My Daily Wellness Routine | Eat, Exercise, Sleep, Repeat! | Dominique Sachse

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morning nice day to be hot though   where's my booth there he is hey good morning how's it going  how's it going having a good morning handsome okay it's coffee time my absolute favorite  creamer anything with coconut in it wins me over so delicious so good morning welcome to the start  of my day which as you're noticing is a bit on the   later side i work late my newscasts normally don't  air until 10 o'clock but since we're in the middle   of olympics we're not starting until about 10 30  or 11 so i try to grant myself the grace of a good   night's sleep and that sometimes means waking up  at 10 30 in the morning it sort of shifts things   down a little bit i love to start my day with  a good coffee you saw the coconut creamer happy   to say they're only 15 calories per tablespoon no  sugar and only one gram of fat and i love the new   natural stevia packet that i use in my coffee  one pack it's the equivalent to two teaspoons   of sugar between these two i'm good to go um  i'm also a big believer in intermittent fasting   for me my target window is between 16 to 18 hours  in this case i had dinner last night at 8 o'clock   16 hours would be would be noon so anywhere from  say noon to 1 o'clock my first meal of the day   which is always a breakfast type meal because i do  love breakfast food i just like to eat it at lunch   it's just my thing i'll see you back then but  in the meantime uh time to get on with the day   okay let's see what's going on in this world while  we listen to leaf blowers good monday morning it's the hubs hello hey hey how are you good  what are you doing i'm good   i came here at 7 30. wow that's early yeah uh  okay can you just make sure to let that leaf guy   into the house so we can make your estimate  oh oh the gutter guy what time does he come   one o'clock yes i think it's 99 down i saw an ad  interest enough this morning on tv i saw a handful   you got gutter on the brain well since the gutter  guy is coming at one i'm not gonna have time for   a yoga class today so i better finish this and  head on out before it gets too hot outside to   get my walk in so we'll go tackle that next i  love the brush on powder sunscreen for the face   especially when it's you know 90 plus degrees  outside and you get sweaty and greasy enough   i just don't like all that  goopy sunscreen on my face or neck have you noticed it follows me wherever  i go got my earbuds bud let's get going one last thing let's get it this walk could not have happened any later  it's 10 til one i know that our guy should   be here at any minute it must be 95 degrees  outside i'm gonna see if i can squeeze in   some calisthenics before he gets here just  on a bench all you need is a bench that's it   oscar likes to hang out with me when i do these  it's simple kind of a mix between old school   calisthenics some pilates and some  yoga i just do some tricep dips 20 some seated crunches and then stuff that i do in yoga similar to the nose ten times on each side   and then standard kicks here 20 each side then some quiet you did a good job great job  oh it's hot let's go inside okay i've earned this meal it's time to eat it okay so the first meal of the day  what does that look like for me   i'm in texas so it must involve avocado i  love avocado toast i make it myself i use the   ezekiel 7 sprouted grain bread it is flourless  i will say it does have wheat in it though   for those of you trying to avoid that's just a  heads up but one slice has roughly 80 calories i'm   not a calorie counter i just base it on how i feel  so i'm going to do an avocado toast with i already   have pre mashed avocado with the pits in it to  help prevent it from oxidizing i have eggs from   my local farmers market look different colors so  i have to decide what color i'm feeling like today   i am dairy free so i love the kite hill  plant-based butter i think it's an excellent   product and i eat my fruit in the morning  so i've got some chopped up cantaloupe and   honeydew that's on the menu  for breakfast really lunch nice fresh guacamole with lemon in  it and i just spread it on the toast put my egg on top   some fresh melon and cantaloupe actually perfect  after a hot walk today it's so refreshing   lizzie i love i love breakfast food i can eat  breakfast food any time of the day it makes me   happy and what i love about this is i feel like  i'm getting everything in my first meal i've   got some protein healthy fats some grains and my  fruit it is about 1 30. it's a little later today i wish you were here joining me i'm so  good i'd make this for you okay so after   brunch my next step is to take my supplements  by the way everything will be listed in the   description portion of the video for you from food  supplements outfits sunscreen you name it any kind   of thing that i'm using that you might be curious  about i promise to put it in there my supplements   really focus on immune boosting as you can  imagine these days so it's high potency vitamin c   vitamin k which goes with vitamin d3 a probiotic  zinc and iodual for thyroid health down the hatch so i have just enough time for a quick splash and  a cool down before i've got to get ready for work   last woman in so party's over   brazilian blowout protective  thermal straightening balm   yes it's august in houston and yeah  i need some heat so let's bring it that part done let's tackle some makeup   i saved the lips for last because i want to  go down and grab a quick bite before i head   out to work so this is just a quick get  something in my stomach before i head out   i've got leftover roasted chicken  that i bought at my grocery store and there's the chicken organic roasted  chicken and i've also had leftover zucchini green beans that were prepared with  the kite hill butter and garlic and onion so   i'm just going to do a little bit of chicken  a little bit of beans and zucchini and head   out i don't know about that much it should do it  looks like about a three ounce portion of protein   and you know good handful of veggies  i will be eating at warp speed because   i've got less than 30 minutes to get out  of here but i want to get something in   my stomach because dinner won't be until  7 o'clock tonight okay let's go to work left open for business so this is my go-to snack when i  get to work i've got the munchies   i'll just do like a handful and it's  enough to satiate me and get me to dinner final touches i always bring my  favorites a buy drink out on set with me   uh just to have something to hydrate and i  just as you know i love these i'm having a   hard time finding them they're selling out in  stores so maybe you love them too i don't know this story on our home homepage is getting a lot  of attention tonight you will see that at the   top of nearly a month after a  teenager was killed in a deadly road rage shooting   at the astros game a suspect is finally in custody  okay it's dinner time and i am hungry let's eat   smile honey come on i'm starving so try it what do you think looks good it's good and this is a lot   this big thing was a spicy shrimp ball kind of  like a salad with a dressing cabbage carrot shrimp   apple it's good well i need a little more  substance so i think a little chicken helps me out   well that's got sweet potato quinoa and then  there's kale broccoli yeah there's a little   mustard sauce in there too that i think it  said on the menu 750 calories this was 400   because there's more salad than anything honey  aren't we in texas i'm ready for 18 ounce steak   i'm starving but you're eating healthy i am  i feel good i mean there is sacrifices that   bring good things so obviously we devoured  that and if i'm craving something more   a little sweet i don't know if you've ever had  these but these lenny lenny lenny and larry's   cookies i think that's what it says the complete  cookie it's a vegan cookie protein plant-based   um 16 grams of protein anyway they've got a  multitude of flavors we've eaten through every one   this is peanut butter and let's split it i need  to okay there you go wait wait you can't take more okay so after devouring half of my cookie  here i am back at work now getting ready for   our late news which like i said is on at 10 30  because of the olympics but i wanted to leave you   with some takeaways some notes basically by the  end of the day the first one is if you saw my   previous what i eat in a day video which aired two  years ago you'll probably notice a difference in   that the amount of food that i ate back then was  a lot more than what i'm eating now and it's for a   couple of reasons number one i find that i just  can't consume as much food a i'm not as hungry   b i don't burn it off fast enough and see it  impacts my digestive tract so and it is probably   a big part of going through menopause you just  don't need as much food to feel good and to be   at an optimal body mass index and all of that  so i'm eating less for sure but just as healthy   the other things that i try to avoid for a  majority of the time those are all the whites   basically the flour the sugar the dairy the rice  the breads alcohol at a minimum i'll have maybe   two to three glasses a week and that's simply  because my body doesn't like alcohol it doesn't   metabolize it well and it's a sleep disrupter for  me and you know how we menopausal women are when   it comes to our sleep nothing's going to get in  the way so i've even had to cut back on that too   to feel good so those are some of the big changes  that i that i've made but i would say that what   you have seen today is about 80 to 90 of the  equation does that mean that i open things up for   a wedding cake when i'm at a wedding absolutely  you know that's my favorite dessert i'm the   first in line to go get it or if i'm in italy do  you think i'm turning down a fresh cheese pizza   heck no so you have to live and i want to live  and i want to enjoy and have experiences i love   the phrase i eat to live i don't live to eat which  means that i'm in control i'm in the driver's seat   and food is a form of nourishment eating healthy  satiates me it makes me feel good but i also   give myself some grace and some space to have  moments to enjoy and to celebrate those and to   love those and not punish myself for those food  should never be a battle it should never be a   mind game it should always be seen as a source  of fuel to enable you to be your best self   so i hope that my meal plan and kind of a  day in the life that really incorporated   a lot of different things it was food it was  lifestyle it was sleep it was exercise it was   all the things that i really try to fit in a day  to be able to feel my absolute best and i love   having this platform just to be able to open it  up and share it with you as you know i love your   ideas and suggestions you all have your own way  of doing things some of which may align with mine   and some may be completely different but please  put it out below whatever it is that makes you   feel healthy and well and that you want to share  with the community also i encourage you to be with   me on social media because i share with you in  different ways there during the week instagram   and facebook specifically and if you haven't  subscribed and become a part of this community   i really hope that you do so i hope this video  inspired you to feel connected to me and to the   women on this platform because i do feel it's  a sacred and a special place so with a healthy   lifestyle go out be bold and be blessed and i'll  see you next thursday at 1 o'clock bye news time
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 341,950
Rating: 4.9350901 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, Dominique Sachse 2019, over 40, over 50, dominique sachse, dominique sachse youtube, youtube dominique sachse, wellness, morning routine, routine, wellness routine, vlog, lifestyle, healthy, clean, sleep, exercise, eat, vitamins, clean eating, diet, skincare, health and wellness, cooking, drinking, healthy habits
Id: jxEnWSoPUP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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