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welcome to grandmother I have been I was 5 years old so that's things I've been cooking about I have 10 children and I have 40 grand chill and they're my greatest fan welcome to Grandma dices kitchen I got a good one for you today I'm continuing with our holiday series and it's starting in October we used to start parting until the end of the year any excuse we would have a party and we used to have parties like three or four times a month in October November and December and I attended my own parties and I because I love to cook I would just have a helpful to help me to do the prepping but I would do the cooking and people used to love to come to my parties I would always have an overabundance of people so today I'm going to show you the mac and cheese okay this is macaroni and cheese okay the Mississippi way so what we're going to do I have the macaroni already prepared so you'll get the back or you get a macaroni I use it I like to get the large elbow okay so what we're going to do is we are going to cook it as direction as the direction says on the packet okay you can't go wrong and so next thing we're going to do is we're going to add so this is um one pack of 101 packs on the add a sticker book okay all right about a tablespoon full of black pepper see there okay next we're going to add our cheese's now this is mozzarella cheese and I like the mozzarella cheese I want you to try the mozzarella cheese because the mozzarella cheese gives it a better flavor to me so I add about three cheese I always add more than one cheese the mozzarella cheese you try it and you email me and tell me or contact me on my website and let me know what you think because the mozzarella cheese really gives it a different flavor and then we're going to have this is Monterey Jack after the mozzarella you can put any kind of cheese in it after you but but make sure you put mozzarella because you got to see I'm talking about with you when you make and of course we're going to have the share of cheese about a cook so that's your three cheese's okay now the next thing we're gonna do this is a Mississippi soul food we are going to add a cup of shoot the grandkids love this okay I'm just going to stir it all around the key to good macaroni and cheese is ease the eggs so we're going to put we got we've got this much cheese we need to put about five eggs okay so one whenever we had you should have puck look when I was in Pasadena everybody would want me to bring the macaroni and cheese dish there you have it don't be stingy on the eggs most people are stingy on eggs but don't be stingy on the eggs there you have it and so what I'm going to do is spread my pan and another key to good macaroni and cheese is when you bake it you got to put a lid on don't bake macro most people bake the macaroni and cheese without the lid the lid is very important put the lid on okay so what we're going to do is we're going to dish it out so half of it we're gonna okay and then I got some Mexican cheese here you can use any cut and achieve your preference put a little bit because this is it see it's a three check four cheese's so I use that because us before cheese's but the other cheese I use I like to grade I like the grated cheese better so because I guess this would be used in Mississippi I guess that's why I love it better but I love it oh I always start off with the cheese I graded those cheese the first ones I put here okay okay you got to put a top one it's very important the top keeps it moist and keeps it locks in the flavor instead of the steam in out and going all the flavor going out keep the lid on always put a lid on your macro and cheese and you'll see the difference so I'm gonna put it in the oven open up for 350 degrees for 45 minutes now that our macaroni and cheese have been cooking in the oven for 45 minutes see what it looks like yummy yummy yummy look cheesy and remember whatever cheese you prefer is it's okay the only cheese that I absolutely require you to use is mozzarella cheese anything else any of the other cheeses and always use a couple of cheeses don't use at least these at least two cheese's but but you know three cheese's or four cheese's is fine but at least two not just one cheese okay happy eating to you the Mississippi so food wait eat some today so happy eating to you you can have this today your weight from dollars slow food kitchen I have a brand new cookbook and many on my recipe in this cookbook have a lot you to purchase one thank you for watching grandma dothis open kitchen
Channel: Grandma Da'thy's Kitchen
Views: 574,364
Rating: 4.6723394 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, Macaroni And Cheese (Food), Macaroni (Food), Food (TV Genre), family, Eating, Restaurant, Live, how to make, youtube chef, youtube cook, cooking channel, cooking lessons, yummy, good food, delicious foods, cheese, like, share, subscribe, cook book, new, dinner, lunch, breakfast, classic, macaroni and cheese, classic recipe, family recipe, dathy, dathys kitchen, delicious, tasty
Id: INramd9u0Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 25 2014
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