I Played 100% Of Papa's Freezeria

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hello everyone welcome welcome my name's Charlie and for today we are going to be 100 pering Papa's Freezeria I poured hours into this game as a kid but I never made it very far cuz I always would lose my save files so it was very cool to see the whole thing experience The Nostalgia and just see everything the game has to offer now to ultimately achieve True Perfection in Papa Freezeria we would need to unlock every ingredient in special serve all 145 customers on the island master all the mini games and complete all 90 thicker achievements which range from adding paa to Papa Lou Sunday to literally luring three people to a food truck with the promise of sweets very normal behavior these videos take tons of work to put together so if you enjoy please consider subscribing to the channel the button even lights up now which is very cool subscribe subscribe to Marvel and Technology but okay we have a lot to accomplish so without further Ado let's get right into it as we began our long journey the first thing we needed to do was create our character ooh I could have a big head I'm going to have a big head if you call me anything but big head Charlie when I'm playing Papa's Freezeria I'll be upset I slapped on some hair and honestly unsettling smile and secured our name and with that we were ready to begin all right let's go bige head Charlie's new job it was the perfect summer job stressfree good wages and tips and a cool boss with excellent facial hair I was eager to get started but then I found out Papa Louie was going on a supply trip and leaving me behind to run the shop I reassured him that every everything would be fine but I mean it's my first day what do I know nevertheless I began my training this is big head Charlie's first order oh my God Mandy chill chill chill this my first freaking order lucky for Mandy I was an Adept freezer and completed her Sunday with almost no issues oh I dropped some it's okay Mandy can live and sure it had been over 10 years since I last manned the shop but uh let me just say I must have blocked out the horror that was the garlic gummy oh my God what is that creature what is this I think that's genuinely my new sleep paralysis demon but looking past it I slapped three cherries on Mandy Sunday thus completing my very first order and for my efforts no Mandy I strive for Perfection at the Freezeria a 98 is not good enough for Papa Lou so I resolved to do better with Tony's order and things were going swimmingly this time around did I do that perfect I think I did that perfect actually Tony what have I done wrong I ended off the day with a 98% service quality which seems really good but I was not satisfied and at that moment I promised myself I would get at least one 100% service day before the end of my employment it was a busy first day on the job though a whopping two customers so I decided to decompress a little with some foodini mini games hit 10 baddies I completed it with ease earning myself a new shirt and then played a couple more times making sure to absolutely annihilate my new sworn enemy are they like really gross shriv grapes I don't understand dead no after proudly placing my new Captain America tabley one I began my second day welcoming a new customer new customer Utah the whole state of Utah I also got some more ingredients to work with which was very exciting while Mitch's milkshake was mixing I finished up Utah's putting so much love and care into the topping placement but it still wasn't enough Utah I hate you I almost shed a tear as I took aari's order and I was going to put more effort into Mitch's toppings but they included coconut shavings and please tell me these look like toenails because I cannot unsee it it is absolutely vile worse still I got a 94% on his toppings if only I had a boss that could train me instead of leaving me all alone to run the entire shop wouldn't that just be a treat while aari's cake and banana concoction mixed away I met Kahuna at the counter our very first closer closers are essentially special customers that are a lot more critical about the quality of their orders so I had to make sure Kahuna's milkshake was looking its Sunday Best I rushed aar's order so as not to keep Kahuna waiting but it only led to disaster that was awful I hate you I hate you as a customer stop it it's not a low score leave me alone let me cook no it was my first fatal error on the job trashing a half-done milkshake and for a closer no less but I trucked on and made it from scratch Pink garlic and then a peanut and then little sprinkles oh no I dropped a Sprinkle despite accidentally throwing away his first order and dropping a Sprinkle I managed to score an 87 which was admittedly bad but you know it could have been worse it's just the toppings I need to figure out how to get perfect toppings our mini game for the day was Rico's chili Works which inails rotating pipes to make sure the chili reaches the bowl it turns out I'm pretty crack at this one so I gladly took my winnings which included this Hawaiian shirt to match Kahuna and added all my new decorations to the lobby except this flooring oh my God oh my God get it away bring it back with our lobby now looking spiffy as ever I began my third day on the job starting off with Nick who asked for the new cloud berries as well as the Cool Whip emphasis on the cool but while that Blended away in walked Franco with a special recipe and I needed that recipe no okay we're fine we're fine Nick's order was frustratingly just short of perfect and upon handing out Franco's order and getting a completely garbage score I received our first special banana butter we have a new special wait I think the toppings need to be as even as possible and the way they're positioned on the ticket is how they should be on the top oh I was just doing it I've always just done it the way that I thought looked prettiest okay so we need to place them better I thought I thought it was just about oh my I thought it was just about like artistic choice but I think they need to be spread out as evenly as possible ignore the whipped cream that's on the counter apparently that'll bring my ranking down even though the customer cannot even see that with this advice from my chat I placed the cherries on top with extra care and I felt like it definitely helped our ratings we can only go up from here after work I played my first game of Papa's Raceway which I was very excited for because it was probably probably the only acceptable way to get back at Kahuna and Utah for the horrible ratings they gave me and I was absolutely ruthless get out of my way everybody I easily took first place no competition and then selected our new banana butter Special to serve for tomorrow before getting started though I decided to check out the upgrades buying a doorbell for the shop with my own tips like why is it my responsibility to upgrade the store with my own money this cannot be legal regardless our newest customer okalani walked in first thing the next morning ordering the new special and I was determined to make it perfectly uh I did immediately overshoot the whipped cream so that's awesome oh my God in reality though that was just one of many issues poured some whipped cream out of the cup peanuts poured a bit unevenly banana too far to the right I could just I could cry on the bright side though this customer's name is Grammy isn't that fantastic I took out my frustration on some flying breakfast foods in breakfast blast which admittedly did help a little nothing like some good old waffle ski shooting to end off a stressful day at work and as we be our fifth day in the Freezeria we were greeted with a lovely surprise we would be hiring a delivery driver and I got to choose what they looked like of course I gave him a big head some flattering hair that signature gigantic smile and the most darling of names big head Benny everybody has to be called big head in this place okay we're going with this big head Benny let's go bige head Benny got straight to work taking orders over the phone but for some reason I had to be the one to pick it up for him like what are we doing com conference calls Benny I hired you for a reason I still love you though I started working on our first delivery order for Pali and very carefully placed the toppings even the creepy purple guys and honestly we didn't do too bad us bige heads we do good work but not perfect work I will never be good enough for anybody dang it man one piece of peanut one piece of peanut Benny I'm sorry it's okay oh my gosh we're so cute together though to make things worse I was confronted with my least favorite miname thus far blender ball it's literally like confusing ski ball with a lump of cookie dough what did I do did I win I was so frustrated by this experience I just moved on with my life but was immediately distracted by a new feature I'd never seen before food truck free play in food truck mode you get to make anything you want and just hope someone buys it so I decided to make an all chocolate concoction a contion if you will and I thought it looked pretty nice but of course we were once again just short even in the food truck I can never be good enough and at that moment I had a thought in that big old head of mine maybe the reason I wasn't getting perfect ratings was really because my lobby wasn't good enough it was hurting my eyes and damaging my performance so I added a gumball machine and another poster before welcoming Wall-E to the store new customer Wall-E I like Wall-E Wally's so cute WALL-E oh he's a food critic oh I didn't know that about you WALL-E the pressure was on but I was thriving under it oh my God this is actually perfect while Wally Sunday mixed away I learned that the dining room was open today and bige head Benny would be taking orders good thing I added that gumball machine eh nice job Benny okay okay it needs to be perfect for Wall-E did that fall out of the cup I don't think it did ding ding order up for my my special Wall-E yes go Wall-E that was the best moment of my life w-e gave me so much joy for just a fleeting moment okay white wh our last order of the day was Robbie's and now that I'd finally cracked it I was on fire yes sorry that was I'm so just means so much just me and Benny out here in this world and we get to finish it off with a slider Escape R power RM power I literally thought it would come up the bottom as we reached the final day of our first week I was given my meager wages which assuming I'm working full-time comes out to a rate of 250 an hour our customer base continued to grow as did our selection of cup sizes and ingredients Kingsley our newest customer went for the new large cup size and added vanilla ice cream syrup Kingsley is ordering all the things I didn't even know we had that was disastrous I'm so sorry Kingsley he can't see it it's behind the cup we would have gotten a full perfect score but it's fine after that one fumble I was absolutely cruising serving this unsightly M aali for an 100% rating this is my calling all in all a very successful day but really what better way to end off a fantastic first week than the customer Cravings game what does Nick crave why would I know that as if I didn't already have enough stuff to keep track of now you're telling me I need to remember all 145 orders I mean I managed to get all three right which got us some new flooring but I'm still mad this is so patriotic I really like it I think Captain America would come in here and go whoa in addition to our Steve Rogers approved Decor I also purchased the auto ice cream upgrade with my precious earnings so now we'll be pouring the perfect amount of ice cream every time our Star Spangled Banner theme was perfect too because we were now celebrating the Starlight Jubilee which is essentially the 4th of July so for the next week we'd be showcasing all things red white and blue including Boomer pomegranates and this mberry medley Boomer was our first customer of the day and ordered truly the most American looking milkshake I've ever seen and already the auto ice cream upgrade was coming in clutch just one less thing to worry about especially when there's more important concerns to address like custom lighting sparklers indoors what do you get that sprinkler out of my store you just come in here with a lit sprinkler sprinkler sparkler same difference oh sparkler not a sprinkler despite the literal fire hazard Boomer was bringing into my establishment I took Extra Care to make her Sunday perfect topping it off with the new pomegranate bits 99 what did I do wrong what did I do wrong was it because I yelled at you for the lit sparkler oh my God and later that day we had our first run in with the big food critic JoJo now now JoJo comes every week and orders something totally new and if he likes it he'll give you a blue ribbon and by golly I wanted that ribbon I immediately got to work on JoJo's order carefully shaking out the most even coating of chocolate chips and toenails I've ever seen in my life banana please almost perfect on the food critic I'll take it with our first Blue Ribbon acquired I went on a little Rampage and Sunday shot and then unlocked the first blender booster upgrade which would dramatically increase our blending speed and not only that but because JoJo gave us the coveted Blue Ribbon we'd be getting bigger tips for the next 3 days but honestly I feel like I deserve those tips because L our newest customer ordered like everything she possibly could have okay anything else goodness including the new almond cookie that we just unlocked it went okay though another day of pretty good Sundays but then I saw Iggy at the counter with a golden envelope inside of which would be my next special all I had to do was reach a ranking of 80 to unlock it oh this is be oh my God the one coconut shaving luckily though it was good enough for Iggy oh Calypso Island coconuts that sounds good I was so excited about our new special though that when I Was preparing Kahuna's closing drink I dropped a single vibrant sprinkle off the edge okay oh no no I get so reckless you know it was just to drop a single sprinkle and ruin the entire drink kind of day I guess but Kahuna still liked it so if he's happy I'm happy and it was that time of the week again for chili Plumbing my favorite afterwork activity and I'm going to be honest all that stuff I said about being fantastic at Rico's chili works yeah no this is certainly not my strong suit what what am I what the heck I failed every single attempt no it's the same configuration the chili is clearly falling in the ball it was a devastating blow to say the least to ease my pain I chose Calypso Island coconuts as tomorrow's special which would grant us double the tips and honestly money is the only thing that can make me feel better at this point I started off the next day by meeting Shannon our newest customer who asked for melted popsicle in her Sunday sounded a little gross but admittedly the thing looked pretty cool after blending and adding toppings and it seemed like Shannon thought so too Boomer was back as well with her lit sparkler and ordered another violently red white and blue Sunday I will admit the downside of changing the special to the Calypso Island coconuts was that I had to interact with the gross purple guys all day but I won't complain about double tips after hitting the racetrack and decimating Jojo and L I made a very important Discovery it turns out the outfits that you and your delivery driver wear can grant you holiday spirit and we actually did need to serve 100 customers with maxed out spirit for one of our stickers so I changed up my outfit and then with all the tips I'd made unlocked the second blender booster upgrade and there's really no one I'd rather make a Sunday faster for than our dearest friend Grammy we haven't seen Grammy in so long I love you Grammy oh this is quite an order though Grammy settle down I carefully made Grammy's milkshake with some of the new rocket whipped cream and added on the toppings weird guy Cherry weird guy how am I doing so well I just got a $10 tip how am I doing so well how am I doing so well at this point I still hadn't achieved an 100% service quality score my topping placement being my main weakness but after shooting some breakfast foods and unlocking the third blender boost I was ready for another day and another day meant another customer bringing fire hazards into my store R 2 has a sprinkler stop it he does he's going of burned out my establishment let me tell you okay oh my God that's what you get that's what you get for bringing in a sparkler next up was Kingsley but this time he had a golden envelope with him so the pressure was on it wasn't a problem though because I easily got 100 points which unlocked the chocolate Creo special Mandy came back too hadn't seen her for a while and to my surprise we got a whopping 297 points from her our first customer and now our first bronzear customer as we ended off the day with yet another 100% rating from Quinn we'd officially reached a total of 20 perfect orders so to celebrate I purchased the fourth and final blender upgrade and in the process unlocked our final Starlight Jubilee topping which got us a sticker the following day Franco called in an order and I guess we're starting to build a pretty loyal customer base because when big head Benny delivered it 300 points Franco chill now that we had all the blender upgrades unlocked I decided to buy the regular alarms as well I'll just start purchasing things up the wazu I have nothing else to do and with the influx of even more cash from our second payday I bought the chunky and smooth alarms too meaning all we had left to buy was the special sign for $250 hoping to get that money soon I carefully prepared every shake the next day at this point I still hadn't completed a perfect day yet I always managed to drop a Sprinkle or something so I had my fingers crossed that this was the day Boomers got a letter Boomers got a letter I wonder who it's from I a Tony's order and Boomers which unlocked the Tropical Treat special this has been a perfect day so far I'm so nervous to mess it up but of course the closer was none other than JoJo with a blue ribbon on the line I carefully topped up the rocket whipped cream and oh can't just like take a cloth and clean that up or no no no yeah just leave it there just show him just show I'm sure JoJo would love to see that chokey Charlie shut up oh my God that would have been a perfect day although I was devastated I knew there was nothing else to do but press on so I continued to dat 16 where I was met with a new customer and whatever this fella is whoo I like that guy I'm guessing they're like nerds or something that does not look very delectable I will say in any case scooter loved it so I was on track again for a perfect service day until I screwed up Mitch's coconut shavings well well that's all right Honestly though I'm going to say it why am I not just wiping up the stuff when I spill it is really not that difficult to sweep a single sprinkle to the ground I did some retake taale therapy to cope with my disappointment purchasing the special sign which was actually the last upgrade in the shop we were also starting our next holiday the pellini feast so I changed mine and Benny's outfits to max out our holiday spirit before welcoming in Olga she started the day off strong with a new special and I thought Olga Sunday was made to Perfection but like always the toppings let me down I messed up the Swizzle I messed up the Swizzle I messed up Olga's Swizzle Willie WALL-E WALL-E yay Wall-E loves it and I love Wall-E I literally even had a second chance when little Eduardo Olga's husband came in the next day and also ordered a swizzle but for some reason I just could not do it oh that's not why we wanted to go dude I'm so bad at the Swizzle I messed up Olga Swizzle and little Eduardo Swizzle seriously the Swizzle was not my strong suit as the days passed I continued to collect more specials and make more perfect milkshakes and I mean we'd already completed over 3 weeks at our new job and not to flex but my many years of food service in real life were really coming in clutch because I played over six tickets worth of the customer cravings miname and only screwed up one question like I know these people's orders I know you Wall-E I'm in your freaking head it was more Swizzles than next day which I was mildly perturbed by but even worse was the presence of Jojo and let me tell you never in my one- month career have I seen an order so vile he wanted blueberries red velvet cake syrup the weird Maui mang whipping cream and then on top of that rainbow sprinkles two Oreos and a cone that is so gross like if he hates that it cannot possibly be my fault as gross as it was he seemed to enjoy it and you know as long as I get the blue ribbon I'll make whatever he wants and hey with today's success bige head Benny and I had reached level 13 meaning we were now Bonafide Spumoni servers whatever that means in all honesty though big head Benny was doing an absolutely fantastic job and the next day he actually made his 20th delivery order we are so proud not only that but the order he delivered brought us to a five-star rating for the chocolate Creo special and a bronzear customer rank with Lisa with the chocolate Creo special now at five stars I switched the special to the new red velvet cake flavor and I also got the amarena ingredient receiving the sticker for collecting every single portal Feast topping I mean I guess it was just a sticker kind of day too because I finished the day with two more stickers one for wearing my festive outfits and the other for my financial restraint and for those customers also looking to restrain their finances we added the small cup size in addition to a new espresso syrup to the shop after bringing the red velvet cake special to five stars and getting This Magnificent gift chefette chefette je I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and change the special to my greatest Nemesis the vanilla Swizzle after all the only way I could improve my terrible Swizzle form was to practice as day 28 rolled around I was given my first opportunity for Redemption when Fernanda ordered the vanilla Swizzle and this time ooh first vanilla Swizzle and it's perfect my Swizzle confidence was instantly boosted and right after I whipped up a perfect vanilla Swizzle for Allan as well oh my God two perfect vanilla Swizzles you're kidding at long last we had finally reached Swizzle proficiency and just in time for the holiday to change entirely and have Swizzles taken off the menu with the start of maple mornings I gave myself Benny and the shop Lobby a little makeover before welcoming Cooper who was holding a giant jug of maple syrup weird flex but okay I mean JoJo showed up with one too so it might be a fashion statement or something I'm I'm a little confused as day 30 rolled around my primary focus was on achieving an 100% perfect day and I mean I was definitely improving as time went on so it felt like it could happen any day now Johnny and the chocolate bacon topping were our new arrivals that morning and honestly if you kind of unfocus your eyes they look exactly the same also who chick is that important questions aside the day went pretty flawlessly Johnny's bacon thing was perfect okalani and hugos were perfect Bruno Romano's was perfect and I even got the mocha mixer special for it but it wasn't until Boomer's stupid pink pomegranate drink like I'm sorry I'm sorry your wafer was a little off Boomer at this point I was in anguish over trying to get an 100% day and I began to turn my attention toward the loads and loads of sticker quests that we had left to do and some of them were super funky like serving the first customer last or leaving four Sundays on the blender at the end of the day but we also had a lot of decorations to buy from the shop and seeing as I'd somehow managed to save almost $1,500 I went on a bit of a spending spree and redecorated the lobby with the shop now looking fresh I decided to tackle the make him weight sticker Quest and unfortunately this burden fell on our newest customer toru I took her order and then well we just kind of stood there wow this is awk sorry toru you're going to be waiting a bit I went about my day as normal making milkshakes and delighting my lovely customers and at the end of a long shift I finally picked up tooru's order and made it flawlessly and hey she only had to wait what like 8 hours to get her Sunday I'm not just serving frozen treats here I'm also teaching people the art of patience emlet walked in the next day in an outfit I was admittedly quite jealous of and ordered our first smooth Sunday we also earned a sticker for gaining 15 bronzear customers a number which continued to grow as I was shooting waffles that evening I also managed to get our first miname to Bron Star level still a long way to go on fully mastering the mini games but definitely a good start as I opened up shop the following day I received the maple topping which meant I'd officially unlocked all the maple morning toppings James's order right out of the gate had like all the new ingredients and a ton of toppings yet somehow I managed to clutch a perfect score this felt like a good omen to me and I decided it was time I would once again try to to achieve a perfect day and oh baby it was perfect order after perfect order hundreds across the board it all came down to our final customer Robbie I'm so nervous oh God was that too far please Robbie oh my God yes nothing even happened that was it it was just like 100% nothing even that wasn't even okay having finally achieved the perfect day it really felt like we were on a roll getting SilverStar customers left and right reaching the Bronze Star rank for customer Cravings buying this chicken hat so cool I was truly on a high but after buying a bunch of clothes posters and decorations for sticker quests something went very wrong there's a hurricane what the a massive hurricane had rolled in but I could only hope that Papa Louie sailing Out on the Ocean for the supplies or something was doing okay evidently Calypso Island was in the clear wait I'm on an island but I couldn't help but worry that Papa Louie would meet a terrible Terri fate also it was Halloween good thing I didn't put up any Halloween decorations I really should have checked on that that's totally my bad now that it was Halloween everyone started showing up in fun costumes including Willow and Tony oh my God after a successful day in the shop and reaching bronze star Rank and Rico's chili works I bought some Lobby decorations and clothing to really get into the new holiday and honestly best outfit yet love the pumpkin head also remember those gross little purple onion guys yeah for Halloween I dressed up big head Benny as one of them kind of Suits him right the next day we welcomed our newest customer Connor and honestly I'm not even sure if it's a Halloween thing or if he's actually a Yeti but he asked for the new tiger taale syrup and gave me a perfect score so I couldn't care less I also ended up getting our next special U Blue Bay and I mean it was also our second 100% day no big deal I'm just fantastic at my job I figured things were going pretty well except for in blender ball I genuinely cannot stand that game so I decided to turned to Food Truck mode in order to accomplish a couple sticker missions using some special milkshakes and bige head Benny's irresistible charm I was able to lure three regular customers in and then made a bunch of experimental Sundays to get our last food truck related achievement and though we'd spent some time away I was able to once again achieve an 100% day right after like what who is she seriously who is she why is she wearing that after unlocking the blackmist topping the following day our final Halloween themed ingredient I decided to upgrade my outfit to a very sophisticated turtleneck and Beret I am truly a new woman yet my upgraded wardrobe could do nothing to prepare me for the horror that I would experience the following day my literal nightmare coming to life Sarge fan Who Bore a striking resemblance to our newest Berry offering maybe they're like distant cousins or something to make matters even worse he marched right up to the counter and ordered three purple dudes on his very purple drink like is that cannibalism asking for a friend who also looks like a weird purple guy not only did I receive the Wildberry Moon special from Sasha but I finished off the day by taking Zoro JoJo's order and as always getting that coveted Blue Ribbon after completing yet another 100% perfect day we had reached our final day of Halloween welcoming boopsy and Bill and I've got to say they were not my favorite customers ever oh God it's like he's doing the thing the the the P the he's doing the thing I hated that I really hated that as if a creepy ventriloquist wasn't already the worst start to my day it was made even worse with Sarge fan next in line I realized then and there that I was definitely ready for Halloween to be over and it was very exciting to see that our next holiday was Thanksgiving Benny and I changed into our brown and yellow chicken costumes and I of course redecorated the lobby with all the fall themed items I'd been saving and in this season of gratitude I was especially thankful for the new blondies the candied pecan toppings and good old Allan who gave me the dream machine special this actually ended up being our 15th one we'd received which was fantastic but not nearly as fantastic as seeing Sarge fan back in his normal human form or getting another 100% day oh my gosh I'm just too good at this honestly with so many specials acquired I began to turn my attention toward our special Focus stickers the first of which asked us to serve Marty a cinnamon crunch special so I sent Marty an invite for the next day and then added a literal Hast stack to the menu just what everyone wants a pile of dried grass on their milkshake Franco ordered a cinnamon crunch to be delivered which gave me hope that Marty might do the same but unfortunately he just ordered some other dumb sundae no cinam Marty today quite surprisingly though the hay was actually proving to be a very popular choice which I did not expect I sent Marty another invite for the next day just praying that he'd order the special but as I took Hank's incredibly weird pumpkin pie milkshake order I had an epiphany I didn't need to make him Ry what he asked for it's a free country I could ignore him completely and just serve him whatever the heck I wanted to so when he finally showed up I disregarded his request and made him the cinnamon crunch he never knew he needed getting myself the sticker the next sticker I set out to get entailed serving scooter a sugar plum strucel so I sent along an invite in the mail and started off my day making UI a milkshake with hay and our new fall leaf sprinkles it feels like the Autumn Vibes we're really getting people in the mood for dried vegetation on their milkshakes and I'll be honest I was a bit busy you know single-handedly running this entire establishment and I completely forgot that I was trying to four-speed scooter or strucel so I accidentally went into autopilot mode and served her the thing she'd asked for I was genuinely so upset with myself like I don't care if you're a star customer scooter I'm going to force you to have a sugar plum strucel the last order of the day was everyone's favorite food critic Jojo and with no orders left but his I just watched his milkshake blend thinking about all my mistakes in my notes I wrote Oh the everpresent clock how doth it tick so if that gives you any insight into my mental state at the time time there you go before our next day I sent scooter yet another invite and also decided to tackle the Kahuna on the Move sticker simultaneously for this sticker you need to serve Kahuna's order right as he arrives and seeing as he only visits on Mondays this was my chance to get it done with the final ingredients for the Thanksgiving holiday unlock pretty much everyone was ordering either the dream machine special or some falltime pumpkin pie things so once again I accidentally gave scooter the thing she ordered instead of the strel worst way to Five Star special on honly and as if that wasn't already a let down I took Kahuna's order immediately put the toppings on and served it but apparently it wasn't fast enough for him like that is ridiculous how much faster could it be the thing was ready for toppings before you walked through the door I couldn't even think about the Kahuna situation though because this was Scooter's thirdd day straight visiting my establishment and it was almost getting embarrassing at this point I needed to give her the strucel at long last though scooter walked on in and I was able to make her the Sugar Plum strucel finally oh my God our next Target for sticker challenges was Kingsley who I needed to serve a red velvet cake special so I sent him an invite and made a promise to myself that this time it would not take me 3 to five business days to correctly serve it to him after receiving the lemon chiffon our final standard whipped cream I focused all my attention on serving Kingsley the special he needed and thankfully I managed to do it painlessly even clutching another 100% day in the process if only Papa Louie would return and give me a raise with it being a Thursday we had Quinn coming in as a closer so I decided to attempt the sticker where you serve the milkshake immediately after taking their order yes it did not go according to plan last time but I kept that in the back of my mind as I welcomed our newest customer pinch hitw hello Mr hitw well we had a pretty solid day even getting the Nutty butter Blondie to five stars and When Quinn showed up at the counter I already had her entire order ready with toppings and everything but somehow that still wasn't fast enough how how much faster could I be I stewed in Rage while failing over and over at blender Ball but luckily things turned up for us on day 55 Not only was it winter now which meant we were beginning the Christmas holiday but we'd also be serving freaking Santa Claus himself I made Santa's order which of course included the new peppermint mixables and the white chocolate truffles paying special attention to detail I very much wanted to be on the nice list and although I crafted the perfect milkshake for him as I was serving it I had a devastating realization I had the Santa Claus standing in my Freezeria and the place was still decorated for Thanksgiving I am such a let down honestly on the bright side I did get the U berry crumble special from Edna as well as our first gold star customer Franco thank you for your loyalty and all your money it is much appreciated I had truly reached Rock Bottom having served Santa dressed as a chicken in my shop decorated for Thanksgiving so I did some Christmas shopping after my shift and got Benny and I suited up for the holiday season I also decked out the lobby with festive decor and added 10 bubblegum machines to try and get the bubblegum Bonanza achievement I was incredibly puzzled as to why I didn't get the sticker but then I realized it needed to be 10 different bubble gum machines and I hadn't unlocked them all yet not only that but I completely bungled Santa's order it felt like the only way I could make it up to Santa was by beginning to work on the Santa's helper sticker achievement this entailed serving 20 customers while wearing a Christmas hat and a fur parka so after an exhausting day of failure I bought matching Santa outfits for me and Benny as day 58 rolled around we had once again made it to a Monday which meant Kahuna would be paying us a visit determined not to fail again I devised a new strategy for the Kahuna on the Move sticker which was to constantly have his Sunday blending in the background and hope that he didn't mind a very very very smooth milkshake it just says get it done it doesn't say do it perfectly you know so I had his cake and creamsicle concoction mixing the entire day and when Kahuna walked in his order was ready to serve before he'd even placed it finally getting myself the sticker I feel like I just diffused a bomb or something that was so intense upon opening the shop on day 59 I unlocked Santa's cookie topping our final Christmas ingredient this was actually pretty fitting too because Santa was back in town and actually became our second gold star customer and not to toot my own horn but after serving Fernanda this nasty kiwi drink I received the sticker for being Santa's helper so I i' say my crimes against Christmas are most likely forgiven hopefully after earning my first silver medal for the mini games the next thing on my list was to get the sticker for immediately serving Quinn's order just like we' done with Kahuna and I believed in my strategy right after opening the shop and greeting mayor mow who kind of looks like Mermaid Man's weird younger brother I slapped Quinn's milkshake on the blender and proceeded about my day I will admit her milkshake may have been slightly over Blended but I managed to time her order perfectly 177% on the blend and no tip but I will take the sticker nonetheless though I was feeling good about the sticker the reality that I still hadn't gotten a single medal in blunder ball was a real hit to my confidence like for reference I'm almost at the gold medal in slider Escape I'm just truly garbage at this game another week another payday and also another absolute weirdo on the beach oh my God who is that man on the beach hold on what in the world just moving on I guess we had actually just unlocked a sticker achievement for adding the new shaved mint toppings to Edna's milkshake so when she called in to place an order I saw it as the perfect opportunity to get it done add the shaved mint and coincidentally this had brought us to Level 36 mint shaver status so I guess it was mint to be get it because it's it's it's mint okay looking ahead for the week I realized that it was actually the start of the New Year celebration and I did not want a repeat of Christmas so I preemptively decorated the Lobby and it looked interesting very much like a mid 2000s bowling alley birthday party Vibe I also changed Benny and I's outfits to match of course and welcome to the new year with Zolo moonmist syrup and some oddly dark Pop-Tarts that afternoon I got our fifth star for yet another special and got the raspberry Moon special from Bruno Romano this was really good news because not only did I need to collect all 40 special recipes but I also needed to master 20 of them which would definitely require a lot of work and speaking of work we'd managed to collect a lot of colorful rainbow toppings for New Year's by this point and I must say the milkshakes were almost disturbingly fluorescent this looks so sick like not edible but sick the vibrant colors only continued the next day with the addition of rainbow Whip and wow these Sundays were sure looking Lively my attitude on the racetrack that evening however was a different story I'm usually not prone to road rage but what can I say I don't like Quinn the multicolored toppings continue to roll in the next day with these little countdown candies which upon closer review do not actually count down for example the sprinkles for Ivy our newest customer went 3853 8475 I'm pretty sure my math check's out here but that is not counting down but I mean the customers didn't seem as bothered by this as I was in fact we got a sticker that afternoon for earning 10 whole SilverStar customers and of course Grammy was the 10 I love you Grammy you know who I don't love though the creepy reindeer I spotted on the beach the other day and I had reason to believe that it was actually Chester our newest customer I'm watching you Chester as we opened up the shop that day we unlocked the mysterious flavor X topping obtaining the last of our New Year's toppings personally I was pretty excited I was hoping a new year would mean a new me and I would stop being garbage at blenderball I hate this game are you kidding me in all areas except blenderball though it felt like I'd made a lot of progress this year for one we'd managed to turn JoJo the Anton ego of calypso Island into a silver star customer and better than that I'd also earned the Silver Star in Sunday shot getting the final gumball machine I needed to complete my collection in the lobby but things quickly took a turn for the worst oh my oh my God no not Papa Lou oh my God Kahuna and grmy are on the search wait that's so sad oh and it's Valentine's Day oh crap didn't decorate with Papa Louie apparently missing at Sea it was my responsibility more than ever to take care of the shop which is why I was very embarrassed when Scarlet our newest customer walked into a very nonv Valentine's Day Lobby once the shift was over I sprued the place up for the season of Love which managed to look both cute and extremely ugly obviously our outfits needed changing too but for some reason I just could not get to full holiday spirit even in full pink so I just gave up and opened the shop the next morning we welcomed in Duke gacha as well as some new Valentine's themed toppings and the marshmallow Mist I made for Dino that afternoon turned out to be the final one needed to reach five stars meaning we' now mastered our 20th special recipe now that we completed all the stickers requiring us to get full stars for specials I changed the offering back to Wildberry moon this was because it granted extra miname tickets and with blenderball being the game for tomorrow let's face it I needed as many tries as I could get over the course of day 75 I managed to collect seven whole tickets for blender ball which felt like a lot this is the worst game of all time does anybody okay if this is your least favorite mini game in all of the world please let please let me know so I don't feel alone but regardless I still couldn't even get the first medal maybe I was still trash at throwing cookie dough but my milkshake making skills were absolutely unmatched getting another 100% day somewhere out there I just know Papa Louie is smiling down upon me or he's still lost at se but I hope I'm making him proud anyway are latest customer to enter the shop was crystal which is that a live fet or like a mink or something could you keep it outside we also received our latest new syrup chai chai D chai means D bro so Sor like on every other Monday night I finished off the day with Rico's chili works and I realized there were multiple reasons I dislike this dumb mini game one why am I doing the plumbing on a weekly basis two why does Chile run through pipes three why is there a time limit to fix the chili pipes and four why does it look this way but honestly I'd become quite the plumber managing to get the silver metal star and not spilling a single drop of chili in the process and with that it was now spring and St Patty's Day was coming up so I had the lobby decorated and our outfits prepared in advance our Irish theme was further strengthened with the addition of some very green ingredients as well as this little green fellow georgo wait is georgo actually playing the game in the lobby that is so cool is looked like sour cream and onion dip which was much less cool but I appreciated him nonetheless the next day though I welcomed in our new customer skip who had a literal rat in his pocket like at least Linguini hid Remy under his hat skip is just letting the guy hang out in full View and I mean Crystal came in later with her mink Barret thing as well so it was just a day full of small rodents in my store somehow though I still managed to clutch a perfect service score and I even made it to the bronze medal level in blender ball very very slow proc ress yes but we're getting there the next couple days we're spent collecting all the fun St Patty's Day toppings and reaching the gold medal status in slider escape and on day 85 we met Gino Romano for the first time for those invested in the Lord Gino is Olga and little Eduardo's nephew and also bruna's cousin the lore runs deep and I also needed to serve the entire family for a sticker so there's even more to me one of the other achievements too the wrong restaurant sticker required that I serve Roy while wearing a pizzeria cap and a pizza a polo so I upgraded my outfit and sent an invite to him and as I waited for Roy to come in the next day I took Professor Fitz's order which included our new citri shock syrup for some reason that tracks for me eventually Roy came in for a dine in milkshake and even though I served it up perfectly for some reason I didn't get the sticker I realized though it was because bige head Benny was technically the one that served Roy and I hadn't gotten him a pizeria outfit so that evening I changed up Benny's look and sent Roy yet another invitation after five starring the purple palom special and receiving an onion hat in return we were able to get Roy's Pizza sticker to celebrate I purchased a bunch of decorations for the lobby in preparation for Easter and oh my God I did not realize that was $450 what the heck how am I supposed to DEC oh my God I'm not going to have enough money to decorate the store ended up looking nice though which like it better because I spent almost $500 on that jukebox with absolutely no money left to buy any clothes bige head Benny and I entered the Easter season just shy of full holiday spirit and as if that wasn't bad enough we had a new customer to serve oh my God cotton candy Creos cotton Puffs and Cletus the three C's of Easter everyone having made a bit more money that day I purchased Benny and I some new outfits and then switched our special back to Wildberry moon for the extra tickets because you already know it tomorrow was blenderball my performance wasn't terrible per se and at the very least I got paid the day after which was definitely definitely needed I noticed that there was a sticker for getting customers to dance with at least three musical Furniture items in the lobby and the only one I knew of was the Jukebox so using like all of my new paycheck I purchased another the next day we unlocked the cotton candy syrup which rounded off all the Easter toppings as well as all the standard syrups with this new syrup now available I was hoping Mandy would visit because I needed to serve her a Sunday with it for a STI and sure enough Mandy called in an order at first I totally forgot about adding the syrup but luckily I realized my mistake and made one with the right syrup or the wrong syrup for the order but the right one for getting my sticker and upon serving it up I received the sticker as well as another gold star customer however there were still quite a few sticker achievements that involved specific customers and next on the list was Sasha so after gifting Chester and changing his outfit from the horrific antlers into a beaver I think as if we need any more wildlife in the store I invited Sasha to come in for a yum andm surprise I served up Sasha's milkshake and received the new kiwi lemon lime special from my main man Cletus thank you so much Cletus and the next morning we welcomed our newest customer whiff and honestly I am a huge fan of the frazzled snake tattoo and his excellent posture I'm genuinely jealous after finally achieving the final gold medal and breakfast blast I began to prepare for the big top Carnival holiday which was coming up next and over our time running the Freezeria I'd been collecting some Choice decorations for this event like I'd be shocked if anyone didn't know what holiday it was of course Benny and I also got dressed up and welcomed in our first customer of the holiday sprinx the clown I do not like this person I do like dipped pretzels in animal crackers though especially when they earn me the sticker for collecting all the standard toppings and oh my God they're dancing in the lobby please stop doing that in my store as much as I wanted to refuse service to this individual I knew I had had to continue on for Papa Louie wherever the heck he was and boy was I rewarded for my patience this new customer Mo like hear me out why is he kind of attractive though maybe it's just because he was the first normal looking customer in a while but like okay hello I learned the new Candy concrete special from Professor Fitz which frankly sounds disgusting invited Marty over to bring him to a gold star customer and then purchased a third Duke box for the lobby to hopefully finish up the dance party sticker as painful as it was to see to clown dancing we needed more of that energy my jukebox investment immediately paid off because after holding off on orders for a bit I got Don Marty and my beloved Mo all dancing in the lobby and earned myself the sticker okay you can have your Sunday now I apologize D not only were Marty and pie now gold star customers but we had also reached the final gold medal for the customer Cravings miname as day 100 rolled around we were in a pretty great spot still not at 100% but regardless a super cool Milestone to reach and we also unlocked the caramel apple and cream o toppings throughout day 101 we managed to add a bunch of people to our growing list of gold star customers including okalani Captain Corey and our all-time favorite Grammy things were going really smoothly and as usual when I saw that the volcano Gala was coming up I decorated the lobby like an absolute madom and got dressed up accordingly but little did I know this next holiday would be our most important one yet oh breaking news Papa Louie lowy beloved Chef saved from Stranded ship hurricane damages proved too pricey oh the volcano Galla is a fundraiser oh it all makes sense and we've reached summer what a relief our beloved Papa Louie was alive and despite having almost died in the hurricane he'd already set up a fundraiser to repair his ship what a trooper and knowing that my dearest Papa had survived such a horrible disaster I was more committed than ever to doing my job well I learned the cookie dough Delight special from Edna I got an 100% perfect day but yeah I'm still bad at blender ball I'm so sorry Papa I tried my best the next morning we welcomed enco who ordered a milkshake with our newest ingredients the caram Murray syrup and the sugar gloss Leaf topping I'll be honest these tropical ingredients are actually so cool looking and I kind of want to try them in addition to collecting some more Island themed toppings we also managed to add aari and Xandra to the gold star customer club and at long last received the sticker for getting 15 gold star customers as we started off day 106 we added burti to the menu the last of the gala toppings and even sprinkled a little bit to finish off JoJo's Sunday and I mean JoJo must have really enjoyed it because not only did he give us the Blue Ribbon but he had also leveled up to a gold star customer the highest compliment I could possibly ask for truly all the Loose Ends were beginning to tie up we managed to get the gold medal for Rico's chili Works which was a huge relief and on day 108 volcano Gala success Papa wo that's a lot of money oh my God SS Lou Papa's so happy I love that for him and we got little taxis I'm not following the storyline but I'm loving it you know to celebrate Papa's homecoming we threw a gigantic parade and I felt like this one was definitely worth attending ooh all the closers JoJo oh granny love that guy Santa oh my gosh and these are the gold star customers incredible how does everybody have like fancy little race cars what is this economy and the Bronze Star let's go this is like the longest parade of all time can you can we speed it up please the parade dragged on for what felt like an eternity I think I sat there for a good 10 minutes just watching all of Papa's other franchises Roll by until finally Papa yay go Papa that was beautiful new customer Papa Lou oh no everybody best behavior oh oh my God and just like that after a year lost at sea Papa Louie the papa himself was walking into our Humble Store as a customer oh my gosh welcome Papa what can I get you I carefully jotted down his order but I was about to do something very risky I wasn't going to give Papa Louie what he wanted instead of the white chocolate drizzle he'd asked for I gave him the papa drizzle to get the Papa Louie sticker and although we just fell short of an 100 rating I did receive the achievement we finished off the last day of the year with some good old Papa's Raceway and I managed to win every single one which got me the gold medal truly what a joyous Day celebrating Papa Lou's return although it had now been an entire in-game year we still had not reached 100% yet there were still a handful of specials to collect a couple stickers as well as a bunch of customers we had yet to serve and the only miname I hadn't perfected yet freaking blenderball so we headed into year 2 in full Patriot fashion ready for the Starlight Jubilee the first day went off without a hitch even blender ball went decently well although we were still a little ways away from getting the silver medal I invited Raleigh to visit the next day and completely disregarded his order serving him an orange roll Delight for yet another sticker we continued to serve loads of new customers too including Wendy Claire Perry and yippy as well as some of the regulars wa my God why are you coming in with that spoon Quin it looks like she was about to hit me with that and not only did we get another 100% perfect day but we also collected a whopping 30 5 tickets for blender ball it had to be enough for the gold medal I just couldn't tolerate another week of this horrific game it was definitely a bit of a rough start I need to get my head in the game I got to get my get my get my get my head in the game and in the game did my head get because with like 20 tickets left to spend I was able to make it to the last star for the gold medal one more we've got it we've got it oh yeah yeah I play blender ball woo I was beyond pleased because not only do we Master every single miname but I would never have to play blenderball ever again but I'm aware that it's in other Papa games so that's going to be my old Nemesis blenderball one of the stickers we were still waiting on was the one for serving every member of scarlet and the Shakers a popular local band but when Rudy walked in the next day I just had a feeling he kind of looks like he'd be in a band and sure enough when I served his milkshake yay oh my gosh that's incredible we called that we called that with scarlet and the Shakers now served I moved on to the next group of customers we needed to Target that being the Romano family quartet cuz when we last saw them they were just a trio and can we just marvel for a second at how far I've come with my Swizzle placement pure art and undoubtedly good enough to get the big top Blondie special from Olga I got paid the following day but at this point Money Was No Object to me my currency of choice was Papa's approval and validation and I had but one goal in this world to be the very best freezer year the likes of which this island had never seen before Carlo welcome that's another sticker oh he's got the spoon I don't like when they walk in with the spoon what are they doing why do they have a spoon and some more Swizzle magic later Carlo is pleased yes we got the sticker with the Romano family quartet all served the only things we had left to do were serve a couple more new customers and receive the final special recipe we needed but as I worked on hacki Zak shake and went about my day clown school that seems actually kind of cool what do you learn in clown school I realized I'd made a huge mistake oh oh no guys I literally forgot I have therapy today what do I do with just 7 minutes until my real life therapy appointment I had no choice but to speedrun the rest of the day 50% that's okay hacki Zack I still love you it's nothing personal it's just that I have an appointment the special that's the last special okay we need to make Tims well I took Special Care in making Tims perfectly and with just minutes left to spare we got the final special earned 40 specials buttery birchberry ooh I rushed through the final milkshakes to the utter disappointment of wiland and Kahuna and then hurried off to my appointment proud to have finally collected all 40 special orders and freshly therapize let's do this I got right back to the Grind eager to make some milkshakes because it was truly only a matter of days before I'd served the final customers we had left to meet and fully 100% the game I think I'm just not going to try like why why should I no I'm going to try the next day was the start of the maple morning's holiday once again and even though we were literally inches away from the Finish Line I still had a reputation to uphold so I spared no expense in decking the place out with a startling amount of waffle Mia posters that looks nice I'd say I then dawned my favorite seasonal outfit and got to work I'm going to end wearing the chicken that That's so exciting and of course seeing as this is our last day we need to invite Papa my one true love our last day and our last customer thear I want this to be an 100% day because it's our last day Papa's coming like everything needs to be perfect I put more love and care into dear's Sunday than I ever had before and upon serving it serve all the customers that's the last sticker we did it I did mess up budwin order totally my bad but I trucked on because at the end of the day Papa's order was the only one that mattered only papa needs to be perfect okay this is Papa's order please yes that's deserving of true love's kiss that's Tech that's pretty much true love's kiss the perfect milkshake with Papa's eternal love and validation I knew I could retire in peace having accomplished everything there was to do in Papa's frizeria I finished off Robbie's Sunday with two bacon strips and a blondie and after serving that order that was it the last clothes just like that we had done it in 125 in-game days we'd managed to 100% Popa Freezeria Deluxe completing 90 sticker achievements unlocking all 40 specials mastering the seven mini gamess and serving all 145 customers from my humble Origins as a rank one traine making a meager $100 a week we'd risen through the ranks from a cheesecake champ to a pineapple all the way to rank 76 better than Papa and making 455 bucks a week which is still barely minimum wage I need to find a better job in any case thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed and if you did feel free to leave a like or subscribe to the channel I would absolutely love to have you here if you want to see me 100% more Papa Games definitely leave a comment and let me know which one is your favorite and I'll probably just do the one that is most highly requested that is all I have for today but I will see you guys next time bye we [Music]
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 1,039,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: papas freezeria, papas freezeria deluxe, papas games, charliebarley stardew valley, charliebarley 100 days, papas freezeria gameplay, I 100%d papas freezeria, papas freezeria full playthrough, charliebarley animal crossing, charliebarley 100 days stardew valley, charley barley, charlie barlie, papas freezeria ending, papas freezeria lore, papas freezeria hd, papas freezeria full gameplay, papas freezeria deluxe full playthrough, papas freezeria deluxe playthrough, papa louie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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