My FATAL ERROR at the Water Temple

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i want to order it now but i'd have to go get my credit card you should probably just order it now you want to talk to my chat for two minutes while i go downstairs sure okay all right bye he thinks i'm gonna talk to his chat i'm gonna talk to my chat hello guys i do i got both of our chats what do you guys want to do you want to talk [ __ ] about wood guys i put a video up today i made a pro controller clicky you want to hear it let me get it why don't we doing another video by the way ah you're back you're not supposed to be back yet listen to my listen to my pro controller listen what am i listening for oh you probably couldn't hear it because it discord annoying okay i'm leaving to do the water temple go enjoy your stream get out of here bye thanks bye hi my chat stop talking about water temple time fine i really do have to get into it because i don't want to i'm just putting it off dude i was late to the stream today i mean i wanted to start like i always usually try to start at like eight o'clock and i was late i wasn't doing anything i was just laying on the couch i just didn't want to [ __ ] do the water temple did i wear this shirt i wore this shirt in the last water temple we can pretend like it's the same day dude same day oh just i just needed to take we just wanted to make it to it was just a long clips video so we just decided we're gonna do two clips videos for it that's it same same day just a long it's a long stream right trevor the bet still still stands right same same video same stream let's just jump into it boys do i have to fight you dude it's been it's i feel like it's been so long i also feel like this is the wrong area like i've been here already is this only because i this is because i literally just got the stupid uh the fairies right i got the fairies the last time i streamed right ah yes oh wait i need the ball i need the boss key ah i need to okay it's all coming back to me now there was an area on the ground that i needed to get to get away from me get away from me get away from me oh you [ __ ] oh my god i hate you so much this thing sucks i hate this thing thank you oh this is it i found it i think so now i have the big man hook shot and i should just beep that we beep and then we're good and then i can go in here because i have the key this is an interesting looking room does this just stun them all right we'll just do this oh my god link could you aim link dude you gotta you gotta learn to am dude my god dude i'm more cracked than link crazy crazy to think about all right we cleared the room oh my god what are you doing get up what are you diving for what are you okay bye the puzzle has gotten more puzzling maybe it's got to do something with them can i land on them come come here come come come come come thank you all right i can't get out now wait you you can get out oh you just have to hold forward this game sucks dude oh i hate it so am i gonna fall in the hole again i don't want to fall in the hole again oh my [ __ ] god dude can i shoot you you damn darn tootin we're going fishing we're going bowl fishing all of a sudden link's got the best aim in the world what happened changed from two seconds ago what wait we got a button we got a button oh we got a splody do i have splodies i do [Music] oh can i push in maybe oh oh you guys you guys wanted to see the game i'm so i guess i'm so sorry i didn't know i you should've just said you wanted to see the game i did a really cool thing it was so cool you missed it i beat the whole water temple already i'm just doing it the second time now i mean i don't know why you guys would want to see the game i mean my face cam is really small now but i mean it's fine we can we can watch the game is that another splody sporty bit the wall looks different like it like it could be exploded but it doesn't look like it does when it's when it's normally splody you know guys am i hot it's hot it's hot here now all of a sudden oh my god it's a different type of splody i took a video of roo crawling out from under the couch today and it was very cute and it was very funny but i can't post it because my feet are in it and i ain't showing you the piglets for free photoshop it's a video i'll just put a tracking gaussian blur on it what just what oh i gotta hold it down how do i get that in oh ah i see i i see boku ah i'll i'll finish this puzzle in four hours once he's done sliding around big brain guys i learned how to say cupcake in japanese today are you ready are you ready are you ready guys you ready cakey cakey or tabatai i want to eat a cup of cakey give me that cup of cakey that's that's an italian person trying to try to say say it in japanese but he's like frustrated that's the character i'm working on a little character i'm working on frustrated italian guy in japan trying to order a cupcake [Music] i [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate this game oh my god i'm glad i'm glad we could kill some time coming up with character as well i'm just [ __ ] dragging the box around dude i know where it's gotta go it's gonna take me a year to do it huh it's fine i'm cracked i'm cracked i'm cracked dude first try ooh a skull tula a scalonchula everything this game was a revelation in 1998 yes greatest game of all time though i just want to remind everybody that doesn't mean greatest game in 1998 that means greatest game ever to have lived i'm afraid to do anything it looks like i can go down there that looks like that's gonna be a [ __ ] i'm gonna do it i'm gonna see what's down there oh god i'm slow oh here we go okay i'm down here now okay oh i forgot i can't use a sword down here pass come at me [ __ ] what the f love this game ah dude if i didn't see that little sliver of like an area that i can drop down i would have been pissed for hours later wait wait no i'm [ __ ] mad i'm [ __ ] mad now why am i here why do i gotta do all that again this game doesn't need to be 40 hours i did this already why do i have to do it again oh good hit the man's dude oh can i get those can i get those can i get those can i get those can i get those can i get those yay wet ass temple oh my god moisty temple all right guys okay guys all right then there's this dumb [ __ ] maybe there's something down there but i'm too cracked i'm never gonna see it so i'm too good the game okay well uh maybe maybe uh maybe i lied maybe you guys didn't see that [ __ ] oh now you're down here huh you ready to ready to fight me in the octagon so wait i can't go that way is there another place to get a freaking key from maybe there's a completely other area where i need this sodding key let me go back down where the key is oh god i forgot about you i forgot about you what you're annoying let me add thanks navi i'm gonna just go all the way back i guess and like try to figure out where the hell i can get a sodding key from this is where i fought dark link right oh let me go over there maybe i missed something uh okay piss okay piss then we got this [ __ ] get sniped blind snipe dude first time playing this game and i'm the best who ever did it amazing incredible imagine i have to fight dark link again that'd be so cool i mean i didn't make any progress since i started this playthrough so i literally haven't done anything in the game yet everything i've done i have to do again oh yeah this whole thing all right i guess we're doing this again okay okay no okay no okay no okay no okay no no no no no okay fine let's look at the map literally been everywhere hey friend what's the name of that pirate game on the xbox again are you gonna see like see these nuts or something we're not friends i really hope there's not much after this i'm getting [ __ ] pissed off i've done everything on in stupid i've been everywhere in this sodding smegging game i'm gonna go through the whole [ __ ] thing again just to see without the long boy i wasn't able to get up this without doing that you know what i mean [Music] oh wait did i do this yet it was like the first thing i did wasn't it oh yes all you have to this is the key to the water temple guys all you have to do is do the whole [ __ ] thing a thousand times that's the key to the water temple it's otherwise it's easy guys i mean i don't know what you're all complaining about all right dude is that the way i need to go i forgot i think it is i need to do that you know you know guys [Music] yeah there's no there's no bet anymore i just decided i've already made it this far without chat i i don't want chat now it's now it's just for the experience oh juked juked get aft all right now we just freaking go dude now we just freaking go we got that key we're good baby but then who knows we gotta get a boss key now okay this guy i just tried to freaking use the sword that i can't use open thank you hey oh the boss key [Music] boss key it's time to do the boss yay water temple my dick hole all right guys behind this door is a boss fight time thank you very much this is it right we're here can i just like eat up this no of course not oh but i can yeet wow well i wasn't expecting this to be a puzzle i just run oh you can't not really maybe kind of okay well okay so i just have to nail it i guess i just have to nail the the pattern i guess i'm gonna wait for them to all be in the middle right and then i'm gonna i'm gonna hoof it but i have to be okay wait let me just here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna leave them and then i'm gonna turn around and i'm gonna come back into the room and it'll spawn me straight ahead right right right ah not really did a pretty piss-poor job oh that's it that's it okay that's when i start running why'd you go right dude okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're not good oh we're good dude we're good we're fine this is fine dude like one third try dude we're good oh is this boss fight how look out ha ha look out there isn't enough water over there okay so is that like bad water is that like herdy water i probably should have saved nah i'm like right there i'm like right here this is creepy lake look out why is there still water oh is the is the boss water it's chaos morpha no that's chaos they stole this from sonic adventure song adventure the game sonic adventure i have no [ __ ] idea what i'm doing okay okay yeah yeah that's what we wanted to do okay yeah cool oh my god oh my god unz target dude come on yo bro i don't know what i'm doing what do you got for me navi morpha master or temple it has absolute control of water pull out its nucleus and attack it okay so i do that with the hook shot can we can we not can we just do without the z targeting okay ow ow i'll eat ouchies howie he's choking me oh i got it okay well what was the purpose of that come at me [ __ ] come at me [ __ ] oh he's gonna get me he's gonna actually get me oh wait the arm's gonna get me okay like that yeah that's what's gonna happen yep yep yeah turns out that's what's gonna happen very cool i got him once i hit him a one get time dude how many times do i gotta do this i feel like i'm not doing much i come at me [ __ ] come at me [ __ ] come on [ __ ] come at me [ __ ] come at me [ __ ] chaos control oh god [ __ ] me i'm mashing like that's gonna do anything you just like basically t posed oh i hate how you gotta like ready the hook shot yo get wrecked dude water tap like nothing dude you're not gonna do a second form on me right ew i don't like the drippies i don't like the jippy sounds sorry i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm so sorry [Music] i thought that was the sound of me picking up the hard container [Music] oh my god she's dead now you know what good i didn't like her anyway well now i'm [ __ ] dead now travel thank you for ten thousand bitties boys thank you for uh not spoiling it we can resume uh giving me hints now please well mao i would have expected no less from the man i chose to be my husband well i mean we can't now right because you're dead right sword's domain and its people will eventually return to their original state as a reward i grant my eternal love to you i don't want that dude it's not worth it i don't want it well that's what i want to say but i don't think i can offer that now what oh this shocks i have to guard the water temple as the sage of water and you you're searching for the princess zelda yeah you know it dude you can't hide anything from me prince says zoldor she's alive i can sense it so don't be discouraged i can tell that nothing will stop you in your quest for justice and peace you must take this medallion take it respectfully yeah yeah yeah respectful yeah yeah [Music] i got the medallion yay if you see sheik please give him my thanks okay you gotta do i love that guy uh i wonder when i'll see him again as the water rises the evil is vanishing from the lake well now you did it you goddamn right i did dude [Music] this isn't even the song i wanted yeah so she's dead she [ __ ] died dude look at that together you and princess ruto destroy the evil monster once again the lake is filled with pure water all is as it was here she just died i mean he he just died when water fills this lake shoot for the morning light all right imagine and i just hook shot to the sun with your bow is that a real thing is this a thing that happens has to be dawn is that does that mean does that mean like all like like sun straight up in there is that what that means dusk is sunset you pickle no i find we'll do the thing [Music] whoa oh i think this is what i was supposed to use to fight dark lake wasn't it no oh okay well uh what was i supposed to use to fight dark link dark like you just need to attack and without targeting so you uh you literally just mashed like i was doing wow dark like sucked i thought there was a thing i needed to make it easier but apparently not that's [ __ ] stupid oh there's son i'm researching the process of making medicine yeah i know you want me to dive right i'm cracked so i'll i'll do it i tried this with the boots and nothing happened right and you like didn't believe me that i could dive really deep i did this already and you didn't seem to care man i don't know but i'm watching you no we did this he touched bottoms now fantastic well i did this already oh i didn't have the boots i just had a deeper dive thanks for the harpies [ __ ] you can roll into the crate for a golden spider okay all right we'll do that are you guys [ __ ] liars are you guys [ __ ] liars oh you're not liars you just have to do it 14 times 21. all right just go to like that house with the skeletal men right all right so i'm going to go there and then i'm going to go to uh get din's fire and then i also want to get the the big big boy sword where the hell am i right now i have never been here before i'm far enough away now where opponent might actually be useful if she [ __ ] comes to me this time oh who's that oh look who it is it's that guy we were talking to earlier wood i beat it yay and now i am finally talking to chat again let's see if opponent does the thing amazing beautiful music oh woods in my discord hi wood hi hi did you beat it i beat it it only took a million years just the water temple right not the whole game no just the watertown okay how was it was it the best thing you've ever done it was so good i completely understand why everybody says it's the greatest game of all time better than everything that's come out since then jackson it honestly is just that level is really badly designed yes it is uh is bad you broke my switch by the way yeah because i was like take make sure you use metal tongs to create as much fire as you possibly can you told me to take out the battery which is literally impossible with the tools that i had you could take out the battery with the tools oh my goodness you saw i sent you the video my guy am i about to prove it to you right now am i about to do it you're gonna make me take the battery out of a switch yeah do it all right do you do you have epoxy glue on hand or whatever whatever it is i think it's a freaking i'm just gonna use a gift card do you even have a switch open it's gonna take you so long to open a switch no it's not do you have to open it that much you got to take out all the screws on the back plate and then on the inside you got to take out all the screws from the silver part oh the silver part i didn't think i had to do the silver part see all these people giving me advice on how to do something and no one's actually done it or know how to do it i'm going to try it i want to try it my god what am i what have i done use the red one my guy i'm not taking apart my red one i refuse then there'll be no excuse i won't have anything to say would it make you feel better if i used an animal crossing one a little cal he's an animal crossing one all right let's see here [Music] all right here we are yay now just pop that battery out like according to the ifixit thing you go like this and you just do oh yeah it's hard yeah you just just pop that sucker out with a card go on bob pop that out you got it it's almost there you're like a second away it's going to happen any time now oh this is the animal crossing switch i think the animal crosses they put more glue on it you know yeah i think they might but a little bit more glue on the newer switches almost like they realized people were making videos about popping out their batteries with a credit card and thought maybe i'll put just a little bit more glue on those suckers i'm gonna be honest with you it's at this point i would one thousand percent use a screwdriver to get this out yeah exactly that battery is not coming out unless you use something as sturdy as metal and even then you're going to break the side railings or anything of the leverage needed will break everything around the battery before that battery comes out you can't really you don't want to heat this up i saw people say no it's a battery it's a battery you're not supposed to heat it up i've been using the card for like two seconds and look at the gap that i made it's like like push the battery in can you see why after like 20 minutes of trying i got a little desperate and i thought those pliers would be a good leverage idea i'm i kind of want to use a screwdriver because like that's what i would have done right thank you like i would like at this point i would pick up a screwdriver i don't i would never have used this [ __ ] thing to be fair i didn't realize i i pulled that out i've never used it before i didn't realize how pointy it was i didn't even pay attention to that but yeah what really what is the difference like screwdriver metal metal pliers like i'm not gonna do it because i i know the the the risks involved like i don't wanna i don't wanna break my my animal crossing switch i'm just gonna close it i don't care anymore well sorry to derail your switch there totally fine i'm gonna uh i'm i'm basically done i'm just go i'm gonna get the ambigun sword and i need to get the fire it's the fire thing you know you're the zelda guy i know trust me i know i need to get the i am big and sword and the fire thing and then we're and then that's right five minutes tops i think really good all right man you have fun all right bye thank you for the raise thank you for proving my point bye thank you for the three months did you finish the water time with bob yes we did and now we're doing the water temple new game plus smack upon his ass all right why is it on fire what happened oh chic man what's up what do i have oh you're a trick aren't you oh no you're really chic get back la mal ah ah piss whoa and now his neck's broken whoa looks like you're coming around all right well now a terrible thing happened the evil shadow spirit has been released impa the leader of kakariko village had sealed the evil shadow spirit in the bottom of the well but the force of the eel spirit got so strong the seal of the the well broke and it escaped into the world i believe impa has gone to the shadow temple to seal it again but she will be in danger without any help impa is one of the six sages destroy the evil shadow spirit and save impa there is no entrance to the shadow temple beneath there is an entrance the only thing i can do for you is teach you the melody that will lead you to the shadow temple oh it says okay we're like ready to go then this is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness absorbs all the doctors it's gonna be like a cool metal riff [Music] that's like complicated that's like really complicated first one just just immediately [ __ ] it up you have learned the nocturnal shadow let me take care of the village i'm counting on you all right bye don't disappear you uh you're gonna stay where are you going you're gonna okay you said you were gonna stay here oh oh no oh no [Music] did i get it did i get it did i get it all right which one of you which one of you is gonna be a guy right now which one of you which one of you wants to be a dude a bro all right which one of you guys which one he is is going to be a bro for your buddy bob here which one he is wants to be a guy for your buddy bob here which one okay okay all right hold on everybody relax everybody everybody calm down everybody relax i'm i'm not i'm not upset everybody calm down all right who's gonna be the bro i need somebody to get me to exactly where i just was without getting anything else in the game extra i need exactly where i just was without anything extra i don't need it soon at all i don't know when the next time we're gonna play this is don't forget the fire hours yeah so so i got so what did i do chat let's let's recap what i did today i beat the water temple i didn't get anything extra in the oh wait i got a couple of hearts i got the heart from the water temple i feel like i got it i feel like i got multiple hearts from from the water table i got a heart from the water temple i got the fire arrows i got another heart from like the overworld somehow my fairies were full and then uh oh water medallion heart container fire arrows piece of the heart from the observatory i also got like three skull angelas and then the fire and yeah the fire arrows and that's it and then i and then i went to freaking uh chic and then did the whole cutscene here it is jay cannon if you want to do it there's the link thank you jay cannon so you didn't beat the water temple i beat the [ __ ] water temple i beat it [ __ ] you [ __ ] off dude it's this is this is a guy's i'm very sensitive right now it's very traumatic experience for me this is the equivalent of your brother tripping over the console and yanking the console yep or the safe just getting corrupted which used to happen all right i'm out i'll see you on sunday on woodstream thanks for being here wolfton clips thanks for watching all the water temples for supporting me so much we did it no matter what project 64 says we did it goodbye everybody [Music] you
Channel: WULFF DEN Clips
Views: 8,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wulff Den, WulffDen, Wolf Den, WolfDen, Wulff Den Clips, wulff den live stream, wulff den twitch, twitch clips, gameplay, lets play, ocarina of time, the legend of zelda, ocarina of time reaction, legend of zelda, loz oot, loz ocarina of time, first time ocarina of time, first time zelda reaction, ocarina of time gameplay, zelda reaction, zelda playthrough, ocarina of time playthrough, legend of zelda playthrough, tloz oot playthrough, zelda, water temple, zelda blind
Id: 3efRBLPnT8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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