money is not going to last as long if you're playing a hundred dollars an hour versus if you're playing five hundred dollars or you're gonna go through your money much faster yeah if you put twice as much money through in an hour your your theoretical loss is supposed to be is expected to be twice as high now the other thing it's sometimes you'll see people push the button and then you know they won't wait for the reals to stop they'll push the button again to stop the reals now that doesn't do anything to change the outcome the outcome whether you whether you let those reals continue to spin until they stop or if you push it right away the outcome will be the same once you push the spin button on the machine the random number generator chooses a combination and then it's going to show you the corresponding real stops and in the in the window so it doesn't matter some people say oh well I I know I can push this and I can stop it with a winning combination no you can't because once you push that button the the outcome will be the same whether you stop the reals early or you just let them go so you're better off just let him go because it'll slow down your rate of play yeah and then back on the speed kill subject the worst thing you can possibly do speed wise which you'll see sometimes in a casino especially if there's a big promo going on or just on normal days you know is if somebody's straddling two machines and playing two machines at once and just sitting there and not only are they cuz if you're play if you're playing two machines at once you can't pay attention to them both at the time at the same time you know generally if you're betting two machines you're not only are you betting twice as much money because you're playing on two slot machines instead of one but you're also gonna be probably hitting the button just speed it up because you can't you can't sit there and watch all the reels lock in place on both machines at once so you're gonna be hammering it away really you're gonna probably end up playing four times as much money through as instead of just twice as much yeah the other thing you could do is if hear that if you're there with a friend rather than both of you playing two machines at the same time you know it'd be partners and and the two of you can sit there I'm on one machine and you root for each other so you're not both playing and you know you could share in the in the fun of playing and you're not playing quite as fast when your money will last longer all right so those were our top four tips for the secrets to winning on slot machines but I just want to throw a little caveat in here you know Steve mentioned earlier that playing slot machines in a casino is you do it for entertainment purposes you know it's the same thing as going spending $200 in a slot machine at a casino is the same thing as going to a concert in spending $200 but you'll see if you walk through the casino you'll see people doing all sorts of superstitious things like knocking on the four corners before they hit the spin button or whatever their superstition is you know wearing their lucky socks or having their lucky keychain with them and you know in the long run that's not gonna affect how you're whether you win money or lose money you know but it the one thing it is going to change is you having fun and at the end of the day you you can't be sitting in a casino being miserable if you're doing that you shouldn't be in a casino you should be in a casino if you're going to be playing slots you should have fun doing it so whether if you have any superstitions like if you like to knock on the four corners or knock on certain reels while they're still spinning or if you like trying to hit the stop button to lock in the reels at a specific point you know really do whatever you want as long as it's letting you have fun yeah the bottom line is to have fun when you go to the casino hopefully some of these tips will be good for you to help you stretch your bankroll so you can stay in action longer and hopefully come out a winner in the end all right so that does it for our four secrets to winning on slot machines video if you liked it please give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe so that you never miss any of our other great videos and drop a comment down below and let us know what you thought of our tips if you liked them if you hated them if you think we're idiots you know yeah thanks very much for watching and best wishes for good luck in the casinos don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to slash american casino guide you
Channel: The Jackpot Gents
Views: 2,162,889
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Keywords: steve bourie, casino gambling, casinos, how to gamble, slot machines, slot machine secrets, how to win at slots, slot machine, how to win at slot machines, slot machine bonus, beating casino, how to win at the casino, slot machines how to win and how they work, slot machines tricks, slot machines that pay the best, slot machines explained, slot machine tips, how to win at slot machines every time, how to win at slot machines in a casino, how to win at slot machines in vegas
Id: issJG869qe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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