My Favorite Small Mods For Bannerlord (Non-Overhaul Mods)

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in this video we're going to cover some of the small mods that I'm using in my current campaign and they are some of my absolute favorite we won't be covering any major overhaul mods those will be in the coming videos let's jump right into it starting with tutelage this is the only mod on the list that needs to be added from the Steam Workshop essentially this mod looks at everybody in your party your family and in the current town that you're in finds the highest level for each skill and then gives everybody else in the party a small trickle of XP to demonstrate it I'm going to show you a small clip from a current campaign that I'm running where we have a full party of 25 companions now looking here medicine crossbow two-handed crossbow pole arm engineering writing literally every skill gets trickled down to everybody else and with enough XP they will gain levels from it so for example our main character has 322 one-handed which is the highest out of anybody in the party XP is granted at 10 XP per 100 Levels so essentially this character is contributing 32 XP to everybody else in the party one side note it doesn't just add skill XP it also adds XP for the main character so it will help your companions level up which is one of my biggest gripes in the base game because companions take forever to level up I highly recommend tutelage it's a great mod up next on the list is realistic weather this mod adds a chance of rain fog or dust storms to different biomes in the game and each event has different effects on the units on the battlefield from slowing their movement speed increasing their morale damage and even having an effect on their accuracy for example in this case we hit Heavy Rain which slows our movement speed decreases the accuracy of anybody throwing range weapons like these idiots throwing rocks at us and also increases the morale damage taken when people get killed over here we spawn in the steps near a river and you could see a heavy fog which doesn't necessarily do a ton I believe the base mod reduces accuracy but it also decreases your visibility significantly but all these things can be adjusted to your liking and of course we get the sandstorm in the desert which looks absolutely amazing the sound is really good too and again these idiots can't hit anything in the sandstorm and the next mod on the list is equip best item this mod isn't necessarily essential but if you're using a lot of companions it can really save you a ton of time and headache so for example in this case we've got a long list we've got 25 people on here now going through and figuring out which one is the best for everybody to equip can be a real chore let's just start an example let's say after battle we just got a ton of really high-end gear and we want to figure out who's got what you would have to go in one by one and manually do it in this case you do get a pop-up saying that there's an upgrade available or you can click this button it'll upgrade everything for that specific character but let's say again you have 25 people do you want to go through 25 screens no you don't so we click this button and it upgrades everybody in the party and if you look right here it even gives you a chat pop-up telling you exactly who got what what type of armor they got switched out it even works for weapons as well though in this case I have most of everybody's weapons locked which brings me to my next point you can set filters you can lock things one thing I kept running into frequently is that it would switch out certain types of throwing weapons I would get an item with a modifier that would give me a larger stack and it kept switching it out for something with two stacks so I would go from Seven throwing weapons to two you can actually change that and set it so that you have to have a certain amount of Stack size before it gets swapped out so the filters are really good the locking mechanism is really good again very very good mod highly recommend if you're going to be using a lot of companions if it's just your main character and maybe one or two people in your party not really that big of a deal but it'll still save you a little bit of time and moving on we're going to cover unlimited cap next this mod does two different things you can adjust your companion limit to be different from what the base game is and also your party size so looking right here we adjusted our companion limit up to 100. the reason I did this is because I wanted to do a companion heavy campaign and in the base game you're limited to three at Clan tier zero and the absolute Max you can get is 11 with all the right perks and Clan tier 6 which is not enough for what I was looking to do so you can adjust this all the way up to 500 which I wouldn't recommend my previous campaign I had up to 88 Companions and it was a lot of work to manage them you can also have the adjustment be Progressive instead of definite Progressive means each level you'll add a certain amount to your current level so if you still want to balance it so that maybe you instead of getting one per glance here you can actually have it so that it gives you two or three per clients here so at the end maybe you end up with 30 instead of 11 at the max likewise you can adjust your party size I don't really mess with this but again if you want to do that that's fine same thing you can have it scale differently with each clanchear that you get by default every Clan tier adds 25 to your party size so you can increase that up to whatever you want and looking in here we can see 24 Companions and I've got a full list of them it's a lot of fun to do a campaign like this up next let's cover better smithing continued I consider this mod absolutely essential if you plan on doing any amount of smithing in your campaigns and I'll tell you why the quality of life improvements in this are astounding there's nothing changed to the balance of game this is strictly quality of life looking down here we can see all the pertinent perks for this specific character based on what tab we're on so right now we're on Forge we can see that we have legendary Master experience Smith sharpened Edge and curious Smith if you go to the smelting tab it switches these perks practical smelter and curious smelter so when you have a whole host of people helping you you don't have to go to their specific character just to look and see which one was which or add name tags to help you identify them everything's here for you same thing on the refining Tab and while that's nice and dandy that's not even an important part of this mod one of my favorites and this is a big headache for me in the past is there's a whole catalog that you can save for each weapon that you want to craft in this case we got valhalla's guide this is a very heavy-handed one-handed mace that we're going to be using in our current campaign and you can see in the safe designs you can make quite a few of these I only have one because that's all I wanted to make but you can edit it you can change the names and each time you forge you don't get that stupid pop-up it just makes it if you want to change the name for each one you can do that you just go into the edit design change the name it's very very easy to use you can also craft five at a time right now I'm holding Ctrl I just made five right now instead of having to go through and cycle it's way easier to use and each weapon has its own saved catalog so for example I go to the two-headed mace it's different I don't see the one-handed here it's not all muddied I go exactly where I want I save the type of weapon I want to make so let's say I want to make a weapon that sells for a ton of money and then I want to have a couple that I want to use maybe one on Horseback one on foot I can do that and I can do it easily however the part of the mod that I feel like should absolutely be in the base game and I have no clue why it hasn't been done yet is the bulk refining crafting smelting all that so looking right here normally in the base game I would have to click one time each time I wanted to do this and if you've ever done bulk smithing you'll know how much of a pain in the neck this is and how much it ruins your mouse right now if I hold Ctrl you see down here it says refine five you can do five at a time if I hold shift it does 100 at a time and if I do Ctrl shift it does 200 at a time these are all customizable I set these I believe the default is 5 50 and 100 or something like that I set these up so that I could smell gigantic Stacks all at once so let's go through and see how much hardwood we can burn into charcoal in a short amount of time [Music] and just like that we're literally going through hundreds of hardwood into charcoal at the click of a button one of the worst Parts was going up the refining chain going from wrought iron crude iron iron Etc all the way up to the higher crafting materials now it's done in a single clip it is so easy to do it actually makes smithing enjoyable it reminds me of the days when I first started the game and smithing was actually fun so coming into the mod options you can see right here you can adjust the control refine shift refine and control shift refine you could do the exact same thing for smelting crafting and you can adjust crafting stamina if you want to do that you can also add recovery rate outside of towns so you don't have to be in town to recover if you want to adjust that I left all this at default the only thing I'm using this for in my current campaign is just the bulk smelt refine and craft however there are some things that don't really make sense in the game and you can adjust it here this is an absolute must if you're going to do any kind of smithing whatsoever another one of my favorite mods is a very small one in the base game you have three speeds you have a pause you have a 1x speed and you have a 4X speed however with the mod better time it adds a fourth speed extra fast forward but more importantly you can adjust how fast each one goes again the base game fast forward is 4X I have the extra fast forward as 10x and control space you can even add a fifth one if you want to do something really fast so for example if you're trying to travel across the map if you're trying to wait to regain stamina from crafting you can adjust this so that it goes very fast a really handy mod just makes the game feel so much smoother you're not wasting as much time grinding and running around the map and now we're moving on to the last two mods which I personally don't go without no matter what campaign I'm running the first is character reload it adds these buttons up here when you go to the encyclopedia allowing you to customize anybody on the map not just your own character so if you go to appearance we can edit however we want and in this case we've got Galadriel herself which is going to be in a video coming up soon and as I mentioned more importantly you can adjust anybody on the map so let's say we want to make dirt very old make him look a little bit Derpy we can do that so now his personality matches his looks coming back into here we can change names at any point in time not just for ourselves but everybody on the map I use this all the time when I'm setting up custom campaigns but here's where the real fun begins in the edit hero tab you can adjust all sorts of skill levels perks you can choose both perks instead of just choosing one you can adjust attribute points you can adjust people's traits not just for you but again anybody in the map your companions your family members everybody now just a side note you can only go up to 300 in the base game I went through and used the console commands to get it up to this level and again this is going to be a follow-up video coming up soon before I forget you can also change the culture and one final note if you're tired of having kids that take 18 years to grit older you can either click this button to have them grow up or you can edit their appearance and just make sure their age is above 18 and then you'll be able to use them at that point really really cool mod I can't remember the last time I had a campaign where I didn't use it and for the final mod on the list the RTS camera this mod has a ton of functionality some of which I don't really use but we're going to go over everything anyways one of my favorite options is the slow motion Factor which doesn't exactly do what it says you can slow down the game so if we move this slider all the way down and then we turn it on notice that everything moves very slowly so it could help you out in the heat of battle if you needed extra time however I like to use the slider all the way to the right making it 3x which helps speed up in battle time because sometimes it takes forever for the two lines to meet or if you're traveling into town you want to get to a gang fight this helps speed that up you can also move into a top down view which you can use just to Scout or if you're recording you can get some nice cinematic shots and if you so choose you can even command your troops from here top down I've done this in some of my guides especially the tactics guides and again you can speed up the game because sometimes it really does take forever for the two lines to meet and it's just a waste of time alright so here we go our lines are finally getting closer let's go and command these guys let's draw the line out a little bit longer we're going to issue the shield wall and we're gonna get charged from the side so at this point we probably should issue the charge command so they can turn around and start attacking people you can do all this like I said with the RTS camera mod now one cool feature is you can pause the game allowing you to move around you could normally do this with the free camera mode however this isn't the Press of a button you don't have to hit escape and then you can unpause really get into some of that juicy action like this guy who literally got his head knocked out of his headgear holy crap it got hit hard another quick function is disabling the HUD so if you don't like having a HUD and you want to get a real nice screenshot you can do that with a click of a button also you can control anybody on the battlefield both yours or the enemies in this case let's take control of this low tier guy I'm gonna pause now we've got a tiny ax where tier one garbage troop let's get into action so these guys are terrible they're probably gonna get slaughtered but you know if your main character goes down and you want to take control of a companion you can use this to help them Farm you can use it to help win a battle however you choose to use it another nice feature especially if you're running tests or you're trying to get a nice cinematic shot you can switch sides so now we're in control of the enemy side so we're going to retreat The Archers The Shield wall and we're gonna have both of the Cavalry leave the map let's go ahead and unpause and just like that everybody's going to retreat and again this isn't something I would recommend using in a normal battle but if you want to try and set up some tests it's very useful you can also turn everybody on the map invulnerable which again is nice if you're trying to get some recordings because usually people die very very quickly and with that let's jump back to our main character let this battle finish out so thank you so much for watching we're gonna go punch our way through these guys and I'll see you on the next video you know [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 64,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: P1kQ-xLXql0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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