My Favorite Sansevierias (Snake Plants)

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hi everyone my name is Nick and today we're gonna go over my favourite Sansevieria or snake plants if you know anything about sinc plants you probably know how resilient they are so there are many reasons to love snake plants our Sansevieria but I'm gonna give you a few more today and I want to say before we even start this video but I'm so well aware the sands of areas have been reclassified to dracaena in botany but we're gonna give them their final moment as Sansevieria or probably gonna continue to call them since area for a really long time but I'm gonna refer to them as their old taxonomy for this video for research reasons and just because I don't know what their new names are so we are going to go over 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 of my favorite Sansevieria said I grow my home a grow a number of sensitive area around my house they are phenomenal because I know if I really like it I can put it in a bright window someone's gonna flourish and if I'm just like yeah I can put it anywhere and it's gonna look the same for however long I keep it in that area and I don't really have to worry about it dying as long as I don't overwater it maybe that's not necessarily true your sensitive areas cannot live indefinitely in a low light area if you do any research about sensitive area you're probably gonna say that they're great for low light or no light and they can totally tolerate that situation but it's only for a matter of time so eventually you're gonna have a very weak looking Sansevieria or snake plant but for the longevity of the plant if you do grow it in a bright window you're gonna find some serious rewarding growth of this plant that you might not exactly expect because these plants are so out there looking in terms of their appearance their foliage their texture or whatever you want to refer to it as they're just so funky and out there they're very architectural so getting started with a rather bright and colorful one this right here is a Sansevieria try Fosse otta Hani I gold oh my gosh it's gonna be so hard remembering all these names and I'm actually seeing it has a baby oh my gosh I rarely pull my plants out of their spots I want to say I have a lot of plants and they usually go in their space in their space that they live and unless it's getting moved or sprayed down for treatment and I usually don't have any pest issues and chance of areas or at least I've never have they do not leave their area that they live in so I've rarely pulled this one out it's been facing me from this direction and until I just pulled this one out I didn't even realize it has a beautiful new baby growing in this is a very bright colored hottie I Sansevieria so the Hannie eyes are the bird's nest ants various and typically they stay rather small and squat and they are quite prolific with the babies at least from what I've seen at work what I actually picked out this one couple of years ago just because I really are not a couple of years ago but like a year a year and a half ago because I just really enjoyed the way it looked I think this color is very striking compared to some of the other sensitive areas I grow my homes specifically the more standard ones on the market so I just fell in love with this bright green and bright almost like pale yellow coloration that it has so you can tell from the color of this and how tight together it is that it would prefer a brighter light situation so I do grow this one in a western facing window and I'm probably giving it water often enough like probably like every 10 to 20 days I would say which I would I would say is often for a Sansevieria but giving it in a rather small terracotta pot in a very well draining porous mixture that I would say is probably roughly like it's it's about two parts oil to one part per life this is a very easygoing plant and it just seems to love life clearly with its new baby coming up so Sansevieria try facio de honey i gold and they're the most common species of Sansevieria that I would say is on the health care market would be try possio de so a lot of these plants are going to be different types of track basquiat de although i do have a few others in the mix so moving on let's do another trifle sciata speaking of that this one i don't actually know for sure the name of this i think this is the only one that i'm not positive on the name that i'm gonna be sharing with you guys today this is another type of tripe Asiata though i think this isn't correct me if i'm wrong but i think this is Sansevieria try facio de black gold so this is known for its yellow edging but the dark nearly black color in the center that doesn't really have that like snakeskin streaking that you'll typically see with the Sansevieria trek basquiat at laurenti i which is the more standard yellow edged Sansevieria so i really enjoy how the one is just so plain and dark in the center and then on the edges it's just very well highlighted I think this one really stands out I've been growing this one not long as well I think I've had this one for probably maybe - a little over two years and it has since put off this whole new baby plant similar to the Hani I that I just shared with you guys I had that little baby this is an adult baby because this baby has outgrown the mother plant as you can see it has this much taller foliage right here so this one I have as well in a very well draining mixture because the Sansevieria is potted thank you very much because this Sansevieria is potted in a ceramic planter that I have drilled a hole into the bottom of I have this in a little bit more of a perlite heavy mixture so this is probably more of like like 1 to 1 equal parts perlite to soil just to keep make sure that I'm not going to overwater this plant so it's the soils a little bit more gritty which I find works out a little better for this this one actually sits directly next to that Sansevieria triphosphate oh honey I gold so they are receiving these same exact light conditions and I will say I'm probably watering this one a little bit less often due to the fact that it is in a ceramic pot but I really really enjoy this one I think I actually found this one at a farmers market a couple of years ago and I just like fell head over heels for the black color because I just you don't see it that often in sensitive areas let's do let's move on to a different species this is I think Sansevieria Holly eyes so very similar to the Hani I sounding but this is Holly on I think they either called this the the baseball bat Sansevieria or like I've even heard it called like the fat boy Sansevieria but to each their own this is just so different it's so thick it's a lot different it almost reminds me more of like you know you hear the whale fin and the shark fin Sansevieria called interchangeably but this looks more like a shark fin to me then the whale fin they always you know you've got you guys might know what I'm saying the whale friends not going to be on my list today I hate to say it but I just think this is so fun I love the little bits of texture that the leaves have it's got that classic snakeskin look but with a completely different overhauled appearance if you will it's very different it's very it's very 2020 I just love the look I also really enjoy santé various i know that the whale fin does happen in particular but and the jebel why they have this a kind of like brown dried edging to them and it's such a small characteristic but i just i love it i think it's the little things that you just really appreciate it's almost like they're like peeling away like corn husk at the edges it's it's so interesting i don't know the science behind it but i would love to know but the sense very holly i is one that i just wished i saw a little bit more often I don't think I actually have ever gotten this in stock the plant store where I work I think this was actually a gift from a friend who's a buyer at another store but just such a fun much more succulent Sansevieria I'm growing this one in the silent facing window it isn't probably a one-to-one mixture of perlite to soil and it is in a terracotta pot you can see these white terra cotta pots looked a lot better to me when i first got them and the more I have it I'm realizing how ugly they get very quickly I shouldn't say ugly let's call it character because I don't really mind it but um I feel like some very type-a people might want these white terra cotta pots and this is not going to do them very much justice after just a couple of months or I think I've had it in here for probably about a year now maybe not even that but um a really really fun Sansevieria you just don't see it that often I'm rambling at this point so let's move on to another one this is probably the smallest one I'm going to talk about today this is Sansevieria I think it's Arenberg II I and they call it the samurai Sansevieria and this is a very small one I've actually still have this in the in the pot that I bought it in sitting inside of lost his pants but his pants are inside the pot and this is from Trader Joe's I think I got this for like $3 a year or two ago and I was just like shocked when I walked in to Trader Joe's and saw Santa Maria samurai sitting there for $3 I need to change the pot I'm not a really big fan of this pot if I will but I actually have this sitting up on a shelf on a wall above our dining room table it's my circle shelf if any of you are familiar and I don't touch this I can't even tell you the last time I watered it this thing is not gotten a lick of sunshine it's probably like looking out there probably like seven to eight feet away from a Western facing window so I should probably move this plant soon if I really want to do it some more justice because I freaking love this plant it is just to die for it's got these really sharp tips and I was saying about how they have some sense very said a little like dried out Brown edging this one has it for sure and it works it's like all the way to the tip and the tip is like totally dried and like sharp and pointy like you could do some damage with someone you could if if you need a weapon at home if you don't have a baseball bat you have an intruder you can just grab your since very uh Ehrenburg ii i samurai to do the trick so not not recommending ever using your plans as a weapon just in self-defense but a really really interesting plant it's so different than the other sense various i'm sharing today more on par with the sense very holly i or the baseball bat Sansevieria just with how different it looks i'm from how thick this is i can tell you i should be giving this more light for the longevity of this plan i should really consider moving it into a window this left coming growing season but um it's done nothing but live and if not prosper for me for the whole time i've had it so i really enjoyed this one okay so this one right here is another type of the tripod or the saint's very try Fosse either this one is Sansevieria try Fosse ah de gold flame and this one's very special to me because it was a gift from my friend's mom what's so striking about the Stansberry is how the yellow color leaks in to the rest of the plant you can see here's another really nice leaf right here there's some really nice foliage on this plant so some of the leaves might look a little bit more like your standard laurenti eye which as I mentioned just the standard Sansevieria with the yellow edging this one just has a little bit more character so I'm just really I'm head over heels for this one it's just so it's so lovely and after a couple years of owning it we have another baby coming up which I am very excited about so this one is just really special to me um I don't know if it's like you know rare or anything like that it's honestly just very very special to me for that reason alone because it's a very close friend of mine and I'm very close with her mother and I just think it's so funny that all these years that we were friends I had no idea that her mom had a plan but of course it wasn't until my my very early 20s that I became so plant obsessed so this one is just another one that I'm gonna keep from with me for all of time another Sansevieria try foxy otta and this is going to be the last one we talked about today not the last one the last try Fosse Otto we talked about I have one more after this to share with you guys this is Sansevieria try Fosse otta Bantle sensation and this is the white streak Sansevieria and this one to me is like the most alien this does not look like a plant this is so out there I feel like I've said multiple times in videos looks like you got your face like really like a close-up in this plant like it doesn't look like a plant like it just looks like a piece of art and I love that just like take the camera and just like stick it up close in this plant and just like take a few pictures because you just don't even know what you're looking at it's just so out there the color alone the texture the look of the entire plant and the foliage is just it's so phenomenal it's so extraordinary this is if I had to pick one I would say this is my favorite Sansevieria it's so promising to like it's so rewarding to grow I grow it in this west-facing window and I wanted this one decently often because it's in the terra cotta pot and it's in a mixture that's probably roughly maybe 2 to 1 maybe 1 to 1 perlite to soil I'd say it's like 2 to 1 elements sticking my finger in the mixture it's so easy going I have never had an issue and never had a qualms with this plant it's just been nothing but reward to grow so like I said I grow it in a really bright window I water it when I remember I'm probably watering it like every 10 to 14 days I feel like I water it more often sometimes and I feel like I should but if I stick the moisture meter in it it's dry and while sensitive areas are very drought tolerant if you go too far on the edge of drought their roots can get damaged and they could lose that root structure and they become all brown brown and dried up so you really don't want your sense fair use to dry up too much and you might notice if that has happened with some of your sensitive areas they might look really puckered or wrinkled up and dried out and you might water them and they might not bounce back right away but because they are plants that are tough as nails if you hold onto them and you continuously water them at the appropriate time they will reform roots they will be able to reabsorb water the way that they once have and reap lump back up if you will I've had I had to rehab a couple of Samsa barriers in my time but this one has just been so flawless so easy I can't recommend since very ban tell sensation enough there's another one my broker just told me how to pronounce it I'm not gonna pronounce it right it's like saiary Sansevieria saiary which is a very similar one a little bit more wider strappy air leaves with a little bit more white variegation absolutely beautiful I haven't gotten in my home yet because I don't necessarily have a space for it and I would want a decently sized like at least a six inch pot of it because they are quite a feast for the eyes but that is when I will be adding to my collection at some point I just don't know when but I have some pretty easy access to it at the store where I work so I am not worried about that okay so I've one more to share with you guys and this is one that was on my wish list for so long all the time that we got it and I did get this one probably about a year and a half ago I haven't had it for tremendously a long time but this is a Sansevieria cylindrical a cylindrical Sansevieria cylindrical bong coal and I think this might have a little bit of a longer name but um we're gonna refer to it as that for this video and this is what they call the starfish Sansevieria what a shocker there with that name the name says it all this is also a very easy one but of course you can tell from these thicker leaves they're like as thick as my thumb if not thicker that this paint really does require some bright light similar to a succulent or a cacti so I actually grow this one directly next to my bad tail sensation and that's also directly next to my sense very a gold flame so those are all living in the very similar vicinity it seems as if some of my favorite sensitive areas tend to travel in cliques or living cliques whatever but this is a it's such a fun one I really adore it I had gotten this and they had three large plants in the pot so I had taken out the two smaller of the larger large ones there was still big enough but I'd taken up to two smaller ones and plant them in their own pot and left this one by itself because it was just it did itself justice by itself and it has since put off at least three babies as you can see here it's so lovely to watch the babies grow so eventually I might go in there and take them out for trades because I think that they are about at that age where I could remove them from the mother plant and when you remove Sansevieria babies you usually would like to take the pole plant on the pot so it's easy to kind of remove the soil around the base of course you could do it without removing the plant it would just take a little bit more finesse but you just want to remove the soil from probably a couple of inches below find where the root meets the mother plant there's gonna be typically one root that's going to be like the main artery if you will that connects to the mother plant and as long as these little plants have enough roots of their own you can just cleanly cut that main root if you will and plant these on their own and they should recover very quickly as these plants as I said multiple times are tough as nails I'm so sorry about this trucks break or whatever oh that's horrible but Sansevieria cylindrical bong Cole the starfish Sansevieria very low-key on the watering I'm probably watering this one like every 14 days given it's in a terracotta pot and it's definitely in a mixture that's roughly 1 to 1 soil to pearlite so a very porous mixture I do give this one a good watering that when I water it knowing that I'm not watering it as often but this is just such a well draining mixture it takes care of itself practically so such a fun plan thank you guys so much for joining me today I love talking about my favorite plants this is kind of a spur in the moment video if I will admit I was just kind of thinking what do I want to film it I was just looking at some of my Sansevieria endearingly and I was like I want to talk about my Sansevieria today especially with the whole dracaena flip I just want to give them a moment of their own but thank you guys so much again for joining if you don't already follow me on Instagram at Philly foliage subscribe to my channel let me know in the comments your favorite Sansevieria x' and i will see you in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 82,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sansevieria, sanseverias, snake plant, snake plants, plants, plant, houseplant, houseplants, house plant, house plants, nick pileggi, my favorite, top 5, top 10, tour, unboxing, haul, succulent, cactus, cacti, low light
Id: fg4x8auZDWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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