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hello welcome to Donna's kitchen so today I'm going to make some potato salad I made it before on one of the recipes but it was for a large it was for like eight people today I'm gonna make make some potato salad for to two to four people okay so what we're going to do is we're going to use the potatoes and we're going to boil the potatoes I have boiled them and the reason why we're going to boil them whole is because when you boil them whole you lock in all the flavor and they easy to peel after you after you boil them the easy peel so we want to peel them up it takes about five potatoes and you have to boil them for about an hour until they're soft and then after you boil them and they solve you you cut the water off and then you peel them back so you will you'll taste a difference because when you um when you do the potatoes after you cut them up and all that all of the flavor from the potatoes goes in the water of the boiling of the potatoes so what we're going to do is not do that we are going to cut them up after we blow them see if you're just going to peel them like so and it takes about to make them soft it depends on how small they are if they smaller than this you can do it for about an hour but this size takes about an hour and fifteen minutes I imagine about hour and fifteen minutes I cooked them little over hour because I want to soft okay so and we're going to boil our eggs also you know we can't take your skin off the eggs so we have to boil them whole and then you boil eggs of about 20 minutes to make them done you need about 6 eggs took to 5 potatoes like these mini potatoes I got five potatoes this is going to feed for a family of four okay so it's a easy to peel you see they just uphill all mine first don't be afraid to get your hands dirty because you're gonna wash your hands okay this last one okay now what we're going to do next is cut them up so are we going to cut them up okay see ya the easy CC soft okay you cut them to the size you want them this is a good size you just quarter them and then cut them you see see I saw that you'll be able to taste the difference in the flavor of the potatoes because we've been we bought them with it with the with the skin on we brought in all of the we locking in all of the good flavor from the potato it's not getting out in the water it's going to be locked into the potato okay it's a good tip to know okay so we got one more I think yet one more see and this this will do a survey for four people all right okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to do our eggs okay again I do all my eggs at one time then I cut them up lady I save one one egg for the topic okay you could do them at the sink if you want to with I prefer just do them like this see but if need be you can do them it's sink you know don't worry about them if they break apart you've got to cut them up anyway you see so just make sure that all the shells are off of them and see look just take all the tails off so we need not another key to good potato salad is don't be stingy on the eggs most of us will be stingy on the eggs we only use of 1a and for potato salad four four four people no don't be stingy on the edge you'll see that the eggs make a difference okay that's one key also is the eggs don't be scared to use six eggs for five potatoes okay you know it get all the shells off the eaves see got all the seals off this is the last one I'm gonna use for the cell and we'll save that we right there for the topping this one is being difficult don't want to skin good but I'm gonna cut it up so I'll just don't worry about how it looks this is going to cut it okay now we're gonna cut it up it's like we did the potatoes you don't have to use them you don't have to make them small some people have a cutter for this the a cutter that's fine too the last time I made a potato salad for my grandson he said Grandmamma you will skip you on the eggs they used to be making them making with plenty Abe's that's why they don't like to order order for restaurants cuz don't have enough eggs in Maine like plenty a thing I see I've missed one right here so if you miss one just take it out this is my grandson that's a plays of basketball this is his favorite he loved it with chicken so you don't have to worry about getting your hands messed up because you're going to wash them don't be afraid of your food the most important thing is not so okay I'm gonna use black pepper in my eyeball okay so this is black pepper not lemon pepper okay so I'm a baller now instead of using salt I'm gonna use a garlic salt so this might see garlic salt because you don't need garlic salt and regular salt that's to myself okay so you're going to start feel good get it all worked in there if I was going to use some type of use sea salt but I'm not gonna use salt so also you're going to use about a third of a cup of sugar okay third of a cup of sugar that wakes up the flavor and then you're gonna use um about a excuse me that black pepper making me sneeze about 1/2 a cup that's going to be about a half a cup of mayonnaise so you see work it in real good make sure you stir it in real good working see there you see that now if you want to be is going to be more creamier you just add more mayonnaise you add more mayonnaise you want to I want a little bit more creamier so I'm going to add a little bit more mayonnaise add a little bit more Manny is it okay it all worked in real good you see it's nice and creamy and some people may not want that cream you may not want it that creamy so that less manly okay all right now this what we're going to do to top it we're going to use our our egg then head left over break it real good okay see all right so what we going to do this is paprika so we don't sprinkle the top with it and make it pretty and then we're going to cut out egg see cut the egg I cut it in half helps the grandkids loved to take the egg out we need we need different ears so you could use for a or two eggs for four four hands when then one day if you also want to but there you have it you have can't stop eating potato salad
Channel: Grandma Da'thy's Kitchen
Views: 894,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dathy, dathys kitchen, grandma dathys, how to make, how to cook, potato salad, thanksgiving dinner, thanksgiving, delicious, salad, egg salad, potato, dinner ideas, lunch ideas, tasty, home, made, homemade, eggs, mayonnaise, easy, to, make, chef, food network, cooking, channel, uplifting, motivating, positive, loving, content, mississippi, soul, food, southern, style, christmas, holidays, lunch, dinner, ideas, the best, famously
Id: DrD0_-SRCgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2014
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