My First Steak Competition

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue I'm Jeremy odor and today we're getting ready for a steak competition and so I'm over at my buddy Jay's house from barbacoa boys we're going to be competing together tomorrow here we are tonight testing everything out of a lot of blood ship steaks I mean what had too many steaks and we're gonna try a million different ways and the one that's the best is the way we're going to try it tomorrow [Music] you want to catch down to the fillets then I think we need to try one rib eye in the catch matter its ruling them have some like crazy I D like and one of the sirloins I want to actually cover it and rub and then if that's okay maybe travelers everybody would just refugee already I maybe we should do some fillets for the philosophers [Music] huh and it's a yellow work because of all the grass supposed to be good for you better for you yeah and I'm happy to believe that I'm not going to question or dig into it really deeply literally so if I can eat the Kerrygold butter and leave that it's better for me yeah it's gonna be better and the same with eggs right that are like you know we used to raise chickens knives broke out and they would leave the barn in the morning and go what wandering around the woods and the fields and stuff and eat bugs and like a giraffe and then it would come back at night new lay eggs and the eggs like the yolks were a dark orange almost red even sometimes wow those look great you heard of these yes where's Walt no this is the oh geez man this fan was like 150 years old is it really yeah that's how they made him back then Wow [Music] alright guys so I got this pique grill at the BBQ HQ one over there and bought one when got the pique grill because a lot of people swear by it and so we're really going to put it through its paces tonight we're gonna cook some sirloins which is what I eat all the time and some filet mignon and then a bunch of rib eyes that we're going to be using in the competition so we'll put it through its paces and let you know what you think dude those look good Oh white you filet mignon now for the competition but the real question is why not those are pretty I'm really curious to see about this dry aged beef fat though so the master chef and cooking the plays is Jay from barbacoa boys you may recognize him from some of the other videos that I've done and so he's got a killer way to make them and I cannot wait to eat him yeah there we go we're just doing nice and simple salt and pepper butter sear with garlic little rosemary was spoon it on in the end should be pretty good Oh mouse is watering it's starting to smell it too so I'm excited we're gonna have an obscene amount of steak at the end of this but I'm not mad that's right these like this pitch good I'm thinking maybe this is how we do these rib eyes man thank you all right the practice filet mignon in the reading right now it's obviously not the cup we're going to be cooking tomorrow but the crust you get like butter and garlic infused in in the little cracks it's out of sight good this is killer what's up buddy what's up guys oh it's Jeremy - what's happening guys tomorrow is our where you guys at - tomorrow is our steak cook-off it's so J date from the barbacoa boys and Jeremy from mad scientist BBQ look at that you guys are crushing it so obviously Jeremy being the mad scientist he has he's got this thing broken down at every data-driven analysis in order to cook a rib eye steak you know it's practice right here Wow look at that a charcoal nice I see some freaks done steaks we're gonna track quite a bit I think we got almost 20 teams tomorrow so it'll it'll be good $1,000 first place of a film you guys right you guys might have some money on your name so hopefully see oh yeah yeah he wakes up one time team team whoever might show up so anyway cool and we got a we got the big twin eagles trailer I hope you saw splinter out that thing that thing's that thing stood away up back and just ready to go tomorrow so he was practicing earlier - yeah so alright guys we'll see tomorrow okay man see you tomorrow all right this works Ariel had a keen idea so I thought why not take some great feedback and render it down and use that instead of butter and so my thought was we're gonna go select all the steaks another we're going to bride tomorrow so they're gonna bring the mistakes to the state competition so it's as fair as possible but I was thinking if we could be the only team to get dry aged steak flavor on our steak it could set us apart and maybe he put us over the edge and allowed us to win so we're gonna test it out now and if it's great we're gonna repeat it again tomorrow [Music] party foul your dog didn't eat a steak this is test number one cook this on the Komodo and we smeared a bunch of rub all over it and we're gonna see what that's like see how that compares to salt and pepper taking a bite from the the cap spinalis spray that's where the judges eat from indeed all right here we go very good don't know we'd ever get the salt mm-hmm I can see why they do rub if it's just one bite yeah wouldn't want it on the whole state yeah if we had to see I think we're in business my guess is the level of doneness we need them yeah so visually more sheer yeah flavors pretty we just got that crust on the outside I think it's pretty good no I think that rubs Devon money why thank you Jane again we've got a better thing about charcoal that open flames you don't lose your eyebrows I legitimately have like half the hair on this arm that I do on this arm yeah give it a shot you'd attract over the top saw pepper butter alright there's too salty but I love everything else dude that's good yeah we actually got this here on this one that's the difference no that's everything surrendering 450 degrees overnight [Music] right now we're turning a mistake and got some bacon rendering down here we're gonna use that bacon fat oh it could be the secret weapon but we don't know dried fat and then not so great and wasn't bad but you just didn't really show up at his dried flavor well one thing I noticed and some of the others though was that that was forcing like this banal list like roll over no and then I think that was maybe cooking more than the center what do you think let's try with that okay ideally we would have started this at like noon and then maybe we could have done each one thoughtfully okay pretty good all right anything is screaming hi - I like it there's my Pappy used to say looking pretty good in length maybe yeah okay we're just gonna we're just gonna do that time off you got mark I think that's the way to do it all in one time yes yes so pretty troubling baking but let's see if the steak is melt in your mouth it's here okay all right all right my mom again judges here we go looks about medium my piece next year maybe a little bit more right there that's pretty good that's it that's pretty good I think that's the perfect combination of everything oh yeah the bacon that's what it was like it's it's got like the fat has a different Matthew was the bacon because different fat I mean that's everything I want to say it's pretty good man I'm not asking you to say you can't beat that with a stick I think this is the exact level of doneness that we're gonna want right all right I think we got a game plan for awhile and we need to get some sleep sir a tip that you oh yeah hey good good my name we didn't finish practices until like 1:00 a.m. that's like the mistakes keep getting better and better it's actually I'm still like the old judges that's the point thing it's like yeah and we'll change color when he is pull off a whole hog open it up there's an alligator in there but it's then put like wood in this mouth you got to put like a chicken or a duck or something like I just I got to I got to have your big ol Crocodile Dundee knife though yeah yeah I read that video that's not a knife that's enough yeah Arvin just turned me on to your videos this morning Oh watching the kosher daddy's a rig and that plan I feel like poppers dude you're competing yeah that's no fur no because you guys have some provenance and you know too much experience yeah well now let's take our first state contest okay so you guys are competing and you just watching right no we're working that guy's not screwing around bad I don't know there's some way more serious competitors here than us today well Jake called Nina's like hey man you want to do this I'm like jerk huh yeah Wow I thought worst scenario we have fun hanging out in quick mistakes any last place well like I'm game that's fine with me okay so you're gonna pick a chip this would be your order of snakes we're gonna line you up one through 15 and then reverse the line 15 wine so what'd you get 10 all right so you'll be able to pick number 10 hold on to that I don't once I do that state selection after you pick your second state or turn that in and I'll give your try thank you everybody and welcome to the barbecue HQ the our first steak cook-off Association event jail is wrong but obviously cuccos for crime oh yeah tri-tip there you go thank you you're welcome appreciate it man Thanks enjoy [Music] so like I said this is going to be a little bit of a soggy pizzas and Americans sometimes aren't used to it all the way yeah let's go for it all right sometimes me when I used to be competitive weightlifting we had chalk go like this like it's identical I was gonna be making pizza [Music] the crust on the bottom makes all the difference right this Wow yeah I mean eating Joey's pizza you don't know that you're eating treats until you have stuff it's not chewy that's great and something it's so simple puzzle day throwing up and throw away the question just I would not throw away Erika's like mad enough Eric's an expert but when he's talking about pizza I believe that he's next book first every piece I've ever made nice buddy yeah that looks good cream cheese plus cheese plus bacon whatever you put that on is gonna be good put that on a used tire I guarantee it all right I never understood why in these competition shows it would be like seconds from turn in and people be running up with their food and I'm thinking to myself he had literally all day okay these jalapeno poppers that we're making right now we had all day to get ready but we're still around a testing it was like I like to ask let's do this and then at the end of the book oh no we get right now we have seven minutes to get them turned in and we're trying to get this thing as hot as possible to just isn't done Oh Oh that was ridiculously close like an idiot we turned it in though so these are the two snakes that were going to be trimming up right now for a competition and the thing that we're looking for specifically is to have a big spinalis so on this take in particular it's got a huge cat and that's actually where the judges eat from so they'll cut into the center of the the rest of the steak just to see doneness but what they're going to eat is that cap so we want to make sure we have a big thick cap so people get tender juicy bites right so we're doing these steaks the way you saw the last one last night we're gonna do our first steak maybe a little bit differently just to see if you like it that way so you can get better grill marks on it but the seasoning and the process is basically identical for those [Music] look again in any please move to a new spot to try to get extra extra sear there we go [Music] his hash marks on them so if you're wondering why we're taking it off the grill the reason behind it is this I'm not trying to cook the steak right now I'm simply looking for the aesthetic of those crosshatch two marks and so we got that on this side and so in an effort to keep it from continuing to cook I took it off and I'm reheating those grill grates in there to get screen hot so we can sear the other side just the same way and then we're gonna try and throw it in the cast iron and get a great fear on the exterior where the entire outside edge is brown that's we get all that flavor build up [Music] this is the real deal [Music] urban throw some foil on it for the front dude the cat though you want I like paper towel like it [Music] phonetics all right thanks gonna be medium-rare on this guy once I benefit I didn't anticipate was making cool friends and then given me food I'm always one giving people samples and giving people food so this is a nice change of pace for me so I'm super pumped about eating great food that I did not make or have any part in so I'm just gonna take about it and see how it is that's good dude that's good now on a piece of steak to go okay a piece of steak I'm gonna buy the bunion I'm she's gonna be magic sure by the mushroom it's got onions in it but unbelievably good thanks Todd this is my happy place man greenhorn BBQ makes killer mushrooms oh dude I pay money for these so the steak cook-off we're doing today is all about supporting the Simi Valley Police Explorer post so I'm here with Annabelle and so I'm kind of curious what is the program about what do you guys do the Simi Valley Police Explorer post is a program designed for teenagers ages 14 to 20 we are a program that teaches kids to become leaders and become role models in the community we work different events like Cajun and street fair all over the community we go on competitions and we are doing exposure trips and it is pretty much we learned how to work as a team Annabelle if you had to describe the most valuable lesson you've learned to this program what would that be I think the most valuable lesson that I've learned is don't get hit in the face with ashes I think the most important lesson that you learn about being part of this program is definitely the importance of camaraderie this is a program where you work together with you know groups of people who are completely different from you who have totally different backgrounds and you learn to work together and honestly you become one big family so if you guys want to support this program I'm going to include some links down below feel free to click on those if you want to explore what the program is about and if you feel like donating or supporting it by all means encourage that hopefully we can keep this program going for generations to come thank you for taking the time to explain the program to me and uh good luck to you in future thank you so much let's see your scores how you sporting categories alright so competition is over and we didn't win but I had a blast doing it I did yeah so yeah hang out cook barbecue eat food try other people's food so one of the really cool things was a lot of the other dudes were cool they would make their like appetizers or whatever and bring around stuff for everybody else and then they would cook their steaks you get two steaks one steak they don't turn in so some of those guys cut up mistakes and you know give everybody a try and so that was cool hanging out doing barbecue cooking steaks was a blast so I didn't look at all the numbers yet but we came basically directly in the middle of the pack for both the steaks and for the appetizer and so for me totally happy with that we didn't get last place which was that which we didn't do yeah yeah well yeah that wasn't upshot to getting last place okay I think that's why they what so do you think Bennett for last place and the only way to do it is like hey guess what you can but yeah I had fun so I think what I learned from it was you know the steak that you're gonna cook at home to feed your family isn't probably gonna be a steak in the competition like what about you what what did you learn oh for sure it's just it's the different base it's it's it's pretty similar to any Barbie competition that's done it's salted tasted looks different would you do it again oh yeah yeah I had a great time and you know I think that if you're interested in doing a barbecue competition of any sort do it but do it I'm not expecting to win a ton of money but do it knowing they're gonna have a blast with your friends and with the other guys who are at a barbecue because that's what I got out of it yeah I got to hang out with Jay all day which is fine by me and you know cook some steaks and just a really good overall time yeah thanks for watching mad scientist BBQ if you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button down below you can also subscribe to the channel and you can follow me and Jay on our instagrams I'm at mad scientist BBQ he's the barbacoa boy so I'll include links for both of those down below Jay is one of my best barbecue friends and if you haven't checked out his stuff you need to so until next time keep experimenting and good luck with your barbecue ok
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 218,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, competition, bacon, barbecue, mad scientist, jeremy yoder, yoder
Id: 7ASWa3L4pIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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