My Daily British Slang πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | Natural English πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | British culture πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

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hi there everyone good morning good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are welcome back to English with Katherine my channel now I have to tell you right now I'm getting over there's a phrasal verb Fe a really bad cold slf flu I think it was flu actually so everyone are you curious about slang more specifically British slang slang is the language of the everyday person the daily human and today I'm going to let you in on some secrets about how I communicate as a human being every day in my British life my daily speech is like a cake made up of phrasal verbs expressions and slang also slang is really fun to learn sometimes it's really funny and doesn't make any sense at all before we begin I must urge you to watch till the end of the video because this week we have a advanced word of the week it's a good one trust me guys number one Broly Broly what on Earth is a Broly it doesn't sound like anything does it Broly is slang for umbrella it's so cute isn't it now as you know the British weather is pretty temperamental which means changeable 1 minute it's raining 1 minute it's sunny 1 minute there's a thunderstorm so before I leave the house I'm usually thinking shall I bring my Broly shall I leave it at home and my mom will often say let me just grab my Broly it looks like rain number two Bonkers Bonkers now this is a example of a word that's really fun to say even if we don't know what it means right doesn't matter Bonkers now this actually means a bit crazy a bit ridiculous a bit mad other synonyms are silly or stupid the other day I came up with this grand plan to make my own wedding cake I just thought why not I mean I know what I want I can make cakes and my sister just said to me you are Stark raving Bonkers there's already so many other things to do why would you you also make your own wedding cake that's Bonkers so sometimes if we think an idea that someone else has come up with is really crazy or even a bit stupid you can say that is Bonkers come on that's Bonkers you can also describe a person as being a bit Bonkers if they're eccentric we used to have this neighbor called Anita and she had this white hair that looked like a cappuccino on her head and she used to walk around with these like huge eyebrows that she Drew on very big ones like that and she was a bit Bonkers We Love Anita though right she's Bonkers but so lovable and an amazing character I wonder what Anita is doing right now number three grub grub grub the B is actually quite Bish in this word grub it actually vibrates my mouth try it now it's really fun grub you're probably wondering what on Earth is that well it means food slang for food now I think this actually comes from grubs which are slugs and snails that hedgehogs eat which is gross but over the years it's kind of become an affectionate word for food for humans if I'm staying around at my mom's house she'll often say let me rustle up some grub and that means just let me make some food for you you look hungry let's eat I love that rustle up so cool it's a phrasal verb and it just means create out of something now it's it's worth telling you that grub isn't like a formal three course meal it's probably something quite light not too heavy sometimes when we're on a really long Country Walk with friends or family we'll get a bit hungry and we'll say let's go and find some grub and that means let's try and find a pub somewhere nearby where we can get some chips or something like that number four kafuffle kafuffle I love this word it's so satisfying to say try it now kafuffle if something is a kafuffle or a bit of a kafuffle we often say it means it requires a lot of effort physical effort not really mental effort so driving in central London at rush hour is a massive kafuffle I really wouldn't recommend it trust me even though I've never been skiing I can imagine that skiing is a bit of a kafuffle because you have to put all the clothes on and get the skis and make sure you're wearing goggles and and I'm sure it's all worth it but it's a bit of a kafuffle number five donkey's years donkey's years this means a long time donkeys are quite slow they're one of my favorite animals I would definitely say they're in the top five for absolute sure but if you say you haven't done something in donkey's years or seen someone in donkey's years that means a very long time let me think what haven't I done in donkey's years go- carting I had this thought the other day go carting it's it's so fun isn't it why haven't I been go-karting I also haven't seen my school friend for donkey years I really need to reconnect with her number six a dive a dive this has nothing to do with diving into the sea this is not a verb this is more a noun okay if you say somewhere is a dive or a bit of a dive to make it a bit softer typical British you're basically saying that the place is a bit dilapidated now there is an advanced word and that means a bit shabby it's not very well looked after it's kind of falling apart maybe a bit dirty if it's a restaurant the chairs are a bit broken maybe you might even fall off one if you sat on one we often use this slang to describe towns or cities or restaurants or cafes that are a little bit low in quality right so they haven't being looked after and sometimes you'll read in British English restaurant reviews it was a bit of a dive I wouldn't go there again so we're adding a bit of a to soften the blow of that criticism okay A bit of a just makes it more British bit softer bit less direct bit less offensive Tom and I went to a restaurant in November and it was a massive dive actually we ordered the spaghetti and meatballs dish and it turned up and the and the meatballs were like raw and raw yeah they were raw and we were trying to get through it you know to be polite and then what happened the Chef came over and gave us another four meatballs and in true British form we were like oh thank you oh thank you that's so kind and then we just trudged through the rest of the meatballs and it was never ending we didn't leave a bad review though I mean maybe they were just having a bad night but yeah the restaurant was a bit of a dive I have to say number seven eles eles love this it's an old ritual basically eles is slang for having a little thing to eat at 11:00 a.m. usually it's like a biscuit and some tea or a cup of coffee my granny and Papa always used to have this thing called a club biscuit which is a typical British foil wrapped biscuit I don't know if you've ever heard of them they were really nice and I still do this we usually eat lunch around 1 so at 11:00 we have something small like that cup of coffee with something with it and I always think of my granny when I do that number eight Jammy Jammy this is slang for lucky when something happens to someone that's just really lucky like they were in the right place at the right time and it's sometimes really unfair quite recently Tom and I were on a long walk and we came across a 50 note on the floor and we looked around to see if there were any people that had obviously dropped it there was no one and we were like hm what shall we do here and then we considered ourselves very Jammy which means lucky after that I looked around and noticed that there were lots of shoes tied in the tree with their shoelaces which is a sign that dodgy things are happening in that area which is quite interesting I wonder what that 50 note was being used for keep watching the video for the word dodgy coming up next number nine dodgy dodgy I love this word it's part of my daily vocabulary it is slang for something you don't really trust something that you're like oh that's not quite right that's not sitting well with me we can use this to describe areas so the area where I found the 50 note on the floor was pretty dodgy the connotations of dodgy are I guess danger really risky I remember my dad bought a little 4x4 car from this guy and we went to pick it up from him and I remember thinking this guy looks dodgy and I think my dad had the same impression from him but my dad just hoped for the best cuz it was a really good deal and when we got home the car pretty much fell apart in the first three days because of rust so the whole thing was a rust bucket we often say so he went back and got a refund and said this was a dodgy deal we can also describe deals as dodgy and number 10 the final one is mythed mythed great little word really useful this means you're kind of annoyed you're kind of a bit disappointed and annoyed because you were expecting something to happen let me explain Tom is building a guitar at the moment yes I know that's incredible I could never do that he's just building a guitar like it's just like boiling an egg right he's very clever and he's very good with his hands he sent off the final part of the guitar at the top bit I'm not quite sure what it's called to be treated with something for the wood I think it was a really easy task and the people doing it sent it back and it was completely wrong and Tom was a bit miffed because he'd expected it to be done perfectly it was an easy thing to do but he was okay he just sent it back again and now it's fine my friend was a bit miffed the other day because a seagull stole her entire camera I don't know how it happened but I think it had a little like Loop and the seagull came took it away I'm not sure if she got it back I might have dropped it in the sea in Brighton the seagulls are like dogs with wings they are huge and they are quite terrifying and honestly I think they're becoming a problem when I when I used to live there they were considered a real pest so she was quite myed now it's not the end of the video guys it's not because we have our word of the week right the word of the week is moish what does it mean so this is an adjective to describe certain types of food that are very satiating you want to eat more of them okay usually it is a salty thing something like peanuts you know when you eat peanuts if you don't have an allergy of course like my son-in-law son-in-law brother-in-law I think brother-in-law yes you just you just can't stop eating them you're like okay 10 more peanuts that's fine and then you're like okay 100 more peanuts is fine that's Moorish so it's kind of a little bit addictive yeah you're like um I find pretzels you know like the the the small crisp like pretzels with the salt crystals so Moorish and of course Pringles they do say once you pop you can't stop and it is true I can vouch for that so it's a lovely word put it in your vocabulary today and start using it that was my daily slang there's more where that came from if you're interested let me know in the comments if say I love making videos for you guys and I always read your comments with your pain points you know and the things you need help with so please continue doing that click subscribe if you'd be so lovely today it really helps my channel and you know you get notification for when I have a new video which is great you can also follow me on Instagram just type in English with Katherine and you'll find me I hope you have a lovely weekend Spring is in the air so I'm very happy I'll see you next Friday bye
Channel: English with Katharine
Views: 24,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Language Learning, learn, online, classes, learn to speak, online learning, English language learning, English classes
Id: xVncQMv4AM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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