British English Conversation | 45 minutes of real English Listening Practice

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hello there everyone and welcome back to the GSL English podcast a podcast designed to help you immerse yourself in the English language in a relaxed and natural way my name is Gideon and in this week's episode we have another very special guest joining us it was my absolute pleasure to have a chat with Katherine from English with Catherine now I'm pretty sure that many of you will already be familiar with Katherine from her very successful YouTube channel and she always manages to present the English language in such a positive way and that really does come across in our conversation together we talk about a wide variety of different topics from in the English Countryside because we don't actually live too far from each other in England we talk about our love of music and particularly with Katherine we talk about her past career in music which was really interesting but we also discuss that positivity and how being positive can not only help us in life but particularly when learning the English language so you will definitely enjoy this conversation today and I know that many of you listen to these podcasts whilst doing different things perhaps commuting to work doing the cooking doing the ironing so wherever you are or whatever you are doing enjoy my chat with Katherine so hello Katherine thank you so much for joining me today how are you doing oh that is my pleasure I think that's what people say yeah my pleasure I love to be here I'm fine than thank you oh no honestly isn't it's absolutely my pleasure to have you um on the podcast I've been following you for a while now particularly with your YouTube channel and I really it you know wanted to have you on as a guest so I'm so pleased we managed to work this out no it's great I'm happy to be here how's your day been yeah it's been okay I've taught a few lessons went for a walk and planned some YouTube videos of course oh nice yeah that's quite a varied day yeah I like to sort of mix it up a bit because when you're doing YouTube you have to sort of like fit it in somewhere um but yeah I I teach and then I do YouTube teach and then YouTube like that same okay yeah so just juggling the two things just kind of pretty much every day yeah juggling it's a bit of juggling actually yeah what was the weather like for your walk how was it today so I don't know if you noticed but it hailed earlier it did did you you notice that though it was really heavy like this is the UK isn't it yep you can nevern a hail session and then no you can't and and they do say April April showers and all that so I have to remind myself this is this is still April um but yeah I can't wait for I love the spring I'm just I'm already dressing the spring obviously but I just love it do you Do You Love That season I it's probably my favorite I'm so ready for it because I don't it was like in a moment actually where abouts in the world are you right now good question uh well it looks like I live in a kind of wooden sort of Animal House in the countryside um we're about 30 minutes from London so we're in the countryside technically but we're actually pretty near London so we've got the best of both worlds really yeah yeah so you're because I'm about 20 25 minutes I guess the other way from London yeah east east of London yes yeah fun is that so that such a yeah do do you like like close to London do you love that or are you like like it I love visiting London like I love going to London for a day because I can get the training in 20 minutes but I also love being able to leave London yeah yeah it's leaving as much as going isn't it yeah do you go often do you visit London often I should go more I I love the idea of going to see plays and going to the theater you know like all that culture and then I just forget to buy the tickets and realize that it's too late and then you know so I I would like to go more than I do but um yes I do go every couple of months I would say yeah oh okay for a day yeah what about you not as much as I should I'm the same as you actually I love the theater I absolutely love it I think I think lay Miz is probably my favorite show yeah haven't seen it you know obviously need to go to London yeah definitely yeah but yeah coming the reason I asked is because Saturday I don't know if it was the same temperature where you were but it was beautiful here we had it was like summer and I thought oh it's here it's finally here and then Sunday quickly made me realize that nope it was a lie you're in England my my mom was like oh it's summer I'm so glad it's arrived I hope it doesn't go backwards again and she was just like like sort of just saying that and then Sunday I was like Mom do G backwards exactly yeah we were all my whole family we were out in the G Garden having a barbecue you know G and tonics and we like oh it's here it's finally here just I don't know why we do it to ourselves as British people it's just about Hope isn't it like this is it we it's arrived it's finally here yeah whole barbecue thing is so classic isn't it the minute the sun comes up for even for an hour it's like flipflops t-shirts barbecue yeah well we went for a little walk and there was you know guys without their t-shirts on there was just the usual quintessential British summer kind in April yeah we saw the same thing we went for a walk and saw the same scenes yeah always happens always happens so you went for a walk in in the countryside do you do you live near the countryside then yeah so I am in the countryside when I look out the window there are no neighbors no just sheep and pheasants and chickens wandering around so yeah it's great it's lovely it'sing yeah yeah about it so I do think that the English countrysides I mean there of course there's some beautiful places in the world but in my opinion on a in good weather say Springtime you can't beat the English Countryside you can't can you yeah I I lived in Spain for a brief stint about six months and I remember just missing the greenness you know and just the Lush field definitely agree with you and it's Lord of the Rings type Vibes isn't it you know it's that thing so I love mytical Yeah Yeah it it gets your imagination going as well and you know it's just a very relaxing place to be yeah because of course you said you know you teach English um which is a very rewarding job but also it's a very tiring job in in many different ways do you find that kind of being being living in the countryside allows you to kind of just separate your mind from it a little bit actually yes um having I would say having access to the countryside outside your door is a real a good thing because you can go for a walk so easily and you don't have to drive somewhere and then walk it's just such an immediate relief so I I have to do that I I I literally have to so I work really hard and then I just go outside and just walk for like an hour um and I just listen to music and yeah it's just really helpful definitely yeah I was actually talking to someone about this um oh I can't remember who was talking to we were talking about you know just trying to get out more and just going for a walk with with no technology no phones no social media particularly if you do live in the countryside and just kind of just enjoying that time with nature yeah totally yeah um just listening to things um listening to the birds and smelling the air you using all your senses you know the way that you don't normally use them or be aware of using them of course um is so relaxing you know and you come back and you're like God that was good why don't I do that more often and then you just don't do it for another three weeks or something it's a habit so if you just force yourself to do it it really really affects the way you feel so I couldn't agree more recommend it yeah we go for a walk probably every eight months in the countryside and we always say we should do yeah we should do this more often then another eight months go past and we think we didn't do it yeah I would say it's a discipline and even though you're enjoying it still a discipline because you know and alsoit over time have a good result good habits so you'll notice your mind just feels better so ever since I moved here it's been a year now I feel better for it so yeah definitely just do it every day go yeah I will I will I'm gonna do it you've inspired me to do it every day and I guess as well it must be um one of the beautiful things about living in the countryside is is seeing it change throughout the seasons definitely yes even to the detail of like the the plants so my mom will be like catkins are here she's a florist so she knows about flowers and yeah katkins is the early signs of spring and then you kind of have all the different developments like Magnolia then cherry blossom blue bells yeah and it it's just lovely honestly is very lovely yeah I've never heard that a katkin I'm the most kind of far furthest away from floristry and plants I appreciate it but I know nothing um be honest nether do really okay so I was going to ask you about a catkin but please no I mean all I can say is they're like these sort of furry weird things that hang on trees they're not that beautiful but more that they're a sign of hope you know you see that and you think spring is coming thank goodness for the catkins yeah and and the sound of lawn mowers going across all of England yes and the smell of the the cutgrass oh I love it oh really sounds the smells it's all of it isn't it so Vis yeah it's all part of it yeah good yeah yeah very good want to go for a walk after this now so of course you're you know you're you're teaching extremely busy with your your YouTube channel which you know really hats off to you you've done amazingly well with that um so what do you do to take your mind off everything of course because that all of those things are very intense aren't they you know it's a lot of effort you're right it is intense I mean you said congratulations and I'm like thank you but it is it is quite full on um I'm a musician so I love music and I play the piano and I sing and honestly that is what I'm doing when i'm not teaching or planning videos I'm playing the piano that is the answer to that I'm always playing piano I have a piano like here somewhere you can see it there so uh yeah I'm just over there really wow okay so yeah love music as well so I want to kind of dive into your kind of your musical world um when did you start with piano with singing how did it all begin it sounds like really weird but I've actually always kind of played the piano so my mom had a piano when she was younger as in in the sorry my mom put a piano in our house when I was younger and I just sort of started picking out Little Tunes yeah um anyway I've just always kind of been Musical and it's always been in my life but what um I want to know about you as well with that like are you actually musical yourself or do you just appreciate music are you a player of no yeah music's probably I'm the same as you probably the the biggest thing in my life um I love teaching I love you know this side of it but music is you know always has been it's kind of been in my family um yeah I'm a drummer myself um brilliant love playing the drums so yeah it's a bit of an escape you know for me I think it's probably the same for you but music is my kind of just that venting it's just the you know escape from normality everything else it is an escape without even realizing it you you do just Escape when you're doing it don't you because because you're in another world because your mind's I don't know what my mind's doing it's it's doing something but it's some it's somewhere else and and it and it's just like oh this is so great exactly yeah so you were playing the piano um how did that progress to to singing as well was it something you just thought I'm going to try singing one day and then you realized that's pretty good or yeah um yeah I remember just sort of making up songs and then singing a bit to them and then it became a thing that I was then singing and playing so that was quite cool um and then yeah I I've perform my old my my own songs you know for for years for years is in London um so I've I've been doing it I only just stopped really doing it properly really since the pandemic actually um I kind of just everything shut down didn't it and then I started my YouTube channel and Instagram so it's still very much in my life but not not really at like professionally So Much Anymore uh W which is kind of good kind of good in some ways because I didn't really like the industry that much um I found it suit me didn't really suit me uh the the business side of things um but yeah wow that it really I'm fascinated so actually the music wasn't just a hobby for you kind of prec it was it literally was your profession or yeah well I used to play gigs in gigs or concerts in London and Brighton and I was sometimes in a band or sometimes solo and they would be paid gigs and so yeah I was doing it every every week without fail at one point it was my life and I kind of had this little record contract thing going on which was quite exciting but I found it was quite demanding um and you know again I wanted to just write songs on on my agenda but they were like you have to write seven songs by tomorrow so that wasn't wasn't quite so good so that's the negative side but I always loved it loved performing you know I missed that so much and I want to do it again soon so probably will soon wow yeah so that's so actually it wasn't you know because often when I PE think of people doing gigs and that they say I've done gigs it's you know in a pub playing covers um Oasis all of that you know the normal kind of but for you actually this was writing and recording your own music yes and there's still some on Spotify but I don't want to tell you how I will find it thank you I mean it's it's there somewhere because the thing is I left the label and then I changed my stage name to get away from this so just sort of started um but yeah that's there some music up there but um yeah it's definitely like who I am really like I would say my identity is related to that you and what what style of music were you playing at that time so very difficult to explain but uh Pop I would say it's like jazz pop folk so it's got a lot of influence from 70s uh music like Pink Floyd and you know I love all that stuff so I've got I'm an old soul really like with my music taste so I listen to on that yeah the good stuff right yeah yeah so there's a lot of I love harmonizing I love like vocal harmonies so it's all it's all like really if I had my way and I made my dream album it would be like five-part harmonies and you know it would be all yeah so I'm always intrigued sorry you there but I'm always intrigued by when people are like you know as you say kind of have that old soul with music with jazz with Pink Floyd and was that something was that because you were raised on that style of music or was it just you you stumbled across it I think it it is the I was raised yeah my dad loved all that I don't know if whether if that's the reason for you yeah because I think when you have a nice childhood and you you associate the the nice times with the good music you know the M the music is part of it and when I think of Super and and Genesis it's usually car Journeys where my dad's like yeah this is so good and then and then you know they were my first CDs you know I'm the CD generation yeah yeah and then um I just I just loved it so I've always just listened to it but I do listen to some new music you know I do like electronic I love electronic music actually um some some stuff like that but I do come back to what I love usually come back to the roots can you remember I was this first CD you ever bought now I guess it's a bit of honesty my one is really embarrassing um I'm gonna wait to see what your answer is first Mine mine's arguably not that embarrassing anyway is the Spice Girls because you know they were so great and I think actually was given that I don't know what did I buy you know might have been cplay cpl's first album what about what about you I'm intrigued to know what yours is it's really so actually I think the first I was you know when you used to get singles CDs and then it would have like I don't know like a couple of bsides on it my first one now I don't know if anyone's actually going to know this was Hansen umop they were great great they were so good and I was obsessed with it um it was such a great track it was it was yeah yeah and then they had another absolute blinding song after that they had two really good songs I can't remember the second one but it was they were great I don't know what happened to them no they're three brothers I think weren't they were they Brothers Brothers all the same all long blond head yeah yeah wow that is old school yeah okay made me feel better about that I never like telling anyone it's most uncool no very cool it's extremely cool in fact yeah hopefully people in the comments know and people watching or listening to this might know that song if not you you should check it out maybe we can bring back just a bit of Hansen love definitely check out Hansen they were they're Timeless That Song Is Timeless yeah yeah really are well so also um I mean we just just go down musical train because I love it so you also you like a bit of jazz is that right or uh I mean I say that I can't really name I I I have influence from certain Jazzy stuff yeah you know like Tori Amos she's great she's kind of Jazzy but she's not Jazz per se yeah like you know with music you get a lot of influences from all over the place and sometimes you're like where did I get that from yeah and then you're oh it's that one song I listened to that I really like so yeah jazz is very relaxing to listen to though on a Friday night I do like that yeah when you kind of finished your week work you can Chuck some jazz on and just chill out Jaz yeah usually just does the trick doesn't it cooking to Jazz that's also great yeah oh yeah yeah it's funny earlier you mentioned about you know driving around in in your your dad's car listening to certain songs and tunes and I can really resonate with that because I remember driving around with my dad in the kind of English Countryside we um we grew up kind of in a little English cottage next door pretty much next door to a pub um and I remember driving around the country lanes listening to T-Rex Queen Pink Floyd lead Zeppelin and it just yeah it's just such a I don't know it's a real part of your life isn't it your parents music is such a big part of your life I think because they like it they kind of INF it's like when you know when anyone shows you something and they're really excited about it you're kind of you like their passion or you like that they like it and that's why it's so great to share music isn't it and a lot of the music I listen to is is recommended by my best friend and the people I KN met at University and you know that's the great thing about music it is yeah oh yeah it's she such a yeah it connects everybody together in one way or another different nationalities cultures music um kind of connecting Factor GL yeah yeah love it so much so professional musician recording then Co hit and I think that is I think that's where you know so many many that I've spoke to kind of started their YouTube Instagram Journey yes um yes it how did that right yeah so I I put up and I just started an Instagram page to start with and I just put up pictures of nature actually my mom and dad mom and dad live in a bit like what you've just said a really cute Cottage and right near a pub and uh I just was posting and and then I started doing English tips and it just went from there it was an Instagram page so yeah I don't know about you did you did you start your Instagram page just out on a whim like out of the blue or like did you just go for it yeah yeah it it was exactly the same as you actually covid hit um and I just I I I just lost my job teaching and I thought I'm not I'm not working for anyone else yeah and I thought I don't want to work for anyone else anymore so I just started an Instagram page and as much as it took a lot of work I do count myself very lucky with my timing because I think it was at a time when everyone was kind of thinking you know I'm at home I'll learn on social media yeah so you you didn't teach English so did you teach English before the pandemic then so did I I haven't really just to be clear because it sounds like I was just purely a professional musician no right the reason the the way I got into teaching English is because I really loved how flexible it it was alongside music so I was you know performing but then also had this really easy way of making a living um you know a bit in the day and I work in language schools in London which was really really really great so yeah it was definitely like alongside the music and and I I I started noticing how much I enjoyed it I loved the one-on-one more than the groups I would say I liked the groups but I loved really really helping someone really really like personalized stuff um so that's why the um yeah that that's how it that's how it became part of my life because it went so well with music yeah so it kind of actually it was it was a natural thing just to support the music kind of while it happened and first it was just a really good idea yeah to go with it and a lot of my musician friends were doing the same it's actually why I got into it my bass player at the time basist uh she had a a t-o certificate and she was working and she went to Thailand and all over the world and I was like that sounds perfect I'll just do that yeah I idea I've never known what to do as a job like I've always been that confused person like what is there for me you know I like helping people you know and um I was going to go into the medical world because my mom comes from like nursing and stuff okay then I was like no I don't really like blood that's a problem can't do it that's not gonna happen yeah so yeah so that that's actually the the proper story to like to the to the teaching thing because I think it sounded like I started when when it was the pandemic and that's not the case I actually went online when the pandemic came that was when the online started stuff started so yeah yeah so what was it that kind of made you think I'm going to do this I'm going to you know I'm going to start was it did Instagram so you said Instagram came first so it was other people on Instagram it was others and this is why human beings are so great because you know they they is tried and tested if she can do it I can do it or if she's done it I could do that you know and it just makes you think cool I I've got this I think I can do what she's doing yeah let's just go a shot um yeah and and I was doing it anyway you know was teaching in London so I was just kind of putting that onto an online platform and it just seemed like a really obvious thing really to do stuck at home and wanted to do something wow so yeah so so you started with YouTube your YouTube lessons at that point or yeah so then I did some one on onetoone classes as well so that that's when all that started I was like this is great one toone classes online this is the future this is so amazing um so I was doing my onetoone classes and then it was still a couple of years till I started the YouTube channel though because I only started that last year I've been doing it a year I think a year in four months no yeah a year and four months yeah not that incredibly well then wow really I mean it's unpredictable you know one one day you could be doing well never know but yes it is going it is going well at this point yeah it is it's very fun well there's a reason that it's going well you know because um of course looking through a few of your videos you know one thing that I particularly like and actually um a few of my students have said oh you know I watch your you know your particular YouTube videos and they all they've said you know how much they they like the positivity that that comes across through your your videos and even talking with you now you know I can see that a positive person was that was that like an intentional aim to come across in such a positive way or is it just who you are there is no Escape it it's a blessing and a burden no it's a great to be I think personally definitely I I recommend it but um it's just the my default setting really my mom is exactly the same as me my dad is much more like everything is terrible but my mom is everything is wonderful and we're just like the same so uh I yeah I do teach like that because I think also half of the secret to learning things is just kind of believing it sounds so cliched but you know like confidence and believing that possible because some of the worst teachers I had at school were the ones that were basically saying to us don't you're all just you know don't bother really or like have a sort of way of sort of imparting the information that wasn't very like you can do it you know it was more just this is the you know this is the tone um so yeah it's it's slightly intentional I guess because I I it's my style but it's also just me yeah well I think that comes across as well I don't I think you can tell when positivity isn't genuine or it's not authentic you know yeah you can tell um with you you know you can tell this is just who you are and I guess as well that kind of it was interesting what you said earlier you know that actually even if somebody's talking to you about something that you're not interested in if they are positive about it they love it you find yourself going yeah yeah I love this now yeah they could be talking about stamps yeah I just just said yeah of course it's like they love it so much I mean there might be something in it maybe I'll go to a stamp convention you know the power of someone just being so pleas I like happy people you know I like I like passionate people so doesn't matter what it's about within reason um I will be you know into it yeah yeah and I guess as well that's what that translates into teaching isn't it because you know with teaching is it is the kind of the job where you have to adapt to to people and their interests and their likes so I guess that does translate over to teaching yeah it does it's quite it's quite neutral though I think because um you know most people will probably respond quite well to that is kind of just encouraging really generally just encouraging the person instead of just keeping them stupid or keeping them at the same level I feel like I don't want to say some teachers do that but they maybe they don't want subconsciously they don't want the student to improve or something there's something in there that stop it they want to stay the teacher you know um whereas I try and not even be like a teacher I take away the teacher thing and be like I'm just like you but I just so happen to know this thing that you don't and I'll just tell you about it now so exactly that really yeah no I completely I completely agree with that so yeah I mean YouTube of course is doing is doing well at the moment you know you're really growing with that did you did you ever see it getting to this point of course a year and a half ago when you first started were you was it your goal to make it this or did you just think I'll just see what happens uh well I was thinking it would be so cool to be like some of the big cats that that are like got the millions of subscribers and of course that is something I was like oh come on we good but I never realized how it worked I didn't know I didn't really understand YouTube I I still don't actually it's very confusing no wonderful yeah no one does that's the point but um yeah it's it's a gamble because you you put yourself out there and you just wait and you're like right okay oh it seems to be going well oh the people saying things and yeah it was it was just a yeah I don't know it just sort of was a surprise really but I do feel like you're only as good as the last video you make I feel like that I'm quite hard on myself so oh that's interesting think keeping keeping the standard high is the challenge because you you just want to put out good stuff I think that's that's that's that's the main thing I'm focusing on um because sometimes you put out a video and you realize it's not what people wanted and it maybe it's self-indulgent you think oh I want to make that video because I would enjoy it but you think oh do my subscribers want that what do my subscribers really want you got to feed the fish yeah every Friday so I yeah so that's the answer it's just being lovely and really positive and happy but I've just been aware that you've got to put out good stuff yeah yeah that and I guess I mean I'm I'm kind of new to the YouTube game I'm not but I guess as well it's kind of the videos that or the lessons that you think are GNA do really well I've got it I've got this one and then they don't they don't yeah it's the way you perceive that it's not a negative thing it's just okay I need to change my I definitely did there was it was November where we had a period of three or four videos which didn't do as well and it was like why I was like why they like them and it was just because it didn't it didn't go with the majority you kind of got to feed the majority of the fish not just 20% of them which is sad because that sometimes that 20% are like my buddies that I feel like I could go to the pub with because they're the ones that I really would probably you know bond with the most but you know not saying the rest of them aren't great but yeah that's the point um but yeah yours is great as well like you're you're just doing doing your thing as well so it's just a matter of you know yeah what how long have you been doing yours for tell me about your YouTube YouTube probably probably about six months I think I used to put my Instagram videos on there but probably yeah probably about six months um just I thought I'd give it a go as well um yeah right yeah I mean at the moment I'm still at the point where I think is it worth the effort I love now this is these podcasts and these interviews I love um absolutely love yes so you know you kind of you're at that stage you think should I keep going but then I get one video and every now and then I'll get an email or a message from someone saying like yeah I really appreciate the work you're doing and that's to me think all right okay then I'll keep doing it if you can make sure it's not too labor intensive for you and keep the videos quite you know standard um then you can probably sustain it and keep going and not for it not to affect you yeah I like that you know it's got to be you got to be work the time isn't it so of course your positivity and that that work ethic and you know kind of sticking with it and do you think that translates to somebody that is learning English you know that idea of just trying to keep that that positive mindset over long term yeah oh yeah absolutely yeah it's all about that if you and and also always remind yourself why you're doing something you know like with anything difficult I think the main thing to keep telling yourself why why is it because that's a real motivator because we often forget why you know we're just plowing away plug plugging away doing this difficult thing but yeah for learning English don't look at it as this big mountain to climb try and look at it as the the steps up the mountain you know I I know there a really famous quote and I can't think of it right now but it's yeah it's about breaking it down into steps so that positivity kind of goes with that I think you know just not letting it make you negative and get down by it and you know overwhelm and I like what you said there and I'm kind of I take the same approach particularly with new students you know what's your reason um for learning you know what what are you doing this for now that doesn't have to be a groundbreaking reason like oh it's because I want to save the world no but it's because I want to travel it's because I want to communicate with my mate or I don't know whatever it is but have your or find a reason yeah yeah and then just always remind yourself of it or write it on the wall or not on the wall but you know on a piece of favor and just be like this is it this is why I'm doing it this is this GNA be great if I do this because I'm gonna get this you know I'm gonna be able to talk to my friend in that language or whatever exactly do yeah yeah I like that idea you know remind yourself of the reason I think sometimes the reason changes I was trying to learn Spanish as many of my you know um watch is oh was that that was that me my B I think it was me can it just came up sorry it's all right don't worry about it don't worry you know it'll wake everybody up yeah edit out yeah it will do that um but yeah it's an interesting thing you know because I think like I said I was learning Spanish I wasn't good at it um and I didn't learn Spanish but your reasons always changing I found you know kind of and trying to adjust to your reason as to why you're learning a language yeah and and also the reason has to be strong enough like if your your brain can somehow persuade you that it's not that strong then you're probably not going to take it seriously like for me Spanish it wasn't the necessity wasn't enough and I'm I'm quite a procrastinator I I need like a really strong reason to do something I'm quite difficult as a person really try to motivate and this is why positivity really works for me you know this is this is something really works but um yeah I have to I have to really know why I'm doing it and when I was um more living in Spain that was the real reason but then when I came back I was like well I don't really have to anymore but thing is I I loved it though I love the Spanish language so I will go back to it but brilant yeah it's just it's really about having the reason strong enough to do something I think definitely yeah and I think as well sometimes there there is so much information out there even if we think on YouTube you Google how to learn Spanish how to learn English that sometimes I know I've done it I look and I think well I'm overwhelmed I don't know where to start I don't know which Youtuber should I watch which lessons should I take what should I learn and I think that can often be a stumbling block to learning a language yeah it just it actually ends up having the opposite effect and you end up just doing none of it you end up doing nothing because you're like I can't I don't even know what the next step is there's too many steps what is this yeah totally yeah I'm sure like that for some English Learners too but yeah yeah what would you say like if just you know I always trying give someone to give a bit of pearl of wisdom or advice if someone said you know I'm overwhelmed I don't know where to start kind of what what would you say you know what advice would you give to students first of all just stop uh for a second and stop looking at every single source on YouTube all these different things and just choose a path yeah and that could be choosing two YouTubers that you really like or you that really talk to you and connect with you um but basically make your choice and commit to it I think we live in a we live in a world now where people are afraid to commit to things because there's so many things they could be doing instead right yeah and you get it with dating you get it with with everything people are non-committed so I know that sounds a bit Pat izing but is is a result of just having too much information too much choice so all you have to do is commit to your choice whatever that is and then map out your path and just write it down or or work it out in stages one two 3 four five up to your goal and then begin but try to just not be influenced by the other choices or the other paths and the other ways I think that's probably the best thing for in my opinion I think that's brilliant advice I I really do you know just choose something and just just stick with that and forget everything else for a while just enjoy that yeah yeah that's what actually I've told myself so with the YouTube thing Tom my partner with my fiance now oh congratulations thank you really yeah oh well very much congratulations that's lovely thank you but yeah he said to me Katherine so when we first started I was like oh we'll just do a YouTube video you know every so often and he was like Katherine we have to do it every Friday we have to commit to that we're going to do it every week and I was like what why every week like that's so much like and and I really I suddenly realized that to be successful you have to be consistent yes and that's something I am not good at I'm much more like that in life like a like roller coaster but you have to just you know do something for a long time yeah and just stick with it yeah I do I completely know what you mean um you know if it takes two if two years go by a year and you feel like nothing's happen well fair enough that's obviously not working but if you see growth you just think well great I'm glad I did stick to it yeah and it's some days are good some days are bad some weeks are good some weeks are bad but that's okay yeah and you have to be okay with the bad because we also live in a world now where we're very like oh it's bad oh poor me I'll stop selfcare and all that it's not always use you've got to do the hard stuff in life but it helps when you know the path that's what I'm saying if you know where you're going it helps to do the bad stuff you know if you're just blindly doing something in the moment and you don't know what the next step that's the worst thing ever completely so yeah that's think choose something and stick with it yeah brilliant wow now yeah absolutely brilliant advice now there's one one thing I'd like to ask you it's not related and we're gonna go back to music just before I don't want to take up too much of your time because I can talk about music for hours but do you have a favorite album of all time now I think that's a really unfair question to ask because I don't think I can answer it but do you have a favorite album did you know that British culture is all about favorites like we love favorites it's true your fav color what's your favorite animal and it's true I'm always asking that and yes I do have a favorite an okay okay album Animal um it would be dark side of the moon wow yeah okay which maybe some listeners are going to be like who the hell is that because it's from it's from you know 70s but um it's it's a Timeless great album I mean it's amazing wow so do you remember the first time you kind of listen to that because that album kind it tells a story doesn't it it's not just individual songs I think that's why I like it because it's a it's a journey yeah you put it I hate that but yeah it is yeah yeah so Jour I mean I don't even know what the names of each tracks are that's that's it I mean I could probably tell you if I about but you you put it on and you just lose yourself for like you know you just go into this world and that's what music is I don't want music to end as in you know when the song ends I'm like oh oh it's finished you know I just I just love the album because it doesn't it just progresses exactly and that to me was kind of the generation of of making masterpieces you know it wasn't just individual tracks just put them on an album and sell it yeah that was uh that was all um planned out it was an absolute Masterpiece of an album it was it was yeah and it was it was like you said it wasn't just radio friendly three minute songs an album it was just Progressive or something there's one word there's a word for it but it's I don't know awesome yeah awesome what about you what's your favorite album of all time you know because I'm so used to asking these questions but I realized they really do put people on the spot so I got so many probably um probably probably the one that got me into drumming was lead Zeppelin 2 oh Le Zepp yeah probably any Le there's I can't remember if on that album there's a lead Zeppelin song called Moby dip oh yeah I listen to the other day actually the first time yeah and it has this really amazing drum solo in it and I I listened to it I must have been maybe 13 at the time I can't remember who I was with listening to it and I heard the drum solo and just thought I want to do that I was playing saxophone at the time um and yeah and then I thought no I I want to be a drummer so I instantly stopped the saxophone which I do regret and then window yeah quite you know I look like such a nerd going into school with my brown leather case with a saxophone in it and I thought oh drums cool I'll do that um but yeah so after that song that was it and then hooked on drums yeah I mean drum drums are just I I actually really want to learn the drums um my next instrument definitely it's the only instrument where I'm like I really would like to learn those I mean the guitar is is great and everything but I love the Rhythm side of it and and just being able to coordinate your hands like that is so exciting so yeah expressive like a lot of people when they think of drums they just think of bashing around like as hard as they can but actually you know it depends you can just chill and just play some soft Blues just get into it or if you want to rock out yeah that's it it's amazing I love it or if you want to rock out which is also incredibly great you certainly can after a long day there's probably nothing better um that's what appears to me about the countryside because you know you don't have neighbors because in in London you just can't really learn the drums it's just thing it's great it's great a few problems but yeah Katherine it was an ABS honestly genuinely an absolute pleasure to talk with you thank you so much for taking the time you too it's been lovely it's been so nice thank you I I wish you all the best you know with your continue with your YouTube and teaching and things like that I'm sure you'll progress into you know you too absolutely you too yeah it's a journey that we're both on with this so yeah yeah I never know maybe we'll have another chat another time definitely definitely all right okay thank you so much okay bye
Channel: GSL-English
Views: 85,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learnenglish English
Id: s1vgeOhcCtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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