My Ferris Dealer Screwed Me

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this video is to help everybody in the lawn maintenance Community I think sometimes we really need to stick together and help each other out so nobody else gets screwed by a dealer like I did so Saturday I think I can't even remember two months previous to picking this mower up ish I put a deposit down and had to wait of course not a big deal we all know that all the companies are backed up with mowers especially if you want one of the big block engines so I picked this mower up Saturday um I had to drive about three and a half four hours to pick up the mower um dealer said it was good to go the dealership said that they had leveled the deck and everything was in good working order basically it was I ended up being like a nine hour round trip to get the mower I got it from a dealer called Mid-State Turf and Tractor just north of Nashville Tennessee so the issue that I am having with this mower is I started to cut and one side over here was scalping extremely bad right and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong measure the deck and it was about three quarters of an inch out of level so I was like maybe that's it right well and come to find out the eye bolt that holds the deck up isn't connected here you can see you maybe see it down there hey Bolt is just not there I'll show you what the other side is supposed to look like here's what it's supposed to look like there's supposed to be a tension spring in there as well and well it's not there so not just that it's sculpt the the lawn it damaged and chipped up the blade on this side pretty bad I'm not sure how bad the middle blade is um let's see if we can get let's try to zoom in here you can see huge chunks out of the tire the tires all screwed up because when the deck dropped it rubbed up there it's kind of hard to see but there's paint missing off of the deck right there where the tire was dragging on the deck so that was Saturday after late afternoon when I discovered that was a problem well I called the company first thing this morning hey well before I called the company the company had sent me pictures of the mower they had sent me two pictures and one of the pictures was on this this angle pretty much and I zoomed in before I picked the mower up it was when the company said they were done with it you could zoom in and see the eye bolt was not hooked up it was just like it is you zoom in see it's not correct right so I knew I was in the right I knew that I didn't break it there's proof that the company did something wrong I called the company hey what can we do to fix this well the guy was extremely rude and basically told me happens it's not his problem and it broke sitting on the lot so I messaged the company I was like hey can you level the deck for me and they said oh yeah leveling the deck is part of the process well if you level the deck you would notice that the eyeball was gone because you have to touch it I had to make sure everything's good to go and level right so either he never leveled the deck and Ferris sent a bad mower or sorry I got a sore throat and I'm a little sick or when he leveled the deck he didn't do something the right way so basically what he's saying is after he leveled the deck moving it from wherever they had it parked and parking on my trailer is what broke it so I don't know but yeah he's telling me that it broke there so he's four hours away I'd have to travel four hours drop it off or you know eight hour round trip drop it off drive back again for them to fix it which you would think they'd fix instantly and while I was there if they could or I have to go to another dealer that's nearby the closest Ferris dealer service center near me is about an hour so I have to go to this dealer and because I did not purchase it from them it is a first come first serve on drop-offs so basically I have to have a two-week wait on a brand new mower I mean it's got points six hours on it 0.06 I don't even know how that is I don't know Ferris is weird with the hour meter anywho it it doesn't even have a half hour I don't think but I have to wait two two weeks to get the mower back how many I bought it from won't do anything to help I Won't You Know cover fuel if I had to take it back won't Rush Parts won't do anything it's it's my problem it's my fault they did nothing wrong they want to blame Ferris for sending a bad mower so if if Ferris sent the mower broken right and he leveled the deck he should have noticed if he leveled the deck correctly and tightened everything that would not happen in my opinion it's a hundred percent I'm the dealer and basically get Chuck they won't do anything to fix it crap happens see good Jesus loving guy I've found that the good Jesus loving individuals tend to be the worst when it comes to stuff like this because they'll be the quickest to screw you but hey stuck with a fifteen thousand dollar mower I had I just had to turn down a customer at 500 a week just lost another customer at 200 a week so hey I'm losing you know 700 a week right now 14 not 2800 a month all because a dealer doesn't want to take care of their customers Mid-State Turf and Tractor I would avoid them like the plague so this is uh me trying to be as transparent as possible I'm going to go through and show you the text messages from the dealer here's the picture the dealer sent me um I'm gonna zoom in here you can see the eye bolt is not connected and this is before they put the quick shooter on so yeah um Mid-State Turf and Tractor I'll pull up the next picture and you can see where the eye bolt I'll try to zoom in I think I don't remember what I did here but here we go there's a picture zoom in you can see that I bought and the spring is connected and that's exactly how the dealership sent it to me or let me pick it up
Channel: Reward Lawn Maintenance
Views: 143,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: imHe1FNS53o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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