My First Games - Game Maker Saga Part 1

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

It is My Favorite Game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mcab00 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we all had to start somewhere for me it was game maker back in the early 2000s these were my very first real programming projects I've sorted them into two different categories games and visualizations because I have so many of each I'm gonna split this into a two part series I'll talk about all my games in the first video and then I'll show my visualizations in the second one which were early precursors and things like my fractals particle life and chaos equations before I jump into the games I just want to really quickly talk about what game maker is or was it was originally a freeware when I started with versions 4 and 5 those were so easy to use no coding needed you basically created different objects and sprites that you could add to different rooms you would apply different logic elements to trigger on different events with a drag-and-drop interface I guess it's similar to modern scratch but a little better organized and less ugly in my opinion I haven't used it since then but apparently it eventually evolved into game maker studio it surely must be a lot more fully featured and complicated now because I've seen some pretty powerful games made with it most notably undertale and hyper light drifter but anyway let's get into the games [Music] so when first starting out with game maker I didn't just jump into making full games because there was a bit of a learning curve for a kid who's never really programmed much at all instead I modified some of the example games that came with it it gave me a good starting point and I could see how completed games should look street-race is one of those games in the original I think all you did was collect gas and avoid hitting cars but that was too boring for me instead I made the car shoot lasers and drop bombs from the back in case police showed up and you actually have to shoot the other cars to increase your fuel [Music] [Music] Paul Jam is another example I modified or might have actually just redid from scratch it's just a breakout clone not too much to say about it but there were a couple different levels [Music] you so I made a sequel to that later on this one is a menu and has a MIDI track I made myself yeah it's pretty terrible and the rest of my self-made music is only gonna get worse from here the game is quite similar to the original but the ball changes colors and makes fireworks when hitting a block there are also some new game elements in later levels like obstacles the last of this example hacking I did was this totally non-copyright-infringing a mr. pack you may be asking what happened to mr. pack one I don't know either I couldn't find it anyway you'll notice the power pellets don't work the same way as the original game it was just too difficult for my beginner self to implement this game also had several levels with different layouts the game also had a sequel this time it has a menu with different options [Music] the level walls are a little bit nicer and the power pellets are slightly closer to what the original was supposed to do but still not quite the same there was also an unlockable bonus stage after you beat the game yes there was even one more sequel this one had a lot more features though not all of them were finished because I was only about halfway through making the game by the time I was losing interest in using game maker but the gameplay is much more solid now and the power pellets work mostly like the original now because I finally figured out a way to guide the eyes towards the ghost home [Music] [Music] all right let's start getting into some of my original games this one was just titled Joe you basically have to collect all the diamonds while also avoiding the guards there were a bunch of levels and later on a new ninja enemy type that would walk randomly it was actually pretty challenging now let's look at street racers not to be confused with street race which I talked about earlier and this one you actually race other cars to get to the finish as fast as possible [Music] there's different power-ups along the way and each level the enemies get faster and faster the power-ups include invincibility speed boost and missile [Music] despite the simplicity I remember this game being actually really fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes my own take on everyone's favorite plumber it's certainly very different from the original and ironically I ended up using sound effects from Sonic this game had so many different levels I think something like five worlds with four levels each plus bonus stages it was a reasonably challenging and a little bit glitchy at times pretty fun overall [Music] this was a really simple one it was basically pong but you controlled two axes of paddles and the game speeds up each bounce not very fun though the AI can never lose there was a certain point when I was really into pinball so I made this pinball game the game maker physics were really bad for this kind of game though and my table design wasn't the greatest so it was really hard to play each table had different story based objectives to score jackpots and there were three different tables with different unique elements this game was supposed to be similar to an old game called JS ball the goal is to claim as much area as you can before the time runs out but if one of the balls touches your trail you'll lose in the original it was supposed to automatically fill in the empty areas you make but I didn't know how to code that so you just have to fill them in yourself this game had several levels of increasing difficulty with more enemy balls this is one of the few games that actually made all the music for and the music is sold cringy the game itself was pretty good though it was a puzzle platformer with a lot of different gameplay elements there were three different worlds grassland hell and desert as well as multiple boss fights [Music] this game was a paintball fighting game where your goal is to capture the enemy's flag the a I was really bad though and it was pretty difficult to aim due to the controls again there were a lot of different levels [Music] you okay now bear with me this was my middle school sense of humor so you know I may not be proud of it now but at the time it was hilarious I especially love the sound effects I chose Oh this was my first attempt to make a 3d game but as you can probably tell it was the fakest 3d you've ever seen this is the other game I made all the music for and it's just awful each level you need to shoot more asteroids to advance without getting hit yourself [Music] for some reason I remember that this was one of my earliest games I made from scratch and game maker it's a pretty simple game just shoot the invaders before they reach the ground I save the best for last this is a sequel to Star Cruiser but mostly by name it's actually my own take on an old game you've probably never heard of called space junkie you have to shoot the enemies but you don't want to overheat your gun or else you have to wait for it to cool down before you can shoot again there were a lot of different levels each with their own unique flight patterns enemies and designs the later level started to even introduce new bullet types as well there's a red one that's slightly homing a blue one that falls much faster and a gray one that oscillates [Music] there were also multiple boss fights including a multistage final boss [Music] the last level before the boss was particularly cool the ships rotate and will only shoot the kind of bullet from the side that rotated to so that about sums up my early games I hope you'll agree I've come a long way since then next time I'll show some of my early demo visuals thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: CodeParade
Views: 140,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GameMaker, video games
Id: DJjPiYn0iYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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