Smoked Haddock with Dugléré Sauce Recipe | Rick Stein

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so this is smoked haddock with douglas sauce and this is a simple dish of fish with a white wine sauce the reason i'm very fond of it is this smoked haddock which is from alfred enderby of grimsby they're the smokers very good smoked tablet note it's not dyed this is just the color of smoke in there poaching fish is a very very good way of cooking fish and what i do is put it in just cold water and then just bring the fish to a boil and when it bubbles i turn the fish off i tend to find that then by the time the heat's gone down it's cooked perfectly so i can just leave that to do its thing now the next part is to cut up some tomatoes so first of all i just take the stalk end out and then i just do a little cross the top like that and then i'll just pop them in the water here for about 30 seconds so i can see they're beginning to split a little bit the ease of having blanched thing i'll just take the skin off now to chop the tomatoes so just chop those up quite small what i'm trying to do here all the time is just to keep things as simple as possible but you do need to chop up a tomato a bit more of a chop there we go now this is what i do which is entirely not what you taught at cookery school i'm just going to put the um tomatoes in there and just give it a shake over the sink so all the juice comes out so you don't want the juice in there because it will just make the sauce a bit too runny so there's the tomatoes and now for the sauce now this is a white wine sauce and again i've taken a few liberties with it i have to say just to make it easier to start the white wine sauce you take some butter and melt it in a pan i perhaps should be showing you how to um chop an onion basically what you do is go along like like that do it a second time and then just run your knife through once or twice once we'll do it here i think and then just go the other way like that into my pan goes the shallots wooden spoon and just sweat okay now here's something that i do do which wasn't in the original recipe a saucepan black doesn't have flour in it but i like to put a bit of flour in it i'm looking at about five grams of flour here bit like putting flour in your gravy you know it just means it's naturally thicker so there we go that's what i mean by sweating no color but just the onions being the soften now here's the interesting bit the white wine you can use any white wine not sweet white wine i quite like actually using vermif like nollie cut but this is an old bottle i used to have a winery in australia called tower this is 2007 tower riesling it's not really very drinkable but it's fine for a white wine sauce so you want about 50 mils of white wine in there that sort of amount and then you just boil that away to nothing really and now for the some stalk now again source duglare in the french classic style is made with fish stock but i actually use chicken stock quite a lot of the time as well and this is chicken stock just add all that in just let that boil away and that will gradually thicken up now i'm just looking at my pieces of smoke haddock and i'm just sensing a couple of little bubbles happening here so i'm probably going to turn off the heat for the smoked had it in about 10 seconds see that that's what i mean by a true boil a two true bubble so just turn that off and just leave it then what i'm looking for is a temperature of about 65 degrees in the center of the fish which will mean that it's still a little bit moist in there but it's definitely cooked through parsley the way i measure parsley is just a small handful and just chop that up so that's reduced down very nicely now so i'm just going to get rid of those shallots i just pass that through to get rid of the shallots and then back on the heat and now to finish off and now we really go for the cream just bring this up to the boil so that's looking really quite nice and silky now and now for the cream which is some really what this sauce is all about so let's put about 100 ml of cream in there and look at it see how that thickens the sauce what i'm looking for now is um coating the back of a spoon consistency it's not quite there so i guess this is where there's a bit of skill comes in is knowing when to when to stop and also with a sauce like this you you really it does cook on that means that when you take it off the heat the residual heat in the source continues to drive the water off to dry the steam off look at that i mean as a cook getting a sauce looking like that in the pan is very satisfying so i'm going to put enough of these ingredients into my sauce and first of all slightly more tomatoes than i intended so let's say a small handful of tomatoes and slightly more parsley than i intended and just stir that in a bit more tomato i think okay so i'm just letting that drain off a little bit so i don't want the poaching liquor all over the plate so just put that on the plate and just anoint that's a good word anoint my smoked haddock with an exceptionally lovely sauce just cook some baby potatoes and what i love to do is just poach my potatoes and mint put a bit of mint on the plate but there you have it my favorite way with smoked haddock
Channel: Rick Stein Restaurants
Views: 33,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: paVu5X-fMdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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