Early Visualizations - Game Maker Saga Part 2

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so last time I showed my first games this time I'm gonna show my early visualizations let's start with as random one called brain I think it was supposed to mimic some kind of lifelike behavior similar to particle life but here particles can reproduce and consume each other it's kind of an interesting simulation this one called pressure is even more similar to particle life it was probably supposed to simulate atomic nuclei with protons and neutrons but obviously I didn't know any quantum physics to make it realistic the matrix is exactly what it sounds like I made it to be my screensaver for a short time not too much else do it I have no idea what motivated this one or why I made it but it looks cool [Music] Starmaker was actually made with a purpose I was trying to make a background for my geo cities website at the time and used this tool to make the star pattern pretty handy here's a three body gravity simulation basically I could create any number of fixed or moving objects with gravity and run the simulation to see what the weird orbits look like I also got into 2d graphing so here's the zeros of a random equation I'll put on the screen here's another graph this time polar with a very interesting choice of equation [Music] okay this was one of my coolest visuals it's a logic simulator that lets you place a bunch of logic gates and wire them up to simulate circuits here's a 4-bit adder example I created some custom gates like this combination and exclusive or gate to make them more manageable I even added delay elements to create clock pulses so I could build things like this binary counter super cool project [Music] okay so now we'll get into some of my more popular categories I certainly made a lot of fractals these ones are really simple each object just creates copies of itself and repeats [Music] [Music] and of course who could forget the classic Mandelbrot set I even tried some other variations like the Buddha brought set [Music] l-system curves were another type of fractal I created like this dragon curve [Music] I even tried making some of my own weird ones closely related to the Mandelbrot set is this bifurcation diagram [Music] I made two different animations to visualize it [Music] [Music] the update equation looks like this so it got me thinking what would happen if I also had an equation for the y-value that's exactly how my chaos equation started here's one without color and here's one that's basically identical to how I did it later on [Music] another interest of mine was cellular automata but unfortunately I wasn't able to replicate Conway's Game of Life because I didn't know how to buffer the board I was updating the cells in the same place as I was reading them so it created some really cool patterns with different rules and they tended to be more chaotic [Music] I even experimented with cells having different rules and competing [Music] eventually I was able to figure out the buffering with the game maker language and finally made the classic Conway's Game of Life okay now let's talk about the third dimension game maker was strictly a 2d engine but I really wanted to try 3d so I learned the equations to rotate points and made this cube example [Music] next I learned perspective projection and drew lines to connect the vertices [Music] what's the next logical step the fourth dimension of course so here I created a hypercube that I could rotate in all four axes [Music] I even tried to visualize it in stereoscopic 3d but I definitely didn't do it correctly [Music] using this 3d system I was also able to make some attractors like this Lorenz attractor [Music] I even made some of my own weird attractor like things now this was really cool I was almost gonna make a separate video on it but it's a 3d version of the dragon fractal it's created basically the same way as 2d but the depth at each step is equal to the turning number meaning the number of right turns minus the number of left turns so far it creates a very natural 3d shell around the fractal which I found very satisfying [Music] and finally I was able to make a 3d graph err that I thought was super cool and actually ran at a decent speed [Music] [Music] so I guess that'll be it to wrap up the series hopefully these are interesting to you and thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: CodeParade
Views: 98,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Maker, Coding Projects, Compilation, GML, programming, visuals, math
Id: uWtCbqEMebU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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