Johnny Mow says My Ferris One of the Worst Decks in History!! Replacing the Stihl BR700 Back Plate

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[Music] okay good morning y'all so today's gonna be a little bit of a different kind of video uh i'm gonna be doing some maintenance stuff i know everybody thinks that i don't that i don't uh you know take care of my equipment and all that well the appearance of the equipment is one thing but uh uh you know i i always maintain the mowers key components and everything else for instance on the lawn mowers the the most important thing to me and there's like three three things on the lawn mower that is critical uh engine hydraulics and the mower deck everything else is secondary man you know uh the cosmetics of the of the mowers well they catch hell man you know and uh i used to try to keep them all shiny and new but i do it it you know and i could do better don't get me wrong i can definitely do better y'all but uh they catch hell man you know and for my mowers you know uh at least the goal for all my mowers and um is to have all 12 tires you know on the rear and all the mowers that i have all have solid front tires so i don't really worry about the twills on the front because they're all solid from the factory anyway but the twill tires are uh you know y'all know that i'm moving toward the twill tires anyway so uh yeah so we're going we're gonna do a little bit of maintenance stuff today uh i heard one guy talking about on the video on uh videos about the ferrisses is these wheels right here so and he made a very good point man on these wheels right here he made a very good point what he was saying was that as you lower the deck back down you know if the wheel is sitting if the wheel's caught that way and you hit and you're going this way and you hit the lawn where it can rip the lawn as it turns so that might be something that i well you know there's a couple ways i could do that i could i could of course i could tack weld it where it stay straight like that uh or i could just take that whole thing off you know as you can see deck wheels don't mean nothing to ray don't care nothing about them i don't need them i don't use them uh it's just another thing to replace you know and to replace the deck wheels on a deck on one of these decks you talk about about 60 bucks and then you know uh it just uh you know down here where i'm at and for me and i'm just talking about and i'm just talking about for me y'all i'm not talking about nobody else or what anybody else does or or anything like that i'm just talking about right i cut the grass we cut nasty lawns uh you know we have some we have some manicured lawns and nasty lawns but for the most part i cut so short that the wheels are catching hell all the time rarely y'all rarely do i cut any yards above three yeah so all right you scalping to shut up the yard well okay i've been doing it for 15 years and uh that's that's how it go so uh now on this ferris mower i had i a looking through the comments and i saw a comment from uh johnny moe and you know i respect johnny mo johnny moe's got a lot of time in the game uh johnny moe's very knowledgeable about a lot of stuff you know uh you know he's a solo guy uh he's you know i'm sure he's had employees over the past but he just you know turned out you know ended up being solo because that's best for him so johnny moe made a comment and said hey ray you need to get rid of this more talking about the fair you need to get rid of the smoke that's the worst deck ever i'm like okay well uh you know and and i'm not you know i'm not my feelings ain't hurt i'm not mad so don't anybody think i am everybody has their opinion uh he said that in the comment he said that's the worst deck ever you know and told me i'd better get rid of the mower uh well i don't know about all that man i'm not gonna be getting rid of them mower uh i'm not gonna get i'm not gonna be getting rid of the mower so uh matter of fact uh like i said yesterday i got i didn't order the twill tires for it too so uh yeah uh to me it seems to be a great cutting mower i don't know and you never know it could have been it could have been somebody with johnny moe's uh you know icon there that says that he's johnny moe and talking about the mower deck i don't know but you know i ain't got no reason to think that johnny moe would lie to me that's what he thinks you know but based on just my experience and based on what the mower is actually doing and how it's cutting i've seen a lot worse decks than this deck i mean i matter of fact i don't really know of a mower that i have had that i have owned that i have spent my money on that i have ran for any period of time i don't know of any more that cuts any better than the ferris does thus far six days into ownership okay so let's make that clear i'm not a master at ferris mowers i'm a master of making money so you know that's uh what i'm good at and i'm good at putting equipment in position to win now i'm good at that so but this mower uh from all signs you know and i've used it for about three days on big properties little properties you know manicured lawns unmanicured lawns and the cut is great i mean i i know i wouldn't say that if it wasn't y'all you know uh it cuts uh it cuts as good as the x marks if you ask me right now based on my experience with the machine right now now i don't know how johnny moe figured out that this is the worst deck ever i don't know how that did he own one did you know i don't know but i'm sure that he has his reasons to think that so enough about the mower and the uh you know the deck and you know i bought them all i'm going to keep the mower i got 26 inch wheel tires coming and those 26 inch 12 tires are going to be massive on this thing it's going to make it look so much better i know it's going to make it handle better because at the end of the day the ferris sits up higher than the xmart okay so and y'all saw the cut quality i gotta admit you know i'm gotta admit that that skag did cut that particular grass over there uh yesterday when i was testing this one against the skag it did cut really good you know and it did strike really good i could have cut the whole yard with the scad and it would have been a nice nice cut nice stripes nice everything now of course this mole right here when i when i bought this smaller y'all i did not buy this more let's make it clear i did not buy this mower for daily use okay i didn't i bought this mower for the great big cuts and for a backup mower and all that now y'all have seen me use it daily that's just because it's it i'm kind of getting a feel for it and all that uh so but after you know after after we get into the season a little bit you know probably another week or so i'll after i get the 12 tires and uh and all that i'll probably put this mower in storage and not and not use it every day now i don't know that for sure i mean if the twill tires i might use it for a week or so after i get the 12 tires on the daily but uh this mold was not bought for daily use okay okay so today what we're going to be doing is y'all know y'all realize that and and i know that everybody is facing this uh covid has uh really hampered a lot of things okay and apparently blowers and things okay so all the steel products y'all are uh well they are short okay all the steel dealers in my area don't have anything you can't buy a a br 600 blower you can't buy br 700 blower you can't buy a br 800 blower and i think they have one handheld blower in the whole freaking store out of four stores that i went to in my general area so and i and uh y'all saw the other day when i was over the steel dealer whatever so what a real business has to do y'all when that when i've never been faced with that because normally i would just go buy another blower and then i would sell the blower that it's replacing or whatever so this blower right here y'all it has this blower is the the br 700 okay and it broke so that's ugly right but they sell the back plate right and they got parts for these for these blowers in stock so the other day when i went over to the steel dealer i bought the back plate okay so what i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna i'm gonna put this back plate on this blower so you know uh normally i probably would not do this i probably would just uh sell this blower as he is to somebody you know for you know 150 to 200 dollars okay this blower was about two years old so you know i know ray man that was like hell after two years i know because it catches hills we cut a lot of grass and we make a lot of money out here so just so you know i've i have done this before on the br 600 blowers you know uh but as the business has evolved uh i just well i just haven't been doing that but we're gonna get this thing going today we're gonna get we're gonna we're gonna change it out and uh i'm gonna put you guys on time lapse so y'all kind of watch it and then uh and just go from there all right y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] him [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and there you have it y'all done fixed you know and you know what they call that y'all you see what they call that they call that doing what you got to do to keep going you know i know y'all see me out here you know working and and and and riding the mowers and driving the truck and and a lot of people don't think that i work you know you know any any physical work well i ain't got to do a lot of physical work uh i have to do all these kind of things you know so this blower is good i mean this ball is good as new man i mean y'all see it uh ready to go this one right here uh it needs a back plate too so but i got a i got a br you all see the br 800 sitting over there so i got an 800 i'm not really uh you know too tough worried about i'm not really too tough worried about a third backpack blower i got i got a couple of handheld blowers too so you know this blower right here this bowl right here go back to the storage unit now of course i said i don't need it you know one thing that i was missing on this one right here is one of the screws that holds the trigger on there uh well it was gone when i took it off so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take one of the screws out of this trigger thing here since i'm not going to be using this one and uh and put it in this trigger so then it gives me two backpack blowers and i know know a lot of guys out there you know you gotta have you know all these all these uh blowers and blah blah blah blah blah you don't need all that crap man you don't need all that all you need uh for me is a blower per truck uh and a handheld blower per truck that's really all you need you don't even have to have a big boy backpack blower y'all uh i would have bought an 800 if they were available but they're not so yeah i did what i had to do to keep to keep the business going and to keep it where uh my guys uh and me have good equipment because mechanically there's nothing wrong with it none of these blowers now now this blower right here uh [Music] it got it it fell off of it fell off the truck and i put some uh some heavy duty this this ball right here fell off the truck and up and it busted the housing here and i just put some y'all see that that's been over that's been like that for over a year and that right there is some uh uh you know plastic mixed stuff that you buy costs about nine dollars in a and a putty you know and and that right this is resin as hard as a rock okay y'all so i'm gonna put all the tools up uh uh task number one is done for the day and yeah so the back plate has been replaced on the br 700 the br 700 now is like a uh well it's like a new blower you know pretty much uh as far as compared to what it was all right y'all i kick back
Channel: Ray Rays Lawn/Landscape
Views: 10,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K7PTfsmXHI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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