Battle Of The Juggernauts ► Wright ZK & Ferris Z3X Lawn Mower ► Mowing Overgrown Grass!!

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] hey what's up guys Brown here brines laminates alright you guys know my channels all about help you guys grow and more successful lawn care landscape in business and today we have a special treat we're hanging out with standing and and we have two of the most hyped up lawn mowers that you guys have always wanted to see videos reviews and comparisons on so we're gonna do some walk arounds for you guys show you a little bit what's going on Stan you've been using the right sander for the last year and a half yep what's your opinion what's your thoughts we're gonna go through each unit okay so beast so of all the lawn mowers I ever used this was the one that spoiled me the most the ability for this thing to handle just about any situation kind of ruined it when I got onto the medium heavy duty lawn mowers or any other lawn mower plain and simple because I automatically assumed that they could all do what this lawn mower could do and nothing could be further from the truth so then as I started to tackle difficult situations like my kid what what that wasn't on the right Moors but right here's the here's the caveat and I'm with Edie who actually created and built this thing I had two guys one loved this and one didn't love this one called it the golden chariot and the other guys like I'll take their Toro Grande stones because he preferred the more nimble ability the other guy preferred the fact that he wouldn't slide down and go under the pond at the bottom of the hill right with the big wide tire it's a big white toad I've never seen this done a lot more before that's fascinating I don't that's a marketing thing we thought it was for rednecks originally but I it's actually pretty useful we thought it was gonna like really mess up things are you gonna make the zero turn or whatever but or the ground pressure becomes so low that it's not that bad you know it's more like that you see on a golf course with these huge tires it doesn't scuff too bad if you're gonna call the Farris you're gonna call the right I've never used the fair so I'm not gonna call either one I'm just here to tell you what my experiences with the right you you I've used the Feres now the fairest this is the Z 3x you guys know if you guys watch my channel for any length of time know that I had a demo with these guys and I was actually really impressed with this unit this one right here it's got the old guard system so there's a lot that goes into it then other than just mowing that I feel is great for a contractor and an end user somebody like ourselves now heads probably got the engineering side of it so I'll let him give his his pros and cons of each unit because he's really smart with this stuff for me personally I felt it was just a comfortable ride the cut quality was a b-plus the ride quality b-plus the ability to only have to change my oil once a year that's an a feature so a lot of these little features kind of put this into that next category the cut quality b-plus like I said it wasn't the best cut by any means so that's why I want to take it through some tall grass but again I haven't used the right so that's why I'm kind of curious maybe we should flip the script maybe I should use that guy and you should use the ferris absolutely let's do that from an engineering standpoint tell me about the good things about the ferris so I would say that some of the top good things are the tires are pretty pretty far spread apart you're going to lose a little bit of the overlap but the stability and the turning torque that you have is pretty good and lets you get fairly down between the wheels that's the great thing now the engines fixed to the frame and the belt drives not that long so you know the belts gonna flex down a bit when it when they go when you do that push the button out raise and lower the deck the belts gonna angle down lower yeah the belt that connects to the the deck is going to deflect right so the range for Bermuda the st. Augustine is not really there and part of its cuz that belt business right you can't go so far without the belt D railing so that's that's an aspect to it like I said layouts go to visit really good it's good control forces are light but actually when you get in your high speed they don't actually respond and track quite as well and the transmission in this is the hydrogen ear 4400 which is the class lower than what's in here this is a pump and motor system but the but the motor side of this is more like the with a 5400 so out of the showroom no they're both gonna handle well but when you get to three years down the road and you want that transmission not to be given up because the cost of a transmission replacement can total a machine so that's one thing you know the oil guards nice I think we're gonna see that feature and more machines in the market is that a new feature because Briggs owning Faris and when they went to market with this they had some exclusivity for the first however long yeah so you're not you're not gonna see anybody else's machine right now but that's gonna change how long has this been on the market because I've I'm scared of a new yeah the first season of owning anything if it hasn't been out for three or five years I'm a little bit afraid of putting the oil outside the engine because there's more things that could go wrong but the feature here is phenomenal right the idea that you could change oil so infrequently so the oil change is as simple as this look at this okay that's your drain plug up take this thing off open this up and it's going to drain out okay you do that once a year and then show me the filter turn it 90 degrees lift it up pull it straight out it'll come there you go so that's your oil change right so it's a cartridge style versus like a filter you know the yellow filters mm-hmm you have your dipstick by the way you can pour oil right through here through that cone yeah pull this up if it ever gets low this is every 500 hours from what from what I understand so I feel like that is for guys that are Moen you know it regular conditions that's a once a year that's that's that's a huge selling point I like the controls the controls are pretty intuitive you know pto get your break the deck lever I feel like it should be on the opposite side because most guys are right-handed so I want to pull up with my right hand versus my left but you know that's okay you know just about every other mower in the markets like that yeah totally and the fuel is on the wrong side as well if I pull up to a pump I feel it should be on the left hand side when I back it out of my trailer the gas tanks for most vehicles that seem to be on the left hand side the same thing was having the gas tank on the more on the left hand side on the front suspension side of this let's talk about that real quickly because if there's some things that it does but I think some things that people think it does that it doesn't do here okay so Ferris you know brand all about the suspension the soft ride they've really built their brand around that and that's great and on the Z's they use this where the lift arm is a suspension arm and so the machines ride-height can change without the deck gouging in or riding up right now that works good for suspension but this is not a suspension system this is simply a tilting axle so you have this axle that tilts right here and for my standpoint what happens is the deck is gonna follow the rear tires anyways see this it's gonna follow the rear tires sure and what happens here is when this wheel goes in a hole it's gonna cause the deck to want to scalp more low over the front whereas on a fixed frame system when you get used to it you actually hover over the terrain how you want to cut it and you don't want your deck going to the lowest point you want your deck riding the highest point so I believe that there's some benefits to the fixed frame system over the tilting beam system this was really popular on zero turns I don't know maybe six eight years ago everybody was putting this out there and then they started disappearing again and I think it's cuz that started realizing it's more to go wrong but the you want talking about the pad because this was one of your talking points was the on the fairest compared to this because they just have a regular flat pad here yeah so the bolsters are nice when you're turning because it holds you in but when you're on a hill you actually want to lean outside of that pad area and so the bolster but kind of it comes in your way gotcha and we also don't like to stitch this because that's where water and mold starts we want it to be all sealed over and so that that's why we have the flat pad most of our machines actually have a dual layer in there so there's a softer layer and a firmer layer sure not a single piece of foam we saw the making the seats in here there's got to be a hundred staples in here like you said maybe just a couple dozen so I was able to come in and field fix this wing nuts pull these pop these off get at everything get at my pulleys and belts and just be able to keep going it wasn't a matter of even pulling any tools out to do anything any kind of repair work everything was always the one one of the things that I really appreciate and I'm I'm a guy that I appreciate the simpler the better so in your your experience in your testing which one has been performing better overall I'm biased biased so that's why I'm excite which one you guys think let me comment down below if you haven't already watch the footage so Ferris right stander ZK let's go check it out let's go down here I did we drop the negative water about what if 3/4 safety meeting safety meeting one of the things that I want to point out is if you look you were just at 1 1 1 and you mowed at top speed top speed bro look at that cut Wow look at that flippin cut I didn't even feel any resistance no out of the engine or the hydros that's what I would see Wow spoil look at you guys I'm saying about oh yeah if I do the base switch on me come on tinker in it dude I'm gonna tell you right up look at this cut look at it look at it it's flawless hi I mean we're talking about top speed 1 inch there's not a flipping blade of grass left right wow that cut I mean that's as real as Rawling authentic as you get on a video right cuz I feel like I've been set up but at the same point look at that I mean that's I make sure you really impress I didn't feel any resistance and the hydros in fact I wasn't even going fast enough and then I looked behind me and I said I saw this I go oh no I hadn't an edge like how about that he set me off that's awesome that looks good did you actually set him no cuz I had it down to take the deck covers off so I was just rolling it was just it was just full flow Wow yeah yeah that's enough talk about spoil yes so we're gonna do a speed test first off you got the right and the ferrous we can do a speed test and then we'll do a side-by-side test going the same speed but then see the actual cut quality so we're gonna see how well these two cut at top-end and then we're gonna see how well these two cut at top-end how you'd actually cut yeah six number this field graph [Applause] [Laughter] pretty good how's the Paris huh yeah I'd say pretty equal mm-hmm hi you got a big mower what do you do with big mowers cut them big properties couple big properties and maybe once in a while you tackle big grass let's go most me tall grass let's go more sometime don't ask me okay guys we got a little bit of a debate I'm not gonna say I'm the first one this should be spouting in here but I think this is four inches quarry the engineer thinks this is four inches and Brian what do you think this is four to me so four four and a quarter four or five four seven five where's five then there's no five five right here 5 is all the way up linked up clicking water back okay so this is four well so if that's four that's four seven five and you let go of this it only goes a quarter-inch down so that's four seven fine with him okay so are you gonna change your tune now Brian why what were your cutting edges now for so that I'm saying so this is so this is four over here yeah that's what I said okay so that's four okay so it takes a degree to figure all that cutting we did all that cutting we Davis off loosen did you pull it Brian I pull I didn't pull a Brian I just I just hopped on a machine that was preset but exhaust I'm what I'm saying is this is not the best depth gauge no that's fair that's four I'm gonna say that right out of the gate this is not the best depth gauge I want a depth gauge we just go please because the guys coming in aren't gonna go hey you aiming in I get the color you at three and a half this week or you at three and seven five three point seven five and it's like you got customers that are that picky and if you got a new guy coming in its really have to be that new you can have a person coming in and go oh wait a minute I thought I was at the right guy and then all of a sudden there's scalp and everything or Lyra's leaving it too long you know hey that's not as bad as it could be where's the scalp it than it is to burnt to leave it long well we'll get some stickers in there maybe some some animal stickers and we'll [Music] [Music] that's some pretty evenly cut grass I gotta admit all right what I was saying about the suspension is that yeah it follows the contours but sometimes it's not what you want so we have a hole right here Ryan I'm gonna ask you to start the engine and drive your front wheel over that hole with the blades on and cut okay we're gonna leave one passed we're gonna bring the other machine through and it's gonna cut deeper gotcha all right like I was saying the suspension helps you follow contours but sometimes that's a bad thing you want to be able to hover over dips and holes so we got a hole right here I'm gonna have you start up bring your front wheel right over that hole it's gonna hover over it and the tweet is the double wheels are gonna straddle that hole we're not gonna scalp it so go ahead all right now we're gonna take this machine you're gonna see the deck dip down into it we're not going to hover over it again [Music] yo so we we got a little closer through here and through here because it cuz it dipped and you you almost don't want that effect and actually Walker guys drive mowers way different than yours era turn guys because Walker mowers the front wheels follow the contours the guys that are used to a rear weight rear bias mower where they just let the wheels hover over what they're trying to go over sure and so the whole suspension thing I'm saying it doesn't necessarily help a lot and to me it's just a lot of moving parts yeah I like you for the contouring of like residential subdivisions yeah let's move the nice out yeah but this this makes sense with uh with big divots in the ground calves in the ground pool deck drops when it goes in I did see it just drop down the bottom [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's still pretty impressive it is thank you don't I mean this field is 4 4 feet tall this grass yeah it's and fix stuff yes I mean it's so it's like wet lush conditions it's like late summer you know you literally will do a second pass out of this one what let's just see a handle free [Music] putting there is actually the second that's the first cut of a second mole so right this path shot into it we shot everything into this and this is not dry grass okay so this is heavy wet three four foot tall grass I'm gonna take this get down the same lane in the middle this is all discharged grass so you can take it down this one right in the middle all right I take the first I'll check this out see how up cake [Music] [Music] is the same role so we got a 61 inch deck cut and a 72 inch deck cut what do you think Brian out of the deck that much faster look at this this is all from the ferris and I like the ferris but this right here this was all just clumped up underneath the right when he came out there was nothing left underneath that okay but look at the now you didn't bog down at all a little bit at the beginning okay we had a pretty darn good cut down what you were doing recutting sold second grass yeah so but you're also cutting less so I'm cutting seventy two at a time handling a bigger swath true so when it's heavier grass sure that that it's gonna be extra but then dude if you're cutting that much more grass it's still discharged at that much faster this is a 61 and look at look at all this that work red is look like this is all something I just was discharging after I was out of the pasture ten feet all right so we've seen the Goliath go through the tall grass now let's do the heavy duty mid-size mowers and see how they handle this tall stuff but if you guys want to see that come on over to my channel because that's what we're gonna be doing it gonna be good
Channel: Brian's Lawn Maintenance
Views: 196,301
Rating: 4.6682272 out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, ferris mowers, wright mower, græsslåning højt græs, paggapas mataas na damo, mähen von hohem gras, memotong rumput tinggi, tondre la haute herbe, klippe høyt gress, Косить высокую траву, siega hierba alta, mowing tall grass, mowing very tall grass, overgrown grass, overgrown yard, wright mower zk, ferris z3x, ferris z3x vs wright zk, wright zk dually wheels, ferris z3x oil guard, dirt monkey, brians lawn maintenance, epic mowing wars, lawn mower reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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